ENTRY A0717 20241001 A120A071700000001 SUBENT A0717001 20241001 A120A071700100001 BIB 14 66 A071700100002 TITLE Independent production cross sections for Hg isotopes A071700100003 from the reaction of 600-MeV 18-O with Pb A071700100004 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,70,024603,2004) A071700100005 AUTHOR (Zhang Li, Zheng Jiwen, Zhao Jinhua, Yang Yongfeng, A071700100006 Qin Zhi, Hu Qingyuan, Zhang Chun, Wang Jicheng, A071700100007 Wei Hao) A071700100008 INSTITUTE (3CPRIMP) A071700100009 FACILITY (ACCEL,3CPRIMP) An intermediate energy heavy-ion A071700100010 accelerator A071700100011 REL-REF (M,A0504001,Zhang Li+,J,PR/C,58,156,1998) A071700100012 (M,,Zhao Jinhua+,J,CST,31,530,1997) In Chinese. A071700100013 The two papers contain more detailed information about A071700100014 experimental device. A071700100015 (R,,V.Reus+,J,AND,29,1,1983) Decay data. A071700100016 METHOD (EXTB) The average beam was 2.2 particle nA. A071700100017 (THERM) An on-line gas thermochromatographic separationA071700100018 device combined with a running-rabbit system A071700100019 (COINC) Veto signals from beta+ decays. A071700100020 (ACTIV) Three different irradiation-detection periods A071700100021 were employed: first, the cycle was a 120-S A071700100022 irradiation followed a 420-S g-ray detection, and a A071700100023 total of 143 samples were measured; A071700100024 second, 10-min irradiation followed by 60-min detectionA071700100025 and three samples; A071700100026 third, 100-min irradiation followed by 48-H detection A071700100027 for one sample. A071700100028 (GSPEC) A071700100029 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A071700100030 SAMPLE A molten natural lead target with a thickness of about A071700100031 5.2 g/cm2 (thick enough to stop the 600-MeV 18O A071700100032 incident beam). The temperature of the molten lead A071700100033 target material was continuously kept at about 700.C A071700100034 during the 18-O beam irradiation. A071700100035 DETECTOR (HPGE) A071700100036 (BGO) A large bismuth germanate detector (14x7x5 cm3) A071700100037 and a beta-ray detector (unknown type) A071700100038 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Measurement errors of the experimental crossA071700100039 sections are estimated to be 15% to 30%, including the A071700100040 systematic error from collection efficiency A071700100041 determination, statistical error of gamma-ray counts, A071700100042 and count contamination to the characteristic gamma- A071700100043 ray used in cross-section calculation from neighboring A071700100044 gamma rays. A probable additional error would come A071700100045 from the uncertainty of the data for gamma-ray A071700100046 branching ratio. A071700100047 A probable example is the unusual lower measurement A071700100048 cross section for 193-Hg, which has not been clarified A071700100049 clear so far. A071700100050 COMMENT -By authors. To evaluate independent cross sections A071700100051 for Hg isotopes, special care has been exercised over A071700100052 the following difficulties: A071700100053 1. Half-lives of some Hg isotopes are very short in A071700100054 comparison with the time elapsed before starting the A071700100055 measurement (typically 20 sec after irradiation); A071700100056 2. For some Hg isotopes gamma-decay schemes and/or A071700100057 absolute gamma-ray branching ratios have not been A071700100058 measured; A071700100059 3. Gamma rays which should be characteristic of some A071700100060 Hg isotopes including relevant daughter or A071700100061 granddaughter nuclides are too weak to be identified A071700100062 or overlapping with other gamma rays. A071700100063 STATUS (TABLE,,Zhang Li+,J,PR/C,70,024603,2004) Tbl.I A071700100064 HISTORY (20050101C) By F.Ch A071700100065 (20050103U) Last checking has been done. A071700100066 (20241001A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A071700100067 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A071700100068 ENDBIB 66 0 A071700100069 COMMON 1 3 A071700100070 EN A071700100071 MEV A071700100072 600. A071700100073 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A071700100074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 A071700199999 SUBENT A0717002 20241001 A120A071700200001 BIB 3 59 A071700200002 REACTION (82-PB-0(8-O-16,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) A071700200003 DECAY-DATA (80-HG-180,3.0SEC) A071700200004 ((1.)75-RE-180,,DG,902.8) A071700200005 (80-HG-181,3.6SEC) A071700200006 ((2.)77-IR-181,,DG,107.6) A071700200007 ((2.)75-RE-181,,DG,365.5) A071700200008 (80-HG-182,10.8SEC) A071700200009 ((3.)79-AU-182,,DG,154.9) A071700200010 ((3.)77-IR-182,,DG,127.1) A071700200011 (80-HG-183,9.4SEC) A071700200012 ((4.)76-OS-183-G,,DG,381.8) A071700200013 ((5.)76-OS-183-M,,DG,1102.0) A071700200014 ((6.)80-HG-184,30.6SEC,DG,156.0,,DG,236.2) A071700200015 ((6.)79-AU-184-G,,DG,163.2) Au-184 has isomer state A071700200016 (half-life=46sec). It is unknown, what decay was used A071700200017 for analyses. A071700200018 (80-HG-185-G,49.1SEC) A071700200019 ((7.)77-IR-185,,DG,1828.8) A071700200020 ((8.)80-HG-186,1.38MIN,DG,111.9) A071700200021 ((9.)80-HG-186,1.38MIN,DG,227.8) A071700200022 ((10.)77-IR-186-G,,DG,434.8) A071700200023 ((11.)77-IR-186-M,,DG,987.0) A071700200024 (80-HG-187-G,2.4MIN) A071700200025 (80-HG-187-M,1.93MIN) A071700200026 ((12.)78-PT-187,,DG,709.2) A071700200027 ((13.)80-HG-188,3.25MIN,DG,190.0) A071700200028 ((13.)79-AU-188,,DG,266.0) A071700200029 (80-HG-189-G,7.6MIN) A071700200030 ((14.)79-AU-189-M,,DG,166.7) A071700200031 (80-HG-189-M,8.6MIN) A071700200032 ((15.)80-HG-190,20.MIN,DG,142.7) A071700200033 ((16.)80-HG-190,20.MIN,DG,171.5) A071700200034 ((17.)79-AU-190,,DG,301.8) A071700200035 ((18.)79-AU-190,,DG,296.) A071700200036 (80-HG-191-G,49.MIN) A071700200037 ((19.)79-AU-191-G,,DG,277.9,,DG,284.1) A071700200038 ((39.)80-HG-191-M,50.8MIN,DG,578.8) A071700200039 ((20.)80-HG-192,4.85HR,DG,274.8) A071700200040 ((21.)80-HG-192,4.85HR,DG,306.6) A071700200041 ((22.)79-AU-192-G,,DG,316.5) A071700200042 ((23.)80-HG-193-G,3.80HR,DG,573.3) A071700200043 ((24.)80-HG-193-M,11.8HR,DG,258.0) A071700200044 ((25.)80-HG-195-G,9.9HR,DG,180.3) A071700200045 ((26.)80-HG-195-G,9.9HR,DG,779.8) A071700200046 ((27.)80-HG-195-M,41.6HR,DG,560.3) A071700200047 ((28.)80-HG-197-G,64.1HR,DG,191.1) A071700200048 ((29.)80-HG-197-M,23.8HR,DG,133.9) A071700200049 ((30.)80-HG-199-M,49.MIN,DG,374.1) A071700200050 ((31.)80-HG-199-M,49.MIN,DG,158.4) A071700200051 ((32.)80-HG-203,46.6D,DG,279.) A071700200052 ((33.)80-HG-205,5.2MIN,DG,203.7) A071700200053 ((34.)80-HG-206,8.15MIN,DG,305.1) A071700200054 ((35.)80-HG-207,2.9MIN,DG,351.3) A071700200055 ((36.)80-HG-208,41.MIN,DG,583.1) A071700200056 (80-HG-209,35.SEC) A071700200057 ((37.)81-TL-209,,DG,465.1) A071700200058 ((38.)81-TL-209,,DG,324.0) A071700200059 HISTORY (20241001A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. A071700200060 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. A071700200061 ENDBIB 59 0 A071700200062 COMMON 1 3 A071700200063 ELEMENT A071700200064 NO-DIM A071700200065 80. A071700200066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A071700200067 DATA 5 40 A071700200068 MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG A071700200069 NO-DIM NO-DIM MICRO-B MICRO-B NO-DIM A071700200070 180. 17. 54. 1. A071700200071 181. 55. 14. 2. A071700200072 182. 38. 18. 3. A071700200073 183. 36. 11. 4. A071700200074 183. 32. 9.7 5. A071700200075 184. 82. 16. 6. A071700200076 185. 134. 27. 7. A071700200077 186. 235. 35. 8. A071700200078 186. 232. 37. 9. A071700200079 186. 161. 32. 10. A071700200080 186. 93. 19. 11. A071700200081 187. 277. 50. 12. A071700200082 188. 541. 81. 13. A071700200083 189. 166. 20. 14. A071700200084 189. 1. 449. 72. 14. A071700200085 190. 948. 142. 15. A071700200086 190. 1017. 150. 16. A071700200087 190. 758. 136. 17. A071700200088 190. 704. 127. 18. A071700200089 191. 1. 584. 80. 39. A071700200090 191. 0. 542. 95. 19. A071700200091 192. 1327. 200. 20. A071700200092 192. 1255. 196. 21. A071700200093 192. 1092. 273. 22. A071700200094 193. 1357. 203. 23. A071700200095 193. 848. 127. 24. A071700200096 195. 1. 475. 70. 27. A071700200097 195. 0. 1357. 203. 25. A071700200098 195. 0. 1080. 173. 26. A071700200099 197. 1. 1479. 222. 29. A071700200100 197. 0. 492. 74. 28. A071700200101 199. 1. 299. 60. 30. A071700200102 199. 1. 293. 59. 31. A071700200103 203. 852. 300. 32. A071700200104 205. 460. 115. 33. A071700200105 206. 81. 16. 34. A071700200106 207. 15.4 5. 35. A071700200107 208. 5. 1.8 36. A071700200108 209. 1.8 0.6 37. A071700200109 209. 2.1 0.7 38. A071700200110 ENDDATA 42 0 A071700200111 ENDSUBENT 110 0 A071700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 A071799999999