ENTRY A1046 20240425 A111A104600000001 SUBENT A1046001 20240425 A111A104600100001 BIB 8 13 A104600100002 TITLE Deuteron capture by deuterons A104600100003 AUTHOR (W.Del Blanko,J.M.Poutissou) A104600100004 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,29,299,1969) A104600100005 INSTITUTE (1CANMON) A104600100006 FACILITY (VDGT,1CANMON) A104600100007 SAMPLE Gas target A104600100008 DETECTOR (NAICR) 15.2 cm long crystal was collimated, enclosed A104600100009 in a Cerenkov anticoincidence shield to reduce the A104600100010 cosmic ray background A104600100011 HISTORY (19810323C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA104600100012 (19990115U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A104600100013 (20240425A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A104600100014 Subent 003 deleted (data from another ref.). A104600100015 ENDBIB 13 0 A104600100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104600100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A104600199999 SUBENT A1046002 20240425 A111A104600200001 BIB 4 14 A104600200002 REACTION 1(1-H-2(D,G)2-HE-4,,DA) A104600200003 2(1-H-2(D,G)2-HE-4,,DA) A104600200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Other sources of error A104600200005 (ERR-2) The uncertainty in the calibration of the A104600200006 photon monitor A104600200007 (ERR-3) Error in the g-ray absorption in the paraffin A104600200008 between gas target and detector A104600200009 1(ERR-S) The error on the cross section corresponds A104600200010 to the statistical error on the gamma-ray yield only. A104600200011 2(ERR-T) Total error A104600200012 STATUS 1(CURVE,,W.Del Blanko+,J,PL/B,29,299,1969) Fig. 1 A104600200013 2(TABLE,,W.Del Blanko+,J,PL/B,29,299,1969) Abstract A104600200014 HISTORY (20240425A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104600200015 ERR-ANALYS updated. A104600200016 ENDBIB 14 0 A104600200017 COMMON 5 3 A104600200018 ANG EN-ERR-DIG1ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 A104600200019 ADEG MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A104600200020 130. 0.04 5.5 15.0 4. A104600200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A104600200022 DATA 5 4 A104600200023 EN DATA 1DATA 2ERR-S 1ERR-T 2 A104600200024 MEV MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR A104600200025 4. 0.6900E-05 0.3100E-05 A104600200026 6. 0.1064E-04 0.2688E-05 A104600200027 8. 0.1463E-04 0.2470E-05 A104600200028 10. 0.1650E-04 0.6800E-05 A104600200029 ENDDATA 6 0 A104600200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 A104600299999 NOSUBENT A1046003 20240425 A111A104600300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 A104699999999