ENTRY            B0054   20011220                             0000B005400000001 
SUBENT        B0054001   20011220                             0000B005400100001 
BIB                  9         22                                 B005400100002 
TITLE      Excitation Functions For Proton-Induced Reactions      B005400100003 
           With Copper                                            B005400100004 
AUTHOR     (J.W.MEADOWS)                                          B005400100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USAHRV).Cyclotron Laboratory                         B005400100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,91,885,1953)                                     B005400100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAHRV)                                        B005400100008 
           Irradiations were Performed with the Internal ScatteredB005400100009 
           Beam with 180 Degree Focusing in the Cyclotron MagneticB005400100010 
           Field. Details of this Method Resulting in a Better    B005400100011 
           Energy Resolution are Given by N.M.Hintz Et Al., Phys. B005400100012 
           Rev.88,19,1952.                                        B005400100013 
DETECTOR   (GEMUC)                                                B005400100014 
CORRECTION The Observed Counting Rates were Corrected For Dead    B005400100015 
           Time, Background Activity, Absorption, Self-Absorption,B005400100016 
           Scattering and Self-Scattering. Not Included were      B005400100017 
           Corrections Due to Different Backing Materials. These  B005400100018 
           May Increase the Values Presented Here by About        B005400100019 
           5 %.                                                   B005400100020 
ERR-ANALYS No Errors are Given by the Authors.                    B005400100021 
HISTORY    (19770111C)Lapf                                        B005400100022 
           (19980111A) Reaction Lines are Corrected. Lower Case.  B005400100023 
           (20011109U) Last checking has been done.               B005400100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 B005400100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 B005400199999 
SUBENT        B0054002   20011220                             0000B005400200001 
BIB                  8         30                                 B005400200002 
REACTION   (29-CU-63(P,X)29-CU-62,IND,SIG,,,EXP)                  B005400200003 
           The Slight Peak at About 80 MeV is Probably Caused     B005400200004 
           By the Cu-63(P,4N+P)Cu-59 Reaction.                    B005400200005 
RAD-DET    (29-CU-62,B+)                                          B005400200006 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-62,10.5MIN,B+,3000.)                            B005400200007 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-63 Enclosed in B005400200008 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400200009 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400200010 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400200011 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,EDEG,MOMIX)                                 B005400200012 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400200013 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400200014 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400200015 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400200016 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400200017 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400200018 
ANALYSIS   The Copper Oxide was Counted Through a 370 Mg/Cm**2    B005400200019 
           Al-Absorber to Stop any C-11 Activity Formed from      B005400200020 
           The Oxygen. The Relative Yield of Cu-62 was Determined B005400200021 
           From a Decay Curve Analysis. Absolute Cross Sections   B005400200022 
           Were Obtained by Comparing the Relative Yields of      B005400200023 
           Cu-62 (10.5 MIN) For the Cu-63(P,N+P)Cu-62 Reaction    B005400200024 
           With Cu-62 Measured in Equilibrium with Zn-62 (9.5 HR) B005400200025 
           For the Cu-63(P,2N)Zn-62 Reaction at 26 MeV (SEE       B005400200026 
           B0054005). The Radiation of Zn-62 was Suppressed by    B005400200027 
           The Al-Absorber.                                       B005400200028 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400200029 
           (DEP,B0054005)                                         B005400200030 
           Used As Secondary Monitor                              B005400200031 
ADD-RES    (COMP)                                                 B005400200032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 B005400200033 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400200034 
DATA                 2         20                                 B005400200035 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400200036 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400200037 
        14.        28.                                            B005400200038 
       18.5       195.                                            B005400200039 
        19.       270.                                            B005400200040 
       19.5       370.                                            B005400200041 
       21.5       468.                                            B005400200042 
        24.       524.                                            B005400200043 
       24.2       550.                                            B005400200044 
       24.2       580.                                            B005400200045 
        28.       562.                                            B005400200046 
       29.7       524.                                            B005400200047 
        31.       464.                                            B005400200048 
        32.       400.                                            B005400200049 
        35.       302.                                            B005400200050 
        40.       243.                                            B005400200051 
        50.       195.                                            B005400200052 
        60.       154.                                            B005400200053 
        70.       140.                                            B005400200054 
        80.       150.                                            B005400200055 
        90.       130.                                            B005400200056 
       99.2       120.                                            B005400200057 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 B005400200058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 B005400299999 
SUBENT        B0054003   20011220                             0000B005400300001 
BIB                  8         19                                 B005400300002 
REACTION   (29-CU-63(P,X)29-CU-61,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                  B005400300003 
RAD-DET    (29-CU-61,B+)                                          B005400300004 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,,B+)                                         B005400300005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-63 Enclosed in B005400300006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400300007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400300008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400300009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400300010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400300011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400300012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400300013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400300014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400300015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400300016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400300017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400300018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400300019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400300020 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400300021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 B005400300022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400300023 
DATA                 2         16                                 B005400300024 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400300025 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400300026 
        20.        23.                                            B005400300027 
        23.         9.                                            B005400300028 
        25.        56.                                            B005400300029 
       27.7        64.                                            B005400300030 
        30.       148.                                            B005400300031 
       32.5       184.                                            B005400300032 
        35.       320.                                            B005400300033 
        38.       322.                                            B005400300034 
        40.       323.                                            B005400300035 
       44.8       198.                                            B005400300036 
       49.8       150.                                            B005400300037 
       56.2       103.                                            B005400300038 
        70.        92.                                            B005400300039 
       79.7        82.                                            B005400300040 
        90.        76.                                            B005400300041 
       99.2        68.                                            B005400300042 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 B005400300043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 B005400399999 
SUBENT        B0054004   20011220                             0000B005400400001 
BIB                 10         24                                 B005400400002 
REACTION   (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG,,,EXP)                     B005400400003 
RAD-DET    (30-ZN-63,B+)                                          B005400400004 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.MIN,B+,2400.)                             B005400400005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-63 Enclosed in B005400400006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400400007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400400008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400400009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400400010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400400011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400400012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400400013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400400014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400400015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400400016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400400017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400400018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400400019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400400020 
REL-REF    (C,B0057002,COLLE+,J,PR/C,9,1819,1974)                 B005400400021 
           In a Recent Compilation by Colle Et Al. The Present    B005400400022 
           Data are Compared to Later Measurements and Found      B005400400023 
           To be Systematically Higher Than All the Others.       B005400400024 
ADD-RES    (COMP)                                                 B005400400025 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 B005400400027 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400400028 
DATA                 2         16                                 B005400400029 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400400030 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400400031 
         5.       220.                                            B005400400032 
         8.       325.                                            B005400400033 
       10.8       400.                                            B005400400034 
       12.8       409.                                            B005400400035 
       17.2       364.                                            B005400400036 
        19.       218.                                            B005400400037 
        21.       150.                                            B005400400038 
        25.        40.                                            B005400400039 
       31.2        22.                                            B005400400040 
       39.5        14.                                            B005400400041 
       50.5        16.                                            B005400400042 
        60.        14.                                            B005400400043 
        70.         8.                                            B005400400044 
       79.5         8.                                            B005400400045 
        90.         7.                                            B005400400046 
       99.2         7.                                            B005400400047 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 B005400400048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 B005400499999 
SUBENT        B0054005   20011220                             0000B005400500001 
BIB                  9         20                                 B005400500002 
REACTION   (29-CU-63(P,2N)30-ZN-62,,SIG,,,EXP)                    B005400500003 
RAD-DET    (30-ZN-62,B+)                                          B005400500004 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.5HR,B+,650.)                               B005400500005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-63 Enclosed in B005400500006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400500007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400500008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400500009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400500010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400500011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400500012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400500013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400500014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400500015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400500016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400500017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400500018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400500019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400500020 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400500021 
ADD-RES    (COMP)                                                 B005400500022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 B005400500023 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400500024 
DATA                 2         18                                 B005400500025 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400500026 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400500027 
        17.        50.                                            B005400500028 
        19.        79.                                            B005400500029 
       21.2        99.                                            B005400500030 
        23.       112.                                            B005400500031 
        25.       123.                                            B005400500032 
       26.1       137.                                            B005400500033 
        28.       138.                                            B005400500034 
        29.       133.                                            B005400500035 
        30.       115.                                            B005400500036 
        34.        62.                                            B005400500037 
        35.        55.                                            B005400500038 
       39.5        23.                                            B005400500039 
       50.5        15.                                            B005400500040 
        60.        15.                                            B005400500041 
        70.         9.                                            B005400500042 
       79.5         8.                                            B005400500043 
        90.         7.                                            B005400500044 
       99.2         7.                                            B005400500045 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 B005400500046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 B005400599999 
SUBENT        B0054006   20011220                             0000B005400600001 
BIB                  8         25                                 B005400600002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-64,,SIG,,,EXP) Shielded.           B005400600003 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-65 Enclosed in B005400600004 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400600005 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400600006 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400600007 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400600008 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400600009 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400600010 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400600011 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400600012 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400600013 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400600014 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400600015 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400600016 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400600017 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400600018 
REL-REF    (C,B0023002,NEWTON+,J,JIN,35,361,1973)                 B005400600019 
           Newton Compared these Data to His Own and Other        B005400600020 
           Previous Measurements and Found Meadows Values         B005400600021 
           Systematically Higher. He Concluded That this Might be B005400600022 
           Due to Poor Energy Resolution, Due to Use of the       B005400600023 
           Stacked-Foil Technique, and Difficulties in Activity   B005400600024 
           Measurements.                                          B005400600025 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400600026 
ADD-RES    (COMP)                                                 B005400600027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 B005400600028 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400600029 
DATA                 2         18                                 B005400600030 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400600031 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400600032 
        9.8        17.                                            B005400600033 
       19.1       250.                                            B005400600034 
       20.2       358.                                            B005400600035 
        21.       449.                                            B005400600036 
        25.       510.                                            B005400600037 
       27.6       530.                                            B005400600038 
        30.       428.                                            B005400600039 
       32.7       400.                                            B005400600040 
       38.2       334.                                            B005400600041 
        43.       318.                                            B005400600042 
       49.9       270.                                            B005400600043 
       50.2       268.                                            B005400600044 
       55.1       262.                                            B005400600045 
       60.2       242.                                            B005400600046 
       70.2       230.                                            B005400600047 
       80.1       202.                                            B005400600048 
       90.1       180.                                            B005400600049 
       99.2       157.                                            B005400600050 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 B005400600051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 B005400699999 
SUBENT        B0054007   20011220                             0000B005400700001 
BIB                  6         17                                 B005400700002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-62,IND,SIG,,,EXP)                  B005400700003 
RAD-DET    (29-CU-62,B+)                                          B005400700004 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-62,10.5MIN,B+,3000.)                            B005400700005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-65 Enclosed in B005400700006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400700007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400700008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400700009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,EDEG)                                       B005400700010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400700011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400700012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400700013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400700014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400700015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400700016 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400700017 
           (DEP,B0054002)                                         B005400700018 
           Used As Secondary Monitor                              B005400700019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 B005400700020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400700021 
DATA                 2         17                                 B005400700022 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400700023 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400700024 
        25.         4.                                            B005400700025 
        30.         4.                                            B005400700026 
        35.        10.                                            B005400700027 
       40.5        60.                                            B005400700028 
       40.7        68.                                            B005400700029 
        44.       164.                                            B005400700030 
        50.       190.                                            B005400700031 
        56.       151.                                            B005400700032 
       59.3       130.                                            B005400700033 
        65.       102.                                            B005400700034 
        70.        96.                                            B005400700035 
        75.        94.                                            B005400700036 
       79.5        97.                                            B005400700037 
        85.        90.                                            B005400700038 
        90.        86.                                            B005400700039 
        95.        80.                                            B005400700040 
       99.2        76.                                            B005400700041 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 B005400700042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 B005400799999 
SUBENT        B0054008   20011220                             0000B005400800001 
BIB                  8         19                                 B005400800002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,X)29-CU-61,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                  B005400800003 
RAD-DET    (29-CU-61,B+)                                          B005400800004 
DECAY-DATA (29-CU-61,,B+)                                         B005400800005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-65 Enclosed in B005400800006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400800007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400800008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400800009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400800010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400800011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400800012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400800013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400800014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400800015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400800016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400800017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400800018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400800019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400800020 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400800021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 B005400800022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400800023 
DATA                 2         12                                 B005400800024 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400800025 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400800026 
        45.        10.                                            B005400800027 
        51.        30.                                            B005400800028 
        55.        62.                                            B005400800029 
        60.        86.                                            B005400800030 
        65.        92.                                            B005400800031 
        71.        80.                                            B005400800032 
        75.        50.                                            B005400800033 
        80.        42.                                            B005400800034 
        85.        40.                                            B005400800035 
        90.        40.                                            B005400800036 
        95.        38.                                            B005400800037 
        99.        34.                                            B005400800038 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 B005400800039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 B005400899999 
SUBENT        B0054009   20011220                             0000B005400900001 
BIB                  8         19                                 B005400900002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,3N)30-ZN-63,,SIG,,,EXP)                    B005400900003 
RAD-DET    (30-ZN-63,B+)                                          B005400900004 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.MIN,B+,2400.)                             B005400900005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-65 Enclosed in B005400900006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005400900007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005400900008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005400900009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005400900010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005400900011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005400900012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005400900013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005400900014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005400900015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005400900016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005400900017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005400900018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005400900019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005400900020 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005400900021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 B005400900022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005400900023 
DATA                 2         11                                 B005400900024 
EN         DATA                                                   B005400900025 
MEV        MB                                                     B005400900026 
       29.8        93.                                            B005400900027 
       33.6       136.                                            B005400900028 
       38.1       165.                                            B005400900029 
       43.6        89.                                            B005400900030 
       54.1        43.                                            B005400900031 
       59.2        31.                                            B005400900032 
       65.1        30.                                            B005400900033 
       69.1        26.                                            B005400900034 
       79.7        16.                                            B005400900035 
       89.4        17.                                            B005400900036 
       99.2        13.                                            B005400900037 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 B005400900038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 B005400999999 
SUBENT        B0054010   20011220                             0000B005401000001 
BIB                  8         19                                 B005401000002 
REACTION   (29-CU-65(P,4N)30-ZN-62,,SIG,,,EXP)                    B005401000003 
RAD-DET    (30-ZN-62,B+)                                          B005401000004 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-62,9.5HR,B+,650.)                               B005401000005 
SAMPLE     Cu-Oxide Powder Containing Separated Cu-65 Enclosed in B005401000006 
           Flat Al-Capsules. Thickness of Powder Layer About      B005401000007 
           0.25 mm. The Stack Consisted of 4 to 8 Capsules        B005401000008 
           Interspaced with Al-Absorbers.                         B005401000009 
METHOD     (INTB,STTA,MOSEP,EDEG,CHSEP)                           B005401000010 
           According to Hintz Et Al.,Phys.Rev.88,19,1952 the      B005401000011 
           Energy at Each Target Foil was Calculated from the     B005401000012 
           Average Radius and Magnetic Field For the Scattered    B005401000013 
           Protons Together with Range Energy Curves Given by     B005401000014 
           W.A.Aron,B.G.Hoffman and F.C.Williams, Ucrl-121(REV.)  B005401000015 
           Initial Proton Energies 100 and 75 MeV, Respectively.  B005401000016 
MONITOR   1(13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24-G,CUM,SIG,,,EXP)                B005401000017 
          2(6-C-12(P,N+P)6-C-11,,SIG)                             B005401000018 
MONIT-REF 1(B0076003,N.M.HINTZ+,J,PR,88,19,1952)                  B005401000019 
          2(B0077002,R.L.AAMODT+,J,PR,88,739,1952)                B005401000020 
STATUS     (CPX)                                                  B005401000021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 B005401000022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B005401000023 
DATA                 2         11                                 B005401000024 
EN         DATA                                                   B005401000025 
MEV        MB                                                     B005401000026 
        34.         1.                                            B005401000027 
        38.         4.                                            B005401000028 
        44.         8.                                            B005401000029 
        50.        20.                                            B005401000030 
        54.        16.                                            B005401000031 
        60.        10.                                            B005401000032 
        65.         8.                                            B005401000033 
        70.         8.                                            B005401000034 
        80.         5.                                            B005401000035 
        90.         4.                                            B005401000036 
        99.         4.                                            B005401000037 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 B005401000038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 B005401099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 B005499999999