ENTRY A1031 20240318 A110A103100000001 SUBENT A1031001 20240318 A110A103100100001 BIB 11 21 A103100100002 TITLE Differential cross section and polarization in p-alpha A103100100003 scattering at 12, 14.2 and 17.5 MeV A103100100004 AUTHOR (D.Garreta,J.Sura,A.Tarrats) A103100100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,132,204,1969) A103100100006 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC) A103100100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,2FR SAC) The polarized proton beam of the A103100100008 Saclay variable energy cyclotron was scattered in a A103100100009 gas target filled with helium at room temperature at A103100100010 a pressure of 1.2 arm. A103100100011 SAMPLE The gas target A103100100012 INC-SOURCE (POLIS) A103100100013 METHOD (EXTB,BCINT) A103100100014 DETECTOR (TELES,SOLST) The scattered protons were detected in A103100100015 the scattering chamber with six independent counter A103100100016 telescopes and in the polarimeter with two solid-state A103100100017 detector. A103100100018 STATUS (TABLE,,D.Garreta+,J,NP/A,132,204,1969) Table 1 A103100100019 HISTORY (19810310C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA103100100020 (19990115U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A103100100021 (20240318A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 003 A103100100022 added. A103100100023 ENDBIB 21 0 A103100100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 A103100100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A103100199999 SUBENT A1031002 20240318 A110A103100200001 BIB 3 12 A103100200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(P,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) A103100200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The quoted errors are uncertainties from A103100200004 statistics, background subtraction and an overall A103100200005 estimated systematic uncertainty of 2% in the solid A103100200006 angles of the different detectors, the pressure and A103100200007 temperature of the gas and the beam integrator system A103100200008 (those factors have no influence on the polarization A103100200009 measurements). A103100200010 The errors do not take into account normalization A103100200011 uncertainties. A103100200012 HISTORY (20240318A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A103100200013 DATA-ERR -> ERR-1. A103100200014 ENDBIB 12 0 A103100200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 A103100200016 DATA 4 70 A103100200017 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-1 A103100200018 MEV ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT A103100200019 12.04 39.4 235. 2.3 A103100200020 12.04 47. 206. 2.3 A103100200021 12.04 55. 168. 2.1 A103100200022 12.04 63.6 129. 2.2 A103100200023 12.04 70.5 102. 2.2 A103100200024 12.04 83.9 55.7 2.2 A103100200025 12.04 90.3 39.1 2.2 A103100200026 12.04 96.6 27.7 2.5 A103100200027 12.04 103.8 18.2 2.1 A103100200028 12.04 106.8 16.2 2.1 A103100200029 12.04 109.7 14.7 2.2 A103100200030 12.04 112.6 14. 2.3 A103100200031 12.04 116.8 14.6 2.4 A103100200032 12.04 122. 17.2 2.4 A103100200033 12.04 123.8 18.2 2.4 A103100200034 12.04 125.5 19.3 2.3 A103100200035 12.04 132.7 25.9 2.9 A103100200036 12.04 137. 31.7 2.5 A103100200037 12.04 141. 36.9 2.7 A103100200038 12.04 146.2 44.1 4. A103100200039 12.04 151. 48.5 4.3 A103100200040 12.04 155.7 57.2 6. A103100200041 12.04 161.2 61.7 6. A103100200042 14.23 39.4 209. 2.8 A103100200043 14.23 47. 176. 2.6 A103100200044 14.23 55. 144. 2.3 A103100200045 14.23 63.6 115. 2.1 A103100200046 14.23 70.5 86.7 2.1 A103100200047 14.23 77.3 65. 2.1 A103100200048 14.23 83.9 47.2 2.5 A103100200049 14.23 90.3 33. 2.1 A103100200050 14.23 96.6 22.4 2.1 A103100200051 14.23 103.8 14. 2.2 A103100200052 14.23 106.8 12.1 2.2 A103100200053 14.23 109.7 10.7 2.6 A103100200054 14.23 112.6 10.2 2.2 A103100200055 14.23 116.8 10.8 2.2 A103100200056 14.23 122. 13.2 2.2 A103100200057 14.23 123.8 13.8 2.2 A103100200058 14.23 125.5 15.2 3. A103100200059 14.23 132.7 21.2 2.2 A103100200060 14.23 137. 26. 2.6 A103100200061 14.23 141. 30.8 3.6 A103100200062 14.23 146.2 35.7 2.6 A103100200063 14.23 151. 41.5 2.8 A103100200064 14.23 155.7 45.7 3.2 A103100200065 14.23 161.2 51.7 5. A103100200066 17.45 39.4 177. 2.3 A103100200067 17.45 43.4 163. 2.1 A103100200068 17.45 47. 151. 2.1 A103100200069 17.45 55. 122. 2.1 A103100200070 17.45 63.6 95.6 2. A103100200071 17.45 70.5 71.8 2.1 A103100200072 17.45 77.3 53.4 2.3 A103100200073 17.45 83.9 37.9 2.3 A103100200074 17.45 90.3 26.9 2.1 A103100200075 17.45 96.6 17.5 2.1 A103100200076 17.45 103.8 10.9 2.2 A103100200077 17.45 106.8 9.22 2.2 A103100200078 17.45 109.7 8.2 2.2 A103100200079 17.45 116.8 7.69 2.1 A103100200080 17.45 122. 9.33 2.6 A103100200081 17.45 123.8 10.6 3. A103100200082 17.45 125.5 11.7 4.1 A103100200083 17.45 132.7 16.9 2.4 A103100200084 17.45 137. 20.4 3.1 A103100200085 17.45 141. 25. 2.9 A103100200086 17.45 151. 33.2 3.2 A103100200087 17.45 155.7 36.9 4. A103100200088 17.45 161.2 41.4 4. A103100200089 ENDDATA 72 0 A103100200090 ENDSUBENT 89 0 A103100299999 SUBENT A1031003 20240318 A110A103100300001 BIB 3 4 A103100300002 REACTION (2-HE-4(P,EL)2-HE-4,,POL/DA,,ANA) A103100300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The quoted errors are uncertainties from A103100300004 statistics and background subtraction. A103100300005 HISTORY (20240318C) SD A103100300006 ENDBIB 4 0 A103100300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 A103100300008 DATA 4 76 A103100300009 EN ANG-CM DATA ERR-1 A103100300010 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM A103100300011 12.04 25.0 -0.133 0.009 A103100300012 12.04 32.4 -0.194 0.005 A103100300013 12.04 39.4 -0.259 0.003 A103100300014 12.04 47.0 -0.319 0.002 A103100300015 12.04 55.0 -0.401 0.003 A103100300016 12.04 63.6 -0.491 0.003 A103100300017 12.04 70.5 -0.568 0.004 A103100300018 12.04 77.3 -0.649 0.005 A103100300019 12.04 83.9 -0.733 0.006 A103100300020 12.04 90.3 -0.781 0.006 A103100300021 12.04 96.6 -0.743 0.006 A103100300022 12.04 103.8 -0.487 0.006 A103100300023 12.04 106.8 -0.248 0.006 A103100300024 12.04 109.7 0.029 0.006 A103100300025 12.04 112.6 0.323 0.009 A103100300026 12.04 116.8 0.702 0.007 A103100300027 12.04 122.0 0.951 0.006 A103100300028 12.04 123.8 0.979 0.006 A103100300029 12.04 125.5 1.004 0.006 A103100300030 12.04 132.7 0.905 0.007 A103100300031 12.04 137.0 0.804 0.005 A103100300032 12.04 141.0 0.718 0.004 A103100300033 12.04 146.2 0.584 0.006 A103100300034 12.04 151.0 0.498 0.006 A103100300035 12.04 155.7 0.400 0.006 A103100300036 12.04 161.2 0.293 0.006 A103100300037 14.23 25.0 -0.122 0.009 A103100300038 14.23 32.4 -0.174 0.005 A103100300039 14.23 39.4 -0.232 0.003 A103100300040 14.23 47.0 -0.286 0.003 A103100300041 14.23 55.0 -0.354 0.003 A103100300042 14.23 63.6 -0.445 0.004 A103100300043 14.23 70.5 -0.525 0.005 A103100300044 14.23 77.3 -0.606 0.006 A103100300045 14.23 83.9 -0.696 0.007 A103100300046 14.23 90.3 -0.761 0.006 A103100300047 14.23 96.6 -0.753 0.006 A103100300048 14.23 103.8 -0.526 0.006 A103100300049 14.23 106.8 -0.316 0.008 A103100300050 14.23 109.7 -0.017 0.009 A103100300051 14.23 112.6 0.313 0.009 A103100300052 14.23 116.8 0.698 0.009 A103100300053 14.23 122.0 0.959 0.009 A103100300054 14.23 123.8 0.987 0.009 A103100300055 14.23 125.5 0.991 0.008 A103100300056 14.23 132.7 0.885 0.007 A103100300057 14.23 137.0 0.776 0.006 A103100300058 14.23 141.0 0.680 0.006 A103100300059 14.23 146.2 0.563 0.005 A103100300060 14.23 151.0 0.457 0.007 A103100300061 14.23 155.7 0.364 0.004 A103100300062 14.23 161.2 0.275 0.006 A103100300063 17.45 25.0 -0.109 0.009 A103100300064 17.45 39.4 -0.203 0.003 A103100300065 17.45 43.4 -0.231 0.003 A103100300066 17.45 47.0 -0.259 0.003 A103100300067 17.45 55.0 -0.322 0.003 A103100300068 17.45 63.6 -0.402 0.002 A103100300069 17.45 70.5 -0.481 0.005 A103100300070 17.45 77.3 -0.563 0.005 A103100300071 17.45 83.9 -0.625 0.007 A103100300072 17.45 90.3 -0.719 0.006 A103100300073 17.45 96.6 -0.743 0.007 A103100300074 17.45 103.8 -0.541 0.006 A103100300075 17.45 106.8 -0.322 0.008 A103100300076 17.45 109.7 -0.049 0.009 A103100300077 17.45 116.8 0.711 0.008 A103100300078 17.45 122.0 0.960 0.008 A103100300079 17.45 123.8 0.981 0.008 A103100300080 17.45 125.5 0.986 0.007 A103100300081 17.45 132.7 0.857 0.008 A103100300082 17.45 137.0 0.744 0.005 A103100300083 17.45 141.0 0.656 0.004 A103100300084 17.45 151.0 0.445 0.005 A103100300085 17.45 155.7 0.353 0.004 A103100300086 17.45 161.2 0.260 0.003 A103100300087 ENDDATA 78 0 A103100300088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 A103100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A103199999999