ENTRY            A0694   20050120                             0000A069400000001 
SUBENT        A0694001   20050120                             0000A069400100001 
BIB                 14         28                                 A069400100002 
TITLE      Excitation functions for 24-Mg(16-O,16-O')24-Mg* (0 <= A069400100003 
            Ex <= 8.4 MeV) scattering at forward angles           A069400100004 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/G,12,383,1986)                                   A069400100005 
AUTHOR     (J.Nurzynski, D.F.Hebbard, T.R.Ophel, Y.Kondo,         A069400100006 
           B.A.Robson, R.Smith)                                   A069400100007 
INSTITUTE  (3AULCBR) Department of nuclear physics, department of A069400100008 
           theoretical physics, research school of physical       A069400100009 
           sciences.                                              A069400100010 
REL-REF    (N,,J.NURZYNSKI+,J,NP/A,363,253,1981)                  A069400100011 
           (N,,J.NURZYNSKI+,J,NP/A,399,259,1983)                  A069400100012 
           Details of the experimental arrangement                A069400100013 
SAMPLE     A thin (~5mug/cm2) 24-mg (enriched to 99.92%) target   A069400100014 
PART-DET   (8-O-16)                                               A069400100015 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) Scattered particles were detected using a      A069400100016 
           multi-element detector in the focal plane in a         A069400100017 
           split-pole Enge spectrometer.                          A069400100018 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3AULCBR)  14UD pelletron accelerator.            A069400100019 
METHOD     (BCINT) A beam current integrator and a solid-state    A069400100020 
           detector at 15 degree was employed as a monitor.       A069400100021 
           (SITA) See SAMPLE                                      A069400100022 
HISTORY    (20041010C) By F.Ch                                    A069400100023 
           (20050120U) Last checking has been done.               A069400100024 
STATUS     (CURVE) By CAJAD                                       A069400100025 
COMMENT    -By compiler.  It is ambiguous, that published data areA069400100026 
           presented in laboratory frame.                         A069400100027 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Coupled-channels calculations for the elastic   A069400100028 
           and inelastic scattering of 16-O from 24-Mg were       A069400100029 
           performed  using  the  computer code ECIS.             A069400100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 A069400100031 
COMMON               1          3                                 A069400100032 
ANG                                                               A069400100033 
ADEG                                                              A069400100034 
       19.5                                                       A069400100035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A069400100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 A069400199999 
SUBENT        A0694002   20050120                             0000A069400200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 A069400200002 
REACTION   (12-MG-24(8-O-16,EL)12-MG-24,,DA,,RTH)                 A069400200003 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG) Data point reader uncertainty             A069400200004 
           (ERR-DIG) Data point reader uncertainty.               A069400200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 A069400200006 
COMMON               2          3                                 A069400200007 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A069400200008 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A069400200009 
     7.E-02        1.9                                            A069400200010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A069400200011 
DATA                 2         27                                 A069400200012 
EN-CM      DATA                                                   A069400200013 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 A069400200014 
      33.63      0.427                                            A069400200015 
      34.29       0.41                                            A069400200016 
       34.9      0.383                                            A069400200017 
      35.46      0.354                                            A069400200018 
      36.08      0.335                                            A069400200019 
      36.74      0.305                                            A069400200020 
      37.35      0.281                                            A069400200021 
      37.92      0.249                                            A069400200022 
      38.48      0.239                                            A069400200023 
      39.09      0.212                                            A069400200024 
      39.76      0.178                                            A069400200025 
      40.32     0.1602                                            A069400200026 
      40.94     0.1364                                            A069400200027 
      41.55     0.1209                                            A069400200028 
      42.16     0.1115                                            A069400200029 
      42.82     0.1071                                            A069400200030 
      43.29   9.12E-02                                            A069400200031 
        44.   7.87E-02                                            A069400200032 
      44.61   9.11E-02                                            A069400200033 
      45.17   8.51E-02                                            A069400200034 
      45.79   8.17E-02                                            A069400200035 
      46.35   7.95E-02                                            A069400200036 
      46.96   7.74E-02                                            A069400200037 
      47.62   6.77E-02                                            A069400200038 
      48.14   6.24E-02                                            A069400200039 
       48.8   5.76E-02                                            A069400200040 
      49.41    5.1E-02                                            A069400200041 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 A069400200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 A069400299999 
SUBENT        A0694003   20050120                             0000A069400300001 
BIB                  4         18                                 A069400300002 
REACTION   (12-MG-24(8-O-16,INL)12-MG-24,PAR,DA)                  A069400300003 
EN-SEC     (Q-VAL,12-MG-24)                                       A069400300004 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG) Data point reader uncertainty.            A069400300005 
           (ERR-DIG) Data point reader uncertainty.               A069400300006 
           (ERR-T) The error bars include both statistical and    A069400300007 
           background subtraction errors.                         A069400300008 
COMMENT    -By authors.  At 6.1-MeV excitation energy             A069400300009 
           observation 6.05- and 6.13-MeV states of 16-O          A069400300010 
           is possible.                                           A069400300011 
           At 7.0-MeV excitation energy observation 6.92- and     A069400300012 
           7.12-MeV states of 16-O is possible.                   A069400300013 
           At 7.4-MeV excitation energy observation 6.05(16-O)-   A069400300014 
           and 1.37(24-Mg)-MeV states is possible.                A069400300015 
           At 7.6-MeV excitation energy observation 6.13(16-O)-   A069400300016 
           and 1.37(24-Mg)-MeV states is possible.                A069400300017 
           At 8.4-MeV excitation energy observation 6.92(16-O)-   A069400300018 
           and 1.37(24-Mg)-MeV states or 7.12(16-O) and           A069400300019 
            1.37(24-Mg)-MeV states is possible.                   A069400300020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 A069400300021 
COMMON               2          3                                 A069400300022 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                A069400300023 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A069400300024 
     7.E-02         2.                                            A069400300025 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A069400300026 
DATA                 4        222                                 A069400300027 
EN-CM      Q-VAL      DATA       ERR-T                            A069400300028 
MEV        MEV        MB/SR      PER-CENT                         A069400300029 
      33.85        6.1       2.62                                 A069400300030 
      33.85       6.43      1.438                                 A069400300031 
      33.87       1.37       32.5                                 A069400300032 
      34.24        7.4       0.33        24.                      A069400300033 
       34.3        7.6       0.77        16.                      A069400300034 
      34.33       8.11      0.024        70.                      A069400300035 
      34.37       6.43       2.04                                 A069400300036 
      34.39        8.4       0.63        21.                      A069400300037 
      34.42        6.1       3.37                                 A069400300038 
      34.48       1.37       29.2                                 A069400300039 
      34.51         7.       0.17        29.                      A069400300040 
      34.85        7.4       0.31        23.                      A069400300041 
      34.89        6.1       3.07                                 A069400300042 
      34.94       8.11      0.016        80.                      A069400300043 
      34.95       1.37        28.                                 A069400300044 
      34.95        7.6       0.76        16.                      A069400300045 
      35.03       6.43       2.12                                 A069400300046 
       35.1        8.4       0.63        21.                      A069400300047 
      35.42        7.4       0.55        24.                      A069400300048 
      35.47        7.6       0.77        17.                      A069400300049 
      35.55        6.1       3.07                                 A069400300050 
       35.6       6.43       1.76                                 A069400300051 
      35.69         7.       0.15        30.                      A069400300052 
      35.71       1.37       21.5                                 A069400300053 
      35.71        8.4       0.79        22.                      A069400300054 
      36.03        7.4       0.46        22.                      A069400300055 
      36.09        7.6        0.8        16.                      A069400300056 
      36.12        6.1       3.54                                 A069400300057 
      36.23        8.4       0.59        20.                      A069400300058 
      36.26       6.43       2.09                                 A069400300059 
      36.27       1.37       21.2                                 A069400300060 
      36.31         7.       0.13        30.                      A069400300061 
      36.65        7.4       0.68        21.                      A069400300062 
       36.7        7.6       1.03        15.                      A069400300063 
      36.73        6.1       3.93                                 A069400300064 
      36.83       6.43       2.29                                 A069400300065 
      36.84        8.4       0.61        21.                      A069400300066 
      36.87         7.       0.33        24.                      A069400300067 
      36.88       1.37       22.6                                 A069400300068 
       37.3        6.1       4.04                                 A069400300069 
      37.31        7.4       0.73        21.                      A069400300070 
      37.35        4.2       1.97                                 A069400300071 
      37.36        7.6       0.97        16.                      A069400300072 
      37.44         7.        0.2        30.                      A069400300073 
      37.45       8.11      0.065        50.                      A069400300074 
      37.49       1.37       24.8                                 A069400300075 
      37.49       6.43       2.55                                 A069400300076 
       37.5        8.4       0.77        19.                      A069400300077 
      37.87        4.2       1.96                                 A069400300078 
      37.87        7.4       0.58        19.                      A069400300079 
      37.91        6.1       4.08                                 A069400300080 
      37.94       8.11       0.32        25.                      A069400300081 
      37.97        7.6       1.12        15.                      A069400300082 
      38.01       1.37       26.1                                 A069400300083 
      38.06       6.43       2.11                                 A069400300084 
      38.07        8.4       0.79        19.                      A069400300085 
      38.15         7.       0.23        26.                      A069400300086 
      38.43        4.2        2.7         7.                      A069400300087 
      38.48        7.4       0.45        27.                      A069400300088 
      38.58        7.6       0.84        18.                      A069400300089 
      38.62        6.1       3.13         9.                      A069400300090 
      38.64       8.11       0.21        40.                      A069400300091 
      38.66       1.37       31.5                                 A069400300092 
      38.67       6.43        2.2         9.                      A069400300093 
      38.67         7.       0.21        30.                      A069400300094 
      38.72        8.4       0.61        25.                      A069400300095 
      39.14        6.1       3.09         7.                      A069400300096 
      39.14        7.4       0.43        30.                      A069400300097 
      39.14        7.6       0.73        22.                      A069400300098 
      39.18       1.37       29.8                                 A069400300099 
      39.19        4.2       2.53         8.                      A069400300100 
      39.28       6.43       1.92        10.                      A069400300101 
      39.28        8.4       0.38        30.                      A069400300102 
      39.29       8.11       0.14        40.                      A069400300103 
      39.43         7.       0.14        29.                      A069400300104 
      39.66        7.4       0.55        20.                      A069400300105 
      39.74       1.37       29.4                                 A069400300106 
      39.76        4.2       2.18                                 A069400300107 
      39.76        7.6       0.82        15.                      A069400300108 
      39.81       8.11        0.1        28.                      A069400300109 
      39.85        6.1       2.81                                 A069400300110 
       39.9       6.43        1.8                                 A069400300111 
      39.95        8.4       0.55        20.                      A069400300112 
      40.27        7.4       0.44        30.                      A069400300113 
      40.32        7.6       0.98        23.                      A069400300114 
      40.37        4.2       2.81         4.                      A069400300115 
      40.37        6.1         3.         8.                      A069400300116 
      40.37       8.11       0.08        50.                      A069400300117 
       40.4       1.37       32.7                                 A069400300118 
      40.51       6.43       2.23         6.                      A069400300119 
      40.56         7.       0.13        40.                      A069400300120 
      40.56        8.4       0.52        29.                      A069400300121 
      40.88        7.4       0.34        21.                      A069400300122 
      40.94        4.2       3.04                                 A069400300123 
      40.94        7.6       0.91        14.                      A069400300124 
      41.03        6.1       2.56                                 A069400300125 
      41.03       6.43       1.77                                 A069400300126 
      41.03        8.4       0.56        21.                      A069400300127 
      41.11       1.37       30.6                                 A069400300128 
      41.12       8.11       0.06        40.                      A069400300129 
      41.13         7.       0.11        27.                      A069400300130 
      41.49        7.4       0.37        19.                      A069400300131 
       41.5        7.6       0.83        17.                      A069400300132 
       41.6        4.2       3.25                                 A069400300133 
      41.63       1.37       28.2                                 A069400300134 
      41.65        6.1       2.07                                 A069400300135 
      41.69       8.11      0.058        40.                      A069400300136 
      41.74       6.43       1.57                                 A069400300137 
      41.74         7.        0.2        25.                      A069400300138 
      41.77        8.4      0.126        23.                      A069400300139 
      42.06        7.4       0.36        22.                      A069400300140 
      42.11        7.6       0.81        15.                      A069400300141 
       42.2       8.11       0.03        40.                      A069400300142 
      42.21        4.2       3.29                                 A069400300143 
      42.21        6.1       1.96                                 A069400300144 
      42.24       1.37       26.4                                 A069400300145 
      42.31       6.43      1.506                                 A069400300146 
      42.31         7.       0.15        27.                      A069400300147 
      42.33        8.4      0.105        22.                      A069400300148 
      42.69        4.2       3.52                                 A069400300149 
      42.71        7.4       0.35        20.                      A069400300150 
      42.72        7.6       0.73        14.                      A069400300151 
      42.76       1.37       21.6                                 A069400300152 
      42.92       6.43      1.371                                 A069400300153 
      42.92         7.        0.2        25.                      A069400300154 
        43.        8.4       0.19        21.                      A069400300155 
       43.3        4.2       3.03         8.                      A069400300156 
      43.33        7.4       0.45        30.                      A069400300157 
      43.43        7.6       0.73        25.                      A069400300158 
      43.44        6.1       2.23         7.                      A069400300159 
      43.48       8.11       0.11        50.                      A069400300160 
      43.48        8.4        0.6        30.                      A069400300161 
      43.49       6.43       1.43         8.                      A069400300162 
      43.56       1.37       17.4                                 A069400300163 
      43.58         7.       0.23        40.                      A069400300164 
      43.89        7.4       0.27        22.                      A069400300165 
      43.91        4.2       2.73                                 A069400300166 
      43.99        7.6       0.63        14.                      A069400300167 
      44.04       1.37      13.49                                 A069400300168 
      44.05       8.11      0.121        25.                      A069400300169 
      44.06        6.1       1.92                                 A069400300170 
      44.15         7.       0.17        24.                      A069400300171 
      44.18        8.4       0.53        21.                      A069400300172 
       44.2       6.43      1.315                                 A069400300173 
      44.45        7.4        0.3        20.                      A069400300174 
      44.53        4.2       3.07                                 A069400300175 
      44.56        7.6       0.67        13.                      A069400300176 
      44.57        6.1       2.14                                 A069400300177 
      44.58       8.11        0.3        23.                      A069400300178 
      44.65       1.37      12.28                                 A069400300179 
       44.7        8.4       0.69        20.                      A069400300180 
      44.72       6.43      1.463                                 A069400300181 
      44.76         7.       0.16        25.                      A069400300182 
      45.12        7.4       0.38        18.                      A069400300183 
      45.12        7.6       0.74        15.                      A069400300184 
      45.19        4.2       2.99                                 A069400300185 
      45.19        6.1       1.95                                 A069400300186 
      45.22       1.37        9.4                                 A069400300187 
      45.24       8.11       0.33        21.                      A069400300188 
      45.28       6.43       1.67                                 A069400300189 
      45.33         7.       0.13        23.                      A069400300190 
      45.36        8.4       0.58        21.                      A069400300191 
      45.73        7.4       0.37        19.                      A069400300192 
      45.76        6.1       2.19                                 A069400300193 
      45.83        7.6       0.67        16.                      A069400300194 
      45.85        4.2       2.38                                 A069400300195 
      45.88       1.37       7.29                                 A069400300196 
      45.89       8.11       0.31        26.                      A069400300197 
      45.93        8.4       0.55        18.                      A069400300198 
      45.94         7.       0.22        23.                      A069400300199 
      45.99       6.43      1.296                                 A069400300200 
       46.3        7.4       0.49        20.                      A069400300201 
       46.3        7.6       0.75        15.                      A069400300202 
      46.32       8.11       0.36        25.                      A069400300203 
      46.45       1.37       7.09                                 A069400300204 
      46.46        4.2       2.41                                 A069400300205 
      46.46        6.1       1.68                                 A069400300206 
      46.49        8.4       0.45        20.                      A069400300207 
      46.56       6.43      1.179                                 A069400300208 
      46.61         7.       0.11        27.                      A069400300209 
      46.91        7.4       0.49        18.                      A069400300210 
      46.98       8.11       0.33        24.                      A069400300211 
      47.01        7.6       0.65        14.                      A069400300212 
      47.03        4.2       1.82                                 A069400300213 
      47.06       1.37       6.12                                 A069400300214 
       47.1        8.4       0.45        20.                      A069400300215 
      47.13       6.43      1.384                                 A069400300216 
      47.27         7.       0.19        21.                      A069400300217 
      47.47        7.4       0.32        22.                      A069400300218 
      47.52        7.6       0.42        14.                      A069400300219 
       47.6        4.2      1.511                                 A069400300220 
      47.62       1.37       6.36                                 A069400300221 
      47.65        6.1       2.01                                 A069400300222 
      47.65       6.43       1.65                                 A069400300223 
      47.68       8.11       0.23        22.                      A069400300224 
      47.71        8.4       0.31        19.                      A069400300225 
      47.83         7.       0.12        25.                      A069400300226 
      48.08        7.4       0.37        22.                      A069400300227 
      48.18        7.6       0.63        16.                      A069400300228 
       48.2       8.11       0.21        24.                      A069400300229 
      48.21        4.2      1.451                                 A069400300230 
      48.21        6.1       2.15                                 A069400300231 
      48.31       6.43       2.24                                 A069400300232 
      48.32        8.4       0.23        22.                      A069400300233 
      48.33       1.37       6.71                                 A069400300234 
       48.4         7.       0.15        20.                      A069400300235 
      48.65        7.4        0.5        20.                      A069400300236 
       48.7        7.6       0.72        15.                      A069400300237 
      48.81       8.11       0.26        23.                      A069400300238 
      48.83        4.2      1.172                                 A069400300239 
      48.87        6.1       2.58                                 A069400300240 
      48.87       6.43       2.09                                 A069400300241 
      48.89       1.37       7.76                                 A069400300242 
      48.93        8.4       0.36        19.                      A069400300243 
      49.02         7.       0.16        25.                      A069400300244 
      49.26        7.4       0.58        19.                      A069400300245 
      49.41        7.6       0.79        14.                      A069400300246 
      49.42       8.11       0.25        24.                      A069400300247 
      49.45        8.4       0.31        23.                      A069400300248 
      49.49        4.2      1.011                                 A069400300249 
      49.55       1.37       7.76                                 A069400300250 
      49.58         7.      0.067        24.                      A069400300251 
ENDDATA            224          0                                 A069400300252 
ENDSUBENT          251          0                                 A069400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 A069499999999