ENTRY C0006 20230116 C227C000600000001 SUBENT C0006001 20230116 C227C000600100001 BIB 9 19 C000600100002 TITLE Low Energy Cross Section of the D-T Reaction and C000600100003 Angular Distribution of the Alpha-Particles Emitted C000600100004 AUTHOR (E.Bretscher,A.P.French) C000600100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,75,1154,1949) C000600100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.75.1154 C000600100007 INSTITUTE (1USALAS) C000600100008 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USALAS) C000600100009 SAMPLE Deuterium ice target. Thickness not given. C000600100010 METHOD (BCINT) C000600100011 DETECTOR (PROPC) C000600100012 HISTORY (19780522C) TWB C000600100013 (19800303A) TWB C000600100014 (19880304A) reaction sequence corrected. C000600100015 (19960222A) Status added, converted to lower case. C000600100016 (19970127A) BIB update. Reactions corrected. C000600100017 (20020213A) Converted to new date formats. C000600100018 (20030626A) BIB update. C000600100019 (20230116A) BP: Updated entry, ERR-ANALYS and STATUS, C000600100020 added doi and FACILITY. C000600100021 ENDBIB 19 0 C000600100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 C000600100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C000600199999 SUBENT C0006002 20230116 C227C000600200001 BIB 4 19 C000600200002 REACTION (1-H-2(T,N)2-HE-4,,DA,A,TT/RSD) C000600200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,3.5,10.) The counting errors at the lowest C000600200004 energies are about three percent, and at the higher C000600200005 energies are negligible, The geometry of the counter C000600200006 used at low energies is known within about nine C000600200007 percent; for the other counter it is better known to C000600200008 about two percent. The current measurements with the C000600200009 integrator are probably good to two percent. The C000600200010 error due to the presence of neutral particles in the C000600200011 beam is, in general, not more than one percent; any C000600200012 errors due to target contamination or secondary C000600200013 electron emission were together not more than one C000600200014 percent. The bombarding voltage is known within one C000600200015 percent. The combination of these factors leads to an C000600200016 aggregate error in the thick-target yield amounting C000600200017 to 3.5% at high energies and about 10% at low energies.C000600200018 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 1157 of J,PR,75,1154,1949. C000600200019 HISTORY (20030626A) Units corrected. C000600200020 (20230116A) BP: Added ERR-ANALYS. C000600200021 ENDBIB 19 0 C000600200022 COMMON 1 3 C000600200023 EN C000600200024 KEV C000600200025 75. C000600200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C000600200027 DATA 2 12 C000600200028 ANG DATA C000600200029 ADEG NO-DIM C000600200030 40. 1.2 C000600200031 45. 1.15 C000600200032 50. 1.17 C000600200033 60. 1.15 C000600200034 70. 1.15 C000600200035 80. 1.05 C000600200036 90. 1.000 C000600200037 100. 0.90 C000600200038 110. 0.85 C000600200039 120. 0.80 C000600200040 130. 0.80 C000600200041 140. 0.80 C000600200042 ENDDATA 14 0 C000600200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C000600299999 SUBENT C0006003 20230116 C227C000600300001 BIB 6 25 C000600300002 REACTION (1-H-2(T,N)2-HE-4,,PY,,TT/CH) C000600300003 DETECTOR Measured with 2 different detector geometries (below C000600300004 and above 40 keV). C000600300005 ANALYSIS (4PI1A) Measured at 90 degrees. C000600300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The counting errors at the lowest C000600300007 energies are about three percent, and at the higher C000600300008 energies are negligible, The geometry of the counter C000600300009 used at low energies is known within about nine C000600300010 percent; for the other counter it is better known to C000600300011 about two percent. The current measurements with the C000600300012 integrator are probably good to two percent. The C000600300013 error due to the presence of neutral particles in the C000600300014 beam is, in general, not more than one percent; any C000600300015 errors due to target contamination or secondary C000600300016 electron emission were together not more than one C000600300017 percent. The bombarding voltage is known within one C000600300018 percent. The combination of these factors leads to an C000600300019 aggregate error in the thick-target yield amounting C000600300020 to 3.5% at high energies and about 10% at low energies.C000600300021 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 1158 of J,PR,75,1154,1949. C000600300022 HISTORY (19970124A) Data corrected C000600300023 (20020213A) data heading updated. C000600300024 (20030626A) Data replaced with data in author's units. C000600300025 Data error corrected. C000600300026 (20230116A) BP: Updated Reaction string and ERR-ANALYS.C000600300027 ENDBIB 25 0 C000600300028 NOCOMMON 0 0 C000600300029 DATA 3 26 C000600300030 EN DATA DATA-ERR C000600300031 KEV PRD/MUCOUL PER-CENT C000600300032 15.0 2.90E-03 10. C000600300033 18.1 9.61E-03 10. C000600300034 21.1 3.34E-04 10. C000600300035 24.1 5.42E-04 10. C000600300036 27.2 1.45E-05 10. C000600300037 30.2 2.22E-05 10. C000600300038 36.4 4.92E-05 10. C000600300039 38.8 6.92E-05 10. C000600300040 43.7 1.28E-06 3.5 C000600300041 47.5 1.97E-06 3.5 C000600300042 50.9 2.47E-06 3.5 C000600300043 54. 3.64E-06 3.5 C000600300044 58.2 4.20E-06 3.5 C000600300045 64.3 6.41E-06 3.5 C000600300046 69.1 7.56E-06 3.5 C000600300047 72.3 1.02E-07 3.5 C000600300048 75.3 1.16E-07 3.5 C000600300049 79.2 1.49E-07 3.5 C000600300050 80.8 1.65E-07 3.5 C000600300051 84.4 1.76E-07 3.5 C000600300052 87.1 1.95E-07 3.5 C000600300053 95. 2.75E-07 3.5 C000600300054 105.6 4.01E-07 3.5 C000600300055 116. 5.87E-07 3.5 C000600300056 118.8 5.77E-07 3.5 C000600300057 126.7 7.20E-07 3.5 C000600300058 ENDDATA 28 0 C000600300059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 C000600399999 SUBENT C0006004 20230116 C227C000600400001 BIB 5 8 C000600400002 REACTION (1-H-2(T,N)2-HE-4,,SIG,,,DERIV) C000600400003 REL-REF (R,A1143002,E.Bretscher+,J,PR,73,815,1948) C000600400004 ANALYSIS (TTUNF) Calculated from fit to measured thick-target C000600400005 yields using stopping powers taken from Bretscher C000600400006 et al., Phys. Rev. 73, 815 (1948). C000600400007 ERR-ANALYS No uncertainties given. C000600400008 STATUS (DEP,C0006003) C000600400009 (TABLE) Table III, page 1158 of J,PR,75,1154,1949. C000600400010 ENDBIB 8 0 C000600400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C000600400012 DATA 2 24 C000600400013 EN DATA C000600400014 KEV B C000600400015 15. 0.00105 C000600400016 17.5 0.00251 C000600400017 20. 0.00510 C000600400018 25. 0.0156 C000600400019 30. 0.0363 C000600400020 35. 0.0714 C000600400021 40. 0.125 C000600400022 45. 0.200 C000600400023 50. 0.290 C000600400024 55. 0.410 C000600400025 60. 0.555 C000600400026 65. 0.730 C000600400027 70. 0.896 C000600400028 75. 1.11 C000600400029 80. 1.30 C000600400030 85. 1.56 C000600400031 90. 1.82 C000600400032 95. 2.11 C000600400033 100. 2.41 C000600400034 105. 2.76 C000600400035 110. 3.02 C000600400036 115. 3.34 C000600400037 120. 3.71 C000600400038 125. 4.04 C000600400039 ENDDATA 26 0 C000600400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C000600499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C000699999999