ENTRY            C0277   20111118                             C113C027700000001 
SUBENT        C0277001   20111118                             C113C027700100001 
BIB                 11         29                                 C027700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USABNL)                                              C027700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,113,674,1959) - final publication                C027700100004 
           (J,ZN/A,13,346,1958)                                   C027700100005 
AUTHOR     (O.A.Schaeffer,J.Zahringer)                            C027700100006 
TITLE      High-Sensitivity Mass Spectrometric Measurement of     C027700100007 
            Stable Helium and Argon Isotopes Produced by High-    C027700100008 
            Energy Protons in Iron                                C027700100009 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,1USABNL) Cosmotron                              C027700100010 
           (SYNCY,1USACHI)                                        C027700100011 
SAMPLE     At 0.16-GeV, two steel pieces, 1-mm thick used;        C027700100012 
           At 0.43-GeV, three pieces of 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic  C027700100013 
            steel used;                                           C027700100014 
           At 3.0-GeV, vacuum-fused pure iron used.               C027700100015 
METHOD     (ASEP,BCINT) The helium was determined in the mass     C027700100016 
           spectrometer and compared with the current as indicatedC027700100017 
           by the Faraday cup.                                    C027700100018 
           All the measurements were determined at least two timesC027700100019 
           In the case of the 0.43-Bev Chicago irradiations, two  C027700100020 
           separate bombardments were performed.                  C027700100021 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP) The mass spectrometer used in the studies      C027700100022 
           had a symmetrical 60.degr. magnetic analyzer with      C027700100023 
           6-in. radius of curvature.                             C027700100024 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(P,N+3P)11-NA-24,,SIG)                        C027700100025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The results accurate to  +-10%.             C027700100026 
HISTORY    (19870615C)                                            C027700100027 
           (19961010A) MONITOR, other BIB corrections.            C027700100028 
           (20111118A) SD: ref. added. BIB updated. STATUS moved  C027700100029 
                       from Subent 1 to Subents 2-9.              C027700100030 
                       Subent 9 was added from Entry O0361.005.   C027700100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 C027700100032 
COMMON               1          3                                 C027700100033 
DATA-ERR                                                          C027700100034 
PER-CENT                                                          C027700100035 
  10.                                                             C027700100036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C027700100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 C027700199999 
SUBENT        C0277002   20111118                             C113C027700200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C027700200002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)2-HE-3,,SIG)                              C027700200003 
SAMPLE     0.16-GeV targets were two steel pieces, 1-mm thick.    C027700200004 
           0.43-GeV target was made of three 0.3-mm thick         C027700200005 
            nonmagnetic steel pieces;                             C027700200006 
           3.0-GeV target was made of vacuum-fused pure iron.     C027700200007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. I.       C027700200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C027700200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700200010 
DATA                 2          3                                 C027700200011 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700200012 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700200013 
 0.16        11.                                                  C027700200014 
 0.43        45.                                                  C027700200015 
 3.0        240.                                                  C027700200016 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 C027700200017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 C027700299999 
SUBENT        C0277003   20111118                             C113C027700300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700300002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)2-HE-4,,SIG)                              C027700300003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700300007 
DATA                 2          3                                 C027700300008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700300009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700300010 
 0.16        120.                                                 C027700300011 
 0.43        450.                                                 C027700300012 
 3.0        1300.                                                 C027700300013 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 C027700300014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 C027700399999 
SUBENT        C0277004   20111118                             C113C027700400001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700400002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)18-AR-36,,SIG)                            C027700400003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700400005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700400006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700400007 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700400008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700400009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700400010 
 0.43       1.0                                                   C027700400011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700400012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C027700499999 
SUBENT        C0277005   20111118                             C113C027700500001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700500002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)18-AR-37,,SIG)                            C027700500003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700500005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700500006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700500007 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700500008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700500009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700500010 
 0.43       3.3                                                   C027700500011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700500012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C027700599999 
SUBENT        C0277006   20111118                             C113C027700600001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700600002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)18-AR-38,,SIG)                            C027700600003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700600005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700600006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700600007 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700600008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700600009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700600010 
 0.43       8.                                                    C027700600011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700600012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C027700699999 
SUBENT        C0277007   20111118                             C113C027700700001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700700002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)18-AR-39,,SIG)                            C027700700003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700700004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700700005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700700006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700700007 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700700008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700700009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700700010 
 0.43       4.1                                                   C027700700011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700700012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C027700799999 
SUBENT        C0277008   20111118                             C113C027700800001 
BIB                  3          3                                 C027700800002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)10-NE-21,,SIG)                            C027700800003 
SAMPLE     Three 0.3-mm thick nonmagnetic steel pieces;           C027700800004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from PR,113,674,1959, Tbl. II.      C027700800005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C027700800006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C027700800007 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700800008 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700800009 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700800010 
 0.43       0.1                                                   C027700800011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700800012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 C027700899999 
SUBENT        C0277009   20111118                             C113C027700900001 
BIB                  5          9                                 C027700900002 
REACTION   (26-FE-0(P,X)1-H-3,,SIG)                               C027700900003 
SAMPLE     Iron Disks,0.3 mm Thickness,were Used.                 C027700900004 
STATUS     (CURVE) fig. 1 from ZN/A,13,346,1958=fig.2 from        C027700900005 
                                             PR,113,674,1959      C027700900006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG).Data-Point Reader Uncertainty.               C027700900007 
COMMENT     Compiler not sure that the value is the result of     C027700900008 
            this experiment. At the remark to Tbl.1 at            C027700900009 
            PR,113,674,1959 said: 'Tritium values interpolated    C027700900010 
            from Fig. 2.'.                                        C027700900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C027700900012 
COMMON               1          3                                 C027700900013 
ERR-DIG                                                           C027700900014 
PER-CENT                                                          C027700900015 
    0.2                                                           C027700900016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C027700900017 
DATA                 2          1                                 C027700900018 
EN         DATA                                                   C027700900019 
GEV        MB                                                     C027700900020 
       0.43        32.                                            C027700900021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C027700900022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 C027700999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 C027799999999