ENTRY C0008 20230112 C227C000800000001 SUBENT C0008001 20230112 C227C000800100001 BIB 8 15 C000800100002 TITLE A Study of the H3(d,n)He4 Reaction C000800100003 AUTHOR (J.P.Conner,T.W.Bonner,J.R.Smith) C000800100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,88,468,1952) C000800100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.88.468 C000800100006 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) C000800100007 SAMPLE ZrT targets with Al- or Be-backing. C000800100008 DETECTOR (PROPC) C000800100009 STATUS Data taken from article C000800100010 HISTORY (19780524C) TWB C000800100011 (19800303A) TWB C000800100012 (19930222A) Status added, converted to lower case. C000800100013 (20020213A) Converted to new date formats. C000800100014 (20230112A) BP: Updated entry, added ERR-ANALYS and C000800100015 REL-REFS, added doi, split subentry 4 experimental C000800100016 and averaged data. C000800100017 ENDBIB 15 0 C000800100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C000800100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C000800199999 SUBENT C0008002 20230112 C227C000800200001 BIB 6 14 C000800200002 REACTION (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,DA,A) C000800200003 FACILITY (CCW,1USARIC) C000800200004 CORRECTION One-half the thickness has been subtracted from the C000800200005 observed incident deuteron energy to get the average C000800200006 energy of the beam in the target. C000800200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The statistical probable error of the values C000800200008 from each target was about 1 percent except for the C000800200009 points at 10.3 and 15.4 keV. C000800200010 FLAG (1.) Ave. Of 1 Al-backed and 2 Be-backed ZrT targets C000800200011 (2.) Ave. Of 1 Al-backed and 1 Be-backed ZrT targets C000800200012 (3.) 1 Be-backed ZrT target C000800200013 (4.) Ave. Of 2 Be-backed ZrT targets C000800200014 (5.) Al-backed ZrT target C000800200015 STATUS (TABLE) Table I, page 471 of J,PR,88,468,1952. C000800200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C000800200017 COMMON 2 3 C000800200018 ANG ERR-S C000800200019 ADEG PER-CENT C000800200020 9.0000 +01 1.0 C000800200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C000800200022 DATA 3 32 C000800200023 EN DATA FLAG C000800200024 MEV MB/SR NO-DIM C000800200025 0.0103 0.13 1. C000800200026 0.0154 1.3 1. C000800200027 0.0207 4.91 1. C000800200028 0.0258 12.5 2. C000800200029 0.0310 23.3 1. C000800200030 0.0345 34.8 3. C000800200031 0.0363 40.1 2. C000800200032 0.0415 59.3 1. C000800200033 0.0467 84.5 3. C000800200034 0.0485 93.9 3. C000800200035 0.0520 118. 1. C000800200036 0.0554 141. 4. C000800200037 0.0571 141. 4. C000800200038 0.0623 183. 1. C000800200039 0.0675 224. 3. C000800200040 0.0693 238. 4. C000800200041 0.0728 260. 1. C000800200042 0.0762 279. 4. C000800200043 0.0780 284. 3. C000800200044 0.0833 330. 1. C000800200045 0.0903 351. 3. C000800200046 0.0937 384. 5. C000800200047 0.0971 391. 4. C000800200048 0.104 404. 1. C000800200049 0.109 406. 1. C000800200050 0.111 405. 4. C000800200051 0.115 401. 1. C000800200052 0.125 385. 1. C000800200053 0.136 360. 2. C000800200054 0.146 329. 1. C000800200055 0.156 300. 2. C000800200056 0.167 272. 1. C000800200057 ENDDATA 34 0 C000800200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C000800299999 SUBENT C0008003 20230112 C227C000800300001 BIB 4 6 C000800300002 REACTION (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,DA,A) C000800300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The statistical probable error of the values C000800300004 from each target was about 1 percent except for the C000800300005 points at 10.3 and 15.4 keV. C000800300006 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 472 of J,PR,88,468,1952. C000800300007 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) C000800300008 ENDBIB 6 0 C000800300009 COMMON 2 3 C000800300010 ANG ERR-S C000800300011 ADEG PER-CENT C000800300012 9.0000 +01 1.0000 C000800300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C000800300014 DATA 2 30 C000800300015 EN DATA C000800300016 KEV B/SR C000800300017 134. 0.363 C000800300018 143. 0.339 C000800300019 153. 0.309 C000800300020 162. 0.276 C000800300021 173. 0.260 C000800300022 183. 0.245 C000800300023 205. 0.198 C000800300024 227. 0.167 C000800300025 251. 0.142 C000800300026 276. 0.118 C000800300027 302. 0.0989 C000800300028 329. 0.0875 C000800300029 357. 0.0766 C000800300030 402. 0.0655 C000800300031 448. 0.0547 C000800300032 481. 0.0506 C000800300033 496. 0.0488 C000800300034 533. 0.0434 C000800300035 607. 0.0349 C000800300036 689. 0.0278 C000800300037 774. 0.0230 C000800300038 864. 0.0200 C000800300039 957. 0.0183 C000800300040 1055. 0.0166 C000800300041 1156. 0.0143 C000800300042 1263. 0.0125 C000800300043 1374. 0.0117 C000800300044 1489. 0.0111 C000800300045 1608. 0.0099 C000800300046 1732. 0.0090 C000800300047 ENDDATA 32 0 C000800300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 C000800399999 SUBENT C0008004 20230112 C227C000800400001 BIB 7 24 C000800400002 REACTION (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,SIG) C000800400003 REL-REF (O,C2884001,T.W.Bonner,R,AECU-939,1950) Previous C000800400004 measurement. C000800400005 ANALYSIS (4PI1A) The total cross section was determined from C000800400006 measurements at 90 degrees of emitted alphas assuming C000800400007 cm isotropy. C000800400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Probable errors in the solid angle, the C000800400009 number of atoms/cm2 in the target, and the number of C000800400010 incident deuterons are estimated to be about 1% each. C000800400011 The probable error in the number of counts is less C000800400012 than 0.5. Thus, the over-all probable error is about C000800400013 2% or 0.1 barn. C000800400014 FLAG (1.) 30 Microgram/cm2 ZrT Al-backed target C000800400015 (2.) 10 microgram/cm2 ZrT Al-backed target C000800400016 (3.) Different target same specification as 2. C000800400017 (4.) Different target same specification as 2. C000800400018 (5.) Different target same specification as 2. C000800400019 (6.) Different target same specification as 2. C000800400020 (7.)10 microgram/cm2 ZrT Be-backed target C000800400021 STATUS (DEP,C0008002) C000800400022 (DEP,C0008003) C000800400023 (TABLE) Table III, page 472 of J,PR,88,468,1952. C000800400024 HISTORY (20230112A) BP: Updated status, errors and analysis, C000800400025 moved averaged value into subentry 5. C000800400026 ENDBIB 24 0 C000800400027 COMMON 2 3 C000800400028 EN DATA-ERR C000800400029 KEV PER-CENT C000800400030 109. 2.0 C000800400031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C000800400032 DATA 2 7 C000800400033 DATA FLAG C000800400034 B NO-DIM C000800400035 5.20 1. C000800400036 4.96 2. C000800400037 5.00 3. C000800400038 5.10 4. C000800400039 5.13 5. C000800400040 4.99 6. C000800400041 5.29 7. C000800400042 ENDDATA 9 0 C000800400043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C000800499999 SUBENT C0008005 20230116 C227C000800500001 BIB 5 6 C000800500002 REACTION (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,SIG,,AV) C000800500003 ANALYSIS Ave. of runs with 7 different targets. C000800500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C000800500005 STATUS (DEP,C0008004) C000800500006 (TABLE) Table III, page 472 of J,PR,88,468,1952. C000800500007 HISTORY (20230112C) BP C000800500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C000800500009 COMMON 1 3 C000800500010 EN C000800500011 KEV C000800500012 109. C000800500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C000800500014 DATA 2 1 C000800500015 DATA DATA-ERR C000800500016 B B C000800500017 5.10 0.03 C000800500018 ENDDATA 3 0 C000800500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C000800599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C000899999999