ENTRY A0800 20240321 A110A080000000001 SUBENT A0800001 20240321 A110A080000100001 BIB 6 17 A080000100002 TITLE Production yields of Sn-117-m from natural antimony A080000100003 target in proton energy range 145-35 MeV. A080000100004 AUTHOR (S.V.Ermolaev, B.L.Zhuikov, V.M.Kokhanyuk, A080000100005 S.C.Srivastava) A080000100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) A080000100007 (1USABNL) A080000100008 REFERENCE (J,JLCR,50,611,2007) A080000100009 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSJIA) Proton LINAC. A080000100010 HISTORY (20080805C) S.B A080000100011 (20180613A) SD: REACTION code was updated according to A080000100012 MEMO CP-D/933rev. in Subent 003. Small corrections in A080000100013 all Subents. A080000100014 (20200202U) SD: Correction in DECAY-DATA. A080000100015 (20231227D) SD: Entry deleted (data from the table A080000100016 presented in F1461 Entry). A080000100017 (20240321D) SD: Subent 003 deleted (see previous A080000100018 HISTORY record). A080000100019 ENDBIB 17 0 A080000100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 A080000100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 A080000199999 NOSUBENT A0800002 20231227 A106A080000200001 NOSUBENT A0800003 20240321 A110A080000300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 A080099999999