ENTRY A1051 20240426 A111A105100000001 SUBENT A1051001 20240426 A111A105100100001 BIB 9 23 A105100100002 TITLE Scattering of 3He from 4He and states in 7Be A105100100003 AUTHOR (P.D.Miller,G.C.Phillips) A105100100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,112,2048,1958) A105100100005 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) A105100100006 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) A105100100007 METHOD (COINC) 3He + 4He A105100100008 The two excitation curves at the most forward angle A105100100009 were obtained by counting the recoil 4He nuclei in A105100100010 detector No.1 with the coincident 3He nuclei in A105100100011 detector No.2, while the rest of the excitation curves A105100100012 were obtained by counting the scattered 3He nuclei in A105100100013 detector No.1 with the coincident 4He nuclei in A105100100014 detector No.2. A105100100015 DETECTOR (COIN,CSICR,CSICR) Two detectors were used A105100100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) A reasonable estimate of the probable error A105100100017 is 5% from 70. to 90. degr. in the center-of-mass A105100100018 system and 10% outside of this range. A105100100019 Coincidence losses, and the high background at A105100100020 backward angles, makes an estimate of the errors in A105100100021 the present experiment difficult. A105100100022 HISTORY (19811015C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA105100100023 (19990205U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A105100100024 (20240426A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. BIB updatedA105100100025 ENDBIB 23 0 A105100100026 COMMON 1 3 A105100100027 EN-ERR A105100100028 MEV A105100100029 0.020 A105100100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105100100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 A105100199999 SUBENT A1051002 20240426 A111A105100200001 BIB 4 7 A105100200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(HE3,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) A105100200003 FLAG (1.) He3 particle detection A105100200004 (2.) He-4 particle detection A105100200005 STATUS (CURVE,,P.D.Miller+,J,PR,112,2048,1958) Fig. 1 A105100200006 HISTORY (20240426A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A105100200007 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D; DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIG. A105100200008 New DATA-ERR was added. A105100200009 ENDBIB 7 0 A105100200010 COMMON 2 3 A105100200011 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG A105100200012 ADEG MB/SR A105100200013 1.0 1.1 A105100200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105100200015 DATA 5 40 A105100200016 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG A105100200017 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM A105100200018 2.974 48.8 374.8 10. 2. A105100200019 2.974 49.8 450.1 10. 1. A105100200020 2.974 55.5 300.9 10. 2. A105100200021 2.974 59.1 258.1 10. 1. A105100200022 2.974 59.8 213.8 10. 2. A105100200023 2.974 63.5 191.6 10. 2. A105100200024 2.974 69.4 132.5 10. 2. A105100200025 2.974 69.5 137.0 10. 1. A105100200026 2.974 80.7 88.2 5. 2. A105100200027 2.974 84.4 54.2 5. 2. A105100200028 2.974 85.9 48.3 5. 1. A105100200029 2.974 89.7 63.0 5. 1. A105100200030 2.974 101.0 37.8 5. 2. A105100200031 2.974 110.0 39.2 5. 1. A105100200032 2.974 110.8 21.5 5. 2. A105100200033 2.974 116.1 27.3 5. 1. A105100200034 2.974 119.8 31.7 5. 1. A105100200035 2.974 120.6 19.9 5. 2. A105100200036 3.877 49.6 318.6 5. 1. A105100200037 3.877 49.6 312.2 5. 2. A105100200038 3.877 55.0 226.9 5. 2. A105100200039 3.877 59.5 196.7 5. 1. A105100200040 3.877 60.2 194.9 5. 2. A105100200041 3.877 63.2 162.8 5. 2. A105100200042 3.877 63.3 154.6 5. 1. A105100200043 3.877 69.2 120.7 5. 2. A105100200044 3.877 69.3 99.6 5. 1. A105100200045 3.877 80.4 83.1 5. 1. A105100200046 3.877 80.4 76.7 5. 2. A105100200047 3.877 90.0 48.4 5. 1. A105100200048 3.877 90.0 52.9 5. 2. A105100200049 3.877 90.0 53.9 5. 1. A105100200050 3.877 100.4 41.0 10. 2. A105100200051 3.877 101.1 36.5 10. 1. A105100200052 3.877 104.1 22.7 10. 2. A105100200053 3.877 113.0 20.9 10. 1. A105100200054 3.877 118.1 35.6 10. 1. A105100200055 3.877 121.1 29.2 10. 1. A105100200056 3.877 121.1 24.6 10. 2. A105100200057 3.877 129.9 26.5 10. 1. A105100200058 ENDDATA 42 0 A105100200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 A105100299999 SUBENT A1051003 20240426 A111A105100300001 BIB 3 6 A105100300002 REACTION (2-HE-4(HE3,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) A105100300003 STATUS (CURVE,,P.D.Miller+,J,PR,112,2048,1958) Fig. 2 A105100300004 HISTORY (20240426A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A105100300005 EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; DATA-ERR -> ERR-DIG. A105100300006 New DATA-ERR was added. 64.43 -> 63.43 degr. in A105100300007 col.ANG-CM according to fig.2. A105100300008 ENDBIB 6 0 A105100300009 COMMON 1 3 A105100300010 EN-ERR-DIG A105100300011 MEV A105100300012 0.020 A105100300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105100300014 DATA 5 200 A105100300015 ANG-CM EN DATA-CM DATA-ERR ERR-DIG A105100300016 ADEG MEV MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR A105100300017 54.73 3.14 268.1 10. 2.6 A105100300018 54.73 3.29 271.5 10. 2.6 A105100300019 54.73 3.44 255.7 10. 2.6 A105100300020 54.73 3.59 256.3 10. 2.6 A105100300021 54.73 3.90 241.1 10. 2.6 A105100300022 54.73 4.05 216.9 10. 2.6 A105100300023 54.73 4.21 203.8 10. 2.6 A105100300024 54.73 4.35 226.5 10. 2.6 A105100300025 54.73 4.64 222.2 10. 2.6 A105100300026 54.73 4.70 211.4 10. 2.6 A105100300027 54.73 4.84 201.0 10. 2.6 A105100300028 54.73 4.94 193.1 10. 2.6 A105100300029 54.73 5.00 187.9 10. 2.6 A105100300030 54.73 5.05 168.8 10. 2.6 A105100300031 54.73 5.07 146.9 10. 2.6 A105100300032 54.73 5.11 94.7 10. 2.6 A105100300033 54.73 5.13 75.5 10. 2.6 A105100300034 54.73 5.18 51.0 10. 2.6 A105100300035 54.73 5.21 51.1 10. 2.6 A105100300036 54.73 5.29 92.7 10. 2.6 A105100300037 54.73 5.33 112.2 10. 2.6 A105100300038 54.73 5.40 115.2 10. 2.6 A105100300039 54.73 5.46 143.1 10. 2.6 A105100300040 54.73 5.53 140.6 10. 2.6 A105100300041 54.73 5.55 148.9 10. 2.6 A105100300042 54.73 5.60 151.9 10. 2.6 A105100300043 54.73 5.70 171.6 10. 2.6 A105100300044 63.43 2.96 189.8 10. 1.0 A105100300045 63.43 3.10 185.9 10. 1.0 A105100300046 63.43 3.26 162.7 10. 1.0 A105100300047 63.43 3.42 169.9 10. 1.0 A105100300048 63.43 3.58 167.4 10. 1.0 A105100300049 63.43 3.73 160.8 10. 1.0 A105100300050 63.43 3.88 159.6 10. 1.0 A105100300051 63.43 4.01 157.1 10. 1.0 A105100300052 63.43 4.20 160.2 10. 1.0 A105100300053 63.43 4.33 153.5 10. 1.0 A105100300054 63.43 4.51 145.5 10. 1.0 A105100300055 63.43 4.62 149.9 10. 1.0 A105100300056 63.43 4.71 137.6 10. 1.0 A105100300057 63.43 4.78 134.9 10. 1.0 A105100300058 63.43 4.82 130.9 10. 1.0 A105100300059 63.43 4.92 129.7 10. 1.0 A105100300060 63.43 4.99 114.6 10. 1.0 A105100300061 63.43 5.08 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1.6 A105100300196 116.6 5.51 2.5 10. 1.6 A105100300197 116.6 5.60 6.3 10. 1.6 A105100300198 125.3 4.46 44.2 10. 0.8 A105100300199 125.3 4.61 46.0 10. 0.8 A105100300200 125.3 4.70 54.6 10. 0.8 A105100300201 125.3 4.80 49.3 10. 0.8 A105100300202 125.3 4.93 84.3 10. 0.8 A105100300203 125.3 5.01 90.0 10. 0.8 A105100300204 125.3 5.02 116.4 10. 0.8 A105100300205 125.3 5.03 130.2 10. 0.8 A105100300206 125.3 5.05 123.4 10. 0.8 A105100300207 125.3 5.08 138.7 10. 0.8 A105100300208 125.3 5.14 145.8 10. 0.8 A105100300209 125.3 5.20 134.9 10. 0.8 A105100300210 125.3 5.22 118.3 10. 0.8 A105100300211 125.3 5.24 65.8 10. 0.8 A105100300212 125.3 5.30 39.6 10. 0.8 A105100300213 125.3 5.41 21.9 10. 0.8 A105100300214 125.3 5.47 12.4 10. 0.8 A105100300215 125.3 5.52 8.4 10. 0.8 A105100300216 125.3 5.61 8.7 10. 0.8 A105100300217 ENDDATA 202 0 A105100300218 ENDSUBENT 217 0 A105100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A105199999999