ENTRY            A0573   20240201                             A107A057300000001 
SUBENT        A0573001   20240201                             A107A057300100001 
BIB                 14         41                                 A057300100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions and yields of some nuclear        A057300100003 
           reactions induced by 100 MeV energy protons in Mn and  A057300100004 
           Co targets: production of Fe-52                        A057300100005 
AUTHOR     (C.Deptula,Kim Sen Han,O.Knotek,S.Mikolajewski,        A057300100006 
           L.M.Popinenkova,E.Rurarz,N.G.Zaitseva)                 A057300100007 
INSTITUTE  (3CZRUJV,4RUSFVE,4ZZZDUB,3POLIPJ,3KDRPYN)              A057300100008 
REFERENCE  (J,NKA,35,49,1990)                                     A057300100009 
           (J,RCA,54,57,1991) - final publ. only figs.            A057300100010 
REL-REF    (A,P0034001,R.A.Sharp+,J,PR,101,1493,1956)             A057300100011 
           (M,,N.G.Zaitseva+,J,ARI,41,177,1990) - error analysis  A057300100012 
                                                   description    A057300100013 
FACILITY   (LINAC,4RUSFVE) Lu-100 at the Institute for High EnergyA057300100014 
           Physics in Serpukhuv (Russia).                         A057300100015 
SAMPLE     High purity metal cobalt and manganese foils were used A057300100016 
           as targets. From ten to fourteen cobalt foils, 15 mm   A057300100017 
           diameter, 0.8-1.0 g/cm2 thick, were placed in an Al    A057300100018 
           target holder and interspaced with Mn foils, also      A057300100019 
           15 mm diameter, 0.6-0.8 g/cm2 thick, to provide        A057300100020 
           simultaneous proton bombardment.                       A057300100021 
           In case of cobalt targets, a stack of pellets made by  A057300100022 
           compressing the necessary amount of the powdered       A057300100023 
           Co-Cl(2), 15 mm diameter, 0.4-0.5 g/cm2, was also used.A057300100024 
           used. The thickness of foils and pellets was estimated A057300100025 
           by weight and area measurements.                       A057300100026 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Hybrid model of nuclear reactions using the wellA057300100027 
           developed computer code overlaid Alice.                A057300100028 
           (TTY-C)                                                A057300100029 
DETECTOR   (GELI)                                                 A057300100030 
DECAY-DATA (26-FE-52-G,8.3HR,DG,168.7,0.992)                      A057300100031 
METHOD     (STTA,ACTIV)                                           A057300100032 
           (EXTB) The stacks were exposed for 3 - 8.5 hours.      A057300100033 
           (GSPEC) The stacks were repeatedly measured over a     A057300100034 
           period of several day.                                 A057300100035 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty  A057300100036 
               (see REL-REF)                                      A057300100037 
STATUS     (TABLE,,C.Deptula+,J,NKA,35,49,1990) Tbl. 1            A057300100038 
HISTORY    (19970218C)                                            A057300100039 
           (19970220U) Last checking has been done.               A057300100040 
           (20200205A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 001.    A057300100041 
           Small corrections in all Subents.                      A057300100042 
           (20240201U) SD: Ref. RCA,54,57,1991 added.             A057300100043 
ENDBIB              41          0                                 A057300100044 
COMMON               1          3                                 A057300100045 
DATA-ERR                                                          A057300100046 
PER-CENT                                                          A057300100047 
        15.                                                       A057300100048 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A057300100049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 A057300199999 
SUBENT        A0573002   20200205                             A093A057300200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 A057300200002 
REACTION   (25-MN-55(P,4N)26-FE-52-G,,SIG)                        A057300200003 
HISTORY    (20200205A) SD: ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001.        A057300200004 
           ERR-T -> DATA-ERR moved to Subent 001.                 A057300200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 A057300200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A057300200007 
DATA                 2         31                                 A057300200008 
EN         DATA                                                   A057300200009 
MEV        MB                                                     A057300200010 
       97.5        0.4                                            A057300200011 
       95.7        0.4                                            A057300200012 
       93.1        0.4                                            A057300200013 
        90.       0.39                                            A057300200014 
       89.4       0.36                                            A057300200015 
       87.9       0.39                                            A057300200016 
        84.       0.48                                            A057300200017 
       82.9       0.44                                            A057300200018 
       79.5       0.43                                            A057300200019 
       77.5       0.54                                            A057300200020 
       76.1       0.58                                            A057300200021 
       74.4       0.61                                            A057300200022 
       70.8       0.69                                            A057300200023 
       68.8       0.75                                            A057300200024 
       66.7       0.76                                            A057300200025 
       64.4       0.85                                            A057300200026 
        61.       0.87                                            A057300200027 
       58.9       0.88                                            A057300200028 
       57.3       1.01                                            A057300200029 
       56.3        1.2                                            A057300200030 
       54.9        1.3                                            A057300200031 
        53.        1.2                                            A057300200032 
        52.       1.01                                            A057300200033 
       49.9       0.94                                            A057300200034 
       48.4       0.71                                            A057300200035 
       46.5       0.59                                            A057300200036 
       42.8       0.19                                            A057300200037 
       41.2       0.12                                            A057300200038 
       40.7       0.11                                            A057300200039 
        38.        0.1                                            A057300200040 
       36.4       0.02                                            A057300200041 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 A057300200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 A057300299999 
SUBENT        A0573003   20200205                             A093A057300300001 
BIB                  2          5                                 A057300300002 
REACTION   (27-CO-59(P,X)26-FE-52-G,(CUM),SIG)                    A057300300003 
           - by compiler - Fe-52 production due to radioactive    A057300300004 
           decay of unobserved Co-52 is possible.                 A057300300005 
HISTORY    (20200205A) SD: ERR-ANALYS moved to Subent 001.        A057300300006 
           ERR-T -> DATA-ERR moved to Subent 001.                 A057300300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A057300300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A057300300009 
DATA                 2         18                                 A057300300010 
EN         DATA                                                   A057300300011 
MEV        MB                                                     A057300300012 
       98.6       0.23                                            A057300300013 
       96.7       0.21                                            A057300300014 
       94.6       0.25                                            A057300300015 
       92.6       0.21                                            A057300300016 
       91.5       0.22                                            A057300300017 
       90.3       0.22                                            A057300300018 
        88.       0.21                                            A057300300019 
        87.       0.24                                            A057300300020 
       85.8       0.29                                            A057300300021 
       83.8       0.26                                            A057300300022 
       80.9       0.28                                            A057300300023 
       78.7       0.36                                            A057300300024 
       75.9       0.36                                            A057300300025 
       73.8        0.3                                            A057300300026 
        72.       0.23                                            A057300300027 
       70.2       0.19                                            A057300300028 
       67.7       0.12                                            A057300300029 
       65.3       0.09                                            A057300300030 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 A057300300031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 A057300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 A057399999999