ENTRY A1040 20240707 A113A104000000001 SUBENT A1040001 20240707 A113A104000100001 BIB 7 15 A104000100002 TITLE Cross section and polarization measurements for the A104000100003 3He(He3,n)5Li reaction A104000100004 AUTHOR (J.T.Klopcic,S.E.Darden) A104000100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,3,2171,1971) A104000100006 INSTITUTE (1USANOT) A104000100007 FACILITY (VDG,1USANOT) 4 MeV A104000100008 CORRECTION Contributions from the three-body breakup channel A104000100009 3H(He3,np)4He were removed by assuming these neutrons A104000100010 to be unpolarized and to have a statistical energy A104000100011 distribution in the high-energy portion of the A104000100012 neutron spectrum A104000100013 HISTORY (19810311C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA104000100014 (19990115U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A104000100015 (20240707A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 005 A104000100016 was added. A104000100017 ENDBIB 15 0 A104000100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104000100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 A104000199999 SUBENT A1040002 20240707 A113A104000200001 BIB 9 21 A104000200002 REACTION (1-H-3(HE3,N)3-LI-5,,DA) A104000200003 SAMPLE Tritium targets consisted of thin copper disks A104000200004 containing a layer of titanium into which tritium had A104000200005 been absorbed. A104000200006 For the cross-section measurements, the titanium was A104000200007 270-keV thick to 3-MeV 3He+ ions. A104000200008 DETECTOR (SCIN) A liquid scintillator Ne213 5 cm x 5 cm diam. A104000200009 MONITOR (1-H-3(HE3,N)3-LI-5,,DA) A104000200010 MONIT-REF (C0004001,S.J.Bame Jr+,J,PR,107,1616,1957) A104000200011 METHOD (PHD,BCINT) A104000200012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Order of 10%, arise from approximately equal A104000200013 contributions from statistical uncertainties in the A104000200014 data and from uncertainty in the separation of the A104000200015 monoenergetic-neutron-recoil spectrum from the measuredA104000200016 spectrum. A104000200017 (ERR-2,,5.) The absolute uncertainty associated with A104000200018 the normalization of the cross section appears to be A104000200019 about 5% or less. A104000200020 STATUS (TABLE,,J.T.Klopcic+,J,PR/C,3,2171,1971) Table II A104000200021 HISTORY (20240707A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104000200022 DATA-ERR -> ERR-1. A104000200023 ENDBIB 21 0 A104000200024 COMMON 1 3 A104000200025 ANG-RSL A104000200026 ADEG A104000200027 3. A104000200028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A104000200029 DATA 4 25 A104000200030 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-1 A104000200031 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A104000200032 2.7 0.0 1.05 0.07 A104000200033 2.7 11.5 1.06 0.12 A104000200034 2.7 23.0 1.17 0.13 A104000200035 2.7 34.4 1.36 0.15 A104000200036 2.7 45.6 1.37 0.15 A104000200037 2.7 56.7 1.39 0.15 A104000200038 2.7 67.6 1.37 0.15 A104000200039 2.7 78.2 1.24 0.13 A104000200040 2.7 88.6 1.05 0.13 A104000200041 2.7 98.6 1.04 0.13 A104000200042 2.7 108.6 0.96 0.13 A104000200043 2.7 118.2 1.02 0.13 A104000200044 2.7 127.6 0.89 0.13 A104000200045 2.7 136.7 0.83 0.14 A104000200046 2.7 145.6 0.7 0.14 A104000200047 3.55 0.0 1.38 0.15 A104000200048 3.55 17.5 1.67 0.19 A104000200049 3.55 34.9 1.98 0.22 A104000200050 3.55 46.3 1.89 0.21 A104000200051 3.55 68.5 1.76 0.20 A104000200052 3.55 84.5 1.56 0.18 A104000200053 3.55 100.0 1.41 0.16 A104000200054 3.55 114.5 1.29 0.15 A104000200055 3.55 128.5 1.24 0.17 A104000200056 3.55 141.9 1.06 0.2 A104000200057 ENDDATA 27 0 A104000200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 A104000299999 SUBENT A1040003 20240707 A113A104000300001 BIB 9 21 A104000300002 REACTION (1-H-3(HE3,N)3-LI-5,,DA) A104000300003 SAMPLE Tritium targets consisted of thin copper disks A104000300004 containing a layer of titanium into which tritium had A104000300005 been absorbed. A104000300006 For the cross-section measurements, the titanium was A104000300007 270-keV thick to 3-MeV 3He+ ions. A104000300008 DETECTOR (SCIN) A liquid scintillator NE213 5 cm x 5 cm diam. A104000300009 MONITOR (1-H-3(HE3,N)3-LI-5,,DA) A104000300010 MONIT-REF (C0004001,S.J.Bame Jr+,J,PR,107,1616,1957) A104000300011 METHOD (PHD,BCINT) A104000300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Order of 10%, arise from approximately equal A104000300013 contributions from statistical uncertainties in the A104000300014 data and from uncertainty in the separation of the A104000300015 monoenergetic-neutron-recoil spectrum from the measuredA104000300016 spectrum. A104000300017 (ERR-2,,5.) The absolute uncertainty associated with A104000300018 the normalization of the cross section appears to be A104000300019 about 5% or less. A104000300020 STATUS (CURVE,,J.T.Klopcic+,J,PR/C,3,2171,1971) Fig.5 A104000300021 HISTORY (20240707A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104000300022 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1. A104000300023 ENDBIB 21 0 A104000300024 COMMON 1 3 A104000300025 EN-ERR-DIG A104000300026 MEV A104000300027 0.01 A104000300028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A104000300029 DATA 4 15 A104000300030 ANG EN DATA ERR-1 A104000300031 ADEG MEV MB/SR MB/SR A104000300032 0. 1.58 0.789 0.107 A104000300033 0. 2.19 1.075 0.133 A104000300034 0. 2.79 1.442 0.177 A104000300035 0. 3.38 1.960 0.240 A104000300036 0. 3.62 1.891 0.196 A104000300037 40. 1.00 0.347 0.063 A104000300038 40. 1.30 0.587 0.095 A104000300039 40. 1.59 0.853 0.126 A104000300040 40. 1.89 0.979 0.126 A104000300041 40. 2.19 1.175 0.145 A104000300042 40. 2.49 1.466 0.177 A104000300043 40. 2.78 1.700 0.196 A104000300044 40. 3.09 1.903 0.334 A104000300045 40. 3.39 2.301 0.278 A104000300046 40. 3.69 2.402 0.296 A104000300047 ENDDATA 17 0 A104000300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 A104000399999 SUBENT A1040004 20240707 A113A104000400001 BIB 5 9 A104000400002 REACTION (1-H-3(HE3,N+P)2-HE-4,,DA,N) A104000400003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A liquid scintillator NE213 5 cm x 5 cm diam. A104000400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Order of 10%, arise from approximately equalA104000400005 contributions from statistical uncertainties in the A104000400006 data and from uncertainty in the separation of the A104000400007 monoenergetic-neutron-recoil spectrum from the measuredA104000400008 spectrum. A104000400009 STATUS (TABLE,,J.T.Klopcic+,J,PR/C,3,2171,1971) Table 2 A104000400010 HISTORY (20240707A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104000400011 ENDBIB 9 0 A104000400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104000400013 DATA 4 25 A104000400014 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR A104000400015 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A104000400016 2.7 0. 0.51 0.18 A104000400017 2.7 11.5 0.5 0.18 A104000400018 2.7 23. 0.46 0.16 A104000400019 2.7 34.4 0.43 0.15 A104000400020 2.7 45.6 0.39 0.14 A104000400021 2.7 56.7 0.39 0.14 A104000400022 2.7 67.6 0.35 0.13 A104000400023 2.7 78.2 0.34 0.13 A104000400024 2.7 88.6 0.32 0.13 A104000400025 2.7 98.6 0.32 0.13 A104000400026 2.7 108.6 0.34 0.13 A104000400027 2.7 118.2 0.32 0.13 A104000400028 2.7 127.6 0.32 0.14 A104000400029 2.7 136.6 0.34 0.14 A104000400030 2.7 145.6 0.3 0.14 A104000400031 3.55 0. 0.57 0.2 A104000400032 3.55 17.5 0.52 0.18 A104000400033 3.55 34.9 0.45 0.16 A104000400034 3.55 46.3 0.42 0.15 A104000400035 3.55 68.5 0.39 0.14 A104000400036 3.55 84.5 0.36 0.13 A104000400037 3.55 100. 0.34 0.13 A104000400038 3.55 114.5 0.33 0.14 A104000400039 3.55 128.5 0.35 0.15 A104000400040 3.55 141.9 0.36 0.16 A104000400041 ENDDATA 27 0 A104000400042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 A104000499999 SUBENT A1040005 20240707 A113A104000500001 BIB 7 16 A104000500002 REACTION (1-H-3(HE3,N)3-LI-5,,POL/DA) A104000500003 SAMPLE Tritium targets consisted of thin copper disks A104000500004 containing a layer of titanium into which tritium had A104000500005 been absorbed. A104000500006 For the polarization measurements, a relatively thick A104000500007 target (600 keV for 3-MeV 3He+ ions) was used. A104000500008 DETECTOR (COIN,SCIN) The gas scintillator, paraffin and A104000500009 W-Ni shielding, and two neutron detectors were mounted A104000500010 on a movable table which could be pivoted about the A104000500011 position of the tritium target. Rectangular plastic A104000500012 scintillators 5 cm x 7.5 cm x 15 cm were used as A104000500013 neutron detectors. A104000500014 METHOD 4He used as an analyzer A104000500015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A104000500016 STATUS (TABLE,,J.T.Klopcic+,J,PR/C,3,2171,1971) Table II A104000500017 HISTORY (20240707C) SD A104000500018 ENDBIB 16 0 A104000500019 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104000500020 DATA 4 22 A104000500021 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR A104000500022 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM A104000500023 2.7 11.5 -0.012 0.046 A104000500024 2.7 23.0 -0.073 0.031 A104000500025 2.7 34.4 -0.125 0.025 A104000500026 2.7 45.6 -0.081 0.025 A104000500027 2.7 51.2 -0.094 0.030 A104000500028 2.7 56.7 -0.093 0.049 A104000500029 2.7 67.6 -0.099 0.031 A104000500030 2.7 78.3 -0.134 0.062 A104000500031 2.7 88.7 -0.098 0.031 A104000500032 2.7 98.8 -0.158 -0.036 A104000500033 2.7 108.7 -0.182 0.029 A104000500034 2.7 118.3 -0.253 0.032 A104000500035 2.7 127.6 -0.262 0.031 A104000500036 2.7 136.7 -0.200 0.040 A104000500037 3.5 23.4 -0.105 0.044 A104000500038 3.5 34.9 -0.109 0.036 A104000500039 3.5 51.9 -0.088 0.028 A104000500040 3.5 68.5 -0.058 0.029 A104000500041 3.5 84.5 -0.085 0.028 A104000500042 3.5 99.8 -0.118 0.035 A104000500043 3.5 114.5 -0.207 0.028 A104000500044 3.5 128.5 -0.149 0.029 A104000500045 ENDDATA 24 0 A104000500046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 A104000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 A104099999999