ENTRY            A0846   20100401                             A068A084600000001 
SUBENT        A0846001   20100401                             A068A084600100001 
BIB                 15         46                                 A084600100002 
TITLE      Study of the pd reaction in the astrophysical energy   A084600100003 
           region using the Hall accelerator.                     A084600100004 
AUTHOR     (V.M.Bystritsky, V.V.Gerasimov, A.R.Krylov,            A084600100005 
           S.S.Parzhitski, G.N.Dudkin, V.L.Kaminskii, B.A.Nechaev,A084600100006 
           V.M.Padalko, A.V.Petrov, G.A.Mesyats, M.Filipovicz,    A084600100007 
           J.Wozniak)                                             A084600100008 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              A084600100009 
           (4RUSTPI) Research Institute of Nuclear Physics,       A084600100010 
            Tomsk State University.                               A084600100011 
           (4RUSLEB)                                              A084600100012 
           (3POLITJ)                                              A084600100013 
           (1USAIRV)                                              A084600100014 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,595,543,2008)                                 A084600100015 
REL-REF    (M,A0726001,V.M.Bystritsky+,J,EPJ/A,36,151,2008)       A084600100016 
            Detailed description of experiment                    A084600100017 
SAMPLE     The solid-body target of frozen heavy water D(2)O      A084600100018 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    A084600100019 
DETECTOR   (SCIN).Six plastic scintillator detectors,             A084600100020 
            100*100*375 mm**3, arranged around the target.        A084600100021 
           (NAICR)  NaI(Tl) detector                              A084600100022 
           The gamma-detectors were calibrated against standard   A084600100023 
           Co-60, Cs-137, Th-227, Po-Be gamma-sources. The gamma- A084600100024 
           detection energy threshold of the plastic and NaI(Tl)  A084600100025 
           detectors was 2.2 and 2.7 MeV, respectively.           A084600100026 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,4RUSTPI) The Hall pulsed accelerator at the     A084600100027 
            Nuclear Physics Institute, Tomsk.                     A084600100028 
ERR-ANALYS  The resulting errors of the measured values of the    A084600100029 
           astrophysical S-factor and the cross-section for the   A084600100030 
           pd reaction arise from the error in the number of      A084600100031 
           events detected by six plastic-scintillator and one    A084600100032 
           one NaI(Tl) detector and from inaccurate knowledge-    A084600100033 
           (ERR-1).Error of the gamma-quanta  detection efficiencyA084600100034 
            approx. 3%,                                           A084600100035 
           number and energy distribution of protons in incident  A084600100036 
           on the target,                                         A084600100037 
           (ERR-2,,6.0).Error in stopping power of protons in the A084600100038 
           solid-body target of frozen heavy water D(2)O target   A084600100039 
           is less or equal 6%,                                   A084600100040 
           (ERR-3,,4.0).Error in deuteron density in a target is  A084600100041 
           less or equal 4%.                                      A084600100042 
           (EN-ERR).Error is reported authors in table 2.         A084600100043 
METHOD     (BCINT)                                                A084600100044 
EN-SEC     (E,G)                                                  A084600100045 
MISC-COL   (MISC).It is average proton-deuteron collision  energy.A084600100046 
STATUS     (TABLE).Table 3                                        A084600100047 
HISTORY    (20100401C).S.B.                                       A084600100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 A084600100049 
COMMON               2          3                                 A084600100050 
E          ERR-1                                                  A084600100051 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               A084600100052 
5.5        3.                                                     A084600100053 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A084600100054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 A084600199999 
SUBENT        A0846002   20100401                             A068A084600200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 A084600200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(P,G)2-HE-3,,SIG,,SFC/AV)                        A084600200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The uncertainty is reported by authors in   A084600200004 
           table 3.                                               A084600200005 
REL-REF    (A,A1273003,G.M.GRIFFITHS+,J,CJP,41,724,1963)          A084600200006 
           (A,C0405009,G.J.SCHMID+,J,PR/C,56,2565,1997)           A084600200007 
           (A,A0430003,C.Casella+,J,NP/A,706,203,2002)            A084600200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A084600200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A084600200010 
DATA                 5          3                                 A084600200011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC                  A084600200012 
KEV        KEV        B*KEV      B*KEV      KEV                   A084600200013 
       12.1        0.4   2.37E-04   0.71E-04      8.28            A084600200014 
       13.9        0.5   2.77E-04   0.64E-04      9.49            A084600200015 
       14.8        0.5   2.98E-04   0.65E-04     10.10            A084600200016 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 A084600200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 A084600299999 
SUBENT        A0846003   20100401                             A068A084600300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 A084600300002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(P,G)2-HE-3,,SIG,,,DERIV)                        A084600300003 
STATUS     (DEP,A0846002)                                         A084600300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 A084600300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A084600300006 
DATA                 4          3                                 A084600300007 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       MISC                             A084600300008 
KEV        KEV        MICRO-B    KEV                              A084600300009 
       12.1        0.4   3.86E-03       8.28                      A084600300010 
       13.9        0.5   7.09E-03       9.49                      A084600300011 
       14.8        0.5   9.24E-03      10.10                      A084600300012 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 A084600300013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 A084600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 A084699999999