ENTRY            A0582   20200214                             A093A058200000001 
SUBENT        A0582001   20200214                             A093A058200100001 
BIB                 15         58                                 A058200100002 
TITLE      Excitation function measurement and reaction mechanism A058200100003 
           analysis for alpha-induced reactions on 197-Au         A058200100004 
AUTHOR     (N.Chakravarty, P.K.Sarkar, Maitreyee Nandy,           A058200100005 
           Sudip Ghosh)                                           A058200100006 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,24,151,1998)                                   A058200100007 
REL-REF    (R,,U.Reus+,J,AND,29,1,1983) Decay data                A058200100008 
           (M,D6290001,N.Chakravarty+,J,PR/C,45,1171,1992)        A058200100009 
           Method of analysis.                                    A058200100010 
INSTITUTE  (1USASJS,3INDVEC,3INDSAH)                              A058200100011 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,3INDVEC)                                        A058200100012 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(A,3P)12-MG-28,,SIG)                          A058200100013 
           (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG)                        A058200100014 
           (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG)                        A058200100015 
MONIT-REF  (B0142001,U.Martens+,R,KFK-1083,1969)                  A058200100016 
SAMPLE     To minimize the uncertainties in the projectile        A058200100017 
           energies at each target foil, thinly stacked foils withA058200100018 
           only three targets were used in each stack.  Aluminium A058200100019 
           foils of 6.85 mg/cm**2 were used as energy degraders   A058200100020 
           and internal flux monitor. For measuring the cross     A058200100021 
           sections of relatively short-lived nuclides, 1.0       A058200100022 
           mg/cm**2 thickness 197-Au deposited on Al spacer foils A058200100023 
           served as targets. To obtain measurable yields of      A058200100024 
           long-lived residuals, self-supporting 46.6 mg/cm**2    A058200100025 
           thick 197-Au targets were used in the stack. Both the  A058200100026 
           target and the degrader foils were 0F 99.99% purity.   A058200100027 
METHOD     (STTA) See SAMPLE                                      A058200100028 
           (ACTIV) The irradiation times were optimized according A058200100029 
           to half-lives of residual and the irradiations were    A058200100030 
           performed in duplicate.                                A058200100031 
           (BCINT) The flux values were in good agreement with    A058200100032 
           flux values obtained from monitor reactions. Their     A058200100033 
           average was used to determine the cross sections.      A058200100034 
           (GSPEC) The decay of characteristic gamma peaks was    A058200100035 
           followed for more than five half-lives except for      A058200100036 
           195-Au for which only two half-lives were followed.    A058200100037 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 A058200100038 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error assigned is the root mean square of  A058200100039 
           the statistical errors associated with the individual  A058200100040 
           cross sections.                                        A058200100041 
           (ERR-1) uncertainty in the energy.                     A058200100042 
           (ERR-2) uncertainty in the flux measurement            A058200100043 
           (ERR-3) uncertainty in the detector efficiency         A058200100044 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY)                                                A058200100045 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The excitation functions were analysed in terms A058200100046 
           of direct, pre-equilibrium and evaporation emissions.  A058200100047 
           The two most commonly used models of pre-equilibrium   A058200100048 
           reactions, the exciton and the hybrid models, have bothA058200100049 
           been used and compared.  The choice of the initial     A058200100050 
           exciton number, the role of the pre-equilibrium clusterA058200100051 
           and multiple nucleon emissions have been investigated. A058200100052 
           The direct emission of cluster are found to            A058200100053 
           significantly affect the excitation functions of 197-HgA058200100054 
           and Au isotopes.                                       A058200100055 
HISTORY    (20030805C) By CAJAD                                   A058200100056 
           (20040213U) Last checking has been done.               A058200100057 
           (20200214A) SD: Subents 004,009,010,011 deleted (data  A058200100058 
           are from another publ. see D6190). STATUS moved to     A058200100059 
           Subents 002-011.                                       A058200100060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 A058200100061 
COMMON               3          3                                 A058200100062 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       A058200100063 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    A058200100064 
         1.         3.         3.                                 A058200100065 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200100066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 A058200199999 
SUBENT        A0582002   20200214                             A093A058200200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 A058200200002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,N)81-TL-200,,SIG)                         A058200200003 
RAD-DET    (81-TL-200,DG)                                         A058200200004 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-200,26.1HR,DG,367.9,0.872,                      A058200200005 
                             DG,579.2,0.138,                      A058200200006 
                             DG,828.3,0.108)                      A058200200007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200200008 
HISTORY    (20200214U) SD: STATUS added.                          A058200200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A058200200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200200011 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200200012 
MEV                                                               A058200200013 
       0.17                                                       A058200200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200200015 
DATA                 3          7                                 A058200200016 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200200017 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200200018 
      34.53        6.8        13.                                 A058200200019 
      34.99       10.0        24.                                 A058200200020 
      41.63        4.8        17.                                 A058200200021 
      42.20        6.4        14.                                 A058200200022 
      43.49        7.9        23.                                 A058200200023 
      47.44        2.4        25.                                 A058200200024 
      48.23        4.5        24.                                 A058200200025 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 A058200200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 A058200299999 
SUBENT        A0582003   20200214                             A093A058200300001 
BIB                  5          6                                 A058200300002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,2N)81-TL-199,,SIG)                        A058200300003 
RAD-DET    (81-TL-199,DG)                                         A058200300004 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-199,7.42HR,DG,158.4,0.049,                      A058200300005 
                             DG,208.1,0.122)                      A058200300006 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200300007 
HISTORY    (20200214U) SD: STATUS added.                          A058200300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A058200300009 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200300010 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200300011 
MEV                                                               A058200300012 
       0.17                                                       A058200300013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200300014 
DATA                 3          6                                 A058200300015 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200300016 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200300017 
      34.88       138.        14.                                 A058200300018 
      38.43        73.         7.                                 A058200300019 
      42.20        47.        15.                                 A058200300020 
      43.50        41.        24.                                 A058200300021 
      44.68        38.         6.                                 A058200300022 
      48.21        33.        24.                                 A058200300023 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 A058200300024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 A058200399999 
NOSUBENT      A0582004   20200214                             A093A058200400001 
SUBENT        A0582005   20200214                             A093A058200500001 
BIB                  5          7                                 A058200500002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,4N)81-TL-197-G,M+,SIG)                    A058200500003 
RAD-DET    (81-TL-197-G,DG)                                       A058200500004 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-197-G,2.84HR,DG,152.15,0.0756,                  A058200500005 
                               DG,308.5,0.022,                    A058200500006 
                               DG,432.9,0.0215)                   A058200500007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200500008 
HISTORY    (20200214U) SD: STATUS added.                          A058200500009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A058200500010 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200500011 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200500012 
MEV                                                               A058200500013 
       0.17                                                       A058200500014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200500015 
DATA                 3          5                                 A058200500016 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200500017 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200500018 
      38.85        80.         6.                                 A058200500019 
      42.56       600.        23.                                 A058200500020 
      43.84       900.        22.                                 A058200500021 
      45.01      1120.        21.                                 A058200500022 
      48.42      1500.        20.                                 A058200500023 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 A058200500024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 A058200599999 
SUBENT        A0582006   20200214                             A093A058200600001 
BIB                  5         10                                 A058200600002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,5N)81-TL-196,,SIG)                        A058200600003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-196-G,1.84HR,DG,610.5,0.119,                    A058200600004 
                               DG,635.2,0.0979)                   A058200600005 
COMMENT    -By authors. For Tl-196 the metastable and ground-stateA058200600006 
           half-lives are comparable and isomer transition is     A058200600007 
           4.5%. The gammas detected, however, are common to the  A058200600008 
           decay of both Tl-196-m and Tl-196-g, thereby giving us A058200600009 
           sigma(m)+sigma(g).                                     A058200600010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200600011 
HISTORY    (20200214U) SD: STATUS added.                          A058200600012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 A058200600013 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200600014 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200600015 
MEV                                                               A058200600016 
       0.13                                                       A058200600017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200600018 
DATA                 3          3                                 A058200600019 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200600020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200600021 
      47.14        44.        50.                                 A058200600022 
      47.83        70.        40.                                 A058200600023 
      48.12        75.        40.                                 A058200600024 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 A058200600025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 A058200699999 
SUBENT        A0582007   20200214                             A093A058200700001 
BIB                  6         10                                 A058200700002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,X)79-AU-194-G,M+,SIG)                     A058200700003 
RAD-DET    (79-AU-194-G,DG)                                       A058200700004 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-194-G,39.5HR,DG,293.5,0.110,                    A058200700005 
                               DG,328.0,0.630)                    A058200700006 
COMMENT    - By compiler.  According to ENSDF, Au-194 has two     A058200700007 
           isomeric state (half-lives = 0.6 and 0.42 sec) and     A058200700008 
           half-life of Au-194-g is 38.02 +/- 0.1 hours.          A058200700009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.6 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200700010 
HISTORY    (20200214A) SD: SF5=IND/M+ -> M+ in REACTION code.     A058200700011 
           STATUS added.                                          A058200700012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 A058200700013 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200700014 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200700015 
MEV                                                               A058200700016 
       0.17                                                       A058200700017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200700018 
DATA                 3          5                                 A058200700019 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200700020 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200700021 
      34.76    7.3E-02        18.                                 A058200700022 
      41.92       0.24        50.                                 A058200700023 
      43.78       0.71        40.                                 A058200700024 
      47.52        2.8        40.                                 A058200700025 
      48.45        6.1        25.                                 A058200700026 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 A058200700027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 A058200799999 
SUBENT        A0582008   20200214                             A093A058200800001 
BIB                  5          6                                 A058200800002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,X)79-AU-195-G,M+,SIG)                     A058200800003 
RAD-DET    (79-AU-195-G,DG)                                       A058200800004 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-195-G,186.1D,DG,98.86,0.109)                    A058200800005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 from  Jour.Phys.,G24(1998)151            A058200800006 
HISTORY    (20200214A) SD: SF5=IND/M+ -> M+ in REACTION code.     A058200800007 
           STATUS added.                                          A058200800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A058200800009 
COMMON               1          3                                 A058200800010 
EN-ERR-DIG                                                        A058200800011 
MEV                                                               A058200800012 
       0.16                                                       A058200800013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A058200800014 
DATA                 3          6                                 A058200800015 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A058200800016 
MEV        MB         PER-CENT                                    A058200800017 
      35.03        2.6        23.                                 A058200800018 
      35.61        2.5        40.                                 A058200800019 
      41.96       10.1         7.                                 A058200800020 
      43.93       13.1        13.                                 A058200800021 
      47.63       20.2         6.                                 A058200800022 
      48.44       22.0        14.                                 A058200800023 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 A058200800024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 A058200899999 
NOSUBENT      A0582009   20200214                             A093A058200900001 
NOSUBENT      A0582010   20200214                             A093A058201000001 
NOSUBENT      A0582011   20200214                             A093A058201100001 
ENDENTRY            11          0                                 A058299999999