ENTRY A0606 20240927 A119A060600000001 SUBENT A0606001 20240927 A119A060600100001 BIB 11 51 A060600100002 TITLE Production of residual nuclei by 3He-induced reactions A060600100003 on 27Al and natCu A060600100004 AUTHOR (S.N.Kondratyev, I.Yu.Lobach, Yu.N.Lobach, A060600100005 V.D.Sklyarenko) A060600100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) A060600100007 REFERENCE (J,ARI,48,601,1997) A060600100008 (J,AE,81,273,1996) Tabulated data for natCu + He3 A060600100009 (J,AE/T,81,714,1996) - English transl. of A060600100010 Atom.Energ.81(1996)273 A060600100011 (J,AE,79,307,1995) - Very similar 27Al(3He,x)24,22Na A060600100012 cross sections given A060600100013 (J,AE/T,79,717,1995) - English translation of A060600100014 Atom.Energ.79(1995)717 A060600100015 DETECTOR (HPGE) A060600100016 FACILITY (ISOCY,4UKRIJD) A060600100017 SAMPLE Each stack consisted of high purity Al and Cu foils of A060600100018 commercial origin. The aluminum foils of thickness A060600100019 varying from 12.4 to 52.0 mg/cm2 and copper foils A060600100020 from 20.0 to 40.0 mg/cm2 A060600100021 METHOD (STTA) Two identical stacks were irradiated. A060600100022 (ACTIV) Irradiated for 40 min for the first stack and A060600100023 10 hours for the second one. A060600100024 (EXTB) In order to check a possible neutron and gamma A060600100025 background activation several Al and Cu foils were A060600100026 exposed at a location shielded against the primary A060600100027 beam. A060600100028 (GSPEC) Up to six measurements of the gamma-ray A060600100029 spectra were made for each foil at different times A060600100030 after irradiation - from 6 hours to 100 days for Al A060600100031 and from 10 to 250 days for Cu. A060600100032 (BCINT) A060600100033 CORRECTION On a part of charged particles left the Faraday cup A060600100034 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Due to finite thickness of the foils as well A060600100035 as the energy straggling calculated according to A060600100036 Bohr's approximation. A060600100037 (ERR-T) The error contains the statistical and target A060600100038 thickness, efficiency of the detector (2%) and beam A060600100039 flux measurement uncertainties. A060600100040 Uncertainties in the half-lives and branching ratios A060600100041 were ignored. A060600100042 (ERR-1) Efficiency of detector A060600100043 (ERR-2,,3.) Uncertainty in beam current A060600100044 HISTORY (19980704C) By F.C. A060600100045 (19980706U) Last checking has been done. A060600100046 (19990318A) DATE is corrected A060600100047 (20140226A) REFERENCE: AE and AE/T added; ERR-1 added. A060600100048 (20180127A) SD: Ref.AE,81,273, and its transl. added. A060600100049 Small corrections in Subents 003-006. ERR-ANALYS A060600100050 updated. A060600100051 (20240927A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 002 A060600100052 was split according to EXFOR rules. A060600100053 ENDBIB 51 0 A060600100054 COMMON 1 3 A060600100055 ERR-1 A060600100056 PER-CENT A060600100057 2. A060600100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A060600100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 A060600199999 SUBENT A0606002 20240927 A119A060600200001 BIB 4 6 A060600200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(HE3,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG) A060600200003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-22,2.6088YR,DG,1274.5,0.99944) A060600200004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.N.Kondratyev+,J,ARI,48,601,1997) Table 2 A060600200005 HISTORY (20140226A) Data corrected, STATUS added A060600200006 (20240927A) SD: Subent was split in two (see A060600200007 Subents 007). A060600200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A060600200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A060600200010 DATA 4 34 A060600200011 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A060600200012 MEV MEV MB MB A060600200013 90.7 1.6 46.4 3.4 A060600200014 88.1 1.7 51.9 3.7 A060600200015 86.4 1.5 45.8 4.7 A060600200016 85.1 0.4 58.0 5.8 A060600200017 82.8 1.6 53.9 3.8 A060600200018 81.4 1.6 50.9 5.2 A060600200019 79.6 0.4 57.4 5.8 A060600200020 77.4 1.6 49.8 5.0 A060600200021 76.5 1.8 49.3 3.5 A060600200022 73.8 0.4 55.0 5.5 A060600200023 71.3 1.9 47.1 2.8 A060600200024 67.7 0.4 50.6 5.1 A060600200025 66.5 1.9 42.6 4.4 A060600200026 64.6 2.0 44.9 3.2 A060600200027 61.1 2.1 36.9 2.7 A060600200028 57.7 2.1 32.8 2.3 A060600200029 55.7 2.2 25.1 2.7 A060600200030 53.8 0.5 23.8 2.4 A060600200031 50.6 1.8 18.8 1.4 A060600200032 49.9 0.5 15.1 1.5 A060600200033 47.0 0.7 11.9 1.2 A060600200034 45.4 1.9 12.2 1.3 A060600200035 43.9 2.1 10.8 0.8 A060600200036 41.1 0.6 9.4 1.0 A060600200037 38.1 0.7 9.5 1.0 A060600200038 36.6 1.4 10.1 1.0 A060600200039 34.6 1.9 12.2 1.2 A060600200040 31.1 0.8 16.2 1.6 A060600200041 28.9 1.8 24.0 2.4 A060600200042 27.1 0.9 25.3 2.6 A060600200043 23.3 1.0 28.4 2.9 A060600200044 20.2 1.1 23.8 2.4 A060600200045 19.1 1.2 19.0 1.9 A060600200046 8.5 2.1 0.60 0.07 A060600200047 ENDDATA 36 0 A060600200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A060600299999 SUBENT A0606003 20240927 A119A060600300001 BIB 4 7 A060600300002 REACTION (29-CU-0(HE3,X)30-ZN-65,CUM,SIG) A060600300003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.26D,DG,1115.5,0.5075) A060600300004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.N.Kondratyev+,J,ARI,48,601,1997) Table 3 A060600300005 HISTORY (20180127A) SD: Zeros were added to right side of A060600300006 values according to presentation in the Table. A060600300007 STATUS was added. A060600300008 (20240927U) SD: STATUS updated. A060600300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A060600300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A060600300011 DATA 4 28 A060600300012 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A060600300013 MEV MEV MB MB A060600300014 91.6 0.9 43.5 2.2 A060600300015 89.0 0.9 48.4 2.5 A060600300016 86.4 0.9 50.3 2.6 A060600300017 83.8 1.0 53.0 2.7 A060600300018 81.0 1.0 55.3 2.8 A060600300019 78.2 1.0 57.1 2.9 A060600300020 75.3 1.1 65.7 3.3 A060600300021 72.3 1.1 66.5 3.4 A060600300022 69.2 1.1 76.5 4.5 A060600300023 66.1 1.2 88.8 5.1 A060600300024 62.7 1.2 87.2 5.1 A060600300025 59.3 1.3 100.7 5.1 A060600300026 55.7 1.3 124.5 6.2 A060600300027 51.9 1.4 137.9 8.0 A060600300028 48.5 0.8 156.2 7.8 A060600300029 45.6 0.9 170.6 8.6 A060600300030 42.6 1.0 201.8 10.1 A060600300031 39.4 1.1 245.5 14.2 A060600300032 36.2 1.1 306.2 17.7 A060600300033 32.5 1.4 328.2 19.3 A060600300034 28.7 1.5 344.6 20.0 A060600300035 24.8 1.5 206.2 12.7 A060600300036 21.3 1.1 173.4 12.3 A060600300037 20.2 1.1 94.7 9.8 A060600300038 16.6 1.2 65.7 3.8 A060600300039 15.3 1.3 42.9 4.7 A060600300040 14.0 1.4 42.8 2.5 A060600300041 12.4 1.5 27.1 3.1 A060600300042 ENDDATA 30 0 A060600300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A060600399999 SUBENT A0606004 20240927 A119A060600400001 BIB 4 8 A060600400002 REACTION (29-CU-0(HE3,X)27-CO-57,CUM,SIG) A060600400003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,271.79D,DG,122.1,0.855, A060600400004 DG,136.5,0.1069) A060600400005 STATUS (TABLE,,S.N.Kondratyev+,J,ARI,48,601,1997) Table 3 A060600400006 HISTORY (20180127A) SD: Zeros were added to right side of A060600400007 values according to presentation in the Table. A060600400008 STATUS was added. A060600400009 (20240927U) SD: STATUS updated. A060600400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A060600400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A060600400012 DATA 4 23 A060600400013 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T A060600400014 MEV MEV MB MB A060600400015 91.6 0.9 123.9 5.8 A060600400016 89.0 0.9 132.6 6.2 A060600400017 86.4 0.9 130.2 6.1 A060600400018 83.8 1.0 127.6 6.0 A060600400019 81.0 1.0 122.3 5.7 A060600400020 78.2 1.0 111.8 5.2 A060600400021 75.3 1.1 105.3 4.9 A060600400022 72.3 1.1 85.9 4.0 A060600400023 69.2 1.1 71.3 3.9 A060600400024 66.1 1.2 55.7 3.0 A060600400025 62.7 1.2 33.5 1.8 A060600400026 59.3 1.3 22.4 1.1 A060600400027 55.7 1.3 16.7 0.8 A060600400028 51.9 1.4 13.1 0.7 A060600400029 48.5 0.8 13.1 0.6 A060600400030 45.6 0.9 13.5 0.6 A060600400031 42.6 1.0 16.8 0.8 A060600400032 39.4 1.1 19.8 1.1 A060600400033 36.2 1.1 20.7 1.1 A060600400034 32.5 1.4 16.7 0.9 A060600400035 28.7 1.5 9.6 0.6 A060600400036 24.8 1.5 2.1 0.3 A060600400037 21.3 1.1 0.47 0.06 A060600400038 ENDDATA 25 0 A060600400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 A060600499999 SUBENT A0606005 20240927 A119A060600500001 BIB 4 8 A060600500002 REACTION (29-CU-0(HE3,X)27-CO-58,,SIG) A060600500003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,70.82D,DG,810.8,0.995) A060600500004 STATUS (TABLE,,S.N.Kondratyev+,J,ARI,48,601,1997) Table 3 A060600500005 HISTORY (20180127A) SD: Zeros were added to right side of A060600500006 values according to presentation in the Table. A060600500007 STATUS was added. SF4=Co-58g -> Co-58, SF5=M+ deleted A060600500008 from REACTION code (IT~100%, T1/2(m.s.)< Co-60, SF5=M+ deleted from REACTION code A060600600012 (IT~100%, T1/2(m.s.)<