ENTRY            B0107   20011220                             0000B010700000001 
SUBENT        B0107001   20011220                             0000B010700100001 
BIB                  6         14                                 B010700100002 
TITLE      Production of Ni-59 from Alpha-Bombardment of Iron     B010700100003 
AUTHOR     (S.YANAGITA, K.YAMAKOSHI, R.GENSHO)                    B010700100004 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOK) Cosmic Ray Laboratory                        B010700100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,303,254,1978)                                  B010700100006 
HISTORY    (19791205C)Lakw                                        B010700100007 
           (19940712A) Some Corrections have Been Included by     B010700100008 
            CAJAD                                                 B010700100009 
           (19981110A) Method is Corrected. Lower Case.           B010700100010 
           (20011010U) Last checking has been done.               B010700100011 
METHOD     (STTA,EXTB,BCINT,CHSEP,EDEG)                           B010700100012 
           (ACTIV)                                                B010700100013 
           No Information is Given Which Range-Energy Relation    B010700100014 
           Was Used. The Incident Beam-Energy was (25+-0.3)MeV.   B010700100015 
           The Stack was Irradiated For 220 Min at 1.5 Microamp.  B010700100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 B010700100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B010700100018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 B010700199999 
SUBENT        B0107002   20011220                             0000B010700200001 
BIB                  7         29                                 B010700200002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(A,X)28-NI-59,IND,SIG,,,EXP)                   B010700200003 
RAD-DET    (28-NI-59,XR). X-Ray Energy is 6.9 KeV.                B010700200004 
DECAY-DATA (28-NI-59,,XR,6.9)                                     B010700200005 
SAMPLE     Foils of Natural Iron, Thickness 7.7+-0.1 Mg/Cm**2,    B010700200006 
           Purity 99.8%, Impurities (IN %%) C (0.01), S (0.11),   B010700200007 
           Si (0.011), Mn (0.09).                                 B010700200008 
DETECTOR   (SOLST) Intrinsic Germanium Detector Installed in a    B010700200009 
           Massive Shield For Low-Level Counting.                 B010700200010 
           Since the Ni-59 Half-Life is not Accurately Known,     B010700200011 
           The Absolute Number of Ni-59 Atoms was Determined by   B010700200012 
           Comparison with a Standard Source, For Which this      B010700200013 
           Number had Been Measured Using the Isotopic Dilution   B010700200014 
           Method with Ni-60 by Means of a Mass-Spectrometer.     B010700200015 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) The Uncertainty in Energy at 6 MeV was        B010700200016 
           Estimated to be Less Than 1 MeV.                       B010700200017 
           En-Err Value Calculated by the Compiler of Kachapag    B010700200018 
           Using the Tabulated Energy Interval. In Agreement with B010700200019 
           The Figures Given in the Publication the Center of the B010700200020 
           Interval was Regarded As Energy Value and the Half of  B010700200021 
           The Interval As the Energy Error.                      B010700200022 
           (DATA-ERR) Overall Uncertainty in the Cross Section    B010700200023 
           Including the Following Errors (IN %%) Recoil          B010700200024 
           Loss (2), Chemical Yield (5), Absolute Determination   B010700200025 
           Of Ni-59 (4.3), Counting Statistics (6 TO 45).         B010700200026 
           The Uncertainty of the Beam Integration was Estimated  B010700200027 
           To be Less 8%.                                         B010700200028 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Data Compared to Results of a Monte-Carlo Code. B010700200029 
           Results Applied to an Estimation of Ni-59 Production   B010700200030 
           In Cosmic Dust.                                        B010700200031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 B010700200032 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 B010700200033 
DATA                 4         10                                 B010700200034 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         B010700200035 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               B010700200036 
       7.65       1.25        37.        17.                      B010700200037 
       9.95       1.05       165.        23.                      B010700200038 
        12.         1.       421.        45.                      B010700200039 
       13.9        0.9       622.        61.                      B010700200040 
       16.6        0.8       841.       108.                      B010700200041 
      18.15       0.75       621.        71.                      B010700200042 
       19.6        0.7       505.        62.                      B010700200043 
      21.85       0.65       273.        30.                      B010700200044 
      23.15       0.65       229.        25.                      B010700200045 
       24.4        0.6       164.        23.                      B010700200046 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 B010700200047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 B010700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 B010799999999