ENTRY A1057 20240427 A111A105700000001 SUBENT A1057001 20240427 A111A105700100001 BIB 11 21 A105700100002 TITLE The T(alpha,gamma)Li-7 reaction A105700100003 AUTHOR (G.M.Griffiths,R.A.Morrow,P.J.Riley,J.B.Warren) A105700100004 REFERENCE (J,CJP,39,1397,1961) A105700100005 INSTITUTE (1CANUBC) A105700100006 FACILITY (VDG,1CANUBC) A105700100007 SAMPLE Targets of tritium absorbed in thin evaporated layers A105700100008 of zirconium on platinum backings A105700100009 METHOD (PHD) A105700100010 DETECTOR (NAICR) 4.5 in. long by 2.75 in. diam. A105700100011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty of tritium content. A105700100012 (ERR-2) Uncertainty of counter efficiency. A105700100013 (ERR-3) Uncertainty of counter solid angle. A105700100014 (ERR-4) Uncertainty of current integrator. A105700100015 STATUS (TABLE,,G.M.Griffiths+,J,CJP,39,1397,1961) Table III A105700100016 HISTORY (19810324C) This compilation has been produced A105700100017 by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEF A105700100018 (19961023A) ERR-ANALYS is corrected by CAJAD. A105700100019 (20020110A) Misprints are corrected. A105700100020 (20020115U) Last checking has been done. A105700100021 (20240427A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A105700100022 ERR-ANALYS updated. Subents 002 and 003 were merged. A105700100023 ENDBIB 21 0 A105700100024 COMMON 4 3 A105700100025 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 A105700100026 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A105700100027 15. 5. 5. 2. A105700100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105700100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 A105700199999 SUBENT A1057002 20240427 A111A105700200001 BIB 3 5 A105700200002 REACTION (1-H-3(A,G)3-LI-7,PAR,DA) A105700200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The statistical error of about 5% for points A105700200004 above 800 keV and about 8% for points below 800 keV. A105700200005 HISTORY (20240427A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A105700200006 ERR-S added. Data from Subent 003 added. A105700200007 ENDBIB 5 0 A105700200008 COMMON 1 3 A105700200009 ANG A105700200010 ADEG A105700200011 90. A105700200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105700200013 DATA 4 18 A105700200014 E-LVL EN DATA ERR-S A105700200015 MEV MEV MB/SR PER-CENT A105700200016 0. 0.35 0.26E-04 8. A105700200017 0. 0.43 0.56E-04 8. A105700200018 0. 0.56 0.84E-04 8. A105700200019 0. 0.61 0.78E-04 8. A105700200020 0. 0.86 0.114E-03 5. A105700200021 0. 1.11 0.18E-03 5. A105700200022 0. 1.32 0.189E-03 5. A105700200023 0. 1.52 0.22E-03 5. A105700200024 0. 1.83 0.25E-03 5. A105700200025 0.48 0.35 0.14E-04 8. A105700200026 0.48 0.43 0.19E-04 8. A105700200027 0.48 0.56 0.31E-04 8. A105700200028 0.48 0.61 0.45E-04 8. A105700200029 0.48 0.86 0.45E-04 5. A105700200030 0.48 1.11 0.65E-04 5. A105700200031 0.48 1.32 0.85E-04 5. A105700200032 0.48 1.52 0.85E-04 5. A105700200033 0.48 1.83 0.85E-04 5. A105700200034 ENDDATA 20 0 A105700200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A105700299999 NOSUBENT A1057003 20240427 A111A105700300001 SUBENT A1057004 20240427 A111A105700400001 BIB 4 5 A105700400002 REACTION (1-H-3(A,G)3-LI-7,,DA) A105700400003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error A105700400004 STATUS (DEP,A1057002) partial cross sections A105700400005 HISTORY (20240427A) SD: SF5=PAR and SF9=EXP deleted from A105700400006 REACTION code. A105700400007 ENDBIB 5 0 A105700400008 COMMON 1 3 A105700400009 ANG A105700400010 ADEG A105700400011 90. A105700400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A105700400013 DATA 3 9 A105700400014 EN DATA ERR-T A105700400015 MEV MB/SR MB/SR A105700400016 0.35 0.4E-04 0.13E-04 A105700400017 0.43 0.75E-04 0.2E-04 A105700400018 0.56 0.115E-03 0.3E-04 A105700400019 0.61 0.123E-03 0.3E-04 A105700400020 0.86 0.159E-03 0.4E-04 A105700400021 1.11 0.245E-03 0.5E-04 A105700400022 1.32 0.274E-03 0.5E-04 A105700400023 1.52 0.305E-03 0.6E-04 A105700400024 1.83 0.335E-03 0.7E-04 A105700400025 ENDDATA 11 0 A105700400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A105700499999 SUBENT A1057005 20240427 A111A105700500001 BIB 4 8 A105700500002 REACTION 1(1-H-3(A,G)3-LI-7,,SIG) A105700500003 2(1-H-3(A,G)3-LI-7,,SIG,,SFC) A105700500004 ANALYSIS Total cross section integrated over all angles takes A105700500005 into account a small correction for the nonisotropic A105700500006 yield at higher energies A105700500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error A105700500008 HISTORY (20240427A) SD: SF5=PAR and SF9=EXP deleted from A105700500009 REACTION code. REACTION (2) added. A105700500010 ENDBIB 8 0 A105700500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A105700500012 DATA 4 9 A105700500013 EN DATA 1ERR-T 1DATA 2 A105700500014 MEV MB MB B*KEV A105700500015 0.35 0.5E-04 0.15E-04 0.0615 A105700500016 0.43 0.95E-04 0.25E-04 0.0730 A105700500017 0.56 0.143E-03 0.3E-04 0.0690 A105700500018 0.61 0.155E-03 0.4E-04 0.0645 A105700500019 0.86 0.2E-03 0.5E-04 0.0530 A105700500020 1.11 0.315E-03 0.6E-04 0.0045 A105700500021 1.32 0.358E-03 0.6E-04 0.0632 A105700500022 1.52 0.4E-03 0.8E-04 0.0645 A105700500023 1.83 0.44E-03 0.9E-04 0.064 A105700500024 ENDDATA 11 0 A105700500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 A105700599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 A105799999999