ENTRY A0626 20231230 A106A062600000001 SUBENT A0626001 20231230 A106A062600100001 BIB 11 54 A062600100002 TITLE Cross section measurements of the H-1(HE3,P)He-3 A062600100003 reactions at 20 and 30 degrees between 1.6 and 2.8 MeV.A062600100004 AUTHOR (G.Terwagne, G.G.Ross, L.Leblanc) A062600100005 REFERENCE (J,JAP,79,8886,1996) A062600100006 INSTITUTE (2BLGNAM) A062600100007 (1CANCAN) University of Quebec, Varennes A062600100008 FACILITY (VDGT,2BLGNAM) The 2.5 MV Van de Graff accelerator A062600100009 SAMPLE Two silicon samples cut out of a silicon wafer with A062600100010 orientation (100) were used as substrates. A thin A062600100011 film of alpha-Si-C:H was deposited simultaneously onto A062600100012 these two substrates by means of plasma enhanced A062600100013 chemical vapor deposition. The standards were A062600100014 transferred in air to the analysis chamber, in which A062600100015 the typical pressure was 2E-8 mbar during the analysis.A062600100016 The composition of the Si-C:H film was measured by A062600100017 means of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy on the A062600100018 Si-C:H film. The measured ratio was Si/C =0.50. A062600100019 The stability of hydrogen contents during the A062600100020 bombardment with high energy He-3 beam was verified. A062600100021 Prior to the cross section measurement of the A062600100022 H-1(He3,p)2-He-3 reaction, a very thin layer of gold A062600100023 2.86*10E+15 atoms/cm**2 was evaporated on the A062600100024 standard in order to normalize the results. A062600100025 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Three detectors were placed in the analyzing A062600100026 chamber pumped down with a turbomolecular pump and the A062600100027 residual pressure was lower than 5*10E-7 mbar. A062600100028 The first detector was placed at 100 mm from the beam A062600100029 impact at 20 or 30 degrees relative to the incident A062600100030 beam. A062600100031 The second surface barrier detector was placed 70 mm A062600100032 from the beam impact at 90 degree relative to the A062600100033 incident beam. A062600100034 The third detector placed at the backscattering angle A062600100035 of 140 degree, was used to measured the integrated beamA062600100036 charge with the signal due to the evaporated layer A062600100037 of gold on the standard. A062600100038 METHOD (BCINT) A062600100039 STATUS (TABLE,,G.Terwagne,W,TERWANGE,19990113) A062600100040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The absolute error on the cross sections A062600100041 H-1(He3,p)He3 measured relative to gold is due to threeA062600100042 different factors. The overall error has been estimatedA062600100043 to be less than 8%. A062600100044 (ERR-S) Statistical errors on the determination of the A062600100045 area under the peak due to the nuclear reaction and theA062600100046 area under gold information. A062600100047 (ERR-2) Systematical errors on the measurements of the A062600100048 solid angles. A062600100049 (ERR-3) Experimental errors due to the measurement of A062600100050 the number of hydrogen atoms and the number of gold A062600100051 atoms. A062600100052 HISTORY (19990113C) A062600100053 (20040326A) Misprint in DATA-section is corrected A062600100054 (20040326U) Last checking has been done. A062600100055 (20231230A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. A062600100056 ENDBIB 54 0 A062600100057 COMMON 3 3 A062600100058 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-3 A062600100059 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A062600100060 3. 2. 4. A062600100061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A062600100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 A062600199999 SUBENT A0626002 20231230 A106A062600200001 BIB 2 2 A062600200002 REACTION (1-H-1(HE3,EL)1-H-1,,DA,P) A062600200003 HISTORY (20231230A) SD: SF7=P added to REACTION code. A062600200004 ENDBIB 2 0 A062600200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 A062600200006 DATA 4 27 A062600200007 EN ANG DATA ERR-T A062600200008 KEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A062600200009 1900. 30. 517.8 41.42 A062600200010 2000. 20. 472.95 37.84 A062600200011 2000. 30. 476.21 38.1 A062600200012 2100. 20. 482.36 38.59 A062600200013 2100. 30. 448.68 35.89 A062600200014 2200. 20. 442.09 35.37 A062600200015 2200. 30. 452.18 36.17 A062600200016 2250. 30. 497.18 39.77 A062600200017 2300. 20. 519.29 41.54 A062600200018 2300. 30. 500.78 43.6 A062600200019 2350. 20. 451.29 36.1 A062600200020 2400. 20. 505.17 40.41 A062600200021 2400. 20. 508.79 40.7 A062600200022 2400. 30. 484.59 38.77 A062600200023 2400. 30. 501.39 40.11 A062600200024 2500. 20. 456.72 36.54 A062600200025 2500. 30. 460.87 36.87 A062600200026 2600. 20. 491.53 39.32 A062600200027 2600. 30. 469.98 37.6 A062600200028 2700. 20. 529.19 42.33 A062600200029 2700. 30. 406.75 32.54 A062600200030 2800. 20. 546.15 43.69 A062600200031 2800. 30. 492.12 39.37 A062600200032 2900. 20. 578.51 46.28 A062600200033 2900. 30. 529.18 42.33 A062600200034 3000. 20. 646.14 51.69 A062600200035 3000. 30. 551.96 44.16 A062600200036 ENDDATA 29 0 A062600200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 A062600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 A062699999999