ENTRY C0188 20220426 C219C018800000001 SUBENT C0188001 20220426 C219C018800100001 BIB 11 29 C018800100002 TITLE Cyclotron production of 101mRh via proton-induced C018800100003 reactions on 103Rh targets C018800100004 AUTHOR (M.C.Lagunas-Solar,M.J.Avila,P.C.Johnson) C018800100005 REFERENCE (J,ARI,35,743,1984) C018800100006 #doi:10.1016/0020-708X(84)90080-2 C018800100007 (J,RCA,60,57,1993) Data compared to Alice calculations.C018800100008 REL-REF (O,C0239002,M.C.Lagunas-Solar+,J,ARI,38,151,1987) Pd- C018800100009 100 data. C018800100010 INSTITUTE (1USADAV) C018800100011 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USADAV) C018800100012 INC-SPECT Energy given is average of incident and exit energy C018800100013 of proton beam. C018800100014 SAMPLE Metallic foils 0.125 mm thick and compressed pellets C018800100015 of RhCl3 x 3(H2O) 0.31+-0.01 cm thick (280.+-10 Mg) . C018800100016 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,EXTB,CHSEP) Targets were stacked in Al C018800100017 target holder and irradiated with external proton C018800100018 beam (67.5+-0.5 MeV). The beam current was 100 Na C018800100019 for the metallic samples and less than 50 Na for C018800100020 RhCl3 x 3(H2O) samples. C018800100021 ANALYSIS (AREA) C018800100022 HISTORY (19980930C) C018800100023 (20010207A) Reference added. C018800100024 (20170920A) TS+On+OS. Major revisions in 005-006. see C018800100025 also CP-D/933. Uncertainty description revised in C018800100026 subs. 1,2. C018800100027 (20220426A) BP: Updated entry, added doi, REL-REF, C018800100028 digitized (unobtainable data) per an NRDC decision for C018800100029 data sets that were published before 2000 (C32 of C018800100030 WP2022-01). C018800100031 ENDBIB 29 0 C018800100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C018800199999 SUBENT C0188002 20220426 C219C018800200001 BIB 5 20 C018800200002 REACTION (45-RH-103(P,3N)46-PD-101,,SIG) C018800200003 DECAY-DATA (46-PD-101,8.47HR,DG,296.,0.18) C018800200004 ERR-ANALYS Total proton energy uncertainty for each target foil C018800200005 ranges from 0.7% at 67.5 MeV to 6.6% at 15.1 MeV. C018800200006 foil thickness 0.1% C018800200007 Rh density 0.1% C018800200008 range 0.1% C018800200009 straggling 0.1% C018800200010 incident energy 0.7% at 67.5 MeV. C018800200011 (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainties of the yield and cross C018800200012 section values calculated as root-mean-square of all C018800200013 uncertainties added in quadrature. C018800200014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 745 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800200015 HISTORY (20010207A) Data added. Production of 100Pd deleted, C018800200016 see C0239. C018800200017 (20170920A) OS. Error headings changed. C018800200018 (20220426A) BP: Replaced CAJaD digitization without C018800200019 uncertainties from figures in Radiochem. C018800200020 Acta. 60, 57 with digitization of C018800200021 J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800200022 ENDBIB 20 0 C018800200023 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800200024 DATA 3 37 C018800200025 EN DATA DATA-ERR C018800200026 MEV MB MB C018800200027 23.271 1.780E+00 1.900E-01 C018800200028 25.101 2.604E+01 3.068E+00 C018800200029 26.997 1.217E+02 1.700E+01 C018800200030 28.659 2.715E+02 3.199E+01 C018800200031 30.264 3.761E+02 5.253E+01 C018800200032 31.811 3.955E+02 5.523E+01 C018800200033 33.180 4.597E+02 4.904E+01 C018800200034 34.727 4.539E+02 6.827E+01 C018800200035 36.275 4.372E+02 6.106E+01 C018800200036 37.645 3.577E+02 4.996E+01 C018800200037 39.015 3.116E+02 3.672E+01 C018800200038 40.266 2.550E+02 3.285E+01 C018800200039 41.637 2.061E+02 2.428E+01 C018800200040 42.947 1.665E+02 2.145E+01 C018800200041 44.198 1.415E+02 1.976E+01 C018800200042 45.449 1.232E+02 1.452E+01 C018800200043 46.640 1.157E+02 1.863E+01 C018800200044 47.891 9.834E+01 1.374E+01 C018800200045 48.963 8.567E+01 1.288E+01 C018800200046 50.094 8.251E+01 1.063E+01 C018800200047 51.166 7.653E+01 8.166E+00 C018800200048 52.237 7.464E+01 7.123E+00 C018800200049 53.309 7.099E+01 8.364E+00 C018800200050 54.262 6.667E+01 7.856E+00 C018800200051 55.452 6.837E+01 8.055E+00 C018800200052 56.405 6.751E+01 9.430E+00 C018800200053 57.476 7.010E+01 9.030E+00 C018800200054 58.429 5.736E+01 7.389E+00 C018800200055 59.501 5.736E+01 7.389E+00 C018800200056 60.513 5.524E+01 7.116E+00 C018800200057 61.584 5.594E+01 7.206E+00 C018800200058 62.299 5.388E+01 5.749E+00 C018800200059 63.252 4.873E+01 5.742E+00 C018800200060 64.145 4.577E+01 5.393E+00 C018800200061 65.276 4.408E+01 5.679E+00 C018800200062 66.228 4.464E+01 5.260E+00 C018800200063 67.063 3.889E+01 5.432E+00 C018800200064 ENDDATA 39 0 C018800200065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 C018800299999 SUBENT C0188003 20220426 C219C018800300001 BIB 5 15 C018800300002 REACTION (45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-101-G,,SIG) C018800300003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-G,3.3YR,DG,127.0,0.70) C018800300004 ERR-ANALYS Total proton energy uncertainty for each target foil C018800300005 ranges from 0.7% at 67.5 MeV to 6.6% at 15.1 MeV. C018800300006 foil thickness 0.1% C018800300007 Rh density 0.1% C018800300008 range 0.1% C018800300009 straggling 0.1% C018800300010 incident energy 0.7% at 67.5 MeV. C018800300011 (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainties of the yield and cross C018800300012 section values calculated as root-mean-square of all C018800300013 uncertainties added in quadrature. C018800300014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 746 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800300015 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Separated two data sets into two C018800300016 subentries, digitized data. C018800300017 ENDBIB 15 0 C018800300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800300019 DATA 3 24 C018800300020 EN DATA DATA-ERR C018800300021 MEV MB MB C018800300022 29.757 1.184E+01 1.380E+00 C018800300023 31.522 1.495E+01 1.923E+00 C018800300024 39.992 1.665E+01 1.736E+00 C018800300025 41.269 1.619E+01 1.886E+00 C018800300026 42.628 1.640E+01 2.108E+00 C018800300027 43.665 1.617E+01 2.080E+00 C018800300028 44.936 1.315E+01 1.371E+00 C018800300029 46.294 1.333E+01 1.872E+00 C018800300030 48.541 1.754E+01 2.463E+00 C018800300031 49.483 1.144E+01 1.193E+00 C018800300032 50.770 1.465E+01 1.883E+00 C018800300033 51.811 1.548E+01 1.613E+00 C018800300034 53.086 1.444E+01 2.028E+00 C018800300035 53.956 1.158E+01 1.628E+00 C018800300036 55.236 1.207E+01 1.406E+00 C018800300037 56.113 1.174E+01 1.367E+00 C018800300038 57.227 1.051E+01 1.225E+00 C018800300039 58.270 1.173E+01 1.508E+00 C018800300040 59.227 1.141E+01 1.466E+00 C018800300041 60.101 1.007E+01 9.250E-01 C018800300042 61.138 9.663E+00 8.871E-01 C018800300043 62.170 8.189E+00 7.522E-01 C018800300044 64.009 8.529E+00 9.939E-01 C018800300045 65.052 9.919E+00 1.275E+00 C018800300046 ENDDATA 26 0 C018800300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C018800399999 SUBENT C0188004 20220426 C219C018800400001 BIB 5 14 C018800400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-100,,SIG) C018800400003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-100-G,20.8HR,DG,540.0,0.78) C018800400004 ERR-ANALYS Total proton energy uncertainty for each target foil C018800400005 ranges from 0.7% at 67.5 MeV to 6.6% at 15.1 MeV. C018800400006 foil thickness 0.1% C018800400007 Rh density 0.1% C018800400008 range 0.1% C018800400009 straggling 0.1% C018800400010 incident energy 0.7% at 67.5 MeV. C018800400011 (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainties of the yield and cross C018800400012 section values calculated as root-mean-square of all C018800400013 uncertainties added in quadrature. C018800400014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 746 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800400015 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C018800400016 ENDBIB 14 0 C018800400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800400018 DATA 3 34 C018800400019 EN DATA DATA-ERR C018800400020 MEV MB MB C018800400021 28.570 1.874E+00 2.633E-01 C018800400022 30.008 1.899E+00 2.892E-01 C018800400023 31.712 3.936E+00 4.585E-01 C018800400024 33.083 5.550E+00 6.467E-01 C018800400025 34.588 3.932E+00 3.610E-01 C018800400026 36.144 1.134E+01 1.321E+00 C018800400027 37.461 3.181E+01 3.705E+00 C018800400028 38.915 5.007E+01 5.223E+00 C018800400029 40.289 7.773E+01 7.138E+00 C018800400030 41.744 1.240E+02 1.445E+01 C018800400031 42.870 1.524E+02 1.776E+01 C018800400032 44.153 1.748E+02 1.823E+01 C018800400033 45.279 2.148E+02 2.763E+01 C018800400034 46.479 2.300E+02 2.956E+01 C018800400035 47.599 2.364E+02 2.466E+01 C018800400036 48.798 2.429E+02 3.121E+01 C018800400037 49.677 2.462E+02 3.164E+01 C018800400038 50.793 2.329E+02 3.544E+01 C018800400039 52.070 2.296E+02 2.951E+01 C018800400040 53.266 2.142E+02 2.753E+01 C018800400041 54.142 1.999E+02 2.329E+01 C018800400042 55.262 2.083E+02 2.426E+01 C018800400043 56.217 1.917E+02 1.761E+01 C018800400044 57.412 1.765E+02 2.055E+01 C018800400045 58.370 1.764E+02 2.686E+01 C018800400046 59.486 1.646E+02 2.116E+01 C018800400047 60.441 1.515E+02 1.764E+01 C018800400048 61.396 1.375E+02 1.602E+01 C018800400049 62.357 1.453E+02 1.152E+01 C018800400050 63.554 1.413E+02 1.472E+01 C018800400051 64.432 1.393E+02 1.957E+01 C018800400052 65.228 1.318E+02 1.210E+01 C018800400053 66.109 1.412E+02 1.644E+01 C018800400054 67.226 1.354E+02 1.578E+01 C018800400055 ENDDATA 36 0 C018800400056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 C018800499999 SUBENT C0188005 20220426 C219C018800500001 BIB 5 27 C018800500002 REACTION 1(45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-101-M,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) C018800500003 EOB activity divided by irradiated charge C018800500004 (irradiation time unspecified) C018800500005 2(45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-100,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) C018800500006 EOB activity divided by irradiated charge C018800500007 (irradiation time unspecified) C018800500008 3(45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-101,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) C018800500009 EOB activity divided by irradiated charge C018800500010 (irradiation time unspecified) C018800500011 ERR-ANALYS Total proton energy uncertainty for each target foil C018800500012 ranges from 0.7% at 67.5 MeV to 6.6% at 15.1 MeV. C018800500013 foil thickness 0.1% C018800500014 Rh density 0.1% C018800500015 range 0.1% C018800500016 straggling 0.1% C018800500017 incident energy 0.7% at 67.5 MeV. C018800500018 (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainties of the yield and cross C018800500019 section values calculated as root-mean-square of all C018800500020 uncertainties added in quadrature. C018800500021 DECAY-DATA1(45-RH-101-M,4.26D,DG,307.0,0.87) C018800500022 2(45-RH-100-G,20.8HR,DG,540.0,0.78) C018800500023 3(45-RH-101-G,3.3YR,DG,127.0,0.70) C018800500024 STATUS (TABLE) page 745 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800500025 HISTORY (20030626A) Reaction corrected. C018800500026 (20170920A) TS+On+OS. Reaction(SF8) revised. C018800500027 Data revised. C018800500028 (20220426A) BP: Added uncertainties, updated STATUS. C018800500029 ENDBIB 27 0 C018800500030 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800500031 DATA 8 1 C018800500032 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C018800500033 DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 C018800500034 MEV MEV MCI/MUAHR MCI/MUAHR MCI/MUAHR MCI/MUAHR C018800500035 MUCI/MUAHR MCI/MUAHR C018800500036 15.1 67.1 5.38 0.70 25.07 3.26C018800500037 1.70 0.22 C018800500038 ENDDATA 6 0 C018800500039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C018800599999 SUBENT C0188006 20220426 C219C018800600001 BIB 4 12 C018800600002 REACTION 1(45-RH-103(P,3N)46-PD-101,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) C018800600003 EOB activity divided by irradiated charge C018800600004 (irradiation time unspecified) C018800600005 2(45-RH-103(P,4N)46-PD-100,,TTY,,EOB/MSC) C018800600006 EOB activity divided by irradiated charge C018800600007 (irradiation time unspecified) C018800600008 DECAY-DATA1(46-PD-101,8.47HR,DG,296.0,0.18) C018800600009 2(46-PD-100,3.63D,DG,126.0,0.33) C018800600010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3, page 747 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800600011 HISTORY (20030626A) Reaction corrected. C018800600012 (20170920A) TS+On. Reaction(SF8) revised. Data revised.C018800600013 (20220426A) BP: Updated STATUS. C018800600014 ENDBIB 12 0 C018800600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800600016 DATA 4 4 C018800600017 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA 1DATA 2 C018800600018 MEV MEV MCI/MUAHR MCI/MUAHR C018800600019 15.1 67.1 71.32 6.31 C018800600020 15.1 40.5 45.23 1.53 C018800600021 23.3 37.8 37.67 0.98 C018800600022 23.3 28.8 5.60 0.0 C018800600023 ENDDATA 6 0 C018800600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C018800699999 SUBENT C0188007 20220510 C219C018800700001 BIB 5 15 C018800700002 REACTION (45-RH-103(P,X)45-RH-101-M,,SIG) C018800700003 ERR-ANALYS Total proton energy uncertainty for each target foil C018800700004 ranges from 0.7% at 67.5 MeV to 6.6% at 15.1 MeV. C018800700005 foil thickness 0.1% C018800700006 Rh density 0.1% C018800700007 range 0.1% C018800700008 straggling 0.1% C018800700009 incident energy 0.7% at 67.5 MeV. C018800700010 (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainties of the yield and cross C018800700011 section values calculated as root-mean-square of all C018800700012 uncertainties added in quadrature. C018800700013 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.26D,DG,307.0,0.87) C018800700014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 746 of J,ARI,35,743,1984. C018800700015 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Separated two data sets into two C018800700016 subentries, digitized data. C018800700017 ENDBIB 15 0 C018800700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C018800700019 DATA 3 41 C018800700020 EN DATA DATA-ERR C018800700021 MEV MB MB C018800700022 15.530 1.056E+00 8.368E-02 C018800700023 17.526 1.041E+00 5.584E-02 C018800700024 19.683 1.040E+00 8.241E-02 C018800700025 21.680 1.054E+00 1.099E-01 C018800700026 23.618 1.852E+00 1.930E-01 C018800700027 25.628 2.327E+01 3.270E+00 C018800700028 27.524 1.132E+02 1.590E+01 C018800700029 29.156 2.845E+02 3.994E+01 C018800700030 30.764 3.848E+02 4.949E+01 C018800700031 32.446 4.294E+02 5.520E+01 C018800700032 33.970 5.203E+02 6.063E+01 C018800700033 35.631 3.348E+02 4.305E+01 C018800700034 36.914 3.840E+02 5.847E+01 C018800700035 38.429 3.534E+02 4.116E+01 C018800700036 39.784 3.297E+02 3.842E+01 C018800700037 41.218 2.993E+02 3.485E+01 C018800700038 42.330 2.572E+02 4.213E+01 C018800700039 43.519 2.007E+02 2.579E+01 C018800700040 44.795 1.872E+02 1.952E+01 C018800700041 46.227 1.631E+02 2.096E+01 C018800700042 47.423 1.522E+02 1.586E+01 C018800700043 48.537 1.382E+02 1.940E+01 C018800700044 49.732 1.254E+02 1.462E+01 C018800700045 50.849 1.220E+02 1.271E+01 C018800700046 52.043 1.107E+02 1.154E+01 C018800700047 53.083 1.138E+02 1.326E+01 C018800700048 54.117 1.033E+02 1.451E+01 C018800700049 55.234 1.004E+02 1.291E+01 C018800700050 56.273 1.004E+02 1.170E+01 C018800700051 57.310 9.631E+01 1.122E+01 C018800700052 58.429 9.896E+01 1.272E+01 C018800700053 59.385 9.363E+01 1.203E+01 C018800700054 60.342 8.982E+01 1.261E+01 C018800700055 61.380 8.856E+01 1.139E+01 C018800700056 62.338 8.732E+01 1.017E+01 C018800700057 63.454 8.261E+01 9.619E+00 C018800700058 64.330 7.816E+01 8.146E+00 C018800700059 65.208 7.602E+01 7.920E+00 C018800700060 66.087 7.812E+01 9.093E+00 C018800700061 67.130 8.717E+01 8.003E+00 C018800700062 67.923 7.491E+01 7.803E+00 C018800700063 ENDDATA 43 0 C018800700064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 C018800799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C018899999999