ENTRY A1111 20240708 A113A111100000001 SUBENT A1111001 20240708 A113A111100100001 BIB 12 27 A111100100002 TITLE Studies of nuclear collisions involving 8 MeV A111100100003 deuterons by the photographic method. A111100100004 III. Angular distribution of the charged particles A111100100005 produced by the bombardment of hydrogen and deuterium A111100100006 AUTHOR (H.B.Burrows,W.M.Gibson,J.Rotblat) A111100100007 REFERENCE (J,PRS/A,209,489,1951) A111100100008 INSTITUTE (2UK LVP,2UK BRI,2UK LON) A111100100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,2UK LVP) A111100100010 SAMPLE Gaseous targets A111100100011 DETECTOR (PLATE) A111100100012 METHOD (BCINT) A111100100013 MONITOR (1-H-1(D,EL)1-H-1,,DA) A111100100014 MONIT-REF (A1202002,R.Sherr+,J,PR,72,662,1947) Energies up A111100100015 to 3.5 MeV A111100100016 (A1201001,H.J.Karr+,J,PR,81,37,1951) at 10.0 MeV A111100100017 (A1200003,J.C.Allred+,J,PR,79,227(Q4),1950) - second A111100100018 ref. in A1200 entry; data at 10.35 MeV A111100100019 (C1539002,F.A.Rodgers+,J,PR,78,656,1950) at 9.94 MeV A111100100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error A111100100021 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the measured number of tracks A111100100022 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in the data of monitor reaction A111100100023 (ERR-3) Additional uncertainty of other sources, such A111100100024 as the correction for escape, etc. A111100100025 HISTORY (19810422C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA111100100026 (19990214U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A111100100027 (20240708A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. Subent 002 A111100100028 deleted (data from other authors). A111100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 A111100100030 COMMON 5 3 A111100100031 EN ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-T A111100100032 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT A111100100033 7.94 1.5 5. 2. 6. A111100100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A111100100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 A111100199999 NOSUBENT A1111002 20240708 A113A111100200001 SUBENT A1111003 20240708 A113A111100300001 BIB 4 7 A111100300002 REACTION 1(1-H-2(D,EL)1-H-2,,DA) A111100300003 2(1-H-2(D,EL)1-H-2,,DA) A111100300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A111100300005 STATUS 1(CURVE,,H.B.Burrows+,J,PRS/A,209,489,1951) Fig 5a A111100300006 2(TABLE,,H.B.Burrows+,J,PRS/A,209,489,1951) Tbl.2 A111100300007 HISTORY (20240708A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A111100300008 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D. A111100300009 ENDBIB 7 0 A111100300010 COMMON 1 3 A111100300011 ANG-ERR-D A111100300012 ADEG A111100300013 0.5 A111100300014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A111100300015 DATA 4 7 A111100300016 ANG-CM DATA-CM 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-CM 2 A111100300017 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR A111100300018 38.9 270.9 9.4 A111100300019 49.0 173.6 5.8 A111100300020 60.3 122.8 5.8 A111100300021 78.7 108.2 4.4 A111100300022 90.0 105. A111100300023 99.2 106.8 2.9 A111100300024 119.8 134.4 4.4 A111100300025 ENDDATA 9 0 A111100300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A111100399999 SUBENT A1111004 20240708 A113A111100400001 BIB 4 8 A111100400002 REACTION 1(1-H-2(D,P)1-H-3,,DA) A111100400003 2(1-H-2(D,P)1-H-3,,DA) A111100400004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty A111100400005 STATUS 1(CURVE,,H.B.Burrows+,J,PRS/A,209,489,1951) Fig. 6 A111100400006 2(TABLE,,H.B.Burrows+,J,PRS/A,209,489,1951) Tbl.3 A111100400007 Value 2.5 mb/sr is given as minimum for this cr.sect. A111100400008 HISTORY (20240708A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A111100400009 COS-ERR -> COS-ERR-D. A111100400010 ENDBIB 8 0 A111100400011 COMMON 1 3 A111100400012 COS-ERR-D A111100400013 NO-DIM A111100400014 0.005 A111100400015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A111100400016 DATA 4 24 A111100400017 COS-CM DATA-CM 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-CM 2 A111100400018 NO-DIM MB/SR MB/SR MB/SR A111100400019 0.969 17.97 1.44 A111100400020 0.886 7.33 0.51 A111100400021 0.845 3.88 0.39 A111100400022 0.756 2.30 0.19 A111100400023 0.662 2.09 0.12 A111100400024 0.581 2.49 0.10 A111100400025 0.381 3.68 0.14 A111100400026 0.172 4.84 0.39 A111100400027 0.067 4.94 0.24 A111100400028 0.001 5.04 0.20 A111100400029 0.0 4.8 A111100400030 -0.037 4.67 0.18 A111100400031 -0.217 4.68 0.18 A111100400032 -0.444 3.45 0.14 A111100400033 -0.566 2.74 0.22 A111100400034 -0.671 2.67 0.24 A111100400035 -0.718 2.91 0.17 A111100400036 -0.775 3.06 0.18 A111100400037 -0.853 7.30 0.51 A111100400038 -0.921 14.79 1.03 A111100400039 -0.941 20.94 2.13 A111100400040 -0.975 27.99 1.10 A111100400041 -0.994 27.73 2.23 A111100400042 -0.995 38.89 3.53 A111100400043 ENDDATA 26 0 A111100400044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 A111100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 A111199999999