ENTRY A0578 20231229 A106A057800000001 SUBENT A0578001 20231229 A106A057800100001 BIB 13 31 A057800100002 TITLE Study of isomeric ratios of proton-nucleus cross A057800100003 sections on tin isotopes A057800100004 AUTHOR (V.E.Alexandryan,G.S.Ivazyan,A.R.Balabekyan, A057800100005 A.S.Danagulyan,V.G.Kalinnikov,V.I.Stegailov,J.Frana) A057800100006 INSTITUTE (4ARMJSU) Armenian State University. A057800100007 (4ZZZDUB,3CZRUJF) A057800100008 REFERENCE (J,PAN,59,560,1996) English translation of YF,59,592 A057800100009 (J,YF,59,592,1996) A057800100010 DETECTOR (HPGE) HPGe semiconductor detector (with a resolution A057800100011 of 1.9 keV for the 1332.5-keV line of 60Co) and a A057800100012 4096-channel amplitude analyzer. A057800100013 FACILITY (ISOCY,4ZZZDUB) phasotron of the JINR (Dubna). A057800100014 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC) measurement of gamma-activity were A057800100015 started after 1 hour for Sn-124, 1.5 hour for Sn-118 A057800100016 and after 4 hour for Sn-112 targets and were A057800100017 repeatedly measured over a period of one year. A057800100018 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) A057800100019 ADD-RES Dependences of the isomer ratios of the cross sections A057800100020 and of the behavior of the high-spin and low-spin A057800100021 states on the number of emitted protons are obtained A057800100022 for several residual nuclei. A057800100023 CRITIQUE Some decay data were used by authors are incorrect. A057800100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) All uncertainties are statistical. A057800100025 STATUS (TABLE,,V.E.Alexandryan+,J,PAN,59,560,1996) Tabs 1,2 A057800100026 HISTORY (19960220C) A057800100027 (20120327A) English translation of 'YF' was added A057800100028 (20190710A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. MONITOR A057800100029 added. SAMPLE moved to Subents 002-138. All values A057800100030 updated according to presentation in the Tables. A057800100031 EN moved to Subent 001 and E=600. -> 660. MeV. A057800100032 (20231229A) SD: Corrections in Subents 124-126. A057800100033 ENDBIB 31 0 A057800100034 COMMON 2 3 A057800100035 EN MONIT A057800100036 MEV MB A057800100037 660. 10.7 A057800100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A057800100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A057800199999 SUBENT A0578002 20190710 A092A057800200001 BIB 4 6 A057800200002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)50-SN-110,CUM,SIG) A057800200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800200004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800200005 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-110,4.HR) A057800200006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SAMPLE added. EN moved to Subent 001. A057800200007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057800200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800200010 DATA 2 1 A057800200011 DATA ERR-S A057800200012 MB MB A057800200013 14.1 2.0 A057800200014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057800299999 SUBENT A0578003 20190710 A092A057800300001 BIB 4 7 A057800300002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)49-IN-111,CUM,SIG) A057800300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800300004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800300005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.83D) A057800300006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=2P -> X; SF4=In-111g -> In-111 in A057800300007 REACTION code (IT=100%). SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted A057800300008 (no info in the article). EN moved to Subent 001. A057800300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057800300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800300011 DATA 2 1 A057800300012 DATA ERR-S A057800300013 MB MB A057800300014 82.6 8.0 A057800300015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057800399999 SUBENT A0578004 20190710 A092A057800400001 BIB 4 6 A057800400002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)49-IN-110-G,,SIG) A057800400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800400004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800400005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR) A057800400006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted (no info A057800400007 in the article). EN moved to Subent 001. A057800400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057800400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800400010 DATA 2 1 A057800400011 DATA ERR-S A057800400012 MB MB A057800400013 13.0 1.0 A057800400014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057800499999 SUBENT A0578005 20190710 A092A057800500001 BIB 4 7 A057800500002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)49-IN-109,CUM,SIG) A057800500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800500004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800500005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR) A057800500006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF4=In-109g -> In-109 in REACTION code.A057800500007 SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057800500008 EN moved to Subent 001. A057800500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057800500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800500011 DATA 2 1 A057800500012 DATA ERR-S A057800500013 MB MB A057800500014 42.7 5.0 A057800500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057800599999 SUBENT A0578006 20190710 A092A057800600001 BIB 5 10 A057800600002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)47-AG-108-M,,SIG) A057800600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800600004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800600005 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-M,127.YR) A057800600006 CRITIQUE - By Compiler - 108m-Ag half life, which assumed by A057800600007 authors, is not consistent with ENSDF Half-Life A057800600008 /418. year/. A057800600009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057800600010 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). COMMENT A057800600011 deleted. (info moved to CRITIQUE) A057800600012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057800600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800600014 DATA 2 1 A057800600015 DATA ERR-S A057800600016 MB MB A057800600017 1.2 0.2 A057800600018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057800699999 SUBENT A0578007 20190710 A092A057800700001 BIB 4 6 A057800700002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) A057800700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800700004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800700005 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.46D) A057800700006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057800700007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057800700008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057800700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800700010 DATA 2 1 A057800700011 DATA ERR-S A057800700012 MB MB A057800700013 5.8 0.5 A057800700014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057800799999 SUBENT A0578008 20190710 A092A057800800001 BIB 4 7 A057800800002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)47-AG-105,CUM,SIG) A057800800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800800004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800800005 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.9D) A057800800006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF4=Ag-105g -> Ag-105 in REACTION code.A057800800007 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057800800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057800800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057800800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800800011 DATA 2 1 A057800800012 DATA ERR-S A057800800013 MB MB A057800800014 51.5 5.0 A057800800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057800899999 SUBENT A0578009 20190710 A092A057800900001 BIB 4 6 A057800900002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)46-PD-101,CUM,SIG) A057800900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057800900004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057800900005 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-101,8.47HR) A057800900006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057800900007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057800900008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057800900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057800900010 DATA 2 1 A057800900011 DATA ERR-S A057800900012 MB MB A057800900013 25.4 3.0 A057800900014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057800900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057800999999 SUBENT A0578010 20190710 A092A057801000001 BIB 5 11 A057801000002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-105,CUM,SIG) A057801000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801000004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801000005 COMMENT -By Compiler- The authors marked this cross section as A057801000006 independent, but Rh-105 production due to radioactive A057801000007 decay of Ru-105 is possible. Any authors' comments are A057801000008 absent. A057801000009 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-105-G,36.36HR) A057801000010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF4=Rh-105g -> Rh-105 in REACTION code A057801000011 (IT=100%). EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801000012 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801000013 ENDBIB 11 0 A057801000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801000015 DATA 2 1 A057801000016 DATA ERR-S A057801000017 MB MB A057801000018 0.39 0.04 A057801000019 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A057801099999 SUBENT A0578011 20190710 A092A057801100001 BIB 5 9 A057801100002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-102-M,,SIG) A057801100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801100004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801100005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) This half-Life is known A057801100006 approximately. A057801100007 COMMENT -By Compiler- ~2.9 years activity belongs to isomer A057801100008 state activity according to ENSDF, but not ground stateA057801100009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801100010 METHOD deleted (no info in the article).COMMENT updatedA057801100011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057801100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801100013 DATA 2 1 A057801100014 DATA ERR-S A057801100015 MB MB A057801100016 2.61 0.26 A057801100017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057801199999 SUBENT A0578012 20190710 A092A057801200001 BIB 6 9 A057801200002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-102-G,,SIG) A057801200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801200004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801200005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057801200006 COMMENT -By Compiler- 207 days activity belongs to ground A057801200007 state activity according to ENSDF, but not isomer stateA057801200008 METHOD (SITA) A057801200009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801200010 METHOD deleted (no info in the article).COMMENT updatedA057801200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057801200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801200013 DATA 2 1 A057801200014 DATA ERR-S A057801200015 MB MB A057801200016 1.0 0.1 A057801200017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057801299999 SUBENT A0578013 20190710 A092A057801300001 BIB 4 6 A057801300002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-101-G,,SIG) A057801300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801300004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801300005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057801300006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801300007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801300010 DATA 2 1 A057801300011 DATA ERR-S A057801300012 MB MB A057801300013 4.56 0.5 A057801300014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801399999 SUBENT A0578014 20190710 A092A057801400001 BIB 4 6 A057801400002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) A057801400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801400004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801400005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057801400006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801400007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801400010 DATA 2 1 A057801400011 DATA ERR-S A057801400012 MB MB A057801400013 13.4 1.0 A057801400014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801499999 SUBENT A0578015 20190710 A092A057801500001 BIB 4 6 A057801500002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-99-G,,SIG) A057801500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801500004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801500005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057801500006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801500007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801500008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801500010 DATA 2 1 A057801500011 DATA ERR-S A057801500012 MB MB A057801500013 5.3 0.5 A057801500014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801599999 SUBENT A0578016 20190710 A092A057801600001 BIB 4 6 A057801600002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-99-M,CUM,SIG) A057801600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801600004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801600005 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057801600006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801600007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801600008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801600010 DATA 2 1 A057801600011 DATA ERR-S A057801600012 MB MB A057801600013 36.5 3.0 A057801600014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801600015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801699999 SUBENT A0578017 20190710 A092A057801700001 BIB 4 6 A057801700002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)44-RU-103,CUM,SIG) A057801700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801700004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801700005 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-103,39.25D) A057801700006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801700007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801700008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801700010 DATA 2 1 A057801700011 DATA ERR-S A057801700012 MB MB A057801700013 0.21 0.02 A057801700014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801799999 SUBENT A0578018 20190710 A092A057801800001 BIB 4 6 A057801800002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)44-RU-97,CUM,SIG) A057801800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801800004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801800005 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-97,2.9D) A057801800006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801800007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801800008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801800009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801800010 DATA 2 1 A057801800011 DATA ERR-S A057801800012 MB MB A057801800013 32. 3.0 A057801800014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801800015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801899999 SUBENT A0578019 20190710 A092A057801900001 BIB 4 6 A057801900002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)44-RU-95,CUM,SIG) A057801900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057801900004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057801900005 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-95,1.65HR) A057801900006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057801900007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057801900008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057801900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057801900010 DATA 2 1 A057801900011 DATA ERR-S A057801900012 MB MB A057801900013 18.2 3.0 A057801900014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057801900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057801999999 SUBENT A0578020 20190710 A092A057802000001 BIB 4 6 A057802000002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)43-TC-96-G,M+,SIG) A057802000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802000004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802000005 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-96-G,4.28D) A057802000006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802000007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802000008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802000010 DATA 2 1 A057802000011 DATA ERR-S A057802000012 MB MB A057802000013 5.37 0.53 A057802000014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802000015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802099999 SUBENT A0578021 20190710 A092A057802100001 BIB 4 6 A057802100002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) A057802100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802100004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802100005 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057802100006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802100007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802100008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802100009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802100010 DATA 2 1 A057802100011 DATA ERR-S A057802100012 MB MB A057802100013 6.3 0.7 A057802100014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802199999 SUBENT A0578022 20190710 A092A057802200001 BIB 4 6 A057802200002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)43-TC-95-M,,SIG) A057802200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802200004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802200005 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057802200006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802200007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802200010 DATA 2 1 A057802200011 DATA ERR-S A057802200012 MB MB A057802200013 1.85 0.15 A057802200014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802299999 SUBENT A0578023 20190710 A092A057802300001 BIB 4 6 A057802300002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)41-NB-96,,SIG) A057802300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802300004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802300005 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-96,23.35HR) A057802300006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802300007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802300010 DATA 2 1 A057802300011 DATA ERR-S A057802300012 MB MB A057802300013 0.16 0.02 A057802300014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802399999 SUBENT A0578024 20190710 A092A057802400001 BIB 5 7 A057802400002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)41-NB-95-G,,SIG) A057802400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802400004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802400005 CRITIQUE Any information about Zr-95 decay influence is absent. A057802400006 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057802400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802400008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057802400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802400011 DATA 2 1 A057802400012 DATA ERR-S A057802400013 MB MB A057802400014 0.13 0.02 A057802400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057802499999 SUBENT A0578025 20190710 A092A057802500001 BIB 4 6 A057802500002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)41-NB-95-M,,SIG) A057802500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802500004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802500005 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057802500006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802500007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802500008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802500010 DATA 2 1 A057802500011 DATA ERR-S A057802500012 MB MB A057802500013 0.2 0.02 A057802500014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802599999 SUBENT A0578026 20190710 A092A057802600001 BIB 4 6 A057802600002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)41-NB-90-G,M+,SIG) A057802600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802600004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802600005 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-90-G,14.6HR) A057802600006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802600007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802600008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802600010 DATA 2 1 A057802600011 DATA ERR-S A057802600012 MB MB A057802600013 15.6 2.0 A057802600014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802600015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802699999 SUBENT A0578027 20190710 A092A057802700001 BIB 4 6 A057802700002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)42-MO-93-M,,SIG) A057802700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802700004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802700005 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-93-M,6.85HR) A057802700006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802700007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802700008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802700010 DATA 2 1 A057802700011 DATA ERR-S A057802700012 MB MB A057802700013 4.4 0.3 A057802700014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802799999 SUBENT A0578028 20190710 A092A057802800001 BIB 4 6 A057802800002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)42-MO-90,CUM,SIG) A057802800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802800004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802800005 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-90,5.67HR) A057802800006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802800007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802800008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802800009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802800010 DATA 2 1 A057802800011 DATA ERR-S A057802800012 MB MB A057802800013 6.0 0.6 A057802800014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802800015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802899999 SUBENT A0578029 20190710 A092A057802900001 BIB 4 6 A057802900002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)38-SR-85-G,CUM,SIG) A057802900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057802900004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057802900005 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-G,64.84D) A057802900006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057802900007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057802900008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057802900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057802900010 DATA 2 1 A057802900011 DATA ERR-S A057802900012 MB MB A057802900013 12.1 0.5 A057802900014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057802900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057802999999 SUBENT A0578030 20190710 A092A057803000001 BIB 4 6 A057803000002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)38-SR-83-G,CUM,SIG) A057803000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057803000004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057803000005 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-83-G,32.4HR) A057803000006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803000007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803000008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057803000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803000010 DATA 2 1 A057803000011 DATA ERR-S A057803000012 MB MB A057803000013 5.5 0.5 A057803000014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803000015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057803099999 SUBENT A0578031 20190710 A092A057803100001 BIB 4 6 A057803100002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)37-RB-84-G,M+,SIG) A057803100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057803100004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057803100005 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.87D) A057803100006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803100007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803100008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057803100009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803100010 DATA 2 1 A057803100011 DATA ERR-S A057803100012 MB MB A057803100013 0.45 0.05 A057803100014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057803199999 SUBENT A0578032 20190710 A092A057803200001 BIB 4 6 A057803200002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)37-RB-83,,SIG) A057803200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057803200004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057803200005 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D) A057803200006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803200007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057803200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803200010 DATA 2 1 A057803200011 DATA ERR-S A057803200012 MB MB A057803200013 4.6 0.5 A057803200014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057803299999 SUBENT A0578033 20190710 A092A057803300001 BIB 4 6 A057803300002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)34-SE-75,CUM,SIG) A057803300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-112,ENR=0.926) Enrichment Sn-112 - 92.6%. A057803300004 Sn-112 target has thickness 390 mg/cm**2. A057803300005 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,119.8D) A057803300006 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803300007 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A057803300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803300010 DATA 2 1 A057803300011 DATA ERR-S A057803300012 MB MB A057803300013 1.9 0.2 A057803300014 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A057803399999 SUBENT A0578034 20190710 A092A057803400001 BIB 4 7 A057803400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)50-SN-117-M,,SIG) A057803400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803400004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803400005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803400006 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-117-M,13.61D) A057803400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803400008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057803400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803400011 DATA 2 1 A057803400012 DATA ERR-S A057803400013 MB MB A057803400014 23.8 2.3 A057803400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057803499999 SUBENT A0578035 20190710 A092A057803500001 BIB 5 10 A057803500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)50-SN-113-G,M+,SIG) A057803500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803500004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803500005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803500006 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-113-G,115.1D) A057803500007 COMMENT -By Compiler- According to ENSDF 115.D activity is A057803500008 ground state activity, but not isomer state one. A057803500009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF5=M+ added to REACTION code. A057803500010 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803500011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803500012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057803500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803500014 DATA 2 1 A057803500015 DATA ERR-S A057803500016 MB MB A057803500017 26.0 2.0 A057803500018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057803599999 SUBENT A0578036 20190710 A092A057803600001 BIB 4 7 A057803600002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)50-SN-110,CUM,SIG) A057803600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803600004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803600005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803600006 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-110,4.HR) A057803600007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803600008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803600009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057803600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803600011 DATA 2 1 A057803600012 DATA ERR-S A057803600013 MB MB A057803600014 6.36 0.6 A057803600015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057803699999 SUBENT A0578037 20190710 A092A057803700001 BIB 4 7 A057803700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,2P)49-IN-117-M,,SIG) A057803700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803700004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803700005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803700006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-M,1.94HR) A057803700007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803700008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057803700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803700011 DATA 2 1 A057803700012 DATA ERR-S A057803700013 MB MB A057803700014 5.5 0.5 A057803700015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057803799999 SUBENT A0578038 20190710 A092A057803800001 BIB 4 7 A057803800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,2P)49-IN-117-G,,SIG) A057803800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803800004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803800005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803800006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-G,43.8MIN) A057803800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057803800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803800011 DATA 2 1 A057803800012 DATA ERR-S A057803800013 MB MB A057803800014 12.4 2.0 A057803800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057803899999 SUBENT A0578039 20190710 A092A057803900001 BIB 4 7 A057803900002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) A057803900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057803900004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057803900005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057803900006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,49.51D) A057803900007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057803900008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057803900009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057803900010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057803900011 DATA 2 1 A057803900012 DATA ERR-S A057803900013 MB MB A057803900014 19.2 1.0 A057803900015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057803900016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057803999999 SUBENT A0578040 20190710 A092A057804000001 BIB 4 8 A057804000002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)49-IN-111,CUM,SIG) A057804000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804000004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804000005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804000006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.83D) A057804000007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804000008 SF4=In-111g -> In-111 in REACTION code (IT=100%). A057804000009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804000010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057804000011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804000012 DATA 2 1 A057804000013 DATA ERR-S A057804000014 MB MB A057804000015 39.0 2.0 A057804000016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804000017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057804099999 SUBENT A0578041 20190710 A092A057804100001 BIB 4 7 A057804100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)49-IN-110-G,,SIG) A057804100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804100004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804100005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804100006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR) A057804100007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804100008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804100009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804100011 DATA 2 1 A057804100012 DATA ERR-S A057804100013 MB MB A057804100014 16.1 1.5 A057804100015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804199999 SUBENT A0578042 20190710 A092A057804200001 BIB 4 7 A057804200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)49-IN-110-M,,SIG) A057804200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804200004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804200005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804200006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-M,69.MIN) A057804200007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804200008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804200011 DATA 2 1 A057804200012 DATA ERR-S A057804200013 MB MB A057804200014 3.5 0.5 A057804200015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804299999 SUBENT A0578043 20190710 A092A057804300001 BIB 4 8 A057804300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)49-IN-109,CUM,SIG) A057804300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804300004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804300005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804300006 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR) A057804300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF4=In-109g -> In-109 in REACTION code.A057804300008 SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804300009 EN moved to Subent 001. A057804300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057804300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804300012 DATA 2 1 A057804300013 DATA ERR-S A057804300014 MB MB A057804300015 21.0 1.1 A057804300016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057804399999 SUBENT A0578044 20190710 A092A057804400001 BIB 4 7 A057804400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)47-AG-111-G,CUM,SIG) A057804400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804400004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804400005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804400006 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-111-G,7.45D) A057804400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804400008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804400011 DATA 2 1 A057804400012 DATA ERR-S A057804400013 MB MB A057804400014 3.2 0.4 A057804400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804499999 SUBENT A0578045 20190710 A092A057804500001 BIB 4 7 A057804500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)47-AG-110-M,,SIG) A057804500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804500004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804500005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804500006 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,249.2D) A057804500007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804500008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804500011 DATA 2 1 A057804500012 DATA ERR-S A057804500013 MB MB A057804500014 2.7 0.2 A057804500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804599999 SUBENT A0578046 20190710 A092A057804600001 BIB 5 10 A057804600002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)47-AG-108-M,,SIG) A057804600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804600004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804600005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804600006 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-M,127.YR) A057804600007 CRITIQUE According to ENSDF half-Life of 108-M-Ag is 418 year, A057804600008 but not 127 one. A057804600009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=7N+4P -> X in REACTION code. A057804600010 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804600011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804600012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057804600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804600014 DATA 2 1 A057804600015 DATA ERR-S A057804600016 MB MB A057804600017 2.5 0.3 A057804600018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057804699999 SUBENT A0578047 20190710 A092A057804700001 BIB 4 7 A057804700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) A057804700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804700004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804700005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804700006 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.46D) A057804700007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804700008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804700011 DATA 2 1 A057804700012 DATA ERR-S A057804700013 MB MB A057804700014 13.0 1.3 A057804700015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804799999 SUBENT A0578048 20190710 A092A057804800001 BIB 4 7 A057804800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)47-AG-105-G,CUM,SIG) A057804800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804800004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804800005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804800006 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.9D) A057804800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804800011 DATA 2 1 A057804800012 DATA ERR-S A057804800013 MB MB A057804800014 36.9 3.0 A057804800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804899999 SUBENT A0578049 20190710 A092A057804900001 BIB 4 7 A057804900002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)46-PD-101,CUM,SIG) A057804900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057804900004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057804900005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057804900006 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-101,8.47HR) A057804900007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057804900008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057804900009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057804900010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057804900011 DATA 2 1 A057804900012 DATA ERR-S A057804900013 MB MB A057804900014 17.9 2.0 A057804900015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057804900016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057804999999 SUBENT A0578050 20190710 A092A057805000001 BIB 5 10 A057805000002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-105-G,M+,SIG) A057805000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805000004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805000005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805000006 CRITIQUE The authors marked this cross section as independent, A057805000007 but any information about cross section for Ru-105 A057805000008 production is absent. Ru-105 is parent For Rh-105. A057805000009 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-105-G,36.36HR) A057805000010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805000011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805000012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057805000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805000014 DATA 2 1 A057805000015 DATA ERR-S A057805000016 MB MB A057805000017 2.1 0.2 A057805000018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805000019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057805099999 SUBENT A0578051 20190710 A092A057805100001 BIB 5 10 A057805100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-102-M,,SIG) A057805100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805100004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805100005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805100006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) This half-life is known A057805100007 approximately. A057805100008 COMMENT -By Compiler- According to ENSDF 207.day activity is A057805100009 ground state activity, but not isomer state one. A057805100010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805100011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805100012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057805100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805100014 DATA 2 1 A057805100015 DATA ERR-S A057805100016 MB MB A057805100017 5.8 0.5 A057805100018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057805199999 SUBENT A0578052 20190710 A092A057805200001 BIB 5 9 A057805200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-102-G,,SIG) A057805200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805200004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805200005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805200006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057805200007 COMMENT -By Compiler- According to ENSDF 207.D Activity is A057805200008 Ground State Activity, But not Isomer State One. A057805200009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805200010 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057805200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805200013 DATA 2 1 A057805200014 DATA ERR-S A057805200015 MB MB A057805200016 1.65 0.2 A057805200017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057805299999 SUBENT A0578053 20190710 A092A057805300001 BIB 4 7 A057805300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-101-G,,SIG) A057805300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805300004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805300005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805300006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057805300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805300008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805300011 DATA 2 1 A057805300012 DATA ERR-S A057805300013 MB MB A057805300014 5.12 0.6 A057805300015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805399999 SUBENT A0578054 20190710 A092A057805400001 BIB 4 7 A057805400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) A057805400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805400004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805400005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805400006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057805400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805400008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805400011 DATA 2 1 A057805400012 DATA ERR-S A057805400013 MB MB A057805400014 11.8 1.6 A057805400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805499999 SUBENT A0578055 20190710 A092A057805500001 BIB 4 7 A057805500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-99-G,,SIG) A057805500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805500004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805500005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805500006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057805500007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805500008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805500011 DATA 2 1 A057805500012 DATA ERR-S A057805500013 MB MB A057805500014 3.4 0.4 A057805500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805599999 SUBENT A0578056 20190710 A092A057805600001 BIB 4 7 A057805600002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-99-M,CUM,SIG) A057805600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805600004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805600005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805600006 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057805600007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805600008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805600009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805600011 DATA 2 1 A057805600012 DATA ERR-S A057805600013 MB MB A057805600014 18.1 1.8 A057805600015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805699999 SUBENT A0578057 20190710 A092A057805700001 BIB 4 7 A057805700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)44-RU-103,CUM,SIG) A057805700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805700004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805700005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805700006 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-103,39.25D) A057805700007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805700008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805700011 DATA 2 1 A057805700012 DATA ERR-S A057805700013 MB MB A057805700014 0.89 0.15 A057805700015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805799999 SUBENT A0578058 20190710 A092A057805800001 BIB 4 7 A057805800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)44-RU-97,CUM,SIG) A057805800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805800004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805800005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805800006 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-97,2.9D) A057805800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805800011 DATA 2 1 A057805800012 DATA ERR-S A057805800013 MB MB A057805800014 20.8 2.0 A057805800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805899999 SUBENT A0578059 20190710 A092A057805900001 BIB 4 7 A057805900002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)44-RU-95,CUM,SIG) A057805900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057805900004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057805900005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057805900006 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-95,1.65HR) A057805900007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057805900008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057805900009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057805900010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057805900011 DATA 2 1 A057805900012 DATA ERR-S A057805900013 MB MB A057805900014 10.5 1.0 A057805900015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057805900016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057805999999 SUBENT A0578060 20190710 A092A057806000001 BIB 4 7 A057806000002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)43-TC-96-G,M+,SIG) A057806000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806000004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806000005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806000006 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-96-G,4.28D) A057806000007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806000008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806000009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806000011 DATA 2 1 A057806000012 DATA ERR-S A057806000013 MB MB A057806000014 9.5 0.5 A057806000015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806099999 SUBENT A0578061 20190710 A092A057806100001 BIB 4 7 A057806100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) A057806100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806100004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806100005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806100006 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057806100007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806100008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806100009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806100011 DATA 2 1 A057806100012 DATA ERR-S A057806100013 MB MB A057806100014 6.4 0.6 A057806100015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806199999 SUBENT A0578062 20190710 A092A057806200001 BIB 4 7 A057806200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)43-TC-95-M,,SIG) A057806200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806200004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806200005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806200006 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057806200007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806200008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806200011 DATA 2 1 A057806200012 DATA ERR-S A057806200013 MB MB A057806200014 1.1 0.2 A057806200015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806299999 SUBENT A0578063 20190710 A092A057806300001 BIB 4 7 A057806300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)41-NB-96,,SIG) A057806300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806300004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806300005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806300006 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-96,23.35HR) A057806300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806300008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806300011 DATA 2 1 A057806300012 DATA ERR-S A057806300013 MB MB A057806300014 0.6 0.06 A057806300015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806399999 SUBENT A0578064 20190710 A092A057806400001 BIB 4 7 A057806400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)41-NB-95-G,,SIG) A057806400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806400004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806400005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806400006 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057806400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806400008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806400011 DATA 2 1 A057806400012 DATA ERR-S A057806400013 MB MB A057806400014 0.34 0.04 A057806400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806499999 SUBENT A0578065 20190710 A092A057806500001 BIB 4 7 A057806500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)41-NB-95-M,,SIG) A057806500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806500004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806500005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806500006 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057806500007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806500008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806500011 DATA 2 1 A057806500012 DATA ERR-S A057806500013 MB MB A057806500014 0.46 0.05 A057806500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806599999 SUBENT A0578066 20190710 A092A057806600001 BIB 4 7 A057806600002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)41-NB-90-G,,SIG) A057806600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806600004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806600005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806600006 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-90-G,14.6HR) A057806600007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806600008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806600009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806600011 DATA 2 1 A057806600012 DATA ERR-S A057806600013 MB MB A057806600014 9.0 0.3 A057806600015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806699999 SUBENT A0578067 20190710 A092A057806700001 BIB 4 7 A057806700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)42-MO-93-M,,SIG) A057806700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806700004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806700005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806700006 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-93-M,6.85HR) A057806700007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806700008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806700011 DATA 2 1 A057806700012 DATA ERR-S A057806700013 MB MB A057806700014 4.6 0.5 A057806700015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806799999 SUBENT A0578068 20190710 A092A057806800001 BIB 4 7 A057806800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)42-MO-90,CUM,SIG) A057806800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806800004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806800005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806800006 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-90,5.67HR) A057806800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057806800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806800011 DATA 2 1 A057806800012 DATA ERR-S A057806800013 MB MB A057806800014 1.85 0.2 A057806800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057806899999 SUBENT A0578069 20190710 A092A057806900001 BIB 4 8 A057806900002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)40-ZR-95,CUM,SIG) A057806900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057806900004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057806900005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057806900006 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.63D) A057806900007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=13N+11P -> X in REACTION code. A057806900008 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057806900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057806900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057806900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057806900012 DATA 2 1 A057806900013 DATA ERR-S A057806900014 MB MB A057806900015 0.14 0.02 A057806900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057806900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057806999999 SUBENT A0578070 20190710 A092A057807000001 BIB 4 7 A057807000002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)38-SR-85-G,CUM,SIG) A057807000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807000004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807000005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807000006 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-G,64.84D) A057807000007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807000008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807000009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057807000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807000011 DATA 2 1 A057807000012 DATA ERR-S A057807000013 MB MB A057807000014 4.6 0.2 A057807000015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057807099999 SUBENT A0578071 20190710 A092A057807100001 BIB 4 7 A057807100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)38-SR-83-G,CUM,SIG) A057807100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807100004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807100005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807100006 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-83-G,32.4HR) A057807100007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807100008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807100009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057807100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807100011 DATA 2 1 A057807100012 DATA ERR-S A057807100013 MB MB A057807100014 2.3 0.2 A057807100015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057807199999 SUBENT A0578072 20190710 A092A057807200001 BIB 4 7 A057807200002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)37-RB-84-G,M+,SIG) A057807200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807200004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807200005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807200006 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.87D) A057807200007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807200008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057807200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807200011 DATA 2 1 A057807200012 DATA ERR-S A057807200013 MB MB A057807200014 0.5 0.05 A057807200015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057807299999 SUBENT A0578073 20190710 A092A057807300001 BIB 4 7 A057807300002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)37-RB-83,,SIG) A057807300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807300004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807300005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807300006 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D) A057807300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807300008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057807300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807300011 DATA 2 1 A057807300012 DATA ERR-S A057807300013 MB MB A057807300014 1.13 0.2 A057807300015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057807399999 SUBENT A0578074 20190710 A092A057807400001 BIB 4 8 A057807400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)34-SE-75,CUM,SIG) A057807400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807400004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807400005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807400006 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,119.8D) A057807400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=27N+17P -> X in REACTION code. A057807400008 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807400009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057807400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807400012 DATA 2 1 A057807400013 DATA ERR-S A057807400014 MB MB A057807400015 0.75 0.07 A057807400016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057807499999 SUBENT A0578075 20190710 A092A057807500001 BIB 5 9 A057807500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-123-G,,SIG) A057807500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-118,ENR=0.985) Enrichment of Sn-118 - 98.5% A057807500004 Three layers of Sn-118 of cross-sectional area 2*2 cm2 A057807500005 was used. The thickness of one layer was 67 mg/cm**2. A057807500006 COMMENT - By Compiler - Radioactive decay of in-123 does not A057807500007 produce ground state of Sn-123. A057807500008 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-123-G,129.2D) A057807500009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807500010 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807500011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057807500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807500013 DATA 2 1 A057807500014 DATA ERR-S A057807500015 MB MB A057807500016 34.2 3.0 A057807500017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807500018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057807599999 SUBENT A0578076 20190710 A092A057807600001 BIB 5 13 A057807600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-123-M,,SIG) A057807600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057807600004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057807600005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057807600006 74 mg/cm**2. A057807600007 COMMENT - By Compiler - Isomer state of Sn-123 could be A057807600008 produced due to radioactive decay of In-123, which A057807600009 could be produced by reaction Sn-124(P,2P)In-123. A057807600010 Authors did not explaine the reasons for excluding A057807600011 (p,2p) reaction. A057807600012 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-123-M,40.08MIN) A057807600013 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807600014 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807600015 ENDBIB 13 0 A057807600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807600017 DATA 2 1 A057807600018 DATA ERR-S A057807600019 MB MB A057807600020 47.8 5.0 A057807600021 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807600022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A057807699999 SUBENT A0578077 20190710 A092A057807700001 BIB 5 10 A057807700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-117-M,,SIG) A057807700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057807700004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057807700005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057807700006 74 mg/cm**2. A057807700007 COMMENT -By Compiler- Radioactive decay of in-117 can not A057807700008 produce isomer state of Sn-117. A057807700009 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-117-M,13.61D) A057807700010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807700011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807700012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057807700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807700014 DATA 2 1 A057807700015 DATA ERR-S A057807700016 MB MB A057807700017 16.5 1.5 A057807700018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807700019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057807799999 SUBENT A0578078 20190710 A092A057807800001 BIB 5 12 A057807800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-113-G,M+,SIG) A057807800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057807800004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057807800005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057807800006 74 mg/cm**2. A057807800007 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-113-G,115.1D) A057807800008 CRITIQUE The authors assumed, that 115.1 day activity is A057807800009 Sn-113-M activity, but ENSDF assumes this activity is A057807800010 ground state activity. Compiler corrected this mistake.A057807800011 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF5=M+ added to REACTION code. A057807800012 EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807800013 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807800014 ENDBIB 12 0 A057807800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807800016 DATA 2 1 A057807800017 DATA ERR-S A057807800018 MB MB A057807800019 8.9 0.9 A057807800020 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 A057807899999 SUBENT A0578079 20190710 A092A057807900001 BIB 4 8 A057807900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-110,CUM,SIG) A057807900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057807900004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057807900005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057807900006 74 mg/cm**2. A057807900007 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-110,4.HR) A057807900008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057807900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057807900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057807900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057807900012 DATA 2 1 A057807900013 DATA ERR-S A057807900014 MB MB A057807900015 1.63 0.16 A057807900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057807900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057807999999 SUBENT A0578080 20190710 A092A057808000001 BIB 5 10 A057808000002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-117-M,,SIG) A057808000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808000004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808000005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808000006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808000007 COMMENT - By Compiler - Isomer state of In-117 could not be A057808000008 produced by radioactive decay of Cd-117. A057808000009 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-M,1.94HR) A057808000010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808000011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808000012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057808000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808000014 DATA 2 1 A057808000015 DATA ERR-S A057808000016 MB MB A057808000017 1.0 0.2 A057808000018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808000019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057808099999 SUBENT A0578081 20190710 A092A057808100001 BIB 4 8 A057808100002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-117-G,,SIG) A057808100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808100004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808100005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808100006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808100007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-G,43.8MIN) A057808100008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808100009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808100010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808100012 DATA 2 1 A057808100013 DATA ERR-S A057808100014 MB MB A057808100015 6.2 0.8 A057808100016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808199999 SUBENT A0578082 20190710 A092A057808200001 BIB 4 8 A057808200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) A057808200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808200004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808200005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808200006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808200007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M,49.51D) A057808200008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808200009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808200012 DATA 2 1 A057808200013 DATA ERR-S A057808200014 MB MB A057808200015 20.9 2.0 A057808200016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808299999 SUBENT A0578083 20190710 A092A057808300001 BIB 4 9 A057808300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-111,CUM,SIG) A057808300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808300004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808300005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808300006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808300007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.83D) A057808300008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=12N+2P -> X; SF4=In-111g -> In-111 A057808300009 in REACTION code (IT=100%). EN moved to Subent 001. A057808300010 SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057808300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808300013 DATA 2 1 A057808300014 DATA ERR-S A057808300015 MB MB A057808300016 18.2 1.6 A057808300017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808300018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057808399999 SUBENT A0578084 20190710 A092A057808400001 BIB 4 8 A057808400002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-110-G,,SIG) A057808400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808400004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808400005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808400006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808400007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-G,4.9HR) A057808400008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808400009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808400012 DATA 2 1 A057808400013 DATA ERR-S A057808400014 MB MB A057808400015 8.9 0.7 A057808400016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808499999 SUBENT A0578085 20190710 A092A057808500001 BIB 4 8 A057808500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-110-M,,SIG) A057808500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808500004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808500005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808500006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808500007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-110-M,69.MIN) A057808500008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808500009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808500012 DATA 2 1 A057808500013 DATA ERR-S A057808500014 MB MB A057808500015 2.0 0.4 A057808500016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808599999 SUBENT A0578086 20190710 A092A057808600001 BIB 5 10 A057808600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-109,CUM,SIG) A057808600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808600004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808600005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808600006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808600007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.2HR) A057808600008 METHOD (STTA) A057808600009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=14N+2P -> X; SF4=In-109g -> In-109 A057808600010 in REACTION code (IT=100%).EN moved to Subent 001. A057808600011 SAMPLE added. METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808600012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057808600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808600014 DATA 2 1 A057808600015 DATA ERR-S A057808600016 MB MB A057808600017 11.5 1.0 A057808600018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057808699999 SUBENT A0578087 20190710 A092A057808700001 BIB 4 8 A057808700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)48-CD-117-M,CUM,SIG) A057808700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808700004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808700005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808700006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808700007 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-117-M,3.36HR) A057808700008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808700009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808700010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808700012 DATA 2 1 A057808700013 DATA ERR-S A057808700014 MB MB A057808700015 6.0 0.6 A057808700016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808700017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808799999 SUBENT A0578088 20190710 A092A057808800001 BIB 4 8 A057808800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)48-CD-117-G,CUM,SIG) A057808800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808800004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808800005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808800006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808800007 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-117-G,2.49HR) A057808800008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808800009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808800010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808800012 DATA 2 1 A057808800013 DATA ERR-S A057808800014 MB MB A057808800015 1.6 0.2 A057808800016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808800017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808899999 SUBENT A0578089 20190710 A092A057808900001 BIB 4 8 A057808900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)47-AG-111-G,CUM,SIG) A057808900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057808900004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057808900005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057808900006 74 mg/cm**2. A057808900007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-111-G,7.45D) A057808900008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057808900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057808900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057808900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057808900012 DATA 2 1 A057808900013 DATA ERR-S A057808900014 MB MB A057808900015 13.3 1.5 A057808900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057808900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057808999999 SUBENT A0578090 20190710 A092A057809000001 BIB 4 8 A057809000002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)47-AG-110-M,,SIG) A057809000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809000004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809000005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809000006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809000007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-110-M,249.2D) A057809000008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809000009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809000010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809000011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809000012 DATA 2 1 A057809000013 DATA ERR-S A057809000014 MB MB A057809000015 8.8 0.8 A057809000016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809000017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809099999 SUBENT A0578091 20190710 A092A057809100001 BIB 5 10 A057809100002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)47-AG-108-M,,SIG) A057809100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809100004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809100005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809100006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809100007 CRITIQUE According to ENSDF half-life of 108-m-Ag is 418 year, A057809100008 but not 127 one. A057809100009 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-M,127.YR) A057809100010 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809100011 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809100012 ENDBIB 10 0 A057809100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809100014 DATA 2 1 A057809100015 DATA ERR-S A057809100016 MB MB A057809100017 3.8 0.4 A057809100018 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A057809199999 SUBENT A0578092 20190710 A092A057809200001 BIB 4 8 A057809200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG) A057809200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809200004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809200005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809200006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809200007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-106-M,8.46D) A057809200008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809200009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809200012 DATA 2 1 A057809200013 DATA ERR-S A057809200014 MB MB A057809200015 12.6 1.0 A057809200016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809299999 SUBENT A0578093 20190710 A092A057809300001 BIB 4 8 A057809300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)47-AG-105-G,CUM,SIG) A057809300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809300004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809300005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809300006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809300007 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-105-G,41.9D) A057809300008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809300009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809300012 DATA 2 1 A057809300013 DATA ERR-S A057809300014 MB MB A057809300015 18.6 1.0 A057809300016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809399999 SUBENT A0578094 20190710 A092A057809400001 BIB 4 8 A057809400002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)46-PD-101,CUM,SIG) A057809400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809400004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809400005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809400006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809400007 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-101,8.47HR) A057809400008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809400009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809400012 DATA 2 1 A057809400013 DATA ERR-S A057809400014 MB MB A057809400015 5.9 0.5 A057809400016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809499999 SUBENT A0578095 20190710 A092A057809500001 BIB 5 11 A057809500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-105-G,CUM,SIG) A057809500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809500004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809500005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809500006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809500007 CRITIQUE The authors did not explain the reasons to exclude A057809500008 Rh-105-G production due to Ru-105 decay. Therefore A057809500009 compiler changed 'IND' to 'CUM'. A057809500010 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-105-G,36.36HR) A057809500011 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809500012 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809500013 ENDBIB 11 0 A057809500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809500015 DATA 2 1 A057809500016 DATA ERR-S A057809500017 MB MB A057809500018 5.7 0.6 A057809500019 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A057809599999 SUBENT A0578096 20190710 A092A057809600001 BIB 5 11 A057809600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-102-M,,SIG) A057809600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809600004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809600005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809600006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809600007 COMMENT -By Compiler- According to ENSDF 2.9 year activity is A057809600008 isomer state activity, but not ground state one. A057809600009 Therefore compiler changed '-G' to '-M' A057809600010 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) A057809600011 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809600012 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809600013 ENDBIB 11 0 A057809600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809600015 DATA 2 1 A057809600016 DATA ERR-S A057809600017 MB MB A057809600018 6.7 0.7 A057809600019 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A057809699999 SUBENT A0578097 20190710 A092A057809700001 BIB 5 11 A057809700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-102-G,,SIG) A057809700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809700004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809700005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809700006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809700007 COMMENT -By compiler- According to ENSDF 115.day activity is A057809700008 ground state activity, but not isomer state one. A057809700009 Therefore compiler changed '-M' to '-G'. A057809700010 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057809700011 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809700012 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809700013 ENDBIB 11 0 A057809700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809700015 DATA 2 1 A057809700016 DATA ERR-S A057809700017 MB MB A057809700018 2.0 0.2 A057809700019 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 A057809799999 SUBENT A0578098 20190710 A092A057809800001 BIB 4 8 A057809800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-101-G,,SIG) A057809800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809800004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809800005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809800006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809800007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057809800008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809800009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809800010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809800012 DATA 2 1 A057809800013 DATA ERR-S A057809800014 MB MB A057809800015 3.25 0.4 A057809800016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809800017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809899999 SUBENT A0578099 20190710 A092A057809900001 BIB 4 8 A057809900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) A057809900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057809900004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057809900005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057809900006 74 mg/cm**2. A057809900007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057809900008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057809900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057809900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057809900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057809900012 DATA 2 1 A057809900013 DATA ERR-S A057809900014 MB MB A057809900015 10. 1.0 A057809900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057809900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057809999999 SUBENT A0578100 20190710 A092A057810000001 BIB 4 8 A057810000002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-99-G,,SIG) A057810000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810000004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810000005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810000006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810000007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057810000008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810000009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810000010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810000011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810000012 DATA 2 1 A057810000013 DATA ERR-S A057810000014 MB MB A057810000015 1.3 0.2 A057810000016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810000017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810099999 SUBENT A0578101 20190710 A092A057810100001 BIB 4 8 A057810100002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-99-M,CUM,SIG) A057810100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810100004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810100005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810100006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810100007 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057810100008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810100009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810100010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810100012 DATA 2 1 A057810100013 DATA ERR-S A057810100014 MB MB A057810100015 6.8 0.7 A057810100016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810199999 SUBENT A0578102 20190710 A092A057810200001 BIB 4 8 A057810200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)44-RU-103,CUM,SIG) A057810200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810200004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810200005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810200006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810200007 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-103,39.25D) A057810200008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810200009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810200012 DATA 2 1 A057810200013 DATA ERR-S A057810200014 MB MB A057810200015 3.55 0.3 A057810200016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810299999 SUBENT A0578103 20190710 A092A057810300001 BIB 4 8 A057810300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)44-RU-97,CUM,SIG) A057810300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810300004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810300005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810300006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810300007 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-97,2.9D) A057810300008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810300009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810300012 DATA 2 1 A057810300013 DATA ERR-S A057810300014 MB MB A057810300015 6.9 0.7 A057810300016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810399999 SUBENT A0578104 20190710 A092A057810400001 BIB 4 8 A057810400002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)44-RU-95,CUM,SIG) A057810400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810400004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810400005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810400006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810400007 DECAY-DATA (44-RU-95,1.65HR) A057810400008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810400009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810400012 DATA 2 1 A057810400013 DATA ERR-S A057810400014 MB MB A057810400015 3.1 0.5 A057810400016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810499999 SUBENT A0578105 20190710 A092A057810500001 BIB 4 8 A057810500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)43-TC-96-G,M+,SIG) A057810500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810500004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810500005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810500006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810500007 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-96-G,4.28D) A057810500008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810500009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810500012 DATA 2 1 A057810500013 DATA ERR-S A057810500014 MB MB A057810500015 5.4 0.5 A057810500016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810599999 SUBENT A0578106 20190710 A092A057810600001 BIB 4 8 A057810600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)43-TC-95-G,,SIG) A057810600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810600004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810600005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810600006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810600007 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057810600008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810600009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810600012 DATA 2 1 A057810600013 DATA ERR-S A057810600014 MB MB A057810600015 3.2 0.6 A057810600016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810699999 SUBENT A0578107 20190710 A092A057810700001 BIB 4 8 A057810700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)43-TC-95-M,,SIG) A057810700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810700004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810700005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810700006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810700007 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057810700008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810700009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810700010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810700012 DATA 2 1 A057810700013 DATA ERR-S A057810700014 MB MB A057810700015 0.43 0.04 A057810700016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810700017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810799999 SUBENT A0578108 20190710 A092A057810800001 BIB 4 8 A057810800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)41-NB-96,,SIG) A057810800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810800004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810800005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810800006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810800007 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-96,23.35HR) A057810800008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810800009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810800010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810800011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810800012 DATA 2 1 A057810800013 DATA ERR-S A057810800014 MB MB A057810800015 0.74 0.07 A057810800016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810800017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810899999 SUBENT A0578109 20190710 A092A057810900001 BIB 4 8 A057810900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)41-NB-95-G,,SIG) A057810900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057810900004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057810900005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057810900006 74 mg/cm**2. A057810900007 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057810900008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057810900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057810900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057810900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057810900012 DATA 2 1 A057810900013 DATA ERR-S A057810900014 MB MB A057810900015 0.27 0.03 A057810900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057810900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057810999999 SUBENT A0578110 20190710 A092A057811000001 BIB 4 8 A057811000002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)41-NB-95-M,,SIG) A057811000003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811000004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811000005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811000006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811000007 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057811000008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811000009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811000010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811000011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811000012 DATA 2 1 A057811000013 DATA ERR-S A057811000014 MB MB A057811000015 0.28 0.04 A057811000016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811000017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811099999 SUBENT A0578111 20190710 A092A057811100001 BIB 4 8 A057811100002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)41-NB-90-G,M+,SIG) A057811100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811100004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811100005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811100006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811100007 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-90-G,14.6HR) A057811100008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811100009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811100010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811100011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811100012 DATA 2 1 A057811100013 DATA ERR-S A057811100014 MB MB A057811100015 2.3 0.3 A057811100016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811199999 SUBENT A0578112 20190710 A092A057811200001 BIB 4 8 A057811200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)42-MO-93-M,,SIG) A057811200003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811200004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811200005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811200006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811200007 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-93-M,6.85HR) A057811200008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811200009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811200012 DATA 2 1 A057811200013 DATA ERR-S A057811200014 MB MB A057811200015 2.0 0.2 A057811200016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811299999 SUBENT A0578113 20190710 A092A057811300001 BIB 4 8 A057811300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)42-MO-90,CUM,SIG) A057811300003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811300004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811300005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811300006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811300007 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-90,5.67HR) A057811300008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811300009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811300012 DATA 2 1 A057811300013 DATA ERR-S A057811300014 MB MB A057811300015 0.32 0.06 A057811300016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811399999 SUBENT A0578114 20190710 A092A057811400001 BIB 4 8 A057811400002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)40-ZR-95,CUM,SIG) A057811400003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811400004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811400005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811400006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811400007 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.63D) A057811400008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811400009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811400012 DATA 2 1 A057811400013 DATA ERR-S A057811400014 MB MB A057811400015 0.16 0.03 A057811400016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811499999 SUBENT A0578115 20190710 A092A057811500001 BIB 4 8 A057811500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)38-SR-85-G,CUM,SIG) A057811500003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811500004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811500005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811500006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811500007 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-85-G,64.84D) A057811500008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811500009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811500012 DATA 2 1 A057811500013 DATA ERR-S A057811500014 MB MB A057811500015 1.53 0.15 A057811500016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811599999 SUBENT A0578116 20190710 A092A057811600001 BIB 4 8 A057811600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)38-SR-83-G,CUM,SIG) A057811600003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811600004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811600005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811600006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811600007 DECAY-DATA (38-SR-83-G,32.4HR) A057811600008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811600009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811600010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811600012 DATA 2 1 A057811600013 DATA ERR-S A057811600014 MB MB A057811600015 0.42 0.04 A057811600016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811699999 SUBENT A0578117 20190710 A092A057811700001 BIB 4 8 A057811700002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)37-RB-84-G,,SIG) A057811700003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811700004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811700005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811700006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811700007 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.87D) A057811700008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811700009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811700010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811700012 DATA 2 1 A057811700013 DATA ERR-S A057811700014 MB MB A057811700015 0.36 0.04 A057811700016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811700017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811799999 SUBENT A0578118 20190710 A092A057811800001 BIB 3 7 A057811800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)37-RB-83,,SIG) A057811800003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811800004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811800005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811800006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811800008 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057811800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811800011 DATA 2 1 A057811800012 DATA ERR-S A057811800013 MB MB A057811800014 0.53 0.06 A057811800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057811899999 SUBENT A0578119 20190710 A092A057811900001 BIB 4 8 A057811900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)34-SE-75,CUM,SIG) A057811900003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057811900004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057811900005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057811900006 74 mg/cm**2. A057811900007 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-75,119.8D) A057811900008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. SAMPLE added. A057811900009 METHOD deleted (no info in the article). A057811900010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057811900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057811900012 DATA 2 1 A057811900013 DATA ERR-S A057811900014 MB MB A057811900015 0.15 0.02 A057811900016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057811900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057811999999 SUBENT A0578120 20190710 A092A057812000001 BIB 4 7 A057812000002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)50-SN-123-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057812000003 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-123-G,129.2D) A057812000004 (50-SN-123-M,40.08MIN) A057812000005 STATUS (DEP,A0578075) A057812000006 (DEP,A0578076) A057812000007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: SF3=N+P -> X in REACTION code. EN movedA057812000008 to Subent 001. METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812000009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057812000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812000011 DATA 2 1 A057812000012 DATA ERR-S A057812000013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812000014 0.72 0.11 A057812000015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057812099999 SUBENT A0578121 20190710 A092A057812100001 BIB 4 9 A057812100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,2P)49-IN-117-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057812100003 SAMPLE (50-SN-124,ENR=0.959) Enrichment of Sn-124 - 95.9% A057812100004 Three layers of Sn-124 foils of cross-sectional area A057812100005 2*2 cm2 were used. The thickness of one layer was A057812100006 74 mg/cm**2. A057812100007 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-G,43.8MIN) A057812100008 (49-IN-117-M,1.94HR) A057812100009 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812100010 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812100011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057812100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812100013 DATA 2 1 A057812100014 DATA ERR-S A057812100015 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812100016 2.26 0.4 A057812100017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057812199999 SUBENT A0578122 20190710 A092A057812200001 BIB 4 7 A057812200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)49-IN-117-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057812200003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-117-G,43.8MIN) A057812200004 (49-IN-117-M,1.94HR) A057812200005 STATUS (DEP,A0578080) A057812200006 (DEP,A0578081) A057812200007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812200008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057812200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812200011 DATA 2 1 A057812200012 DATA ERR-S A057812200013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812200014 6.2 1.48 A057812200015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057812299999 SUBENT A0578123 20190710 A092A057812300001 BIB 4 8 A057812300002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)48-CD-117-M/G,CUM,SIG/RAT) A057812300003 DECAY-DATA (48-CD-117-G,2.49HR) A057812300004 (48-CD-117-M,3.35HR) A057812300005 STATUS (DEP,A0578087) A057812300006 (DEP,A0578088) A057812300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. METHOD deletedA057812300008 (no info in the article). ERR-S = 0.56 -> 0.67 A057812300009 according to the presentation in the table. A057812300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057812300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812300012 DATA 2 1 A057812300013 DATA ERR-S A057812300014 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812300015 3.75 0.67 A057812300016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057812399999 SUBENT A0578124 20231229 A106A057812400001 BIB 4 9 A057812400002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-102-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812400003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057812400004 (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) A057812400005 STATUS (DEP,A0578011) A057812400006 (DEP,A0578012) A057812400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812400008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812400009 (20231229A) SD: SF4=Rh-102-g/m -> Rh-102-m/g in A057812400010 REACTION code. A057812400011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057812400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812400013 DATA 2 1 A057812400014 DATA ERR-S A057812400015 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812400016 2.61 0.39 A057812400017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812400018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057812499999 SUBENT A0578125 20231229 A106A057812500001 BIB 4 9 A057812500002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-102-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812500003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057812500004 (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) A057812500005 STATUS (DEP,A0578051) A057812500006 (DEP,A0578052) A057812500007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812500008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812500009 (20231229A) SD: SF4=Rh-102-g/m -> Rh-102-m/g in A057812500010 REACTION code. A057812500011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057812500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812500013 DATA 2 1 A057812500014 DATA ERR-S A057812500015 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812500016 3.5 0.6 A057812500017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812500018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057812599999 SUBENT A0578126 20231229 A106A057812600001 BIB 4 9 A057812600002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-102-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812600003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-102-G,207.D) A057812600004 (45-RH-102-M,2.9YR) A057812600005 STATUS (DEP,A0578096) A057812600006 (DEP,A0578097) A057812600007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812600008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812600009 (20231229A) SD: SF4=Rh-102-g/m -> Rh-102-m/g in A057812600010 REACTION code. A057812600011 ENDBIB 9 0 A057812600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812600013 DATA 2 1 A057812600014 DATA ERR-S A057812600015 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812600016 3.35 0.5 A057812600017 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 A057812699999 SUBENT A0578127 20190710 A092A057812700001 BIB 5 8 A057812700002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-101-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812700003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057812700004 (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057812700005 STATUS (DEP,A0578013) A057812700006 (DEP,A0578014) A057812700007 METHOD (SITA) A057812700008 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812700009 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812700010 ENDBIB 8 0 A057812700011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812700012 DATA 2 1 A057812700013 DATA ERR-S A057812700014 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812700015 2.94 0.44 A057812700016 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812700017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A057812799999 SUBENT A0578128 20190710 A092A057812800001 BIB 4 7 A057812800002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-101-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812800003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057812800004 (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057812800005 STATUS (DEP,A0578053) A057812800006 (DEP,A0578054) A057812800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812800008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057812800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812800011 DATA 2 1 A057812800012 DATA ERR-S A057812800013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812800014 2.3 0.4 A057812800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057812899999 SUBENT A0578129 20190710 A092A057812900001 BIB 4 7 A057812900002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-101-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057812900003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.2YR) A057812900004 (45-RH-101-M,4.34D) A057812900005 STATUS (DEP,A0578098) A057812900006 (DEP,A0578099) A057812900007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057812900008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057812900009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057812900010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057812900011 DATA 2 1 A057812900012 DATA ERR-S A057812900013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057812900014 3.07 0.45 A057812900015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057812900016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057812999999 SUBENT A0578130 20190710 A092A057813000001 BIB 4 7 A057813000002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)45-RH-99-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057813000003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057813000004 (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057813000005 STATUS (DEP,A0578015) A057813000006 (DEP,A0578016) A057813000007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813000008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813000009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813000011 DATA 2 1 A057813000012 DATA ERR-S A057813000013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813000014 6.8 0.8 A057813000015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813099999 SUBENT A0578131 20190710 A092A057813100001 BIB 4 7 A057813100002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)45-RH-99-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057813100003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057813100004 (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057813100005 STATUS (DEP,A0578055) A057813100006 (DEP,A0578056) A057813100007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813100008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813100009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813100011 DATA 2 1 A057813100012 DATA ERR-S A057813100013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813100014 5.3 0.8 A057813100015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813199999 SUBENT A0578132 20190710 A092A057813200001 BIB 4 7 A057813200002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)45-RH-99-M/G,,SIG/RAT) A057813200003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-99-G,16.9D) A057813200004 (45-RH-99-M,4.5HR) A057813200005 STATUS (DEP,A0578100) A057813200006 (DEP,A0578101) A057813200007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813200008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813200011 DATA 2 1 A057813200012 DATA ERR-S A057813200013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813200014 5.2 0.8 A057813200015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813299999 SUBENT A0578133 20190710 A092A057813300001 BIB 4 7 A057813300002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)43-TC-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813300003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057813300004 (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057813300005 STATUS (DEP,A0578021) A057813300006 (DEP,A0578022) A057813300007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813300008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813300011 DATA 2 1 A057813300012 DATA ERR-S A057813300013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813300014 3.5 0.5 A057813300015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813399999 SUBENT A0578134 20190710 A092A057813400001 BIB 4 7 A057813400002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)43-TC-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813400003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057813400004 (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057813400005 STATUS (DEP,A0578061) A057813400006 (DEP,A0578062) A057813400007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813400008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813400009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813400011 DATA 2 1 A057813400012 DATA ERR-S A057813400013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813400014 5.8 0.9 A057813400015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813499999 SUBENT A0578135 20190710 A092A057813500001 BIB 4 7 A057813500002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)43-TC-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813500003 DECAY-DATA (43-TC-95-G,20.HR) A057813500004 (43-TC-95-M,61.D) A057813500005 STATUS (DEP,A0578106) A057813500006 (DEP,A0578107) A057813500007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813500008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813500009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813500011 DATA 2 1 A057813500012 DATA ERR-S A057813500013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813500014 7.4 1.5 A057813500015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813500016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813599999 SUBENT A0578136 20190710 A092A057813600001 BIB 4 7 A057813600002 REACTION (50-SN-112(P,X)41-NB-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813600003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057813600004 (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057813600005 STATUS (DEP,A0578024) A057813600006 (DEP,A0578025) A057813600007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813600008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813600009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813600011 DATA 2 1 A057813600012 DATA ERR-S A057813600013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813600014 0.65 0.12 A057813600015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813699999 SUBENT A0578137 20190710 A092A057813700001 BIB 4 7 A057813700002 REACTION (50-SN-118(P,X)41-NB-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813700003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057813700004 (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057813700005 STATUS (DEP,A0578064) A057813700006 (DEP,A0578065) A057813700007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813700008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813700009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813700011 DATA 2 1 A057813700012 DATA ERR-S A057813700013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813700014 0.74 0.13 A057813700015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813700016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813799999 SUBENT A0578138 20190710 A092A057813800001 BIB 4 7 A057813800002 REACTION (50-SN-124(P,X)41-NB-95-G/M,,SIG/RAT) A057813800003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-95-G,34.98D) A057813800004 (41-NB-95-M,86.6HR) A057813800005 STATUS (DEP,A0578109) A057813800006 (DEP,A0578110) A057813800007 HISTORY (20190710A) SD: EN moved to Subent 001. A057813800008 METHOD deleted(no info in the article). A057813800009 ENDBIB 7 0 A057813800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A057813800011 DATA 2 1 A057813800012 DATA ERR-S A057813800013 NO-DIM NO-DIM A057813800014 0.96 0.17 A057813800015 ENDDATA 3 0 A057813800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 A057813899999 ENDENTRY 138 0 A057899999999