ENTRY A0603 20240926 A119A060300000001 SUBENT A0603001 20240926 A119A060300100001 BIB 12 36 A060300100002 TITLE Measurements of angular distributions of differential A060300100003 cross sections and analyzing powers of the reaction A060300100004 P(pol)+p to d+pi+ between 1.3 and 2.4 GeV A060300100005 AUTHOR (J.Yonnet, R.Abegg, M.Bolvin, A.Boudard, G.Bruge, A060300100006 P.Couvert, G.Gaillard, M.Garson, L.G.Greenlaus, A060300100007 D.A.Hatcheon, C.Kerbout, B.Mayer) A060300100008 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC,1CANALA,1CANTMF) A060300100009 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,562,352,1993) A060300100010 SAMPLE Liquid hydrogen targets. A060300100011 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Magnetic spectrometer (SPES4) A060300100012 FACILITY (SYNCH,2FR SAC) Saturne II accelerator. A060300100013 METHOD (SITA) A060300100014 (TOF) To separate of protons and deuterons. A060300100015 (BCINT) The number of primary protons was measured by aA060300100016 secondary electron emission monitor. A060300100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Deviation of 2.8% R.M.S. from a smooth energy A060300100018 dependence were found, and are believed to be due to A060300100019 run-to-run random errors of measurements. The 2.8% A060300100020 R.M.S. deviation was added in quadrature to the purely A060300100021 statistical errors at each angle and these errors are A060300100022 listed in data section. A060300100023 (ERR-1) The systematic error is estimated from the A060300100024 uncertainty of the thicknesses of liquid hydrogen A060300100025 targets and uncertainties in determination the distanceA060300100026 from the target to the collimator at the entrance to A060300100027 SPEC4. A060300100028 ADD-RES Coefficients from a simultaneous fit of the cross A060300100029 sections and analyzing powers to Legendre polynomial A060300100030 series. A060300100031 STATUS (TABLE,,J.Yonnet+,J,NP/A,562,352,1993) A060300100032 HISTORY (19980707C) By F.C. A060300100033 (19990318A) DATE is corrected A060300100034 (20090827A) Correction in author' list has been done, A060300100035 according to V.Zerkin to remarks. A060300100036 (20240926A) SD: Subent 002 was split in two according A060300100037 to EXFOR rules. A060300100038 ENDBIB 36 0 A060300100039 COMMON 1 3 A060300100040 ERR-1 A060300100041 PER-CENT A060300100042 3. A060300100043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A060300100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A060300199999 SUBENT A0603002 20240926 A119A060300200001 BIB 4 9 A060300200002 REACTION (1-H-1(P,PIP)1-H-2,,DA) A060300200003 PART-DET (D) A060300200004 COMMENT *By authors*. Although angular distributions for A060300200005 deuteron were measured, but ang-cm in data section is A060300200006 calculated by authors is angle for pi+ in c.m. frame. A060300200007 HISTORY (20090827A) Correction in Reactions- code 'EXP' was A060300200008 deleted. A060300200009 (20240926A) SD: Subent 002 was split in two (see A060300200010 Subent 003). A060300200011 ENDBIB 9 0 A060300200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A060300200013 DATA 4 55 A060300200014 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-T A060300200015 GEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A060300200016 1.3 9.8 19.5 0.62 A060300200017 1.3 19.2 23. 0.67 A060300200018 1.3 88.4 12.3 0.4 A060300200019 1.3 99.0 12.4 0.4 A060300200020 1.3 108.6 14.4 0.5 A060300200021 1.3 115.5 16.7 0.51 A060300200022 1.3 123.7 18.9 0.57 A060300200023 1.3 135.2 24.6 0.72 A060300200024 1.3 144.3 25.7 0.75 A060300200025 1.3 156.2 24.6 0.72 A060300200026 1.3 164.7 21.6 0.67 A060300200027 1.6 10.5 8.0 0.25 A060300200028 1.6 19.5 14.1 0.5 A060300200029 1.6 30.9 16.3 0.5 A060300200030 1.6 41.4 15.3 0.47 A060300200031 1.6 51. 11.3 0.37 A060300200032 1.6 59.1 8.4 0.31 A060300200033 1.6 69.7 6.2 0.2 A060300200034 1.6 79.7 5.2 0.18 A060300200035 1.7 9.6 0.33 A060300200036 1.7 22. 13.5 0.43 A060300200037 1.7 35.7 14. 0.44 A060300200038 1.7 45. 11. 0.37 A060300200039 1.7 55.4 7.3 0.23 A060300200040 1.7 64.7 5.2 0.18 A060300200041 1.7 75.4 4.2 0.15 A060300200042 1.7 84.8 3.43 0.11 A060300200043 1.88 7.5 11. 0.37 A060300200044 1.88 79.8 2.5 0.12 A060300200045 1.88 89.8 2.2 0.12 A060300200046 1.88 98.4 2.5 0.21 A060300200047 1.88 116.7 4.2 0.15 A060300200048 1.88 127.1 6.7 0.21 A060300200049 1.88 138.4 10.6 0.26 A060300200050 1.88 148.5 14.1 0.44 A060300200051 1.88 158.3 14.5 0.45 A060300200052 2.1 4.5 10.85 0.39 A060300200053 2.1 74.8 1.63 0.08 A060300200054 2.1 86.6 1.07 0.06 A060300200055 2.1 96.8 1.23 0.06 A060300200056 2.1 125. 4.5 0.16 A060300200057 2.1 134.1 6.5 0.21 A060300200058 2.1 144.6 8.9 0.32 A060300200059 2.1 153.8 10.1 0.35 A060300200060 2.1 164.5 10.9 0.32 A060300200061 2.4 4.7 15.4 0.46 A060300200062 2.4 65. 1.2 0.11 A060300200063 2.4 73.2 1.08 0.04 A060300200064 2.4 89. 0.43 0.02 A060300200065 2.4 99. 0.5 0.03 A060300200066 2.4 121.6 2.2 0.08 A060300200067 2.4 134. 3.96 0.12 A060300200068 2.4 144. 4.9 0.17 A060300200069 2.4 154. 6.7 0.27 A060300200070 2.4 163. 10.2 0.36 A060300200071 ENDDATA 57 0 A060300200072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 A060300299999 SUBENT A0603003 20240926 A119A060300300001 BIB 4 6 A060300300002 REACTION (1-H-1(P,PIP)1-H-2,,POL/DA,,ANA) A060300300003 PART-DET (D) A060300300004 COMMENT *By authors*. Although angular distributions for A060300300005 deuteron were measured, but ang-cm in data section is A060300300006 calculated by authors is angle for pi+ in c.m. frame. A060300300007 HISTORY (20240926T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A060300300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A060300300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A060300300010 DATA 4 77 A060300300011 EN ANG-CM DATA ERR-T A060300300012 GEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM A060300300013 1.3 9.8 0.117 0.03 A060300300014 1.3 19.2 0.08 0.027 A060300300015 1.3 30.4 -0.001 0.028 A060300300016 1.3 40.7 -0.1 0.028 A060300300017 1.3 50.9 -0.162 0.027 A060300300018 1.3 60. -0.143 0.028 A060300300019 1.3 70.1 -0.011 0.028 A060300300020 1.3 77.5 0.09 0.028 A060300300021 1.3 88.3 0.321 0.027 A060300300022 1.3 99. 0.431 0.027 A060300300023 1.3 108.6 0.446 0.026 A060300300024 1.3 115.5 0.348 0.028 A060300300025 1.3 123.7 0.328 0.026 A060300300026 1.3 135.2 0.295 0.027 A060300300027 1.3 144.3 0.278 0.029 A060300300028 1.3 156.2 0.237 0.027 A060300300029 1.3 164.7 0.193 0.029 A060300300030 1.6 10.5 -0.338 0.028 A060300300031 1.6 20. -0.267 0.03 A060300300032 1.6 30.8 -0.26 0.03 A060300300033 1.6 41.2 -0.32 0.028 A060300300034 1.6 51. -0.441 0.029 A060300300035 1.6 60. -0.41 0.027 A060300300036 1.6 69.7 -0.293 0.032 A060300300037 1.6 79.7 0.042 0.035 A060300300038 1.7 9.3 -0.352 0.029 A060300300039 1.7 22.8 -0.25 0.03 A060300300040 1.7 35.3 -0.205 0.03 A060300300041 1.7 46. -0.241 0.03 A060300300042 1.7 55.5 -0.345 0.031 A060300300043 1.7 64.7 -0.437 0.03 A060300300044 1.7 75.4 -0.196 0.035 A060300300045 1.7 84.8 0.039 0.034 A060300300046 1.88 7.5 -0.405 0.029 A060300300047 1.88 20.2 -0.268 0.029 A060300300048 1.88 30.4 -0.061 0.031 A060300300049 1.88 40.6 0.026 0.029 A060300300050 1.88 51. -0.095 0.029 A060300300051 1.88 60. -0.28 0.029 A060300300052 1.88 69.3 -0.307 0.029 A060300300053 1.88 79.8 -0.124 0.034 A060300300054 1.88 89.8 0.049 0.031 A060300300055 1.88 98.4 0.011 0.032 A060300300056 1.88 116.7 0.085 0.033 A060300300057 1.88 127.1 0.465 0.31 A060300300058 1.88 138.4 0.713 0.027 A060300300059 1.88 148.5 0.65 0.029 A060300300060 1.88 158.3 0.344 0.031 A060300300061 2.1 4.5 -0.308 0.033 A060300300062 2.1 18.6 -0.62 0.026 A060300300063 2.1 28.3 -0.162 0.03 A060300300064 2.1 40.8 0.167 0.03 A060300300065 2.1 52.8 0.042 0.03 A060300300066 2.1 63.1 -0.239 0.03 A060300300067 2.1 74.8 -0.379 0.03 A060300300068 2.1 86.6 -0.11 0.036 A060300300069 2.1 96.8 0. 0.031 A060300300070 2.1 125. 0.349 0.029 A060300300071 2.1 134.1 0.573 0.027 A060300300072 2.1 144.6 0.565 0.03 A060300300073 2.1 153.8 0.378 0.031 A060300300074 2.1 164.5 0.094 0.03 A060300300075 2.4 4.7 -0.203 0.027 A060300300076 2.4 15. -0.49 0.023 A060300300077 2.4 25.5 -0.51 0.023 A060300300078 2.4 35.5 -0.046 0.023 A060300300079 2.4 45.6 0.139 0.027 A060300300080 2.4 55.3 0. 0.026 A060300300081 2.4 65. -0.202 0.028 A060300300082 2.4 73.2 -0.416 0.027 A060300300083 2.4 89. -0.379 0.029 A060300300084 2.4 99. 0. 0.028 A060300300085 2.4 121.6 0.285 0.027 A060300300086 2.4 134. 0.343 0.027 A060300300087 2.4 144. 0.222 0.031 A060300300088 2.4 154. -0.017 0.03 A060300300089 2.4 163. -0.113 0.027 A060300300090 ENDDATA 79 0 A060300300091 ENDSUBENT 90 0 A060300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A060399999999