ENTRY C0205 20220426 C219C020500000001 SUBENT C0205001 20220426 C219C020500100001 BIB 11 32 C020500100002 TITLE 3He+3He reaction cross sections at 17.9, 21.7, and C020500100003 24.0 MeV C020500100004 AUTHOR (R.E.Brown,F.D.Correll,P.M.Hegland,J.A.Koepke, C020500100005 C.H.Poppe) C020500100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,35,383,1987) C020500100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.35.383 C020500100008 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,1USAANA,1USAPUP,1USAMIN,1USALRL) C020500100009 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAMIN) Used at 17.9, 21.7, and 24.0 MeV. C020500100010 (VDGT,1USALAS) Used at 17.9 and 24.0 MeV. C020500100011 SAMPLE (2-HE-3,ENR=0.99) 99.9% pure 3He gas at about 400 C020500100012 torr, contained in cylindrical cell with Kapton foil C020500100013 window located at center of an evacuated scattering C020500100014 chamber. C020500100015 DETECTOR (TELES) Telescope consisting of 3 silicon surface- C020500100016 barrier detectors. C020500100017 METHOD (BCINT,EDE) Also, E* method which depends on the C020500100018 symmetry about 90 degrees in cm system of the C020500100019 reactions for identical particles in the incident C020500100020 channel. C020500100021 MONITOR (2-HE-3(D,P)2-HE-4,,DA) Used to calibrate secondary C020500100022 particle spectrum energies.) C020500100023 CORRECTION Corrected for: C020500100024 . contributions from low-energy tail of elastic peak, C020500100025 . effect of collimator assembly on detector at forward C020500100026 angles, C020500100027 . 3He gas background. C020500100028 HISTORY (19870319C) C020500100029 (19990927A) updated to new data formalism, BIB updated.C020500100030 (20220426A) BP: Updated entry, added doi, digitized C020500100031 (unobtainable data) per an NRDC decision for data C020500100032 sets that were published before 2000 (C32 of WP2022- C020500100033 01). C020500100034 ENDBIB 32 0 C020500100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C020500199999 SUBENT C0205002 20220426 C219C020500200001 BIB 4 11 C020500200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,2P)2-HE-4,,SIG) C020500200003 ANALYSIS Taken as equal to alpha production cross section. C020500200004 Production angular distribution data are extrapolated C020500200005 to 0 degrees at forward angles and to at value of C020500200006 zero from the largest measured angle. Data at 17.9 C020500200007 and 24.0 MeV result from combining data measured at C020500200008 both facilities. C020500200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020500200010 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020500200011 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020500200012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020500200013 ENDBIB 11 0 C020500200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500200015 DATA 3 3 C020500200016 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500200017 MEV MB MB C020500200018 17.9 112.0 4.4 C020500200019 21.7 114.3 4.7 C020500200020 24.0 110.1 6.4 C020500200021 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C020500299999 SUBENT C0205003 20220426 C219C020500300001 BIB 4 13 C020500300002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,P+D)2-HE-3,,SIG) C020500300003 ANALYSIS Calculated from production cross: C020500300004 . at 24.0 MeV = d, C020500300005 . below 24.0 MeV = 3He - 1/2(p - 2alpha - 3t - d) C020500300006 . production angular distribution data are extrapolatedC020500300007 to 0 degrees at forward angles and to at value of C020500300008 zero from the largest measured angle. Data at 17.9 C020500300009 and 24.0 MeV result from combining data measured at C020500300010 both facilities. C020500300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020500300012 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020500300013 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020500300014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020500300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C020500300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500300017 DATA 3 3 C020500300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500300019 MEV MB MB C020500300020 17.9 41.7 4.4 C020500300021 21.7 129.5 9.1 C020500300022 24.0 147. 24. C020500300023 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C020500399999 SUBENT C0205004 20220426 C219C020500400001 BIB 4 11 C020500400002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,3P)1-H-3,,SIG) C020500400003 ANALYSIS Taken as equal to triton production cross section. C020500400004 Production angular distribution data are extrapolated C020500400005 to 0 degrees at forward angles and to at value of C020500400006 zero from the largest measured angle. Data at 17.9 C020500400007 and 24.0 MeV result from combining data measured at C020500400008 both facilities. C020500400009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020500400010 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020500400011 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020500400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020500400013 ENDBIB 11 0 C020500400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500400015 DATA 3 3 C020500400016 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500400017 MEV MB MB C020500400018 17.9 0.4 0.1 C020500400019 21.7 6.5 1.0 C020500400020 24.0 11.6 1.6 C020500400021 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C020500499999 SUBENT C0205005 20220426 C219C020500500001 BIB 4 13 C020500500002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,N+2P)2-HE-3,,SIG) C020500500003 ANALYSIS Calculated from production cross: C020500500004 . at 24.0 MeV = 3He - d, C020500500005 . below 24.0 MeV = 1/2(p - 2alpha - 3t - d). C020500500006 production angular distribution data are extrapolated C020500500007 to 0 degrees at forward angles and to at value of C020500500008 zero from the largest measured angle. C020500500009 Data at 17.9 and 24.0 MeV result from combining data C020500500010 measured at both facilities. C020500500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020500500012 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020500500013 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020500500014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020500500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C020500500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500500017 DATA 4 3 C020500500018 EN DATA DATA-MAX DATA-ERR C020500500019 MEV MB MB MB C020500500020 17.9 4. C020500500021 21.7 16. C020500500022 24.0 14.7 14.8 C020500500023 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C020500599999 SUBENT C0205006 20220426 C219C020500600001 BIB 4 11 C020500600002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,2P+D)1-H-2,,SIG) C020500600003 ANALYSIS Calculated from production cross sections: 1/2(d - C020500600004 3He) + 1/4(p - 2alpha - 3t - d) . production angular C020500600005 distribution data are extrapolated to 0 degrees at C020500600006 forward angles and to at value of zero from the C020500600007 largest measured angle. Data at 17.9 and 24.0 MeV C020500600008 result from combining data measured at both facilities.C020500600009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020500600010 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020500600011 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020500600012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020500600013 ENDBIB 11 0 C020500600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500600015 DATA 3 1 C020500600016 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500600017 MEV MB MB C020500600018 24.0 12.8 13.7 C020500600019 ENDDATA 3 0 C020500600020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C020500699999 SUBENT C0205007 20220426 C219C020500700001 BIB 5 10 C020500700002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,X)1-H-1,,SIG) C020500700003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) The particle production cross sections C020500700004 were obtained by integrating each particle spectrum C020500700005 over energy and then integrating over solid angle. C020500700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Adopted errors. The largest source of C020500700007 error, the 0 degree extrapolation, is not independent C020500700008 for the two measurements, rather than combine the two C020500700009 errors the smallest of the two was adopted. C020500700010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 391. C020500700011 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C020500700012 ENDBIB 10 0 C020500700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500700014 DATA 3 3 C020500700015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500700016 MEV MB MB C020500700017 17.900 274.627 11.940 C020500700018 21.700 388.060 29.851 C020500700019 24.000 471.642 20.896 C020500700020 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C020500799999 SUBENT C0205008 20220426 C219C020500800001 BIB 5 10 C020500800002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,X)1-H-2,,SIG) C020500800003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) The particle production cross sections C020500800004 were obtained by integrating each particle spectrum C020500800005 over energy and then integrating over solid angle. C020500800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Adopted errors. The largest source of C020500800007 error, the 0 degree extrapolation, is not independent C020500800008 for the two measurements, rather than combine the two C020500800009 errors the smallest of the two was adopted. C020500800010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 391. C020500800011 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C020500800012 ENDBIB 10 0 C020500800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500800014 DATA 3 3 C020500800015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500800016 MEV MB MB C020500800017 17.900 43.385 3.706 C020500800018 21.700 132.862 8.889 C020500800019 24.000 177.227 14.823 C020500800020 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500800021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C020500899999 SUBENT C0205009 20220426 C219C020500900001 BIB 5 10 C020500900002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,X)1-H-3,,SIG) C020500900003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) The particle production cross sections C020500900004 were obtained by integrating each particle spectrum C020500900005 over energy and then integrating over solid angle. C020500900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Adopted errors. The largest source of C020500900007 error, the 0 degree extrapolation, is not independent C020500900008 for the two measurements, rather than combine the two C020500900009 errors the smallest of the two was adopted. C020500900010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 391. C020500900011 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C020500900012 ENDBIB 10 0 C020500900013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020500900014 DATA 3 3 C020500900015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020500900016 MEV MB MB C020500900017 17.900 0.825 0.296 C020500900018 21.700 6.772 1.181 C020500900019 24.000 11.993 1.476 C020500900020 ENDDATA 5 0 C020500900021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C020500999999 SUBENT C0205010 20220426 C219C020501000001 BIB 5 10 C020501000002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,X)2-HE-3,,SIG) C020501000003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) The particle production cross sections C020501000004 were obtained by integrating each particle spectrum C020501000005 over energy and then integrating over solid angle. C020501000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Adopted errors. The largest source of C020501000007 error, the 0 degree extrapolation, is not independent C020501000008 for the two measurements, rather than combine the two C020501000009 errors the smallest of the two was adopted. C020501000010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 391. C020501000011 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C020501000012 ENDBIB 10 0 C020501000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020501000014 DATA 3 3 C020501000015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020501000016 MEV MB MB C020501000017 17.900 38.491 5.283 C020501000018 21.700 134.340 13.585 C020501000019 24.000 177.358 12.830 C020501000020 ENDDATA 5 0 C020501000021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C020501099999 SUBENT C0205011 20220426 C219C020501100001 BIB 5 10 C020501100002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) C020501100003 ANALYSIS (INTAD,INTED) The particle production cross sections C020501100004 were obtained by integrating each particle spectrum C020501100005 over energy and then integrating over solid angle. C020501100006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Adopted errors. The largest source of C020501100007 error, the 0 degree extrapolation, is not independent C020501100008 for the two measurements, rather than combine the two C020501100009 errors the smallest of the two was adopted. C020501100010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 391. C020501100011 HISTORY (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C020501100012 ENDBIB 10 0 C020501100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020501100014 DATA 3 3 C020501100015 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020501100016 MEV MB MB C020501100017 17.900 115.985 4.461 C020501100018 21.700 118.216 4.461 C020501100019 24.000 113.011 5.948 C020501100020 ENDDATA 5 0 C020501100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C020501199999 SUBENT C0205012 20220426 C219C020501200001 BIB 5 14 C020501200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(HE3,NON),,SIG) C020501200003 ANALYSIS Calculated from production cross sections: C020501200004 . at 24.0 MeV = 1/4(p + d + t) + 1/2(alpha + 3He), C020501200005 . at 21.7 MeV = alpha + t + 3He, C020501200006 . at 17.9 MeV, data is weighted average of values C020501200007 obtained from: C020501200008 alpha + t + 3He = 151+-4.7 mb, and C020501200009 1/2(p + d - t) = 159.5+-4.7 mb. C020501200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error includes extrapolation uncertainties C020501200011 added in quadrature to uncertainties due to counting C020501200012 statistics, corrections and background subtractions. C020501200013 HISTORY (19880928A) Data heading corrected C020501200014 (19990927A) Reaction corrected. C020501200015 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 391. C020501200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C020501200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C020501200018 DATA 3 3 C020501200019 EN DATA DATA-ERR C020501200020 MEV MB MB C020501200021 17.9 156.7 3.8 C020501200022 21.7 250. 14. C020501200023 24.0 296. 12. C020501200024 ENDDATA 5 0 C020501200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C020501299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 C020599999999