ENTRY            A0729   20050522                             A061A072900000001 
SUBENT        A0729001   20050522                             A061A072900100001 
BIB                 11         26                                 A072900100002 
TITLE      Mass distribution in 16-O induced fission of 232-Th    A072900100003 
REFERENCE  (J,RCA,62,173,1993)                                    A072900100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Goswami, A.V.R.Reddy, B.S.Tomar, P.P.Burte,         A072900100005 
           S.B.Manohar, R.John)                                   A072900100006 
INSTITUTE  (3INDTRM) Radiochemistry and nuclear physics divisions.A072900100007 
REL-REF    (R,,U.REUS+,J,AND,29,1,1983) Decay-data.               A072900100008 
SAMPLE     A self supporting thorium target of thickness 2.5      A072900100009 
           mg/cm2 was covered with a 0.0025 cm aluminium catcher  A072900100010 
           foil to collect the recoiling fission products.        A072900100011 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)                                                 A072900100012 
FACILITY   (VDGT,3INDTRM) The BARC-TIFR PELLETRON accelerator     A072900100013 
METHOD     (SITA) See SAMPLE                                      A072900100014 
           (BCINT) An electron-suppressed faraday cup             A072900100015 
           (EXTB) Beam current on the target was in the range of  A072900100016 
           10 to 15 Na (particle).                                A072900100017 
           (ACTIV) The irradiation time was 30 minutes for the    A072900100018 
           investigation of short lived fission products and 4.5  A072900100019 
           hours for the long-lived ones.                         A072900100020 
           (GSPEC) For short irradiation, the sample was followed A072900100021 
           for three days, while for the long irradiations the    A072900100022 
           sample was counted for a period of three months.       A072900100023 
           The purity of the gamma-lines for the different fissionA072900100024 
           products was ascertained by following their half-lives.A072900100025 
HISTORY    (20050521C) By F.Ch                                    A072900100026 
           (20050522U) Last checking has been done.               A072900100027 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) An analysis is not given                    A072900100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 A072900100029 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A072900100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 A072900199999 
SUBENT        A0729002   20050522                             A061A072900200001 
BIB                  4         34                                 A072900200002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(8-O-16,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                 A072900200003 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)38-SR-91,9.52HR,DG,556.,0.633)                    A072900200004 
           ((2.)38-SR-92,2.71HR,DG,1384.,0.9)                     A072900200005 
           ((3.)40-ZR-95,65.D,DG,757.,0.554)                      A072900200006 
           ((4.)40-ZR-97,17.HR,DG,657.,1.06)  Nb-97 emits the     A072900200007 
           quantum.                                               A072900200008 
           ((5.)42-MO-99,66.1HR,DG,141.,0.907)                    A072900200009 
           ((6.)44-RU-103,39.3D,DG,497.,0.895)                    A072900200010 
           ((7.)45-RH-105-G,35.36HR,DG,319.,0.192)                A072900200011 
           ((8.)46-PD-112,21.05HR,DG,617.,0.5)                    A072900200012 
           ((11.)51-SB-127,92.4HR,DG,685.,0.353)                  A072900200013 
           ((12.)53-I-131,8.02D,DG,365.,0.812)                    A072900200014 
           ((13.)56-BA-139,1.38HR,DG,166.,0.226)                  A072900200015 
           ((14.)56-BA-140,12.8D,DG,487.,0.529)                   A072900200016 
           ((15.)58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.,0.484)                   A072900200017 
           ((16.)57-LA-142,1.53HR,DG,641.,0.474)                  A072900200018 
           ((17.)58-CE-143,33.HR,DG,293.,0.428)                   A072900200019 
           ((18.)62-SM-153,46.75HR,DG,103.,0.203)                 A072900200020 
COMMENT    -By  author.  The measured cross-section correspond to A072900200021 
           the products recoiling in the forward direction plus  aA072900200022 
           small fraction of the backward recoiling products      A072900200023 
           stopped in the thorium metal foil.  These small        A072900200024 
           contributions were corrected for the recoil ranges of  A072900200025 
           the fission products in thorium metal.  A  forward-    A072900200026 
           to-backward (F/B) ratio equal to one was used to       A072900200027 
           convert the measured yields into total yields.  The    A072900200028 
           assumption of F/B ratio of unity will not affect the   A072900200029 
           final yields by more than 10% in view of the measured  A072900200030 
            F/B ratio of 1.1 for 16-O induced fission of 238-U.   A072900200031 
REL-REF    (R,,SATYA PRAKASH+,J,JIN,31,1217,1969) Recoil ranges   A072900200032 
           of the fission products in thorium metal.              A072900200033 
           (R,,D.J.PARKER+,J,ZP/A,336,411,1990)                   A072900200034 
           Forward-to-backward ratio for 16-O induced fission of  A072900200035 
           238-U.                                                 A072900200036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 A072900200037 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A072900200038 
DATA                 6         30                                 A072900200039 
EN         ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   DECAY-FLAG A072900200040 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         NO-DIM     A072900200041 
        92.        38.        91.       4.33       0.32         2.A072900200042 
        92.        40.        95.       7.11       0.48         3.A072900200043 
        92.        40.        97.       7.76       0.52         4.A072900200044 
        92.        42.        99.       9.58       0.45         5.A072900200045 
        92.        44.       103.       9.09       0.51         6.A072900200046 
        92.        45.       105.      12.28       1.01         7.A072900200047 
        92.        46.       112.       8.49       0.62         8.A072900200048 
        92.        53.       131.       7.24       0.49        12.A072900200049 
        92.        56.       139.       6.29       0.43        13.A072900200050 
        92.        56.       140.       3.39       0.32        14.A072900200051 
        92.        57.       142.       4.11       0.25        16.A072900200052 
        92.        58.       141.       9.94       0.76        15.A072900200053 
        92.        58.       143.       6.24       0.38        17.A072900200054 
        92.        62.       153.       2.77       0.32        18.A072900200055 
       105.        38.        91.        7.3       0.61         1.A072900200056 
       105.        38.        92.       7.73       0.68         2.A072900200057 
       105.        40.        95.      10.88       0.91         3.A072900200058 
       105.        40.        97.      10.84       0.87         4.A072900200059 
       105.        42.        99.      16.47       1.03         5.A072900200060 
       105.        44.       103.       15.9       0.93         6.A072900200061 
       105.        45.       105.        20.       1.82         7.A072900200062 
       105.        46.       112.      18.29       1.32         8.A072900200063 
       105.        51.       127.       6.81       0.45        11.A072900200064 
       105.        53.       131.        9.8       0.82        12.A072900200065 
       105.        56.       139.       9.72       0.62        13.A072900200066 
       105.        56.       140.       4.61       0.31        14.A072900200067 
       105.        57.       142.        4.5        0.4        16.A072900200068 
       105.        58.       141.      13.97       0.98        15.A072900200069 
       105.        58.       143.       8.65       0.53        17.A072900200070 
       105.        62.       153.       4.68        0.4        18.A072900200071 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 A072900200072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 A072900299999 
SUBENT        A0729003   20050522                             A061A072900300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A072900300002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(8-O-16,F)ELEM/MASS,IND/M+,SIG)              A072900300003 
DECAY-DATA ((9.)51-SB-122-G,64.8HR,DG,564.,0.708)                 A072900300004 
           ((10.)51-SB-124-G,60.2D,DG,603.,0.984)                 A072900300005 
COMMENT    -By compiler. See authors' COMMENT and REL-REF in      A072900300006 
            SUBENT A0729002.                                      A072900300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A072900300008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A072900300009 
DATA                 6          4                                 A072900300010 
EN         ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR   DECAY-FLAG A072900300011 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         NO-DIM     A072900300012 
        92.        51.       122.       2.74       0.34         9.A072900300013 
        92.        51.       124.       6.58       0.52        10.A072900300014 
       105.        51.       122.       8.06       0.79         9.A072900300015 
       105.        51.       124.      13.62       1.05        10.A072900300016 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 A072900300017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 A072900399999 
SUBENT        A0729004   20050522                             A061A072900400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 A072900400002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(8-O-16,F)MASS,,SIG)                         A072900400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 A072900400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A072900400005 
DATA                 4         34                                 A072900400006 
EN         MASS       DATA       DATA-ERR                         A072900400007 
MEV        NO-DIM     MB         MB                               A072900400008 
        92.        91.       4.83       0.36                      A072900400009 
        92.        95.        7.7       0.52                      A072900400010 
        92.        97.       9.19       0.61                      A072900400011 
        92.        99.      10.24       0.48                      A072900400012 
        92.       103.       9.65       0.54                      A072900400013 
        92.       105.      12.97       1.07                      A072900400014 
        92.       112.      10.05       0.73                      A072900400015 
        92.       122.       14.9       1.85                      A072900400016 
        92.       124.      17.26       1.36                      A072900400017 
        92. 131.000001       1.81        0.8                      A072900400018 
        92.       139.      10.97       0.76                      A072900400019 
        92.       140.       8.68       0.82                      A072900400020 
        92.       141.      10.13       0.77                      A072900400021 
        92.       142.       8.47       0.51                      A072900400022 
        92.       143.       8.17        0.5                      A072900400023 
        92.       153.       3.57       0.41                      A072900400024 
       105.        91.       8.47       0.71                      A072900400025 
       105.        92.       9.32       0.82                      A072900400026 
       105.        95.      11.82       0.99                      A072900400027 
       105.        97.      13.08       1.05                      A072900400028 
       105.        99.      17.62        1.1                      A072900400029 
       105.       103.      16.68       0.97                      A072900400030 
       105.       105.      21.22       1.93                      A072900400031 
       105.       112.      21.96       1.58                      A072900400032 
       105.       122.      20.02       1.96                      A072900400033 
       105.       124.      19.31       1.49                      A072900400034 
       105.       127.      16.88       1.31                      A072900400035 
       105.       131.      16.06       1.34                      A072900400036 
       105.       139.      18.66       1.19                      A072900400037 
       105.       140.      13.53       0.91                      A072900400038 
       105.       141.      14.54        1.2                      A072900400039 
       105.       142.      10.45       0.93                      A072900400040 
       105.       143.      12.12       0.74                      A072900400041 
       105.       153.       6.53       0.56                      A072900400042 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 A072900400043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 A072900499999 
SUBENT        A0729005   20050522                             A061A072900500001 
BIB                  4          5                                 A072900500002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(8-O-16,F),,SIG)                             A072900500003 
STATUS     (DEP,A0729004)                                         A072900500004 
REL-REF    (A,A0739001,V.S.RAMAMURTHY+,J,PRL,65,25,1990)          A072900500005 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Most probable mass of fission products          A072900500006 
           (MISC-ERR) An analysis is not given.                   A072900500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A072900500008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A072900500009 
DATA                 5          2                                 A072900500010 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC       MISC-ERR              A072900500011 
MEV        MB         MB         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                A072900500012 
        92.       386.        35.      119.8       0.75           A072900500013 
       105.       595.        40.      118.9        0.8           A072900500014 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 A072900500015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 A072900599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 A072999999999