ENTRY            C0057   20000322                             0000C005700000001 
SUBENT        C0057001   20000322                             0000C005700100001 
BIB                 13         43                                 C005700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAINU)                                              C005700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,23,616,198102)                                 C005700100004 
AUTHOR     (H.O.MEYER,P.SCHWANDT,G.L.MOAKE,P.P.SINGH)             C005700100005 
TITLE      Elastic scattering of 200 MeV polarized protons from   C005700100006 
            12,13C and the optical model                          C005700100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO)                                                C005700100008 
INC-SOURCE (POLIS,ATOMI) Beam polarization typically 70%.         C005700100009 
INC-SPECT  Mean scattering energy varied between 1299.8 and 200.1 C005700100010 
            MeV according to target thickness.                    C005700100011 
SAMPLE     Several self-supporting targets ranging in thickness   C005700100012 
            between 3.7 and 150 mg/cm3.  The targets were of both C005700100013 
            natural composition and enriched in 12C or 13C.       C005700100014 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,MWPC,SCIN) Magnetic spectrograph, helical wire  C005700100015 
            chamber in focal plane for position information,      C005700100016 
            followed by 2 plastic scintillators for particle      C005700100017 
            identification.                                       C005700100018 
           Energy resolution of scattered protons between 100 and C005700100019 
            500 keV FWHM depending on target thickness and        C005700100020 
            scattering angle.                                     C005700100021 
           Scattering angle known to better than 0.05 degrees.    C005700100022 
            The angular acceptance was 0.55 degrees for angles    C005700100023 
            of 6-64 degrees, and 0.97 for angles of 68-110        C005700100024 
            degrees.                                              C005700100025 
           Beam monitored using Faraday cup.                      C005700100026 
CORRECTION Corrected for:                                         C005700100027 
           . background,                                          C005700100028 
           . dead time losses,                                    C005700100029 
           . finite geometry of detector system.                  C005700100030 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Contains cotributions from:                 C005700100031 
           . statistical uncertainty,                             C005700100032 
           . error resulting from uncertainty in background       C005700100033 
             subtraction,                                         C005700100034 
           . error resulting from uncertainty in scattering angle C005700100035 
             of 0.05 degrees.                                     C005700100036 
           . error for incomplete charge collection at scattering C005700100037 
             angles <24 degrees.                                  C005700100038 
           Not included is absolute normalization error (5%) due  C005700100039 
            mainly to uncertainty in measured target thickness.   C005700100040 
STATUS     Data received by email, P. Schwandt, July 1999.        C005700100041 
           Approved by H. Meyer, 1997, and P. Schwandt, Oct. 1999.C005700100042 
HISTORY    (19970626C)                                            C005700100043 
           (19990903A) Updated to new date formats. Data replaced C005700100044 
              with data received from Schwandt; minor changes.    C005700100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 C005700100046 
COMMON               1          3                                 C005700100047 
EN                                                                C005700100048 
MEV                                                               C005700100049 
200.                                                              C005700100050 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C005700100051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 C005700199999 
SUBENT        C0057002   20000322                             0000C005700200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 C005700200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               C005700200003 
FLAG       (1.) These points are from a later measurement at IUCF C005700200004 
                and are included here for completeness.           C005700200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C005700200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C005700200007 
DATA                 4         49                                 C005700200008 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR   FLAG                             C005700200009 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      NO-DIM                           C005700200010 
  6.71      3.1590E+02 6.0000E+01                                 C005700200011 
  8.91      2.6140E+02 5.0000E+01                                 C005700200012 
 11.11      2.2640E+02 9.3910E+00                                 C005700200013 
 13.30      1.4850E+02 6.4300E+00                                 C005700200014 
 15.50      7.6580E+01 3.4360E+00                                 C005700200015 
 17.69      4.6430E+01 1.1600E+00                                 C005700200016 
 19.89      2.4900E+01 6.6770E-01                                 C005700200017 
 22.07      1.2390E+01 3.4640E-01                                 C005700200018 
 24.26      6.6120E+00 1.7820E-01                                 C005700200019 
 26.44      3.5100E+00 9.5480E-02                                 C005700200020 
 28.63      1.8640E+00 4.9150E-02                                 C005700200021 
 30.80      1.0790E+00 2.7700E-02                                 C005700200022 
 32.98      6.4830E-01 1.5640E-02                                 C005700200023 
 35.15      4.6790E-01 1.0200E-02                                 C005700200024 
 37.32      3.9380E-01 8.2970E-03                                 C005700200025 
 39.48      3.6160E-01 7.5340E-03                                 C005700200026 
 41.64      3.2160E-01 6.6660E-03                                 C005700200027 
 43.79      2.7810E-01 5.8170E-03                                 C005700200028 
 45.94      2.2160E-01 4.7400E-03                                 C005700200029 
 48.09      1.6940E-01 3.6680E-03                                 C005700200030 
 50.23      1.1830E-01 2.7310E-03                                 C005700200031 
 52.36      7.6570E-02 1.8280E-03                                 C005700200032 
 54.49      4.8340E-02 1.2100E-03                                 C005700200033 
 56.61      2.8670E-02 7.6510E-04                                 C005700200034 
 58.73      1.6560E-02 4.5270E-04                                 C005700200035 
 60.84      9.7620E-03 2.6500E-04                                 C005700200036 
 62.95      6.4480E-03 1.8040E-04                                 C005700200037 
 65.05      4.7150E-03 1.2430E-04                                 C005700200038 
 69.23      3.2800E-03 8.9570E-05                                 C005700200039 
 73.39      2.3750E-03 7.3130E-05                                 C005700200040 
 77.52      1.3540E-03 3.4820E-05                                 C005700200041 
 81.62      6.5940E-04 1.9530E-05                                 C005700200042 
 85.70      2.1910E-04 8.2940E-06                                 C005700200043 
 89.75      3.6740E-05 2.4940E-06                                 C005700200044 
 93.77      7.6170E-06 1.5120E-06                                 C005700200045 
 93.80      9.0000E-06 1.6800E-06 1.                              C005700200046 
 97.57      1.5910E-05 1.7430E-06                                 C005700200047 
 97.60      1.5900E-05 1.7200E-06 1.                              C005700200048 
101.70      2.5900E-05 2.6300E-06 1.                              C005700200049 
105.47      3.0900E-05 2.2920E-06                                 C005700200050 
105.50      3.1100E-05 1.9600E-06 1.                              C005700200051 
110.50      2.9200E-05 3.8500E-06 1.                              C005700200052 
115.20      1.8000E-05 1.5300E-06 1.                              C005700200053 
115.21      1.8950E-05 1.5480E-06                                 C005700200054 
120.10      1.2600E-05 1.2400E-06 1.                              C005700200055 
124.90      7.7000E-06 6.8000E-07 1.                              C005700200056 
129.60      4.7000E-06 5.7000E-07 1.                              C005700200057 
143.60      7.5000E-06 8.3000E-07 1.                              C005700200058 
157.40      1.7500E-05 7.0000E-06 1.                              C005700200059 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 C005700200060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 C005700299999 
SUBENT        C0057003   20000322                             0000C005700300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C005700300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      C005700300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C005700300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C005700300005 
DATA                 3         38                                 C005700300006 
ANG-CM     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C005700300007 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C005700300008 
  6.71      0.507      0.030                                      C005700300009 
  8.91      0.613      0.025                                      C005700300010 
 11.11      0.707      0.020                                      C005700300011 
 13.30      0.807      0.023                                      C005700300012 
 15.50      0.893      0.027                                      C005700300013 
 17.69      0.993      0.007                                      C005700300014 
 19.89      0.968      0.007                                      C005700300015 
 22.07      0.782      0.010                                      C005700300016 
 24.26      0.451      0.013                                      C005700300017 
 26.44      0.044      0.014                                      C005700300018 
 28.63     -0.336      0.009                                      C005700300019 
 30.80     -0.425      0.010                                      C005700300020 
 32.98     -0.130      0.015                                      C005700300021 
 35.15      0.435      0.014                                      C005700300022 
 37.32      0.868      0.010                                      C005700300023 
 39.48      0.960      0.007                                      C005700300024 
 41.64      0.843      0.007                                      C005700300025 
 43.79      0.653      0.008                                      C005700300026 
 45.94      0.451      0.008                                      C005700300027 
 48.09      0.294      0.007                                      C005700300028 
 50.23      0.087      0.010                                      C005700300029 
 52.36     -0.154      0.011                                      C005700300030 
 54.49     -0.348      0.013                                      C005700300031 
 56.61     -0.579      0.015                                      C005700300032 
 58.73     -0.870      0.016                                      C005700300033 
 60.84     -0.996      0.015                                      C005700300034 
 62.95     -0.922      0.019                                      C005700300035 
 65.05     -0.650      0.026                                      C005700300036 
 69.23     -0.073      0.029                                      C005700300037 
 73.39      0.290      0.032                                      C005700300038 
 77.52      0.427      0.025                                      C005700300039 
 81.62      0.436      0.025                                      C005700300040 
 85.70      0.540      0.030                                      C005700300041 
 89.75      0.621      0.060                                      C005700300042 
 93.77      0.604      0.200                                      C005700300043 
 97.57      0.197      0.131                                      C005700300044 
105.47      0.282      0.100                                      C005700300045 
115.21      0.460      0.100                                      C005700300046 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 C005700300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 C005700399999 
SUBENT        C0057004   20000322                             0000C005700400001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C005700400002 
REACTION   (6-C-13(P,EL)6-C-13,,DA)                               C005700400003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C005700400004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C005700400005 
DATA                 3         38                                 C005700400006 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C005700400007 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C005700400008 
  6.70       3.860E+02  1.164E+01                                 C005700400009 
  8.80       3.264E+02  9.878E+00                                 C005700400010 
 11.00       2.131E+02  6.480E+00                                 C005700400011 
 13.20       1.431E+02  4.378E+00                                 C005700400012 
 15.40       8.455E+01  2.572E+00                                 C005700400013 
 17.60       4.529E+01  1.377E+00                                 C005700400014 
 19.70       2.508E+01  7.673E-01                                 C005700400015 
 21.90       1.293E+01  3.953E-01                                 C005700400016 
 24.10       7.028E+00  2.151E-01                                 C005700400017 
 26.30       3.881E+00  1.195E-01                                 C005700400018 
 28.40       2.229E+00  6.719E-02                                 C005700400019 
 30.60       1.415E+00  4.302E-02                                 C005700400020 
 32.80       8.946E-01  2.721E-02                                 C005700400021 
 34.90       6.296E-01  1.955E-02                                 C005700400022 
 37.10       5.071E-01  1.574E-02                                 C005700400023 
 39.20       4.312E-01  1.329E-02                                 C005700400024 
 41.40       3.792E-01  1.177E-02                                 C005700400025 
 43.50       3.153E-01  9.875E-03                                 C005700400026 
 45.60       2.533E-01  7.865E-03                                 C005700400027 
 47.80       1.837E-01  5.539E-03                                 C005700400028 
 49.90       1.244E-01  3.806E-03                                 C005700400029 
 52.00       8.026E-02  2.538E-03                                 C005700400030 
 54.20       4.952E-02  1.583E-03                                 C005700400031 
 56.30       2.945E-02  9.312E-04                                 C005700400032 
 58.40       1.783E-02  5.762E-04                                 C005700400033 
 60.50       1.177E-02  3.848E-04                                 C005700400034 
 62.60       8.825E-03  3.134E-04                                 C005700400035 
 64.70       7.390E-03  2.446E-04                                 C005700400036 
 68.80       5.697E-03  1.993E-04                                 C005700400037 
 73.00       3.916E-03  1.351E-04                                 C005700400038 
 77.10       1.994E-03  6.446E-05                                 C005700400039 
 81.20       8.710E-04  3.091E-05                                 C005700400040 
 85.30       2.658E-04  1.331E-05                                 C005700400041 
 89.30       4.461E-05  2.090E-06                                 C005700400042 
 93.30       2.858E-05  1.573E-06                                 C005700400043 
 97.10       4.589E-05  2.409E-06                                 C005700400044 
105.10       4.422E-05  4.070E-06                                 C005700400045 
114.80       1.657E-05  1.727E-06                                 C005700400046 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 C005700400047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 C005700499999 
SUBENT        C0057005   20000322                             0000C005700500001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C005700500002 
REACTION   (6-C-13(P,EL)6-C-13,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      C005700500003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C005700500004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C005700500005 
DATA                 3         36                                 C005700500006 
ANG-CM     DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C005700500007 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      C005700500008 
  6.70      0.511      0.011                                      C005700500009 
  8.80      0.614      0.011                                      C005700500010 
 11.00      0.722      0.012                                      C005700500011 
 13.20      0.841      0.012                                      C005700500012 
 15.40      0.951      0.012                                      C005700500013 
 17.60      0.997      0.012                                      C005700500014 
 19.70      0.951      0.012                                      C005700500015 
 21.90      0.763      0.012                                      C005700500016 
 24.10      0.368      0.013                                      C005700500017 
 26.30     -0.056      0.014                                      C005700500018 
 28.40     -0.349      0.011                                      C005700500019 
 30.60     -0.356      0.012                                      C005700500020 
 32.80     -0.017      0.013                                      C005700500021 
 34.90      0.531      0.014                                      C005700500022 
 37.10      0.873      0.013                                      C005700500023 
 39.20      0.951      0.013                                      C005700500024 
 41.40      0.807      0.013                                      C005700500025 
 43.50      0.622      0.015                                      C005700500026 
 45.60      0.396      0.016                                      C005700500027 
 47.80      0.150      0.014                                      C005700500028 
 49.90     -0.094      0.013                                      C005700500029 
 52.00     -0.331      0.016                                      C005700500030 
 54.20     -0.516      0.020                                      C005700500031 
 56.30     -0.733      0.015                                      C005700500032 
 58.40     -0.893      0.017                                      C005700500033 
 60.50     -0.829      0.018                                      C005700500034 
 62.60     -0.560      0.018                                      C005700500035 
 64.70     -0.195      0.021                                      C005700500036 
 68.80      0.240      0.027                                      C005700500037 
 73.00      0.437      0.025                                      C005700500038 
 77.10      0.424      0.024                                      C005700500039 
 81.20      0.445      0.029                                      C005700500040 
 85.30      0.318      0.032                                      C005700500041 
 89.30     -0.192      0.051                                      C005700500042 
 93.30      0.225      0.060                                      C005700500043 
 97.10      0.578      0.051                                      C005700500044 
ENDDATA             38          0                                 C005700500045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 C005700599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 C005799999999