ENTRY C0198 20240303 C235C019800000001 SUBENT C0198001 20240303 C235C019800100001 BIB 11 24 C019800100002 INSTITUTE (1CANUWO) C019800100003 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,43,187,1989) C019800100004 #doi:10.1016/0168-583X(89)90036-0 C019800100005 AUTHOR (W.N.Lennard,S.Y.Tong,I.V.Mitchell,G.R.Massoumi) C019800100006 TITLE An alternative technique for oxygen surface coverage C019800100007 measurements C019800100008 FACILITY (VDG,1CANUWO) the UWO 2.5 MV Van de Graaff C019800100009 accelerator C019800100010 INC-SPECT Uncertainty in beam energy does not exceed 3 keV from C019800100011 calibrated using 27Al(p,gamma)28Si reaction. C019800100012 DETECTOR (SIBAR) a 300 microm partially depleted Si surface C019800100013 barrier detector (SBD), rotatable about the target, C019800100014 was located at a distance of approximately 35 mm from C019800100015 the center. C019800100016 MONITOR Energy calibrated using 27Al(p,gamma)28Si resonance at C019800100017 0.9919 MeV, and using 197Au(a,el) for 2.4-MeV alphas C019800100018 at scattered at 150 degrees. C019800100019 CORRECTION Corrected for deadtime losses and finite target C019800100020 thickness C019800100021 STATUS (TABLE,,W.N.Lennard+,J,NIM/B,43,187,1989) Table 1 C019800100022 No reply from W. Lennard to author proof. C019800100023 HISTORY (19981209C) VM C019800100024 (20070712A) DR Level corrected in subentry 2 C019800100025 (20240218A) OS. BIB updates C019800100026 ENDBIB 24 0 C019800100027 COMMON 1 3 C019800100028 ANG-ERR C019800100029 ADEG C019800100030 1.2 C019800100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C019800100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C019800199999 SUBENT C0198002 20070712 C081C019800200001 BIB 6 6 C019800200002 REACTION (8-O-16(HE3,P)9-F-18,PAR,DA) C019800200003 SAMPLE Ta2O5 samples with thicknesses 28.8 to 82.0 nm. C019800200004 MONITOR (83-BI-209(A,EL)83-BI-209,,SIG) C019800200005 MONIT-REF (,H.ANDERSON+,J,PR/A,21,1891,1980) C019800200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on contributions C019800200007 STATUS Data taken from article. C019800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C019800200009 COMMON 3 3 C019800200010 EN DATA-ERR EN-NRM C019800200011 MEV PER-CENT MEV C019800200012 2.392 4. 1.000 C019800200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C019800200014 DATA 3 28 C019800200015 E-LVL ANG DATA C019800200016 MEV ADEG MB/SR C019800200017 0. 93.4 1.21 C019800200018 0. 113.8 1.41 C019800200019 0. 133.9 1.59 C019800200020 0. 153.7 1.73 C019800200021 0.937 93.4 0.496 C019800200022 0.937 113.8 0.632 C019800200023 0.937 133.9 0.865 C019800200024 0.937 153.7 1.08 C019800200025 1.041 93.4 0.411 C019800200026 1.041 113.8 0.244 C019800200027 1.041 133.9 1.125 C019800200028 1.041 153.7 0.0394 C019800200029 1.080 93.4 0.0121 C019800200030 1.080 113.8 0.0775 C019800200031 1.080 133.9 0.190 C019800200032 1.080 153.7 0.265 C019800200033 1.121 93.4 0.0095 C019800200034 1.121 113.8 0.0152 C019800200035 1.121 133.9 0.0135 C019800200036 1.121 153.7 0.0157 C019800200037 1.701 93.4 0.125 C019800200038 1.701 113.8 0.174 C019800200039 1.701 133.9 0.189 C019800200040 1.701 153.7 0.157 C019800200041 2.101 93.4 0.147 C019800200042 2.101 113.8 0.0944 C019800200043 2.101 133.9 0.0794 C019800200044 2.101 153.7 0.0888 C019800200045 ENDDATA 30 0 C019800200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 C019800299999 SUBENT C0198003 19981215 0000C019800300001 BIB 5 5 C019800300002 REACTION (8-O-16(HE3,A)8-O-15,PAR,DA) C019800300003 SAMPLE Ta2O5 samples with thicknesses 28.8 to 82.0 nm. C019800300004 MONITOR (83-BI-209(A,EL)83-BI-209,,SIG) C019800300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on contributions C019800300006 STATUS Data taken from article. C019800300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C019800300008 COMMON 4 3 C019800300009 EN E-LVL DATA-ERR EN-NRM C019800300010 MEV MEV PER-CENT MEV C019800300011 2.392 0. 4. 1.000 C019800300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C019800300013 DATA 2 4 C019800300014 ANG DATA C019800300015 ADEG MB/SR C019800300016 93.4 5.23 C019800300017 113.8 2.90 C019800300018 133.9 1.01 C019800300019 153.7 0.279 C019800300020 ENDDATA 6 0 C019800300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C019800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C019899999999