ENTRY            A1058   20110814                             A074A105800000001 
SUBENT        A1058001   20110814                             A074A105800100001 
BIB                  9         14                                 A105800100002 
INSTITUTE  (1CANMON)                                              A105800100003 
REFERENCE  (J,CJP,46,(14),1585,196801)                            A105800100004 
AUTHOR     (W.del Bianco,F.Lemire,R.J.A.Levesque,J.M.Poutissou)   A105800100005 
TITLE      D(He-3,gamma)Li-5 reaction from 2 to 11 MeV            A105800100006 
FACILITY   (VDG,1CANLUQ)                                          A105800100007 
SAMPLE     A gas target 1.2 mu-m thick nickel foil                A105800100008 
METHOD     (PHD)                                                  A105800100009 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Cristal 12.7 cm diam. by 15.2 long             A105800100010 
HISTORY    (19810324C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA105800100011 
           (19990205U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A105800100012 
           (20110814A) SD. In Subent 002:LVL-NUMB added in COMMON;A105800100013 
             SF5=PAR added in REACTION code; number of columns in A105800100014 
             DATA changed (2 -> 3).                               A105800100015 
           Titles of digitizing errors changed according to Dict. A105800100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 A105800100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A105800100018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 A105800199999 
SUBENT        A1058002   20110814                             A074A105800200001 
BIB                  5         20                                 A105800200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(HE3,G)3-LI-5,PAR,DA)                            A105800200003 
            differential captu re cross section for transitions   A105800200004 
            to the ground and first excited states                A105800200005 
LEVEL-PROP (3-LI-5,LVL-NUMB=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.)               A105800200006 
           (3-LI-5,LVL-NUMB=1.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.)               A105800200007 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error                          A105800200008 
           (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error                             A105800200009 
           (ERR-S) given on fig. as error bars is statistic error A105800200010 
           on the gamma-ray yield, indicated by vertical flags,   A105800200011 
           amounted to approximately 10% over the entire 3He      A105800200012 
                                                  energy range.   A105800200013 
           (ERR-1) The uncertainty in the calibration of the      A105800200014 
           photon monitor and                                     A105800200015 
           (ERR-2) The gamma-ray absorption in the paraffin       A105800200016 
           between gas target and detector.                       A105800200017 
           (DATA-ERR) Other sources of error.                     A105800200018 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig 2                                          A105800200019 
HISTORY    (20110814A) SD. LVL-NUMB added in COMMON;              A105800200020 
             SF5=PAR added in REACTION code; number of columns in A105800200021 
             DATA changed (2 -> 3). BIB updated.                  A105800200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 A105800200023 
COMMON               8          6                                 A105800200024 
ANG        LVL-NUMB   LVL-NUMB   EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG    ERR-1      A105800200025 
ERR-2      DATA-ERR                                               A105800200026 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MEV        MB/SR      PER-CENT   A105800200027 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               A105800200028 
  90.        0.         1.         0.04      0.0003      6.0      A105800200029 
  15.0       5.0                                                  A105800200030 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 A105800200031 
DATA                 3         14                                 A105800200032 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       A105800200033 
MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                                       A105800200034 
     2.177  0.1848E-02 0.3116E-03                                 A105800200035 
     3.296  0.1936E-02 0.2952E-03                                 A105800200036 
     4.404  0.2483E-02 0.3278E-03                                 A105800200037 
     5.456  0.2767E-02 0.2950E-03                                 A105800200038 
     6.503  0.2428E-02 0.2953E-03                                 A105800200039 
     6.972  0.2431E-02 0.2952E-03                                 A105800200040 
     7.564  0.2368E-02 0.2953E-03                                 A105800200041 
     8.107  0.2699E-02 0.3113E-03                                 A105800200042 
     8.56   0.2456E-02 0.2953E-03                                 A105800200043 
     9.073  0.3180E-02 0.3281E-03                                 A105800200044 
     9.645  0.3134E-02 0.2952E-03                                 A105800200045 
    10.16   0.3071E-02 0.3279E-03                                 A105800200046 
    10.67   0.2844E-02 0.3116E-03                                 A105800200047 
    11.15   0.3256E-02 0.2624E-03                                 A105800200048 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 A105800200049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 A105800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 A105899999999