ENTRY A0690 20231228 A106A069000000001 SUBENT A0690001 20231228 A106A069000100001 BIB 12 46 A069000100002 TITLE Alpha-particle production in the reaction 6Li + 28Si atA069000100003 near-barrier energies A069000100004 AUTHOR (A.Pakou, N.Alamanos, A.Gillibert, M.Kokkoris, A069000100005 S.Kossionides, A.Lagoyannis, N.G.Nicolis, A069000100006 C.Papachristodoulou, D.Patiris, D.Pierroutsakou, A069000100007 E.C.Pollacco, K.Rusek) A069000100008 INSTITUTE (2GRCIOA,2FR SAC,2GRCATH,2ITYNAP,3POLIPJ) A069000100009 REFERENCE (J,PRL,90,202701,2003) A069000100010 REL-REF (M,A0686002,A.Pakou+,J,PL/B,556,21,2003) Elastic A069000100011 scattering of 6Li+28Si at near-barrier energies. A069000100012 Details of measurement method A069000100013 FACILITY (VDGT,2GRCATH) A069000100014 SAMPLE A 180-ug/cm2-thick, self-supported natural silicon A069000100015 target, tilted by +/- 40 degree (depending on the A069000100016 detector position). A liquid-nitrogen cold trap close A069000100017 to the target holder reduced the target contamination A069000100018 on carbon to minimum. A069000100019 MONITOR (14-SI-28(3-LI-6,EL)14-SI-28,,DA) The scattering at A069000100020 +/- 15 degree, concerning the present bombarding A069000100021 energies, can be considered as being pure Rutherford. A069000100022 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) The dE silicon detector was 10 um A069000100023 thick, while the E detector was 300 um thick A069000100024 measuring the forward-angle scattering. The alpha A069000100025 group was well discriminated in the forward detectors A069000100026 with the dE-E technique. A069000100027 (SIBAR) A thin, 20- or 25- um - thick silicon A069000100028 detector measuring the backward scattering. The A069000100029 choice of the thickness of the backward detector was A069000100030 such as to allow light particles, like alphas from A069000100031 breakup transfer and other contaminant reactions A069000100032 (6Li+12C), to go through while Li particles stop in A069000100033 the detector. A069000100034 (SILI) two monitor Si(Li) detectors, 300 um thick, at A069000100035 15.degr., fixed on a top table concentric to the A069000100036 bottom rotating one and measuring the elastic A069000100037 scattering of lithium. A069000100038 METHOD (EXTB) 6Li+ beam. Beam currents were of the order of A069000100039 30 nA. A069000100040 (EDE) The alpha group was well discriminated in the A069000100041 forward detectors with the DE-E technique. A069000100042 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Pakou,W,PAKOU,20040708) A069000100043 (APRVD) Entry approved by A.Pakou A069000100044 HISTORY (20040709C) A069000100045 (20040708R) Data tables were received from A.Pakou A069000100046 (20040716U) Last checking has been done. A069000100047 (20231228U) SD: FACILITY added; BIB updated. A069000100048 ENDBIB 46 0 A069000100049 COMMON 1 3 A069000100050 ANG-RSL A069000100051 ADEG A069000100052 2. A069000100053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A069000100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A069000199999 SUBENT A0690002 20040716 0000A069000200001 BIB 3 3 A069000200002 REACTION (14-SI-28(3-LI-6,X)2-HE-4,,DA) A069000200003 PART-DET (A) A069000200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty only. A069000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 A069000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A069000200007 DATA 4 32 A069000200008 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A069000200009 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A069000200010 7.5 31.7 8.307 0.6 A069000200011 7.5 37.5 8.4 0.44 A069000200012 7.5 40.905 9.101 0.659 A069000200013 7.5 43.5 8. 0.5 A069000200014 7.5 47. 16. 0.9 A069000200015 7.5 49.5 17.8 1.1 A069000200016 7.5 52. 18.2 1. A069000200017 7.5 60.619 14.446 1.054 A069000200018 7.5 67. 9.8 1. A069000200019 9. 29.017 23.385 0.705 A069000200020 9. 33.793 22.857 0.584 A069000200021 9. 37.358 23.123 0.577 A069000200022 9. 40.905 22.959 0.658 A069000200023 9. 44.434 22.557 0.689 A069000200024 9. 46.776 23.881 0.635 A069000200025 9. 50.272 38.041 1.085 A069000200026 9. 53.745 38.258 0.965 A069000200027 9. 57.194 33.508 1.252 A069000200028 9. 60.619 33.037 0.881 A069000200029 9. 64.017 25.554 0.972 A069000200030 11. 36.171 56.988 0.543 A069000200031 11. 42.084 58.94 0.648 A069000200032 11. 47.944 79.5 0.7 A069000200033 11. 53.2 84.3 1.2 A069000200034 11. 59.48 88.452 1.2 A069000200035 11. 65.144 87.091 0.995 A069000200036 11. 70.731 81.062 0.848 A069000200037 13. 30.213 97.854 0.791 A069000200038 13. 39.171 119. 2. A069000200039 13. 47.944 113. 1.179 A069000200040 13. 59.48 99.282 2.11 A069000200041 13. 70.731 75.837 0.956 A069000200042 ENDDATA 34 0 A069000200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 A069000299999 SUBENT A0690003 20040716 0000A069000300001 BIB 5 10 A069000300002 REACTION (14-SI-28(3-LI-6,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) A069000300003 ANALYSIS (INTAD) The alpha production cross sections deduced by A069000300004 integration of gaussian distribution. A069000300005 COMMENT -By authors. Angular distributions of alpha particlesA069000300006 exhibiting a bell shape. Parameters (centroids and A069000300007 widths) obtained as best fits to this bell shaped part A069000300008 assuming a Gaussian distribution. A069000300009 MISC-COL (MISC1) The centroid of Gaussian distribution. A069000300010 (MISC2) The width of Gaussian distribution. A069000300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty of fitting procedure. A069000300012 ENDBIB 10 0 A069000300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 A069000300014 DATA 5 4 A069000300015 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 A069000300016 MEV MB MB ADEG ADEG A069000300017 7.5 20. 14. 53.9 13.3 A069000300018 9. 86. 13. 54.8 19. A069000300019 11. 424. 52. 60. 34. A069000300020 13. 533. 76. 47.6 44.9 A069000300021 ENDDATA 6 0 A069000300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A069000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A069099999999