ENTRY            A0614   20170206                             A086A061400000001 
SUBENT        A0614001   20170206                             A086A061400100001 
BIB                 13         43                                 A061400100002 
TITLE      Alpha-induced reaction on gold                         A061400100003 
AUTHOR     (N.L.Singh,A.V.Mohan Rao,S.Mukherjee,R.Upadhyay,       A061400100004 
           R.K.Jain,S.K.Bose,L.Chaturvedi,J.Rama Rao)             A061400100005 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,14,931,1988)                                   A061400100006 
INSTITUTE  (3INDBHU)                                              A061400100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,3INDVEC)  Variable Energy Cyclotron Center,     A061400100008 
           Calcutta.                                              A061400100009 
METHOD     (STTA) 2 Stacks were used to degrade the alpha-particleA061400100010 
           energies from 75 to 30 MeV and from 50 to 10 MeV.      A061400100011 
           (GSPEC)                                                A061400100012 
           (ACTIV) Beam currents of the order of 200 nano-amperes A061400100013 
           were used, so that a few hours of well controlled      A061400100014 
           irradiation was necessary.                             A061400100015 
           (EXTB)                                                 A061400100016 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG,,,EVAL)                 A061400100017 
           Above 50MeV.                                           A061400100018 
           (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG,,,EVAL)                 A061400100019 
           Above 50 MeV.                                          A061400100020 
           29-Cu-65(A,2N)31-Ga-67,Ind,Sig,,,Eval) Below 50 MeV.   A061400100021 
DETECTOR   (GELI) Ge(Li) detector (2.0 keV FWHM for 1332 photons  A061400100022 
           of 60Co) with an active volume of 95 cm3. The energy   A061400100023 
           and efficiency calibration of the detector was         A061400100024 
           performed with a 152Eu standard source.                A061400100025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute error for each measured cross  A061400100026 
           section is essentially composed of uncertainties in:   A061400100027 
             * the  photopeak area,                               A061400100028 
             * detection efficiency,                              A061400100029 
             * uniformity of the  foil thickness,                 A061400100030 
             * spectroscopic data and                             A061400100031 
             * the monitor cross section.                         A061400100032 
COMMENT    - By Compiler - Any Information About Cooling Time and A061400100033 
           Decay Curves Measurements is Absent.                   A061400100034 
SAMPLE     Spectroscopically-pure (99.99%) gold foils of weight   A061400100035 
             23 mg/cm**2.                                         A061400100036 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Hibryd Model. Code Alice/85/300.                A061400100037 
HISTORY    (19990604C) By F.C.                                    A061400100038 
           (19990612U) Last checking has been done.               A061400100039 
           (19990621A) DATE is corrected                          A061400100040 
           (20170206U) SD: INSTITUTE and FACILITY codes corrected.A061400100041 
           BIB update. SF4=Na-24g -> Na-24 in MONITOR. Small      A061400100042 
           corrections in all Subents: ERR-T->DATA-ERR; EN-ERR -> A061400100043 
           EN-ERR-DIG. Author's name corrected (A.V.Mochan Rao -> A061400100044 
           A.V.Mohan Rao.                                         A061400100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 A061400100046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 A061400199999 
SUBENT        A0614002   20170206                             A086A061400200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 A061400200002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,N)81-TL-200,,SIG)                         A061400200003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-200,26.1HR,DG,368.,0.88)                        A061400200004 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.1 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 A061400200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400200007 
DATA                 4         12                                 A061400200008 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400200009 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400200010 
       18.8        0.4        9.2         9.                      A061400200011 
       19.4        0.6       28.8         8.                      A061400200012 
       26.3        0.5       19.7         9.                      A061400200013 
       31.8        0.4       10.8         6.                      A061400200014 
       34.6        0.4         8.         8.                      A061400200015 
       38.3        0.4        5.9         8.                      A061400200016 
       44.6        0.6        3.5         9.                      A061400200017 
       50.3        0.4       2.68        11.                      A061400200018 
       56.2        0.5       2.26        10.                      A061400200019 
       61.1        0.5       1.91         9.                      A061400200020 
       65.9        0.7        1.7         9.                      A061400200021 
       70.5        0.4       1.52         9.                      A061400200022 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 A061400200023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 A061400299999 
SUBENT        A0614003   20170206                             A086A061400300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 A061400300002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,2N)81-TL-199,,SIG)                        A061400300003 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-199,7.42HR,DG,455.,0.12)                        A061400300004 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.1 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 A061400300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400300007 
DATA                 4         10                                 A061400300008 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400300009 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400300010 
       26.4        0.4       540.        11.                      A061400300011 
       32.7        0.4       307.         8.                      A061400300012 
       37.9        0.4       107.        12.                      A061400300013 
       42.6        0.5        69.        10.                      A061400300014 
       48.1        0.5        46.        11.                      A061400300015 
       51.1        0.4        42.        10.                      A061400300016 
       56.1        0.5        29.        10.                      A061400300017 
       61.8        0.4       24.2        10.                      A061400300018 
       66.1        0.4       20.4        10.                      A061400300019 
        71.        0.4        19.        10.                      A061400300020 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 A061400300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 A061400399999 
SUBENT        A0614004   20170206                             A086A061400400001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A061400400002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,3N)81-TL-198-G,M+,SIG)                    A061400400003 
           Tl-198 has isomer state with T1/2=1.87 hr. Branching ofA061400400004 
           isomer transition is 46% [comment by compiler].        A061400400005 
DECAY-DATA (81-TL-198-G,5.3HR,DG,676.,0.10)                       A061400400006 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.1 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A061400400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400400009 
DATA                 4          9                                 A061400400010 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400400011 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400400012 
       30.8        0.4       330.         8.                      A061400400013 
       36.2        0.4      1140.        10.                      A061400400014 
       41.4        0.5       920.        11.                      A061400400015 
       47.6        0.8       430.         9.                      A061400400016 
       49.2        0.5       252.        10.                      A061400400017 
       54.6        0.6       171.        11.                      A061400400018 
       60.1        0.7       111.        12.                      A061400400019 
       65.8        0.5        88.         9.                      A061400400020 
       69.7        0.6        76.        11.                      A061400400021 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 A061400400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 A061400499999 
SUBENT        A0614005   20170206                             A086A061400500001 
BIB                  4         10                                 A061400500002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,X)79-AU-198-G,(M),SIG) Shielded.          A061400500003 
           Au-198 has isomer with T1/2= 2.30 d.  The authors      A061400500004 
           measured gamma rays intensity of Au-198-G only.  Any   A061400500005 
           information for cooling time and decay curve           A061400500006 
           measurement is absent.  If only one measurement        A061400500007 
           activity was made, then the influence of cross  sectionA061400500008 
           of isomer state production is very high.               A061400500009 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-198-G,2.69D,DG,412.,0.955)                      A061400500010 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.2 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400500011 
HISTORY    (20170206A) SD: SF3=N+2P -> X in REACTION code.        A061400500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 A061400500013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400500014 
DATA                 4          7                                 A061400500015 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400500016 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400500017 
       38.4        0.5       1.26        10.                      A061400500018 
       44.2        0.4       1.95        10.                      A061400500019 
       49.8        0.3        3.4         9.                      A061400500020 
       55.4        0.4        5.9         8.                      A061400500021 
       59.8        0.5        9.4        10.                      A061400500022 
        65.        0.4       11.7         9.                      A061400500023 
       69.6        0.3        14.         9.                      A061400500024 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 A061400500025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 A061400599999 
SUBENT        A0614006   20170206                             A086A061400600001 
BIB                  4          5                                 A061400600002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,X)79-AU-196-G,M+,SIG) Shielded.           A061400600003 
           Au-196 has two isomer states (T1/2=9.7 hr and 8.2 s).  A061400600004 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.15D,DG,356.,0.87)                       A061400600005 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.2 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400600006 
HISTORY    (20170206A) SD: SF3=N+A -> X in REACTION code.         A061400600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A061400600008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400600009 
DATA                 4         10                                 A061400600010 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400600011 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400600012 
       31.6        0.4        3.9        10.                      A061400600013 
        34.        0.3        6.9         9.                      A061400600014 
       37.3        0.3       12.1         9.                      A061400600015 
       42.2        0.3       21.5         9.                      A061400600016 
       47.1        0.3        37.        11.                      A061400600017 
        50.        0.5        47.        11.                      A061400600018 
       55.4        0.3        60.         8.                      A061400600019 
        60.        0.5        73.         8.                      A061400600020 
       64.7        0.3        84.         8.                      A061400600021 
       69.9        0.3       100.         8.                      A061400600022 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 A061400600023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 A061400699999 
SUBENT        A0614007   20170206                             A086A061400700001 
BIB                  4          7                                 A061400700002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(A,X)79-AU-194,,SIG)                         A061400700003 
           Au-194 is daughter of Hg-194 (T1/2=367 Y). Therefore   A061400700004 
           Au-194 production due to radioactive decay of Hg-194   A061400700005 
           is negligible. [Comment by compiler].                  A061400700006 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-194-G,39.5HR,DG,328.,0.61)                      A061400700007 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD. Fig.2 from JP/G,14,931,1988          A061400700008 
HISTORY    (20170206A) SD: SF3=3N+A -> X in REACTION code.        A061400700009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A061400700010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A061400700011 
DATA                 4          5                                 A061400700012 
EN         EN-ERR-DIG DATA       DATA-ERR                         A061400700013 
MEV        MEV        MB         PER-CENT                         A061400700014 
       50.2        0.3        3.3        12.                      A061400700015 
       55.6        0.3        9.1        11.                      A061400700016 
       60.5        0.3       18.5         5.                      A061400700017 
       65.2        0.4       21.7        10.                      A061400700018 
       69.9        0.3       24.2        10.                      A061400700019 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 A061400700020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 A061400799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 A061499999999