ENTRY            A1117   20180129                             A088A111700000001 
SUBENT        A1117001   20180129                             A088A111700100001 
BIB                 10         33                                 A111700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAMIN)                                              A111700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,74,553,1948)                                     A111700100004 
AUTHOR     (J.M.Blair,G.Freier,E.E.Lampi,W.Sleator Jr,            A111700100005 
           J.H.Williams)                                          A111700100006 
TITLE      The scattering of 2.4 to 3.5 MeV protons by protons    A111700100007 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAMIN)                                          A111700100008 
SAMPLE     A gas target                                           A111700100009 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Two proportional detectors                     A111700100010 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The uncertainties are estimates of author's   A111700100011 
           lack of knowledge of the beam energy at the center of  A111700100012 
           the scattering chamber due to the uniformity of nylon  A111700100013 
           windows, lack of information on the exact amount of    A111700100014 
           carbon deposited on these windows at the time of       A111700100015 
           observation, and fluctuations in the accelerating      A111700100016 
           potential.                                             A111700100017 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in value G (see ANALYSIS)          A111700100018 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in N - value (see ANALYSIS)        A111700100019 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in n - value (see ANALYSIS)        A111700100020 
ANALYSIS     The cross section per unit solid angle for proton-   A111700100021 
           proton scattering is given by                          A111700100022 
              sigma = Y x sin(theta)/(N x n x G), detected by     A111700100023 
           the where Y is the number of scattered protons         A111700100024 
           proportional counter when N protons of energy Ep are   A111700100025 
           incident on (n/2) molecules/cm3 of hydrogen gas and    A111700100026 
           the detected protons are scattered through a lab.      A111700100027 
           angle (theta). The factor G=2bA/Rh is a measure of     A111700100028 
           the gas scattering volume and solid angle defined by   A111700100029 
           the entrance slits and final aperture of the analyzing A111700100030 
           system between the scattering volume N, n, and G.      A111700100031 
HISTORY    (19811026C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA111700100032 
           (19990214U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A111700100033 
           (20180129A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code in  A111700100034 
           Subent 002. Small correction in author's list.         A111700100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 A111700100036 
COMMON               4          3                                 A111700100037 
EN-ERR     ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                            A111700100038 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         A111700100039 
 0.02        0.25        1.0       0.2                            A111700100040 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 A111700100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 A111700199999 
SUBENT        A1117002   20180129                             A088A111700200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 A111700200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 A111700200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The uncertainties shown for the values of      A111700200004 
           sigma in this table were determined by the             A111700200005 
           reproducibility of values of sigma from week to week.  A111700200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 from PR,74,(5),553,1948                A111700200007 
HISTORY    (20180129A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    A111700200008 
            DATA-ERR -> ERR-S.                                    A111700200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 A111700200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 A111700200011 
DATA                 4         44                                 A111700200012 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-S                            A111700200013 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            A111700200014 
     2.42       8.      7770.       100.                          A111700200015 
     2.42      10.      3050.        40.                          A111700200016 
     2.42      12.5     1340.        20.                          A111700200017 
     2.42      15.       796.         8.                          A111700200018 
     2.42      17.5      628.         7.                          A111700200019 
     2.42      20.       562.         4.                          A111700200020 
     2.42      25.       528.         6.                          A111700200021 
     2.42      30.       528.        10.                          A111700200022 
     2.42      35.       503.        10.                          A111700200023 
     2.42      40.       475.         8.                          A111700200024 
     2.42      45.       443.         6.                          A111700200025 
     3.04       8.      4930.        70.                          A111700200026 
     3.04      10.      1990.        20.                          A111700200027 
     3.04      12.5      963.        14.                          A111700200028 
     3.04      15.       626.         8.                          A111700200029 
     3.04      17.5      537.         5.                          A111700200030 
     3.04      20.       493.         5.                          A111700200031 
     3.04      25.       483.         6.                          A111700200032 
     3.04      30.       469.         9.                          A111700200033 
     3.04      35.       450.         5.                          A111700200034 
     3.04      40.       425.         8.                          A111700200035 
     3.04      45.       402.         5.                          A111700200036 
     3.27       8.      4390.        50.                          A111700200037 
     3.27      10.      1770.        20.                          A111700200038 
     3.27      12.5      864.        12.                          A111700200039 
     3.27      15.       600.         5.                          A111700200040 
     3.27      17.5      512.         6.                          A111700200041 
     3.27      20.       478.         6.                          A111700200042 
     3.27      25.       473.         5.                          A111700200043 
     3.27      30.       450.         5.                          A111700200044 
     3.27      35.       441.         5.                          A111700200045 
     3.27      40.       410.         5.                          A111700200046 
     3.27      45.       380.         4.                          A111700200047 
     3.53       8.      3700.        60.                          A111700200048 
     3.53      10.      1530.        30.                          A111700200049 
     3.53      12.5      773.        12.                          A111700200050 
     3.53      15.       550.         8.                          A111700200051 
     3.53      17.5      473.         5.                          A111700200052 
     3.53      20.       462.         5.                          A111700200053 
     3.53      25.       442.         5.                          A111700200054 
     3.53      30.       428.         5.                          A111700200055 
     3.53      35.       418.         4.                          A111700200056 
     3.53      40.       397.         4.                          A111700200057 
     3.53      45.       366.         4.                          A111700200058 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 A111700200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 A111700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 A111799999999