ENTRY A0948 20240426 A111A094800000001 SUBENT A0948001 20240426 A111A094800100001 BIB 11 50 A094800100002 TITLE Experimental studies of the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction A094800100003 including decay properties and excitation function for A094800100004 isotopes of element 117, and discovery of the new A094800100005 isotope 277Mt. A094800100006 AUTHOR (Yu.Ts.Oganessian, F.Sh.Abdullin, C.Alexander, A094800100007 J.Binder, R.A.Boll, S.N.Dmitriev, J.Ezold, K.Felker, A094800100008 J.M.Gostic, R.K.Grzywacz, J.H.Hamilton, R.A.Henderson, A094800100009 M.G.Itkis, K.Miernik, D.Miller, K.J.Moody, A094800100010 A.N.Polyakov, A.V.Ramayya, J.B.Roberto, M.A.Ryabinin, A094800100011 K.P.Rykaczewski, R.N.Sagaidak, D.A.Shaughnessy, A094800100012 I.V.Shirokovsky, M.V.Shumeiko, M.A.Stoyer, N.J.Stoyer, A094800100013 V.G.Subbotin, A.M.Sukhov, Yu.S.Tsyganov, V.K.Utyonkov, A094800100014 A.A.Voinov, G.K.Vostokin) A094800100015 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,87,054621,2013) A094800100016 (J,EPJ/CS,66,02073,2014) - same results A094800100017 REL-REF (I,A0884001,Yu.Ts.Oganessian+,J,PR/C,83,054315,2011) A094800100018 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,1USAORL,1USALRL,1USATEN,1USAVBT,4RUSNIR) A094800100019 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) A094800100020 METHOD (TOF) A094800100021 PART-DET (A,RSD) A094800100022 SAMPLE Half of the obtained 249Bk material,12.7 mg, was A094800100023 shipped to the JINR. The 249Bk contained 0.51 mg of A094800100024 249Cf, less than 0.45 ng of 252Cf, and no other A094800100025 detectable impurities. A094800100026 Six arc-shaped targets, each with an area of 5.4 cm**2,A094800100027 were made at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors A094800100028 (Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federat.) by depositing BkO(2) A094800100029 onto 0.72mg/cm**2 Ti-foils to a thickness of A094800100030 0.33 mg/cm**2 of 249Bk. The targets were mounted on theA094800100031 perimeter of a disk 12 cm in diameter that was A094800100032 rotated at 1700 rpm perpendicular to the beam A094800100033 direction. A094800100034 DETECTOR (MAGSP) the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator-DGFRS A094800100035 The detection system was modified to increase the A094800100036 position granularity of the detectors, which reduces A094800100037 the probability of observing sequences of random A094800100038 events that mimic decay chains of synthesized nuclei. A094800100039 (SISD) Two 6*6 cm**2 silicon detectors each having A094800100040 16 strips with position sensitivity in the vertical A094800100041 direction. These detectors were surrounded by six A094800100042 similar 6*6 cm**2 side detectors without position A094800100043 sensitivity. Behind the focal-plane detectors, which A094800100044 had a thickness of 0.3 mm, a pair of veto detectors A094800100045 similar to the side detectors was mounted for the A094800100046 detection and rejection of signals from high-energy A094800100047 long-range charged particles. A094800100048 HISTORY (20130604C) SB A094800100049 (20170211A) SD: REACTION code update in Subents 002-003A094800100050 (20240426U) SD: Ref. added (EPJ/CS,66,02073,2014). A094800100051 Small correction in Subents 005, 006. A094800100052 ENDBIB 50 0 A094800100053 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A094800199999 SUBENT A0948002 20170211 A087A094800200001 BIB 6 11 A094800200002 REACTION (97-BK-249(20-CA-48,3N)117-TS-294,,SIG) A094800200003 DECAY-DATA (117-TS-294,,A,10810.,,A,10967.) A094800200004 Alpha decay (10.81-10.97 MeV) A094800200005 Half-life is 50+-60,18 msec A094800200006 This is the average alpha energy from 3/3 events A094800200007 MISC-COL (MISC).Excitation energy of the compound nucleus. A094800200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA094800200009 STATUS (TABLE).Table data were received from Dr.V.K.Utyonkov A094800200010 for fig.4 of J,PR/C,87,054621,2013 A094800200011 HISTORY (20170211A) SD: SF4=117-*-294 -> 117-TS-294 in A094800200012 REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A094800200013 ENDBIB 11 0 A094800200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800200015 DATA 6 3 A094800200016 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR DATA-MAX MISC A094800200017 MEV PB PB PB PB MEV A094800200018 243.7 0.7276 1.6730 0.6019 32.55A094800200019 246.8 1.1045 1.0744 0.6011 35.13A094800200020 251.7 0.315 39.25A094800200021 ENDDATA 5 0 A094800200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 A094800299999 SUBENT A0948003 20170211 A087A094800300001 BIB 6 12 A094800300002 REACTION (97-BK-249(20-CA-48,4N)117-TS-293,,SIG) A094800300003 DECAY-DATA (117-TS-293,,A,10598.,,A,10900.,,A,10914.,,A,11114.,, A094800300004 A,11142.) A094800300005 Alpha decay (10.60-11.20 MeV) A094800300006 Half-life is 22+-8,4 msec A094800300007 This is the average alpha energy from 15/15 events A094800300008 MISC-COL (MISC).Excitation energy of the compound nucleus. A094800300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA094800300010 STATUS (TABLE).Table data were received from Dr.V.K.Utyonkov A094800300011 for fig.4 of J,PR/C,87,054621,2013 A094800300012 HISTORY (20170211A) SD: SF4=117-*-293 -> 117-TS-293 in A094800300013 REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A094800300014 ENDBIB 12 0 A094800300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800300016 DATA 6 4 A094800300017 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR DATA-MAX MISC A094800300018 MEV PB PB PB PB MEV A094800300019 246.8 0.587 35.13A094800300020 251.7 1.542 0.658 0.479 39.25A094800300021 255.7 2.370 2.3056 1.290 42.58A094800300022 259.8 1.964 1.9105 1.0689 46.02A094800300023 ENDDATA 6 0 A094800300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 A094800399999 SUBENT A0948004 20170211 A087A094800400001 BIB 4 6 A094800400002 REACTION (97-BK-249(20-CA-48,5N)117-TS-292,,SIG) A094800400003 MISC-COL (MISC).Excitation energy of the compound nucleus. A094800400004 STATUS (TABLE).Table data were received from Dr.V.K.Utyonkov A094800400005 for fig.4 of J,PR/C,87,054621,2013 A094800400006 HISTORY (20170211A) SD: SF4=117-*-292 -> 117-TS-292 in A094800400007 REACTION code. A094800400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A094800400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800400010 DATA 3 1 A094800400011 EN DATA-MAX MISC A094800400012 MEV PB MEV A094800400013 259.8 1.2053 46.02 A094800400014 ENDDATA 3 0 A094800400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 A094800499999 SUBENT A0948005 20240426 A111A094800500001 BIB 6 13 A094800500002 REACTION (97-BK-249(20-CA-48,3N)117-TS-294,,SIG,,AV) A094800500003 MISC-COL (MISC) The excitation energy of the compound nucleus. A094800500004 DECAY-DATA (117-TS-294,,A,10960.,,A,10967.) A094800500005 Alpha decay (10.81-10.97 MeV)- A094800500006 Half-life is 50(+60/-18) msec - Error bars correspond A094800500007 to 68% confidence level. A094800500008 This is the average alpha energy from 3/3 events A094800500009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA094800500010 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.Ts.Oganessian+,J,PR/C,87,054621,2013) abstr.A094800500011 (DEP,A0948002) A094800500012 HISTORY (20170211A) SD: SF4=117-*-294 -> 117-TS-294 in A094800500013 REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A094800500014 (20240426U) SD: STATUS updated. A094800500015 ENDBIB 13 0 A094800500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800500017 DATA 7 1 A094800500018 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR MISC-MIN A094800500019 MISC-MAX A094800500020 MEV MEV PB PB PB MEV A094800500021 MEV A094800500022 243.7 259.8 1.1 1.2 0.6 30.4 A094800500023 48.3 A094800500024 ENDDATA 6 0 A094800500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A094800599999 SUBENT A0948006 20240426 A111A094800600001 BIB 6 14 A094800600002 REACTION (97-BK-249(20-CA-48,4N)117-TS-293,,SIG,,AV) A094800600003 DECAY-DATA (117-TS-293,,A,10598.,,A,10900.,,A,10914.,,A,11114.,, A094800600004 A,11142.) A094800600005 Alpha decay (10.60-11.20 MeV) A094800600006 Half-life is 27(+12/-6) msec - Error bars correspond A094800600007 to 68% confidence level. A094800600008 This is the average alpha energy from 10/10 events A094800600009 MISC-COL (MISC) The excitation energy of the compound nucleus. A094800600010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesA094800600011 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.Ts.Oganessian+,J,PR/C,87,054621,2013) abstr.A094800600012 (DEP,A0948003) A094800600013 HISTORY (20170211A) SD: SF4=117-*-293 -> 117-TS-293 in A094800600014 REACTION code and DECAY-DATA. A094800600015 (20240426U) SD: STATUS updated. A094800600016 ENDBIB 14 0 A094800600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 A094800600018 DATA 7 1 A094800600019 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR MISC-MIN A094800600020 MISC-MAX A094800600021 MEV MEV PB PB PB MEV A094800600022 MEV A094800600023 243.7 259.8 2.4 3.3 1.4 30.4 A094800600024 48.3 A094800600025 ENDDATA 6 0 A094800600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A094800699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 A094899999999