ENTRY A0726 20240911 A117A072600000001 SUBENT A0726001 20240911 A117A072600100001 BIB 12 44 A072600100002 TITLE Study of the d(d,n)He-3 reaction in the astrophysical A072600100003 energy region with the use of the Hall accelerator. A072600100004 AUTHOR (V.M.Bystritsky, V.V.Gerasimov, A.R.Krylov, A072600100005 S.S.Parzhitski, P.S.Anan'in, G.N.Dudkin, V.L.Kaminskii,A072600100006 B.A.Nechaev, V.M.Padalko, A.V.Petrov, G.A.Mesyats, A072600100007 M.Filipovicz, J.Wozniak, V.M.Bystritskii) A072600100008 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) A072600100009 (4RUSTPI) Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, A072600100010 Tomsk State University. A072600100011 (3POLITJ) A072600100012 (1USAIRV) A072600100013 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,36,151,2008) A072600100014 REL-REF (O,O1263001,V.M.Bystritsky+,J,PAN,66,1683,2003) A072600100015 One data-point at E-cm=3.56 keV. A072600100016 (M,,V.M.Bystritsky+,J,NIM/A,455,706,2000) A072600100017 Characteristics of the deuterium liner accelerated to A072600100018 (2.8-7.2)E+7 cm/sec were first experimentally A072600100019 investigated with the inverse Z pinch scheme. A072600100020 SAMPLE Two types of solid-state targets, which were a layer ofA072600100021 frozen heavy water D(2)O, deposited on a copper disk, A072600100022 diameter 140 mm, thickness 1 mm, cooled by a liquid A072600100023 nitrogen and a plate of a deuterated polyethylene CD(2)A072600100024 0.1 mm thick and 58 mm in diameter. A072600100025 DETECTOR (SCIN).Eight counters based on plastic scintillators, A072600100026 100*100*375 mm3. A072600100027 FACILITY (ACCEL,4RUSTPI) The Hall pulsed accelerator at the A072600100028 Nuclear Physics Institute, Tomsk. A072600100029 COMMENT *By authors*.Due to variations of the ion current on a A072600100030 shot-to-shot base, less than 20%, the charge of the A072600100031 collector for each deuteron pulse was normalized to theA072600100032 charge of the entrance grid S1 of the spectrometer. A072600100033 The variation of the normalized charges did not exceed A072600100034 3%. A072600100035 METHOD (BCINT) The deuteron current at the HA output was A072600100036 measured by the Rogovsky coil with a passive RC A072600100037 integrator. A072600100038 STATUS (TABLE,,V.M.Bystritsky+,J,EPJ/A,36,151,2008) Table 1 A072600100039 for the D2O target. A072600100040 (CURVE,,V.M.Bystritsky+,J,EPJ/A,36,151,2008)) Fig.5 A072600100041 for the CD2 target. A072600100042 HISTORY (20080731C).S.B. A072600100043 (20110610A).Subentries 002-003 were changed, A072600100044 according N.Otsuka comments A072600100045 (20240911A) SD: Corrections in Subents. A072600100046 ENDBIB 44 0 A072600100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 A072600100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A072600199999 SUBENT A0726002 20240911 A117A072600200001 BIB 3 16 A072600200002 REACTION 1(1-H-2(D,N)2-HE-3,,SIG,,SFC) A072600200003 D(2)O target. A072600200004 2(1-H-2(D,N)2-HE-3,,SIG,,SFC) A072600200005 CD(2) target. A072600200006 ERR-ANALYS The resulting errors of the measured values of the A072600200007 astrophysical S-factor and the cross-section for the A072600200008 d-d reaction arise from the error in the number of A072600200009 events detected by neutron detectors and from A072600200010 inaccurate knowledge- A072600200011 of the neutron detection efficiency approx. 6%, A072600200012 number and energy distribution of deuterons incident onA072600200013 the target, stopping power of deuterons in deuterium A072600200014 containing target less or equal 6%, A072600200015 deuteron density in a target less or equal 4%. A072600200016 (ERR-S) The error is reported by authors on figure. A072600200017 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: EN -> EN-CM. A072600200018 ENDBIB 16 0 A072600200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A072600200020 DATA 5 8 A072600200021 EN-CM DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2ERR-S 2 A072600200022 KEV B*KEV B*KEV B*KEV B*KEV A072600200023 2.35 50.5 88.3 A072600200024 3.29 67.3 14.0 A072600200025 3.92 61.2 10.5 A072600200026 4.68 50.0 9.0 A072600200027 4.70 51.4 8.7 A072600200028 5.09 55.0 16.0 A072600200029 5.46 54.0 8.7 A072600200030 6.12 58.2 9.3 A072600200031 ENDDATA 10 0 A072600200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 A072600299999 SUBENT A0726003 20240911 A117A072600300001 BIB 3 6 A072600300002 REACTION 1(1-H-2(D,N)2-HE-3,,SIG,,,DERIV) A072600300003 D(2)O target. A072600300004 2(1-H-2(D,N)2-HE-3,,SIG,,,DERIV) A072600300005 CD(2) target. A072600300006 STATUS (DEP,A0726002) A072600300007 HISTORY (20240911A) SD: EN -> EN-CM. A072600300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A072600300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A072600300010 DATA 3 8 A072600300011 EN-CM DATA 1DATA 2 A072600300012 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B A072600300013 2.35 0.0277 A072600300014 3.29 0.6180 A072600300015 3.92 2.03 A072600300016 4.68 6.00 A072600300017 4.70 5.62 A072600300018 5.09 11.0 A072600300019 5.46 14.50 A072600300020 6.12 29.40 A072600300021 ENDDATA 10 0 A072600300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A072600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A072699999999