ENTRY            C0083   20171029                             C169C008300000001 
SUBENT        C0083001   20171029                             C169C008300100001 
BIB                 13         49                                 C008300100002 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,48,662,1993)                                   C008300100004 
AUTHOR     (A.J.Simon,G.Glass,M.W.McNaughton,T.Noro,              C008300100005 
           K.H.McNaughton,P.J.Riley,E.Gulmez,C.A.Whitten Jr,      C008300100006 
           V.R.Cupps,R.D.Ransome,D.L.Adams)                       C008300100007 
TITLE      Absolue pp-elastic cross section from 492 to 793 MeV   C008300100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALAS) External proton beam line at the       C008300100009 
            Clinton P.Anderson Meson Physics Facility             C008300100010 
INC-SOURCE (LAMB) Longitudinally polarized beam                   C008300100011 
SAMPLE     Liquid-hydrogen target contained within flask of       C008300100012 
            hydrogen gas.  For 492 MeV temperature maintained at  C008300100013 
            19.87(+-0.003K) or 20.13(+-0.001K).                   C008300100014 
METHOD     (TOF) LAMPF beam energy measured using long neutron    C008300100015 
            time-of-flight path.                                  C008300100016 
           A particle-counting method was used to determinate     C008300100017 
            the beam intensity.                                   C008300100018 
DETECTOR   (SCIN,MWDC,MWPC) Two identical detector arrays were    C008300100019 
            placed either side of the beam line to detect both    C008300100020 
            scattered protons.  Each array contained detectors of C008300100021 
            three diferent types: scintillator hodoscopes,        C008300100022 
            multiwire drift chambers, and multiwire proportional  C008300100023 
            chambers.                                             C008300100024 
CORRECTION Corrections include:                                   C008300100025 
           . beam energy losses,                                  C008300100026 
           . beam and scattered proton attenuation (2%),          C008300100027 
           . efficiency (1%),                                     C008300100028 
           . background (1%),                                     C008300100029 
           . Coulomb multiple scattering (0.2%).                  C008300100030 
           Beam energies corrected for energy losses in the       C008300100031 
            materials between evacuated beam line and the target  C008300100032 
            center.                                               C008300100033 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Quadratic sum of statistical and systematic    C008300100034 
            uncertainties.                                        C008300100035 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        C008300100036 
           (ERR-SYS) System atic Uncertainties, include:          C008300100037 
           . beam counting (0.1%)                                 C008300100038 
           . beam attenuation (0.1%)                              C008300100039 
           . scattered attenuation (0.1%)                         C008300100040 
           . efficiency  (0.2%),                                  C008300100041 
           . live time (0.1%),                                    C008300100042 
           . solid angle (0.3%),                                  C008300100043 
           . absolute angle (0.04 deg)                            C008300100044 
           . target thickness (0.3%),                             C008300100045 
           . background (0.1%)                                    C008300100046 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from article, Table IV.             C008300100047 
           (APRVD) M.W.McNaughton, 97/9/4.                        C008300100048 
HISTORY    (19970805C) YH                                         C008300100049 
           (20040722A) Updated to new date formats.               C008300100050 
           (20171027U) OS. Minor correction in AUTHOR             C008300100051 
ENDBIB              49          0                                 C008300100052 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C008300100053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 C008300199999 
SUBENT        C0083002   20040722                             0000C008300200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C008300200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(P,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 C008300200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C008300200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C008300200005 
DATA                 6         81                                 C008300200006 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S      ERR-1      C008300200007 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      PER-CENT   PER-CENT   C008300200008 
491.9      45.22      4.249      0.026      0.28       0.55       C008300200009 
491.9      48.95      4.150      0.025      0.27       0.54       C008300200010 
491.9      52.67      4.022      0.024      0.27       0.52       C008300200011 
491.9      56.36      3.908      0.025      0.47       0.45       C008300200012 
491.9      60.03      3.819      0.023      0.45       0.39       C008300200013 
491.9      63.69      3.746      0.022      0.45       0.38       C008300200014 
491.9      67.31      3.708      0.022      0.45       0.40       C008300200015 
491.9      70.92      3.614      0.022      0.45       0.39       C008300200016 
491.9      74.50      3.539      0.015      0.24       0.35       C008300200017 
491.9      78.05      3.461      0.015      0.26       0.33       C008300200018 
491.9      81.58      3.440      0.014      0.24       0.34       C008300200019 
491.9      85.09      3.427      0.014      0.24       0.34       C008300200020 
491.9      88.58      3.420      0.014      0.24       0.34       C008300200021 
575.5      29.97      5.521      0.053      0.52       0.81       C008300200022 
575.5      33.19      5.329      0.047      0.42       0.77       C008300200023 
575.5      37.03      4.982      0.035      0.41       0.57       C008300200024 
575.5      40.86      4.777      0.031      0.40       0.52       C008300200025 
575.5      44.67      4.494      0.028      0.40       0.48       C008300200026 
575.5      48.45      4.319      0.025      0.31       0.48       C008300200027 
575.5      52.21      4.059      0.022      0.31       0.44       C008300200028 
575.5      55.95      3.842      0.026      0.54       0.42       C008300200029 
575.5      59.67      3.657      0.025      0.54       0.41       C008300200030 
575.5      63.36      3.434      0.023      0.54       0.39       C008300200031 
575.5      67.02      3.348      0.022      0.54       0.39       C008300200032 
575.5      70.65      3.190      0.021      0.54       0.39       C008300200033 
575.5      74.26      3.067      0.015      0.24       0.44       C008300200034 
575.5      77.84      2.951      0.015      0.24       0.43       C008300200035 
575.5      81.39      2.882      0.014      0.27       0.42       C008300200036 
575.5      84.91      2.847      0.014      0.27       0.41       C008300200037 
575.5      88.41      2.824      0.014      0.27       0.41       C008300200038 
641.6      29.72      6.485      0.060      0.46       0.80       C008300200039 
641.6      33.61      6.025      0.054      0.46       0.76       C008300200040 
641.6      37.49      5.461      0.042      0.46       0.62       C008300200041 
641.6      41.36      5.071      0.037      0.45       0.57       C008300200042 
641.6      45.20      4.664      0.032      0.45       0.52       C008300200043 
641.6      49.02      4.249      0.026      0.35       0.51       C008300200044 
641.6      52.82      3.927      0.024      0.35       0.50       C008300200045 
641.6      56.59      3.586      0.022      0.37       0.50       C008300200046 
641.6      60.33      3.340      0.024      0.57       0.44       C008300200047 
641.6      64.04      3.028      0.022      0.58       0.42       C008300200048 
641.6      67.72      2.811      0.021      0.59       0.47       C008300200049 
641.6      71.37      2.622      0.020      0.61       0.46       C008300200050 
641.6      74.99      2.444      0.015      0.33       0.52       C008300200051 
641.6      78.59      2.316      0.014      0.34       0.51       C008300200052 
641.6      82.15      2.265      0.014      0.35       0.51       C008300200053 
641.6      85.67      2.194      0.014      0.42       0.48       C008300200054 
641.6      89.17      2.145      0.014      0.42       0.47       C008300200055 
728.2      28.86      7.892      0.078      0.44       0.88       C008300200056 
728.2      32.83      7.008      0.055      0.45       0.64       C008300200057 
728.2      36.78      6.183      0.046      0.46       0.59       C008300200058 
728.2      40.70      5.476      0.036      0.37       0.54       C008300200059 
728.2      44.60      4.827      0.033      0.30       0.62       C008300200060 
728.2      48.47      4.221      0.030      0.31       0.63       C008300200061 
728.2      52.32      3.689      0.027      0.33       0.65       C008300200062 
728.2      56.13      3.219      0.031      0.57       0.76       C008300200063 
728.2      59.92      2.791      0.027      0.60       0.77       C008300200064 
728.2      63.67      2.445      0.024      0.62       0.73       C008300200065 
728.2      67.39      2.203      0.021      0.64       0.73       C008300200066 
728.2      71.07      1.926      0.019      0.68       0.70       C008300200067 
728.2      74.72      1.744      0.011      0.32       0.56       C008300200068 
728.2      78.34      1.590      0.010      0.34       0.56       C008300200069 
728.2      81.92      1.496      0.011      0.40       0.59       C008300200070 
728.2      85.47      1.425      0.010      0.40       0.58       C008300200071 
728.2      88.98      1.391      0.010      0.41       0.56       C008300200072 
793.0      27.86      9.055      0.098      0.41       1.00       C008300200073 
793.0      31.88      7.799      0.071      0.42       0.81       C008300200074 
793.0      35.87      6.754      0.058      0.44       0.74       C008300200075 
793.0      39.84      5.781      0.045      0.34       0.70       C008300200076 
793.0      43.79      4.995      0.035      0.29       0.64       C008300200077 
793.0      47.71      4.249      0.029      0.31       0.62       C008300200078 
793.0      51.59      3.629      0.025      0.32       0.61       C008300200079 
793.0      55.44      3.108      0.023      0.44       0.60       C008300200080 
793.0      59.26      2.620      0.023      0.66       0.58       C008300200081 
793.0      63.05      2.228      0.020      0.69       0.56       C008300200082 
793.0      66.80      1.902      0.018      0.73       0.59       C008300200083 
793.0      70.51      1.654      0.016      0.78       0.58       C008300200084 
793.0      74.19      1.436      0.010      0.42       0.54       C008300200085 
793.0      77.83      1.278      0.009      0.45       0.59       C008300200086 
793.0      81.43      1.171      0.009      0.54       0.55       C008300200087 
793.0      84.99      1.100      0.009      0.56       0.53       C008300200088 
793.0      88.51      1.055      0.009      0.58       0.57       C008300200089 
ENDDATA             83          0                                 C008300200090 
ENDSUBENT           89          0                                 C008300299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C008399999999