ENTRY            A1081   20220323                             A099A108100000001 
SUBENT        A1081001   20220323                             A099A108100100001 
BIB                 12         34                                 A108100100002 
TITLE      The 3H(3He,gamma)6Li capture reaction and the          A108100100003 
           structure of 6Li                                       A108100100004 
AUTHOR     (E.Ventura,C.C.Chang,W.E.Meyerhof)                     A108100100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,173,1,1971)                                    A108100100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USASTF)                                              A108100100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USASTF)                                         A108100100008 
SAMPLE     The target was made of tritium adsorbed in a thin      A108100100009 
           evaporated film of zirconium on a platinum backing. It A108100100010 
           was 2.5 cm in diameter and 6 mg/cm2 thick an           A108100100011 
           approximate 1:1 ratio of tritium to zirconium          A108100100012 
METHOD     (PHD)                                                  A108100100013 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) 24 cm*24 cm NaI(Tl) crystal surrounded by a    A108100100014 
           plastic scintillator operated in anti-coincidence      A108100100015 
MONITOR    (1-H-3(P,G)2-HE-4,,DA)                                 A108100100016 
MONIT-REF  (A1069001,W.E.Meyerhof+,J,NP/A,148,211,1970)           A108100100017 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The errors shown (at the table and bars on     A108100100018 
           fig.) include statistics, uncertainties in the         A108100100019 
           least-square fitting, target thickness and             A108100100020 
           non-uniformity, and the error of the 3H(p,gamma)4He    A108100100021 
           comparison cross sections                              A108100100022 
           (ERR-2,,20.) The error in normalizing cross section to A108100100023 
           the 3H(p,gamma)4He cross section. This error is        A108100100024 
           difficult to assess and could be as high as 20%.       A108100100025 
           Fits at forward angles were made with and without an   A108100100026 
           assumed neutron induced background; a discrepancy of   A108100100027 
           less than 10% is found. Hence, larger errors were      A108100100028 
           assigned to these points.                              A108100100029 
HISTORY    (19810402C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA108100100030 
           (19961023A) Data headings are corrected by CAJAD.      A108100100031 
           (19961024U) Last checking has been done.               A108100100032 
           (19990205U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A108100100033 
           (20220323A) SD: Entry recompiled. Subents 003 and 004; A108100100034 
           002 and 006 were merged. EN-RSL -> EN-NRM; ANG-NRM,    A108100100035 
           MONIT/ERR added. ERR-T -> ERR-1. Subent 007 added.     A108100100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 A108100100037 
COMMON               4          3                                 A108100100038 
EN-NRM     ANG-NRM    MONIT      MONIT-ERR                        A108100100039 
MEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          A108100100040 
  12.0            90.       6.68         0.2                      A108100100041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A108100100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 A108100199999 
SUBENT        A1081002   20220323                             A099A108100200001 
BIB                  3          7                                 A108100200002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            A108100200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Figs 4,6,7 from Nucl.Phys.,A173(1971)1         A108100200004 
HISTORY    (20220323A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A108100200005 
           Value of E-LVL corrected (8. -> 0.MeV). Data units wereA108100200006 
           updated according to presentation on the fig.          A108100200007 
           Data from Subents 005,006 added. ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D; A108100200008 
           ERR-T -> ERR-1. Data were re-digitized.                A108100200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A108100200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 A108100200011 
ANG-ERR-D                                                         A108100200012 
ADEG                                                              A108100200013 
        0.2                                                       A108100200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A108100200015 
DATA                 6         38                                 A108100200016 
EN         E-LVL      ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-1      ERR-DIG    A108100200017 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    A108100200018 
       13.1         0.       46.7      5.736      0.389      0.007A108100200019 
       13.1         0.       62.3      8.376      0.444      0.007A108100200020 
       13.1         0.       76.5      9.891      0.541      0.007A108100200021 
       13.1         0.       91.9      9.573      0.583      0.007A108100200022 
       13.1         0.      107.2      8.007      0.472      0.007A108100200023 
       13.1         0.      121.6      5.732      0.333      0.007A108100200024 
       13.1         0.      136.5      4.165      0.250      0.007A108100200025 
       13.1      2.184       46.9      6.203      0.443      0.012A108100200026 
       13.1      2.184       62.1      4.875      0.360      0.012A108100200027 
       13.1      2.184       77.6      4.128      0.291      0.012A108100200028 
       13.1      2.184       92.5      4.944      0.291      0.012A108100200029 
       13.1      2.184      107.1      5.235      0.291      0.012A108100200030 
       13.1      2.184      121.7      6.038      0.249      0.012A108100200031 
       13.1      2.184      136.3      6.965      0.304      0.012A108100200032 
       21.7         0.       48.0      3.120      0.194      0.007A108100200033 
       21.7         0.       63.2      4.466      0.277      0.007A108100200034 
       21.7         0.       78.1      6.033      0.347      0.007A108100200035 
       21.7         0.       93.3      6.118      0.360      0.007A108100200036 
       21.7         0.      108.0      5.176      0.277      0.007A108100200037 
       21.7         0.      122.9      4.054      0.194      0.007A108100200038 
       21.7         0.      137.9      2.586      0.236      0.007A108100200039 
       21.7      2.184       46.9      8.167      0.345      0.012A108100200040 
       21.7      2.184       62.1      9.189      0.414      0.012A108100200041 
       21.7      2.184       77.3     10.321      0.373      0.012A108100200042 
       21.7      2.184       92.2     10.708      0.221      0.012A108100200043 
       21.7      2.184      107.1     10.335      0.179      0.012A108100200044 
       21.7      2.184      121.1     10.100      0.235      0.012A108100200045 
       21.7      2.184      137.2      9.148      0.207      0.012A108100200046 
       21.7       4.57       78.4      3.992      0.289      0.006A108100200047 
       21.7       4.57       93.3      4.375      0.266      0.006A108100200048 
       21.7       4.57      108.7      3.776      0.312      0.006A108100200049 
       21.7       4.57      123.3      3.627      0.266      0.006A108100200050 
       21.7       4.57      138.4      3.155      0.289      0.006A108100200051 
       21.7       5.36       78.0      6.250      0.258      0.006A108100200052 
       21.7       5.36       93.9      6.721      0.316      0.006A108100200053 
       21.7       5.36      108.9      6.489      0.258      0.006A108100200054 
       21.7       5.36      123.6      5.859      0.211      0.006A108100200055 
       21.7       5.36      138.0      5.146      0.246      0.006A108100200056 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 A108100200057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 A108100299999 
SUBENT        A1081003   20220323                             A099A108100300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A108100300002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            A108100300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 from Nucl.Phys.,A173(1971)1            A108100300004 
HISTORY    (20220323A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A108100300005 
           ERR-T -> ERR-1. Data from Subent 004 added. Data units A108100300006 
           were updated according to presentation in the table.   A108100300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A108100300008 
COMMON               1          3                                 A108100300009 
ANG                                                               A108100300010 
ADEG                                                              A108100300011 
        90.                                                       A108100300012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A108100300013 
DATA                 4         36                                 A108100300014 
E-LVL      EN         DATA       ERR-1                            A108100300015 
MEV        MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            A108100300016 
         0.       8.50       11.9        0.9                      A108100300017 
         0.       9.55       10.8        0.8                      A108100300018 
         0.      10.60        9.7        0.7                      A108100300019 
         0.      11.60        9.1        0.7                      A108100300020 
         0.      12.65        8.5        0.6                      A108100300021 
         0.      13.65        8.0        0.6                      A108100300022 
         0.      14.65        7.7        0.6                      A108100300023 
         0.      15.70        7.0        0.5                      A108100300024 
         0.      16.70        6.6        0.5                      A108100300025 
         0.      17.70        6.7        0.5                      A108100300026 
         0.      18.70        6.1        0.5                      A108100300027 
         0.      19.75        5.6        0.4                      A108100300028 
         0.      20.75        5.3        0.4                      A108100300029 
         0.      21.75        5.2        0.4                      A108100300030 
         0.      22.75        4.8        0.4                      A108100300031 
         0.      23.75        4.6        0.4                      A108100300032 
         0.      24.80        4.3        0.3                      A108100300033 
         0.      25.80        4.3        0.3                      A108100300034 
      2.184       8.50        2.4        0.4                      A108100300035 
      2.184       9.55        2.3        0.4                      A108100300036 
      2.184      10.60        2.7        0.4                      A108100300037 
      2.184      11.60        2.9        0.4                      A108100300038 
      2.184      12.65        3.3        0.6                      A108100300039 
      2.184      13.65        4.2        0.5                      A108100300040 
      2.184      14.65        5.1        0.7                      A108100300041 
      2.184      15.70        6.5        0.8                      A108100300042 
      2.184      16.70        7.2        0.8                      A108100300043 
      2.184      17.70        8.3        0.9                      A108100300044 
      2.184      18.70        8.9        0.9                      A108100300045 
      2.184      19.75        9.3        1.0                      A108100300046 
      2.184      20.75        9.4        1.0                      A108100300047 
      2.184      21.75        9.0        1.1                      A108100300048 
      2.184      22.75        8.6        1.0                      A108100300049 
      2.184      23.75        8.3        1.0                      A108100300050 
      2.184      24.80        8.1        0.9                      A108100300051 
      2.184      25.80        7.6        0.9                      A108100300052 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 A108100300053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 A108100399999 
NOSUBENT      A1081004   20220323                             A099A108100400001 
SUBENT        A1081005   20220323                             A099A108100500001 
BIB                  3          6                                 A108100500002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA)                            A108100500003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5 from Nucl.Phys.,A173(1971)1             A108100500004 
HISTORY    (20220323A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A108100500005 
           Data units were updated according to presentation      A108100500006 
           on the fig. EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG; ERR-T -> ERR-1.      A108100500007 
           Data were re-digitized.                                A108100500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 A108100500009 
COMMON               3          3                                 A108100500010 
EN-ERR-DIG ANG        ERR-DIG                                     A108100500011 
MEV        ADEG       MU-B/SR                                     A108100500012 
 0.019       90.          0.014                                   A108100500013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A108100500014 
DATA                 4         46                                 A108100500015 
E-LVL      EN         DATA       ERR-1                            A108100500016 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          A108100500017 
      3.562      8.475      1.656      0.796                      A108100500018 
      3.562      9.527      1.989      0.796                      A108100500019 
      3.562     10.579      2.278      0.773                      A108100500020 
      3.562     11.589      2.192      0.796                      A108100500021 
      3.562     12.663      1.972      0.796                      A108100500022 
      3.562     13.651      2.062      0.796                      A108100500023 
      3.562     14.660      2.130      0.840                      A108100500024 
      3.562     15.713      2.264      0.729                      A108100500025 
      3.562     16.722      2.288      0.773                      A108100500026 
      3.562     17.710      2.577      0.840                      A108100500027 
      3.562     18.719      2.822      0.818                      A108100500028 
      3.562     19.749      3.221      0.950                      A108100500029 
      3.562     20.739      2.294      0.884                      A108100500030 
      3.562     21.727      2.208      0.840                      A108100500031 
      3.562     22.780      2.055      0.818                      A108100500032 
      3.562     23.746      2.388      0.773                      A108100500033 
      3.562     24.841      2.301      0.796                      A108100500034 
      3.562     25.829      2.568      0.773                      A108100500035 
       4.57     12.643      1.743      0.901                      A108100500036 
       4.57     13.694      2.514      0.989                      A108100500037 
       4.57     14.661      2.317      0.989                      A108100500038 
       4.57     15.714      2.076      0.901                      A108100500039 
       4.57     16.744      2.913      0.967                      A108100500040 
       4.57     17.730      4.035      1.319                      A108100500041 
       4.57     18.719      3.882      1.209                      A108100500042 
       4.57     19.706      4.587      1.560                      A108100500043 
       4.57     20.779      5.247      1.450                      A108100500044 
       4.57     21.790      4.391      1.187                      A108100500045 
       4.57     22.757      3.294      1.011                      A108100500046 
       4.57     23.765      4.526      1.231                      A108100500047 
       4.57     24.842      2.110      1.011                      A108100500048 
       4.57     25.829      2.902      1.121                      A108100500049 
       5.36     12.621      2.256      0.659                      A108100500050 
       5.36     13.609      2.257      0.681                      A108100500051 
       5.36     14.639      3.049      0.967                      A108100500052 
       5.36     15.692      2.676      0.923                      A108100500053 
       5.36     16.723      3.161      0.989                      A108100500054 
       5.36     17.710      4.260      1.165                      A108100500055 
       5.36     18.718      5.272      1.055                      A108100500056 
       5.36     19.729      4.482      1.187                      A108100500057 
       5.36     20.759      5.560      1.494                      A108100500058 
       5.36     21.746      6.110      1.692                      A108100500059 
       5.36     22.799      5.496      1.429                      A108100500060 
       5.36     23.810      4.640      1.231                      A108100500061 
       5.36     24.841      4.289      1.143                      A108100500062 
       5.36     25.829      4.136      1.253                      A108100500063 
ENDDATA             48          0                                 A108100500064 
ENDSUBENT           63          0                                 A108100599999 
NOSUBENT      A1081006   20220323                             A099A108100600001 
SUBENT        A1081007   20220323                             A099A108100700001 
BIB                  3          5                                 A108100700002 
REACTION   (1-H-3(HE3,G)3-LI-6,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)                    A108100700003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbls 2-4 from Nucl.Phys.,A173(1971)1           A108100700004 
           (DEP,A1081002) Angl.distr.                             A108100700005 
HISTORY    (20220323A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A108100700006 
           ERR-T -> ERR-1.                                        A108100700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 A108100700008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A108100700009 
DATA                 5         12                                 A108100700010 
EN         E-LVL      NUMBER-CM  DATA-CM    ERR-1                 A108100700011 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                A108100700012 
       13.1         0.         1.       0.16       0.03           A108100700013 
       13.1         0.         2.      -0.91       0.07           A108100700014 
       13.1      2.184         1.      -0.14       0.05           A108100700015 
       13.1      2.184         2.       0.41       0.07           A108100700016 
       21.7         0.         1.      -0.01       0.03           A108100700017 
       21.7         0.         2.      -1.07       0.07           A108100700018 
       21.7      2.184         1.      -0.11       0.02           A108100700019 
       21.7      2.184         2.      -0.28       0.04           A108100700020 
       21.7       4.57         1.      0.056       0.15           A108100700021 
       21.7       4.57         2.      -0.29       0.17           A108100700022 
       21.7       5.36         1.      -0.19       0.11           A108100700023 
       21.7       5.36         2.      -0.52       0.13           A108100700024 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 A108100700025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 A108100799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 A108199999999