ENTRY A1125 20240708 A114A112500000001 SUBENT A1125001 20240708 A114A112500100001 BIB 11 23 A112500100002 TITLE 3H(alpha,6Li)N reaction at 0 degree A112500100003 AUTHOR (R.E.Brown,G.G.Ohlsen,R.F.Haglund,N.Jarmie) A112500100004 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,16,513,1977) A112500100005 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) A112500100006 FACILITY (VDGT,1USALAS) A112500100007 SAMPLE The target consisted of a 71-um/cm2 layer of A112500100008 Ti-tritide on a 1.4-mg/cm2 Ni backing and contained A112500100009 about 1.1 tritium atom per Ti atom. A112500100010 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Two 6Li detectors were fully depleted Si A112500100011 surface-barrier detectors of sensitive area 50 mm**2. A112500100012 The monitor detectors consisted of four, dE-E A112500100013 detector pairs set at lab angles of 15. and 30. degr. A112500100014 to detect elastically recoiling tritons. A112500100015 METHOD (EDE,BCINT) A112500100016 MONITOR (2-HE-4(T,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) at 30 and 15 degr(lab) A112500100017 ANALYSIS The data were received from excitation functions for A112500100018 3H(alpha,t)4He at 30 and 15 degr(lab) from the authors A112500100019 HISTORY (19810604C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA112500100020 (19980311A) Subentry A1125003 is deleted, because it A112500100021 contains neutron data. (SEE MEMO CP-D/283) A112500100022 (19980311U) Last checking has been done. A112500100023 (19990214U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A112500100024 (20240708A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. A112500100025 ENDBIB 23 0 A112500100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 A112500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 A112500199999 SUBENT A1125002 20240708 A114A112500200001 BIB 4 6 A112500200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(T,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) A112500200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Relative standard deviation A112500200004 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in cross section scale A112500200005 STATUS (TABLE,,R.E.Brown+,J,PR/C,16,513,1977) Table I A112500200006 HISTORY (20240708A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. A112500200007 DATA-ERR -> ERR-1; DATA-ERR -> ERR-2. A112500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 A112500200009 COMMON 2 3 A112500200010 EN-ERR ERR-2 A112500200011 MEV PER-CENT A112500200012 0.0045 0.6 A112500200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A112500200014 DATA 4 36 A112500200015 ANG-CM EN DATA-CM ERR-1 A112500200016 ADEG MEV MB/SR PER-CENT A112500200017 119.95 8.507 10.40 1.5 A112500200018 119.95 8.546 8.89 1.6 A112500200019 119.95 8.586 7.52 1.6 A112500200020 119.95 8.625 5.99 1.7 A112500200021 119.95 8.663 4.53 1.7 A112500200022 119.95 8.684 3.81 2.1 A112500200023 119.95 8.704 3.57 1.8 A112500200024 119.95 8.724 3.95 1.9 A112500200025 119.95 8.743 5.72 2.0 A112500200026 119.95 8.763 8.19 1.8 A112500200027 119.95 8.782 10.19 1.5 A112500200028 119.95 8.801 11.18 1.4 A112500200029 119.95 8.822 11.55 1.5 A112500200030 119.95 8.841 11.74 1.5 A112500200031 119.95 8.861 11.60 1.5 A112500200032 119.95 8.898 10.78 1.5 A112500200033 119.95 8.975 9.31 1.6 A112500200034 119.95 9.050 8.10 1.7 A112500200035 149.97 8.507 142.10 0.58 A112500200036 149.97 8.546 139.30 0.58 A112500200037 149.97 8.586 131.90 0.57 A112500200038 149.97 8.625 123.30 0.61 A112500200039 149.97 8.663 111.80 0.63 A112500200040 149.97 8.684 105.30 0.62 A112500200041 149.97 8.704 97.25 0.76 A112500200042 149.97 8.724 95.77 0.71 A112500200043 149.97 8.743 98.30 0.66 A112500200044 149.97 8.763 106.10 0.78 A112500200045 149.97 8.782 115.30 0.76 A112500200046 149.97 8.801 125.00 0.67 A112500200047 149.97 8.822 133.10 0.65 A112500200048 149.97 8.841 137.70 0.59 A112500200049 149.97 8.861 142.60 0.57 A112500200050 149.97 8.898 144.50 0.59 A112500200051 149.97 8.975 141.00 0.60 A112500200052 149.97 9.050 137.10 0.59 A112500200053 ENDDATA 38 0 A112500200054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 A112500299999 NOSUBENT A1125003 19980311 0000A112500300001 ENDENTRY 3 0 A112599999999