ENTRY A0713 20240917 A118A071300000001 SUBENT A0713001 20240917 A118A071300100001 BIB 12 32 A071300100002 TITLE Breakup and transfer processes in the Be-9+Pb-208 A071300100003 reaction. A071300100004 AUTHOR (R.J.Woolliscroft, N.M.Clarke, B.R.Fulton, R.L.Cowin, A071300100005 M.Dasgupta, D.J.Hinde, C.R.Morton, A.C.Berriman) A071300100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,68,014611,2003) A071300100007 REL-REF (M,A0712001,R.J.Woolliscroft+,J,PR/C,69,044612,2004) A071300100008 Breakup yields for the 9Be1208Pb system, which largelyA071300100009 result from the 8Be(g.s.)+n channel, have been A071300100010 extracted from data taken in the measurement described A071300100011 in A0712 Entry. A071300100012 INSTITUTE (2UK BIR,3AULCBR,2UK YRK) A071300100013 FACILITY (VDGT,3AULCBR) The 14UD Pelletron. A071300100014 SAMPLE 180 ug/cm2 208-Pb-Cl(2) on a 15 ug/cm2 natural A071300100015 carbon backing. A071300100016 MONITOR (82-PB-208(4-BE-9,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH) A071300100017 To provide an absolute normalization for the scatteringA071300100018 yield, two monitor detectors were used. These were A071300100019 silicon surface barrier detectors, positioned at ~15 A071300100020 degree to the beam. A071300100021 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) A071300100022 An array of telescopes using position sensitive siliconA071300100023 detectors enabled reaction products to be identified A071300100024 and their energy and scattering angle to be recorded A071300100025 (to improve the angular resolution, masks with ten A071300100026 slots were placed in front of the telescopes). A071300100027 ADD-RES (POT) Optical model parameters were deduced at some A071300100028 density model of 9-Be. A071300100029 Fusion cross section was calculated too. A071300100030 STATUS (CURVE,,R.J.Woolliscroft+,J,PR/C,68,014611,2003) Fig.2 A071300100031 HISTORY (20080806C) By S.B. A071300100032 (20240917A) SD: Corrections in several Subents. A071300100033 Subent 002 was split in two according to EXFOR rules. A071300100034 ENDBIB 32 0 A071300100035 COMMON 2 3 A071300100036 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A071300100037 MEV PER-CENT A071300100038 0.1 2.7 A071300100039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A071300100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 A071300199999 SUBENT A0713002 20240917 A118A071300200001 BIB 4 12 A071300200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(4-BE-9,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) A071300200003 COMMENT *By authors*. The number of alpha-singles events was A071300200004 determined by subtracting off an exponentially falling A071300200005 background, resulting from reactions on light A071300200006 components of the target-for first reaction. A071300200007 Double-alpha events arising from the decay of Be-8 can A071300200008 be identified in the delta-E-E spectrum from the A071300200009 detector telescopes where they appear as Li-7 events- A071300200010 for second reaction. A071300200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A071300200012 HISTORY (20240917A) SD:Subent was split in two (see A071300200013 Subent 004). A071300200014 ENDBIB 12 0 A071300200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A071300200016 DATA 3 9 A071300200017 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR A071300200018 MEV MB PER-CENT A071300200019 34.41 166. 8. A071300200020 36.42 207. 13. A071300200021 38.36 309. 7. A071300200022 40.29 437. 6. A071300200023 42.23 445. A071300200024 44.16 413. A071300200025 46.02 515. A071300200026 48.1 585. A071300200027 57.55 1048. A071300200028 ENDDATA 11 0 A071300200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A071300299999 SUBENT A0713003 20080807 A064A071300300001 BIB 2 9 A071300300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(4-BE-9,N+2A)82-PB-208,,SIG,,,DERIV) breakup A071300300003 cross section A071300300004 COMMENT *By authors*.The breakup cross sections are derived A071300300005 using formulae- A071300300006 Sigma-a(singles) approx. equal- A071300300007 sigma(incomplete fusion)+2(sigma(transfer+ A071300300008 sigma(breakup)), where the factor of 2 reflects the A071300300009 fact that these processes results in two alpha- A071300300010 particles in the exit channel. A071300300011 ENDBIB 9 0 A071300300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A071300300013 DATA 2 8 A071300300014 EN-CM DATA A071300300015 MEV MB A071300300016 34.49 40.1 A071300300017 36.45 84.1 A071300300018 38.34 57.8 A071300300019 40.23 102.9 A071300300020 42.24 92.1 A071300300021 44.12 74.4 A071300300022 45.97 90.1 A071300300023 47.95 121. A071300300024 ENDDATA 10 0 A071300300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A071300399999 SUBENT A0713004 20240917 A118A071300400001 BIB 4 11 A071300400002 REACTION (82-PB-208(4-BE-9,X)4-BE-8,PAR,SIG) A071300400003 COMMENT *By authors* The number of alpha-singles events was A071300400004 determined by subtracting off an exponentially falling A071300400005 background, resulting from reactions on light A071300400006 components of the target-for first reaction. A071300400007 Double-alpha events arising from the decay of Be-8 can A071300400008 be identified in the delta-E-E spectrum from the A071300400009 detector telescopes where they appear as Li-7 events- A071300400010 for second reaction. A071300400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A071300400012 HISTORY (20240917T) SD: Part of Subent 002. A071300400013 ENDBIB 11 0 A071300400014 COMMON 1 3 A071300400015 E-LVL A071300400016 MEV A071300400017 0.0 A071300400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A071300400019 DATA 3 9 A071300400020 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR A071300400021 MEV MB PER-CENT A071300400022 34.41 42. 17. A071300400023 36.42 68. 16. A071300400024 38.36 77. 6. A071300400025 40.29 78. 4. A071300400026 42.23 69. 4. A071300400027 44.16 51. 8. A071300400028 46.02 65. 5. A071300400029 48.1 69. 5. A071300400030 57.55 74. 4. A071300400031 ENDDATA 11 0 A071300400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A071300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A071399999999