ENTRY A1102 20240708 A113A110200000001 SUBENT A1102001 20240708 A113A110200100001 BIB 10 19 A110200100002 TITLE Isospin conservation in the reaction 3He(t,d)4He A110200100003 AUTHOR (Kim Syn Nam,G.M.Osetinskii,V.A.Sergeev) A110200100004 REFERENCE (J,SNP,10,407,1970) English translation A110200100005 (J,YF,10,705,1969) A110200100006 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,4RUSLEB) A110200100007 FACILITY (VDG,4ZZZDUB) A110200100008 SAMPLE The target was a cylinder 5 mm in diam. with a slit A110200100009 5 mm wide and subtending an angle 300. degr. The slit A110200100010 was sealed with a mica foil 0.15-0.2 mg/cm2 thick. A110200100011 The target was filled with pure He3 to a pressure A110200100012 30-35 mm Hg. A110200100013 METHOD (PHD) A110200100014 DETECTOR (SIBAR) two surface-barrier detectors A110200100015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the gas pressure A110200100016 HISTORY (19810422C) compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA110200100017 (19990214U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A110200100018 (20120327A) SB: BIB section updated. A110200100019 English translation of 'YF' was added. A110200100020 (20240708A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A110200100021 ENDBIB 19 0 A110200100022 COMMON 1 3 A110200100023 ERR-1 A110200100024 PER-CENT A110200100025 0.5 A110200100026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A110200100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A110200199999 SUBENT A1102002 20240708 A113A110200200001 BIB 4 11 A110200200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(T,D)2-HE-4,,DA,,LEG/1K2) A110200200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The standard relative error of the asymmetryA110200200004 coefficient was determined as the statistical sum of A110200200005 the error of determination of the differential cross A110200200006 section of the reaction at the angle and the error in A110200200007 the setting of the detector ring relative to the beam A110200200008 direction. A110200200009 STATUS (TABLE,,Kim Syn Nam+,J,SNP,10,407,1970) Table I A110200200010 (DEP,A1102003) Diff.cr.section A110200200011 HISTORY (20240708A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A110200200012 Values were updated according to the table. A110200200013 ENDBIB 11 0 A110200200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 A110200200015 DATA 4 35 A110200200016 NUMBER EN DATA-CM DATA-ERR A110200200017 NO-DIM MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM A110200200018 0. 1.044 0.006962 0.000076 A110200200019 0. 1.114 0.007448 0.000081 A110200200020 0. 1.263 0.008599 0.000106 A110200200021 0. 1.458 0.010787 0.000104 A110200200022 0. 1.521 0.0111108 0.000107 A110200200023 1. 1.044 -0.000056 0.000057 A110200200024 1. 1.114 -0.000059 0.000061 A110200200025 1. 1.263 -0.000089 0.000077 A110200200026 1. 1.458 -0.000025 0.000085 A110200200027 1. 1.521 -0.000072 0.000096 A110200200028 2. 1.044 -0.004206 0.000053 A110200200029 2. 1.114 -0.004910 0.000054 A110200200030 2. 1.263 -0.005726 0.000066 A110200200031 2. 1.458 -0.007927 0.000077 A110200200032 2. 1.521 -0.008901 0.000083 A110200200033 3. 1.044 0.000121 0.000107 A110200200034 3. 1.114 -0.000097 0.000116 A110200200035 3. 1.263 0.000092 0.000140 A110200200036 3. 1.458 -0.000033 0.000161 A110200200037 3. 1.521 0.000212 0.000179 A110200200038 4. 1.044 0.000321 0.000115 A110200200039 4. 1.114 0.000379 0.000122 A110200200040 4. 1.263 0.000236 0.000165 A110200200041 4. 1.458 0.000411 0.000176 A110200200042 4. 1.521 0.001005 0.000191 A110200200043 5. 1.044 -0.000054 0.000106 A110200200044 5. 1.114 0.000114 0.000114 A110200200045 5. 1.263 -0.000005 0.000135 A110200200046 5. 1.458 0.000310 0.000158 A110200200047 5. 1.521 -0.000040 0.000169 A110200200048 6. 1.044 -0.000121 0.000111 A110200200049 6. 1.114 0.000236 0.000119 A110200200050 6. 1.263 0.000006 0.000147 A110200200051 6. 1.458 0.000008 0.000162 A110200200052 6. 1.521 -0.000154 0.000173 A110200200053 ENDDATA 37 0 A110200200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A110200299999 SUBENT A1102003 20240708 A113A110200300001 BIB 6 7 A110200300002 REACTION (2-HE-3(T,D)2-HE-4,,DA) A110200300003 MONITOR (2-HE-3(T,D)2-HE-4,,DA) A110200300004 MONIT-REF (,Van Nen Min+,R,JINR-P-2038,1965) A110200300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A110200300006 STATUS (CURVE,,Kim Syn Nam+,J,SNP,10,407,1970) Fig 2 A110200300007 HISTORY (20240708A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A110200300008 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D A110200300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A110200300010 COMMON 2 3 A110200300011 ANG-NRM ANG-ERR-D A110200300012 ADEG ADEG A110200300013 90. 0.5 A110200300014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A110200300015 DATA 4 84 A110200300016 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR A110200300017 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR A110200300018 1.044 0.0 0.766 0.006 A110200300019 1.044 9.7 0.835 0.023 A110200300020 1.044 20.6 1.032 0.035 A110200300021 1.044 32.1 1.188 0.035 A110200300022 1.044 42.4 1.454 0.040 A110200300023 1.044 53.9 1.749 0.052 A110200300024 1.044 63.5 2.171 0.075 A110200300025 1.044 75.1 2.195 0.168 A110200300026 1.044 86.0 2.391 0.069 A110200300027 1.044 95.9 2.328 0.064 A110200300028 1.044 105.8 2.282 0.052 A110200300029 1.044 115.8 2.023 0.064 A110200300030 1.044 124.6 1.780 0.058 A110200300031 1.044 134.0 1.538 0.046 A110200300032 1.044 143.4 1.255 0.029 A110200300033 1.044 152.2 1.065 0.029 A110200300034 1.044 161.0 0.933 0.023 A110200300035 1.114 1.5 0.726 0.006 A110200300036 1.114 13.1 0.796 0.029 A110200300037 1.114 22.9 0.901 0.029 A110200300038 1.114 33.8 1.029 0.035 A110200300039 1.114 45.8 1.494 0.035 A110200300040 1.114 56.0 1.801 0.058 A110200300041 1.114 67.5 2.179 0.041 A110200300042 1.114 77.8 2.261 0.052 A110200300043 1.114 89.4 2.400 0.064 A110200300044 1.114 98.6 2.412 0.075 A110200300045 1.114 118.5 2.117 0.064 A110200300046 1.114 128.0 1.728 0.052 A110200300047 1.114 138.0 1.415 0.064 A110200300048 1.114 146.8 1.224 0.046 A110200300049 1.114 155.6 1.009 0.041 A110200300050 1.114 164.3 0.871 0.023 A110200300051 1.263 0.8 0.644 0.006 A110200300052 1.263 12.4 0.732 0.023 A110200300053 1.263 22.8 0.866 0.029 A110200300054 1.263 34.8 1.179 0.046 A110200300055 1.263 45.6 1.528 0.052 A110200300056 1.263 57.1 1.801 0.058 A110200300057 1.263 68.5 2.144 0.075 A110200300058 1.263 78.8 2.411 0.029 A110200300059 1.263 89.8 2.481 0.081 A110200300060 1.263 100.2 2.569 0.087 A110200300061 1.263 109.6 2.255 0.075 A110200300062 1.263 118.4 2.058 0.075 A110200300063 1.263 128.4 1.792 0.058 A110200300064 1.263 137.8 1.577 0.058 A110200300065 1.263 146.6 1.218 0.052 A110200300066 1.263 156.0 0.980 0.035 A110200300067 1.263 164.8 0.835 0.029 A110200300068 1.458 1.3 0.641 0.006 A110200300069 1.458 11.7 0.676 0.035 A110200300070 1.458 23.2 0.886 0.035 A110200300071 1.458 35.2 1.195 0.035 A110200300072 1.458 46.6 1.580 0.052 A110200300073 1.458 57.5 1.971 0.058 A110200300074 1.458 68.8 2.495 0.064 A110200300075 1.458 80.8 2.711 0.018 A110200300076 1.458 90.7 2.781 0.076 A110200300077 1.458 101.1 2.758 0.082 A110200300078 1.458 111.1 2.491 0.076 A110200300079 1.458 120.5 2.258 0.070 A110200300080 1.458 129.4 1.932 0.052 A110200300081 1.458 138.8 1.595 0.035 A110200300082 1.458 147.6 1.280 0.047 A110200300083 1.458 156.5 0.861 0.134 A110200300084 1.458 165.3 0.774 0.035 A110200300085 1.521 1.2 0.548 0.006 A110200300086 1.521 12.8 0.601 0.023 A110200300087 1.521 23.1 0.770 0.041 A110200300088 1.521 35.7 1.132 0.041 A110200300089 1.521 47.1 1.615 0.052 A110200300090 1.521 58.5 1.907 0.052 A110200300091 1.521 71.1 2.286 0.070 A110200300092 1.521 80.8 2.665 0.169 A110200300093 1.521 90.5 2.921 0.082 A110200300094 1.521 102.2 2.753 0.076 A110200300095 1.521 111.5 2.607 0.082 A110200300096 1.521 121.5 2.253 0.070 A110200300097 1.521 129.9 1.775 0.041 A110200300098 1.521 139.3 1.449 0.041 A110200300099 1.521 147.0 1.159 0.041 A110200300100 1.521 157.0 0.786 0.128 A110200300101 1.521 164.6 0.682 0.035 A110200300102 ENDDATA 86 0 A110200300103 ENDSUBENT 102 0 A110200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A110299999999