ENTRY            A0672   20040301                             0000A067200000001 
SUBENT        A0672001   20040301                             0000A067200100001 
BIB                 12         41                                 A067200100002 
TITLE      Production cross-sections and momentum distributions ofA067200100003 
           fragments from neutron-deficient 36-Ar at 1.05 A.GeV   A067200100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Caamano, D.Cortina-Gil, K.Suemmerer, J.Benlliure,   A067200100005 
           E.Casarejos, H.Geissel, G.Muenzenberg, J.Pereira)      A067200100006 
INSTITUTE  (2SPNSAU) Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.       A067200100007 
           (2GERGSI)                                              A067200100008 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,733,187,2004)                                  A067200100009 
           All data were taken from:                              A067200100010 
           http://arxiv.Org/nucl-ex/0310033                       A067200100011 
REL-REF    (N,,H.GEISSEL+,J,NIM/B,70,286,1992) SYS/FRS Facility.  A067200100012 
           (N,,B.JURADO+,J,NIM/A,483,603,2002)                   AA067200100013 
           secondary-electron transmission monitor                A067200100014 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,2GERGSI) SIS/FRS Facility                       A067200100015 
METHOD     (EXTB) A 36-Ar beam with 1050 A MeV in spills of 8     A067200100016 
           second duration with a repetition rate of 1/16         A067200100017 
           1/second.  Typical beam intensities varied between     A067200100018 
           1.E+08 and 1.E+09 ions per spill, depending on the     A067200100019 
           cross section to be measured.                          A067200100020 
           (BCINT) The primary-beam intensities were measured withA067200100021 
           a secondary-electron transmission monitor.             A067200100022 
           (SITA) A thick (1625 mg/cm2) 9be target located at the A067200100023 
           entrance of the FRS.                                   A067200100024 
           (TOF)                                                  A067200100025 
DETECTOR   (SPEC) Fragments were identified with respect to their A067200100026 
           nuclear  charge, Z, and their mass-over-charge ratio,  A067200100027 
            A/Z, by a combination of energy-deposition, magnetic  A067200100028 
           rigidity and time-of-flight measurements.              A067200100029 
HISTORY    (20040228C)                                            A067200100030 
           (20040301U) Last checking has been done.               A067200100031 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total combined errors involved in the crossA067200100032 
           section determination are partly constant (2% each for A067200100033 
           the angular acceptance determination and beam intensityA067200100034 
           determination) and partly vary appreciably from isotopeA067200100035 
           to isotope.  The main contribution comes from the      A067200100036 
           errors of the Gaussian fit to the reconstructed        A067200100037 
           momentum distributions.                                A067200100038 
COMMENT    - By authors.  The production cross-sections show      A067200100039 
           excellent agreement with the predictions of the        A067200100040 
           semiempirical formula EPAX.                            A067200100041 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The longitudinal momentum distributions are     A067200100042 
           compared with the Goldhaber and Morrissey systematics. A067200100043 
ENDBIB              41          0                                 A067200100044 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A067200100045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 A067200199999 
SUBENT        A0672002   20040301                             0000A067200200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 A067200200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(18-AR-36,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                     A067200200003 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Longitudinal momentum widths in the projectile  A067200200004 
           system of neutron-deficient fragments                  A067200200005 
           (MISC-ERR) No any analysis is presented.               A067200200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 A067200200007 
COMMON               1          3                                 A067200200008 
EN                                                                A067200200009 
GEV                                                               A067200200010 
       37.8                                                       A067200200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A067200200012 
DATA                 6         38                                 A067200200013 
ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       ERR-T      MISC       MISC-ERR   A067200200014 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         MEV/C      MEV/C      A067200200015 
         7.        12.      0.297      0.009       296.         2.A067200200016 
         7.        13.       3.72       1.19       322.         3.A067200200017 
         8.        13.      0.042      0.002       281.        10.A067200200018 
         8.        14.      0.412      0.013       299.         1.A067200200019 
         8.        15.       9.82       0.29       289.         4.A067200200020 
         8.        16.       37.6        6.4       297.        16.A067200200021 
         9.        17.       2.99       0.09       315.         4.A067200200022 
         9.        18.       7.58       1.35       312.         3.A067200200023 
        10.        17.      0.023      0.001       288.        18.A067200200024 
        10.        18.      0.567      0.017       312.         3.A067200200025 
        10.        19.       3.12       0.09       286.         6.A067200200026 
        10.        20.        18.         4.       265.         4.A067200200027 
        11.        20.      0.524      0.015       323.         4.A067200200028 
        11.        21.       2.63       0.38       302.         8.A067200200029 
        11.        22.       14.7        4.6       287.         8.A067200200030 
        12.        20.     0.0016     0.0003       273.        16.A067200200031 
        12.        21.      0.028      0.005       290.         1.A067200200032 
        12.        22.      0.519      0.021       305.         4.A067200200033 
        12.        23.       5.13       0.15       329.        10.A067200200034 
        13.        22.     0.0023     0.0003       269.         6.A067200200035 
        13.        23.      0.021      0.003       306.         8.A067200200036 
        13.        24.      0.334      0.013       293.         5.A067200200037 
        13.        25.       3.48       0.52       277.         4.A067200200038 
        14.        24.      0.002      0.001       286.         2.A067200200039 
        14.        25.      0.034      0.001       270.         3.A067200200040 
        14.        26.      0.352      0.011       253.         2.A067200200041 
        14.        27.       6.13       1.04       227.         4.A067200200042 
        15.        27.     0.0074     0.0014       267.         3.A067200200043 
        15.        28.      0.233      0.009       236.         3.A067200200044 
        15.        29.       2.78       0.17       216.         2.A067200200045 
        16.        29.      0.032      0.001       233.         2.A067200200046 
        16.        30.      0.273      0.011       205.         2.A067200200047 
        16.        31.       4.17       0.39       165.         2.A067200200048 
        17.        31.      0.012      0.003       197.         7.A067200200049 
        17.        32.      0.436      0.132       182.         3.A067200200050 
        17.        33.       6.59       1.87       182.         4.A067200200051 
        18.        33.      0.034      0.001       193.         2.A067200200052 
        18.        34.      0.573      0.019       124.         3.A067200200053 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 A067200200054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 A067200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 A067299999999