ENTRY A1049 20240426 A111A104900000001 SUBENT A1049001 20240426 A111A104900100001 BIB 12 26 A104900100002 TITLE Angular distributions of quasi-free scattering A104900100003 contribution in deuteron break-up by protons and A104900100004 deuterons A104900100005 AUTHOR (E.Andrade,V.Valkovic,D.Rendic,G.C.Phillips) A104900100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,183,145,1972) A104900100007 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) A104900100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USARIC) A104900100009 SAMPLE Foil of deuterated polyethylene A104900100010 METHOD (TOF,EDE) A104900100011 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE-218 liquid scintillator 12.7 cm in diam and A104900100012 7.6 cm in depth as neutron detector A104900100013 (SIBAR) Two surface-barrier silicon detectors located A104900100014 at angles of THETA1 = - THETA2, with respect to the A104900100015 beam axis. A104900100016 ANALYSIS (INTED) A104900100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error A104900100018 COMMENT - By CAJAD- Minimal energies of detected particles are A104900100019 not shown. A104900100020 The minimum energy of detected particles varies with A104900100021 angle. A104900100022 HISTORY (19810324C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA104900100023 (19960826A) Comment is added by CAJAD. Method is A104900100024 corrected. A104900100025 (19961029U) Last checking has been done. A104900100026 (19990115U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A104900100027 (20240423A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A104900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 A104900100029 COMMON 1 3 A104900100030 EN A104900100031 MEV A104900100032 12.5 A104900100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A104900100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 A104900199999 SUBENT A1049002 20240426 A111A104900200001 BIB 4 7 A104900200002 REACTION (1-H-2(P,N+P)1-H-1,,DA/DA,P/P) A104900200003 METHOD (COINC) Proton-proton coincidence spectra were measuredA104900200004 for -THETA1=THETA2; with two detectors on the opposite A104900200005 side of the beam direction. A104900200006 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Andrade+,J,NP/A,183,145,1972) Table 1 A104900200007 HISTORY (20240423A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104900200008 STATUS updated. A104900200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A104900200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104900200011 DATA 3 16 A104900200012 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A104900200013 ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 A104900200014 15. 25.3 0.2 A104900200015 17.5 37.3 0.2 A104900200016 20. 34.6 0.3 A104900200017 22.5 35.5 0.3 A104900200018 25. 26.9 0.2 A104900200019 27.5 22. 0.2 A104900200020 30. 21.4 0.2 A104900200021 32.5 24.9 0.2 A104900200022 35. 23.3 0.2 A104900200023 37.5 18.9 0.2 A104900200024 40. 19.5 0.1 A104900200025 42.5 21.3 0.2 A104900200026 47.5 18. 0.1 A104900200027 50. 13.9 0.1 A104900200028 55. 7.4 0.1 A104900200029 60. 5.4 0.1 A104900200030 ENDDATA 18 0 A104900200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A104900299999 SUBENT A1049003 20240426 A111A104900300001 BIB 4 6 A104900300002 REACTION (1-H-2(P,N+P)1-H-1,,DA/DA,N/P) A104900300003 THETA1 = -THETA2 = THETA A104900300004 METHOD (COINC) Proton-neutron coincidence A104900300005 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Andrade+,J,NP/A,183,145,1972) Table 1 A104900300006 HISTORY (20240423A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104900300007 STATUS updated. A104900300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A104900300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104900300010 DATA 3 17 A104900300011 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A104900300012 ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 A104900300013 15. 39.3 0.3 A104900300014 17.5 63. 0.3 A104900300015 20. 59.9 0.4 A104900300016 22.5 64.6 0.4 A104900300017 25. 53.6 0.3 A104900300018 27.5 55.2 0.3 A104900300019 30. 51. 0.3 A104900300020 32.5 58.5 0.4 A104900300021 35. 65.2 0.4 A104900300022 37.5 53.5 0.3 A104900300023 40. 55.9 0.2 A104900300024 42.5 57.8 0.3 A104900300025 45. 55. 0.3 A104900300026 47.5 32.8 0.2 A104900300027 50. 20.3 0.1 A104900300028 55. 11.8 0.1 A104900300029 60. 11.1 0.1 A104900300030 ENDDATA 19 0 A104900300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A104900399999 SUBENT A1049004 20240426 A111A104900400001 BIB 4 6 A104900400002 REACTION (1-H-2(D,N+P)1-H-2,,DA/DA,P/D) A104900400003 THETA1 = -THETA2 = THETA A104900400004 METHOD (COINC) Deuteron-proton coincidence A104900400005 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Andrade+,J,NP/A,183,145,1972) Table 2 A104900400006 HISTORY (20240423A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104900400007 STATUS updated. A104900400008 ENDBIB 6 0 A104900400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104900400010 DATA 3 11 A104900400011 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A104900400012 ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 A104900400013 15. 298.2 1.5 A104900400014 17.5 235.1 1.4 A104900400015 20. 245.6 0.9 A104900400016 22.5 215.1 1.2 A104900400017 25. 144.5 0.7 A104900400018 27.5 120.1 0.6 A104900400019 30. 70.8 0.5 A104900400020 32.5 57.5 0.3 A104900400021 35. 57.1 0.2 A104900400022 37.5 45.5 0.2 A104900400023 40. 47.2 0.2 A104900400024 ENDDATA 13 0 A104900400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A104900499999 SUBENT A1049005 20240426 A111A104900500001 BIB 4 6 A104900500002 REACTION (1-H-2(D,N+P)1-H-2,,DA/DA,N/D) A104900500003 THETA1 = -THETA2 = THETA A104900500004 METHOD (COINC) Deuteron-neutron coincidence A104900500005 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Andrade+,J,NP/A,183,145,1972) Table 2 A104900500006 HISTORY (20240423A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A104900500007 STATUS updated. A104900500008 ENDBIB 6 0 A104900500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 A104900500010 DATA 3 11 A104900500011 ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S A104900500012 ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 A104900500013 15. 321.4 1.7 A104900500014 17.5 298.3 1.4 A104900500015 20. 219. 1. A104900500016 22.5 181.6 1.4 A104900500017 25. 127.5 0.8 A104900500018 27.5 100.9 0.8 A104900500019 30. 60.7 0.5 A104900500020 32.5 41.7 0.3 A104900500021 35. 39.3 0.3 A104900500022 37.5 33.5 0.3 A104900500023 40. 30. 0.2 A104900500024 ENDDATA 13 0 A104900500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A104900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 A104999999999