ENTRY A1299 20240203 A108A129900000001 SUBENT A1299001 20240203 A108A129900100001 BIB 8 18 A129900100002 TITLE The nuclear fusion for the reactions 2H(d,n)3He, A129900100003 2H(d,g)4He at low deuterons energy and 'cold' A129900100004 nuclear fusion A129900100005 AUTHOR (A.S.Belov,V.E.Kusik,Yu.V.Ryabov) A129900100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) A129900100007 REFERENCE (J,NC/A,103,1647,1990) A129900100008 SAMPLE The palladium thin-wall tubes target with an excess A129900100009 pressure of gaseous deuterium inside A129900100010 DETECTOR (NAICR) A129900100011 COMMENT The total neutrons detection efficiency was determined A129900100012 with a standard Pu-Be-source and equalled 1.3*10**(2) A129900100013 Experimental accuracy (systematic+statistic errors) A129900100014 varies from 3% for Ed=18.3 keV to 13% for Ed=6.8 keV A129900100015 HISTORY (19920311C) Compilation produced by Arzamas RFNC-VNIIEFA129900100016 (19990315U)CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower cases.A129900100017 (20081127A) Data were newly digitized. Error A129900100018 definitions were changed. A129900100019 (20240203U) SD: Small correction in all Subents. A129900100020 ENDBIB 18 0 A129900100021 COMMON 2 3 A129900100022 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG A129900100023 KEV PER-CENT A129900100024 0.023 0.8 A129900100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A129900100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 A129900199999 SUBENT A1299002 20240203 A108A129900200001 BIB 3 3 A129900200002 REACTION (1-H-2(D,N)2-HE-3,,SIG) A129900200003 STATUS (CURVE,,A.S.Belov+,J,NC/A,103,1647,1990) Fig.3 A129900200004 HISTORY (20240203U) SD: STATUS updated. A129900200005 ENDBIB 3 0 A129900200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 A129900200007 DATA 2 6 A129900200008 EN DATA A129900200009 KEV B A129900200010 6.897 1.768E-06 A129900200011 9.296 1.094E-05 A129900200012 11.019 2.398E-05 A129900200013 13.833 7.200E-05 A129900200014 16.148 1.489E-04 A129900200015 18.465 2.484E-04 A129900200016 ENDDATA 8 0 A129900200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 A129900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 A129999999999