ENTRY            A0682   20170211                             A087A068200000001 
SUBENT        A0682001   20170211                             A087A068200100001 
BIB                 14         45                                 A068200100002 
TITLE      Incomplete fusion reactions in 12-C + 103-Rh at        A068200100003 
            4-7 MeV/nucleon                                       A068200100004 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,59,2923,1999)                                  A068200100005 
REL-REF    (R,,U.Reus+,J,AND,29,1,1983) Decay data                A068200100006 
AUTHOR     (B.Bindu Kumar, Anil Sharma, S.Mukherjee,              A068200100007 
           S.Chakrabarty, P.K.Pujari, B.S.Tomar, A.Goswami,       A068200100008 
           S.B.Manohar, S.K.Datta)                                A068200100009 
INSTITUTE  (3INDVUU) School of Studies in Physics.                A068200100010 
           (3INDTRM) Radiochemistry division.                     A068200100011 
           (3INDNSD) Nuclear Science Centre.                      A068200100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM)  The experiments at 76-84 MeV           A068200100013 
           (VDGT,3INDNSD) The experiments at  50-71 MeV           A068200100014 
SAMPLE      In NSD experiment stacks of three self-supporting     A068200100015 
           ~600 mug/cm2 rhodium metal foils  interspersed  with   A068200100016 
           2-mg/cm2-thick Al foils were used.                     A068200100017 
            In TRM targets of metallic rhodium of thickness       A068200100018 
           around 100 mu-gm/cm2 with 100 mu-gm/cm2 Al backing     A068200100019 
           were used. The catchers used were evaporated aluminum  A068200100020 
           foils, typically 100 mugm/cm2 thick.                   A068200100021 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) precalibrated 60cc HPGe detector coupled        A068200100022 
                  to a 4 K MCA.                                   A068200100023 
ANALYSIS   (DECAY,AREA)                                           A068200100024 
METHOD     (EXTB) 12-C beam.                                      A068200100025 
           (ACTIV) An irradiation time of about 1-2 hours was     A068200100026 
           selected according to the half lives of the            A068200100027 
           radioisotopes produced. The total charge collected for A068200100028 
           each irradiation was about 400-600 microCoulombs.      A068200100029 
           (BCINT)                                                A068200100030 
           (STTA)                                                 A068200100031 
           (GSPEC)                                                A068200100032 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from authors.               A068200100033 
ADD-RES    (COMP) PACE2 code.                                     A068200100034 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The errors on the cross section arises mostly  A068200100035 
           from:                                                  A068200100036 
           (ERR-S,1.,4.) Uncertainty in counting statistics (1-4%)A068200100037 
           (ERR-1,5.,6.) Uncertainty in target thickness (5 - 8%),A068200100038 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in detection efficiency (4%),      A068200100039 
           (ERR-3,,5.) Uncertainty in beam fluence (<5%),         A068200100040 
           (ERR-4,5.,10.) Uncertainty in gamma-ray intensity      A068200100041 
                                                   values (5-10%).A068200100042 
HISTORY    (20040705C)                                            A068200100043 
           (20040713R) Data tables were received from S.Mukherjee A068200100044 
           (20050120A) Reaction line is corrected in A0682008     A068200100045 
           (20050120U) Last checking has been done.               A068200100046 
           (20170211U) SD: Institute code corrected. BIB update.  A068200100047 
ENDBIB              45          0                                 A068200100048 
COMMON               1          3                                 A068200100049 
ERR-2                                                             A068200100050 
PER-CENT                                                          A068200100051 
  4.                                                              A068200100052 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A068200100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 A068200199999 
SUBENT        A0682002   20050120                             0000A068200200001 
BIB                  2          5                                 A068200200002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)50-SN-111,CUM,SIG)                 A068200200003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The excitation functions for the 111Sn   A068200200004 
           agree well with the PACE code calculations.  It is     A068200200005 
           quite obvious as the Sn products originate from        A068200200006 
           the Complete Fusion process.                           A068200200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A068200200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200200009 
DATA                 3          8                                 A068200200010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200200011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200200012 
       83.8     111.03       15.9                                 A068200200013 
       79.8       271.      39.02                                 A068200200014 
       76.4       308.      44.35                                 A068200200015 
       71.8      550.1       79.2                                 A068200200016 
       67.7      591.6      85.19                                 A068200200017 
       63.4      362.7      52.22                                 A068200200018 
       59.5     198.03      28.53                                 A068200200019 
       54.8     146.07        21.                                 A068200200020 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A068200200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 A068200299999 
SUBENT        A0682003   20050120                             0000A068200300001 
BIB                  2          5                                 A068200300002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)50-SN-110,CUM,SIG)                 A068200300003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The excitation functions for the 110-Sn  A068200300004 
           agree well with the PACE code calculations.  It is     A068200300005 
           quite obvious as the Sn products originate from        A068200300006 
           the Complete Fusion process.                           A068200300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A068200300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200300009 
DATA                 3          8                                 A068200300010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200300011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200300012 
       83.8       368.       55.2                                 A068200300013 
       79.8       306.       45.9                                 A068200300014 
       76.4       232.       34.8                                 A068200300015 
       71.8      212.7       31.9                                 A068200300016 
       67.7       91.5      13.72                                 A068200300017 
       63.4      20.19       3.02                                 A068200300018 
       59.5       3.45      0.517                                 A068200300019 
       54.8       0.27       0.04                                 A068200300020 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A068200300021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 A068200399999 
SUBENT        A0682004   20050120                             0000A068200400001 
BIB                  2          5                                 A068200400002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)49-IN-111-G,IND/M+,SIG)            A068200400003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The excitation functions for the 111-In  A068200400004 
           agree well with the PACE code calculations.  It is     A068200400005 
           quite obvious as the In products originate from        A068200400006 
           the Complete Fusion process.                           A068200400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A068200400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200400009 
DATA                 3          9                                 A068200400010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200400011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200400012 
       83.8       292.      35.04                                 A068200400013 
       79.8       428.      51.36                                 A068200400014 
       76.4      544.3       65.3                                 A068200400015 
       71.8      994.1       119.                                 A068200400016 
       67.7      960.7       115.                                 A068200400017 
       63.4      637.2       76.4                                 A068200400018 
       59.5      378.4       45.4                                 A068200400019 
       54.8      260.7       31.2                                 A068200400020 
       50.4      30.35       3.64                                 A068200400021 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 A068200400022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 A068200499999 
SUBENT        A0682005   20050120                             0000A068200500001 
BIB                  2          9                                 A068200500002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)49-IN-110,(CUM),SIG)               A068200500003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The excitation functions for the         A068200500004 
            110-In agree well with the pace code calculations. It A068200500005 
           is quite obvious as the product originate from         A068200500006 
           the Complete Fusion process.                           A068200500007 
           -By compiler. Original text does not permit to         A068200500008 
           understand what isomer (may be both) production cross  A068200500009 
           section has been measured. 110-in has two isomers:     A068200500010 
           69 minutes and 4.9 hours.                              A068200500011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 A068200500012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200500013 
DATA                 3          9                                 A068200500014 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200500015 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200500016 
       83.8       67.9       8.14                                 A068200500017 
       79.8       50.4       6.04                                 A068200500018 
       76.4       35.6       4.27                                 A068200500019 
       71.8      28.82        3.4                                 A068200500020 
       67.7      10.78        1.2                                 A068200500021 
       63.4       5.29       0.63                                 A068200500022 
       59.5       5.03        0.6                                 A068200500023 
       54.8      14.05        1.6                                 A068200500024 
       50.4      13.07        1.5                                 A068200500025 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 A068200500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 A068200599999 
SUBENT        A0682006   20050120                             0000A068200600001 
BIB                  2         11                                 A068200600002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)49-IN-109,CUM,SIG)                 A068200600003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The cross sections of the products 111-InA068200600004 
           and 110-In agree with the theoretical predictions whileA068200600005 
           those of 109-In show an enhancement.  It can be        A068200600006 
           inferred that the products 110,111-In are formed from  A068200600007 
           the Complete Fusion  process while 109-In have         A068200600008 
           contributions from the Incomplete Fusion involving the A068200600009 
           breakup of 12-C into alpha+8Be and the subsequent      A068200600010 
           fusion of 8Be with target forming 111In*.  This        A068200600011 
           incompletely fused composite nucleus emits further     A068200600012 
           neutrons forming 109-In.                               A068200600013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 A068200600014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200600015 
DATA                 3          9                                 A068200600016 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200600017 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200600018 
       83.8       92.5      12.02                                 A068200600019 
       79.8       59.5      7.735                                 A068200600020 
       76.4       59.8      7.774                                 A068200600021 
       71.8      126.2       16.4                                 A068200600022 
       67.7      173.1       22.5                                 A068200600023 
       63.4      185.6       24.1                                 A068200600024 
       59.5       145.       18.8                                 A068200600025 
       54.8      219.6       28.5                                 A068200600026 
       50.4      87.84       11.4                                 A068200600027 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 A068200600028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 A068200699999 
SUBENT        A0682007   20050120                             0000A068200700001 
BIB                  2         15                                 A068200700002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)49-IN-108,CUM,SIG)                 A068200700003 
COMMENT    -By authors.  The cross sections of the products 111-InA068200700004 
           and 110-In agree with the theoretical predictions whileA068200700005 
           those of 108-In show an enhancement.  It can be        A068200700006 
           inferred that the products 110,111-In are formed from  A068200700007 
           the Complete Fusion  process while 108-In have         A068200700008 
           contributions from the Incomplete Fusion involving the A068200700009 
           breakup of 12-C into alpha+8Be and the subsequent      A068200700010 
           fusion of 8Be with target forming 111In*.  This        A068200700011 
           incompletely fused composite nucleus emits further     A068200700012 
           neutrons forming 108-In.                               A068200700013 
           -By compiler. Original text does not permit to         A068200700014 
           understand what isomer (may be both) production cross  A068200700015 
           section has been measured. 108-in has two isomers:     A068200700016 
           58 and 39 minutes.                                     A068200700017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 A068200700018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200700019 
DATA                 3          8                                 A068200700020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200700021 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200700022 
       83.8      122.3       15.8                                 A068200700023 
       79.8      146.6       19.1                                 A068200700024 
       76.4      140.2       18.2                                 A068200700025 
       71.8     205.68        26.                                 A068200700026 
       67.7       156.        20.                                 A068200700027 
       63.4      79.19       10.2                                 A068200700028 
       59.5       29.8       3.87                                 A068200700029 
       54.8       9.21       1.19                                 A068200700030 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A068200700031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 A068200799999 
SUBENT        A0682008   20050120                             0000A068200800001 
BIB                  2         10                                 A068200800002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)47-AG-106-M,,SIG)                  A068200800003 
COMMENT    -By authors. PACE 2 predictions underestimate the crossA068200800004 
           section for products 106-Ag while it agrees for 104-Ag.A068200800005 
           It may be due to the Incomplete Fusion reaction        A068200800006 
           involving breaking of 12-C into alpha+8Be and the      A068200800007 
           fusion of alpha with the target.                       A068200800008 
           -By compiler. Original text does not permit to         A068200800009 
           understand what isomer (may be both) production cross  A068200800010 
           section has been measured. 106-Ag has two isomers:     A068200800011 
           6.3 days and 24 minutes.                               A068200800012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 A068200800013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200800014 
DATA                 3          8                                 A068200800015 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200800016 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200800017 
       83.8       16.7       2.29                                 A068200800018 
       79.8       20.5       2.99                                 A068200800019 
       76.4       28.7       4.16                                 A068200800020 
       71.8       46.2       6.75                                 A068200800021 
       67.7       40.6       5.89                                 A068200800022 
       63.4       31.5       4.59                                 A068200800023 
       59.5       22.3       3.26                                 A068200800024 
       54.8       16.4       2.39                                 A068200800025 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 A068200800026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 A068200899999 
SUBENT        A0682009   20050120                             0000A068200900001 
BIB                  2          6                                 A068200900002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)47-AG-105,CUM,SIG)                 A068200900003 
COMMENT    -By authors. PACE 2 predictions underestimate the crossA068200900004 
           section for products 105-Ag while it agrees for 104-Ag.A068200900005 
           It may be due to the Incomplete Fusion reaction        A068200900006 
           involving breaking of 12-C into alpha+8Be and the      A068200900007 
           fusion of alpha with the target.                       A068200900008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A068200900009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068200900010 
DATA                 3          6                                 A068200900011 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068200900012 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068200900013 
       83.8       47.2       6.84                                 A068200900014 
       79.8       54.1       7.84                                 A068200900015 
       76.4       51.2       7.42                                 A068200900016 
       71.8       71.3       10.3                                 A068200900017 
       67.7       39.7       5.76                                 A068200900018 
       63.4       16.8       2.45                                 A068200900019 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 A068200900020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 A068200999999 
SUBENT        A0682010   20050120                             0000A068201000001 
BIB                  2         10                                 A068201000002 
REACTION   (45-RH-103(6-C-12,X)47-AG-104,(CUM),SIG)               A068201000003 
COMMENT    -By authors. PACE 2 predictions underestimate the crossA068201000004 
           section for products 106-Ag while it agrees for 104-Ag.A068201000005 
           It may be due to the Incomplete Fusion reaction        A068201000006 
           involving breaking of 12-C into alpha+8Be and the      A068201000007 
           fusion of alpha with the target.                       A068201000008 
           -By compiler. Original text does not permit to         A068201000009 
           understand what isomer (may be both) production cross  A068201000010 
           section has been measured. 104-Ag has two isomers:     A068201000011 
           33 and 69 minutes.                                     A068201000012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 A068201000013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A068201000014 
DATA                 3          4                                 A068201000015 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       A068201000016 
MEV        MB         MB                                          A068201000017 
       83.8       16.1       2.35                                 A068201000018 
       79.8       8.63       1.27                                 A068201000019 
       76.4       4.31       0.64                                 A068201000020 
       71.8       1.87       0.28                                 A068201000021 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 A068201000022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 A068201099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 A068299999999