ENTRY C0316 20220426 C219C031600000001 SUBENT C0316001 20220426 C219C031600100001 BIB 12 31 C031600100002 TITLE The mechanism of the 7Li(d,2alpha)n reaction from C031600100003 E(d) = 3 to 15 MeV C031600100004 AUTHOR (R.E.Warner,B.A.Vaughan,J.A.Ditusa,J.W.Rovine, C031600100005 R.S.Wakeland,C.P.Browne,S.E.Darden,S.Sen, A.Nadasen, C031600100006 A.Basak,T.R.Donoghue,T.Rinckel,K.Sale, G.C.Ball, C031600100007 W.G.Davies,A.J.Ferguson,J.S.Forster) C031600100008 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,470,339,1987) C031600100009 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(87)90006-6 C031600100010 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,1USAOBR,1USAMHG,1USAOSU,1CANCRC) C031600100011 FACILITY (VDGT,1USANOT) C031600100012 (VDG,1USAOSU) C031600100013 (VDG,1CANCRC) Initial studies of this reaction were C031600100014 performed at the Chalk River and Ohio State C031600100015 University van de Graaff accelerators. Final data C031600100016 were taken at the Notre Dame University tandem van de C031600100017 Graaff. C031600100018 SAMPLE 7LiF target; thickness 0.94+-0.05 mg/cm2. C031600100019 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Silicon alpha detectors. Detectors coplanar C031600100020 and at equal angles on opposite sides of beam. C031600100021 PART-DET (A) C031600100022 METHOD (COINC) C031600100023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties given. C031600100024 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by R.E.Warner, 1988/9/7. C031600100025 HISTORY (19880122C) C031600100026 (20010307A) converted to new date formats, lower case. C031600100027 (20040804A) Reactions corrected. C031600100028 (20130129U) On. Formal correction only C031600100029 (20220426A) BP: Updated entry, added doi, digitized C031600100030 (unobtainable data) per an NRDC decision for data C031600100031 sets that were published before 2000 (C32 of WP2022- C031600100032 01). C031600100033 ENDBIB 31 0 C031600100034 COMMON 1 3 C031600100035 ANG-ERR C031600100036 ADEG C031600100037 0.1 C031600100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C031600100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C031600199999 SUBENT C0316002 20220426 C219C031600200001 BIB 6 10 C031600200002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,N+A)2-HE-4,PAR,DA/DA,N/A+A,,DERIV) C031600200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,N) Neutron detection angle C031600200004 (ANG2,A) Angle for both alphas in pair, one on each C031600200005 side of incident beam. C031600200006 EN-SEC (E-RL,A+A) Relative energy of of 2 detected alphas. C031600200007 ANALYSIS From analysis of alpha-alpha correlation data. C031600200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table I, page 347. C031600200009 HISTORY (20040804A) Data heading updated, data reordered. C031600200010 (20130129U) On. E2-RL -> E-RL C031600200011 (20220426A) BP: Minor STATUS correction. C031600200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C031600200013 COMMON 1 3 C031600200014 E-RL C031600200015 MEV C031600200016 4.2 C031600200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C031600200018 DATA 5 21 C031600200019 ANG1 EN ANG2 DATA ERR-S C031600200020 ADEG MEV ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 C031600200021 0. 2.85 83.3 104. 11. C031600200022 0. 3.88 83.2 126. 13. C031600200023 0. 4.90 83.1 85. 9. C031600200024 0. 5.91 82.9 66. 7. C031600200025 0. 6.92 82.6 53. 6. C031600200026 0. 7.93 82.4 47. 5. C031600200027 0. 8.94 82.1 37. 4. C031600200028 0. 9.97 81.8 46. 5. C031600200029 0. 10.94 81.6 23.0 2.5 C031600200030 0. 11.95 81.3 25.0 2.7 C031600200031 0. 12.97 81.1 28.0 3.0 C031600200032 0. 13.97 80.9 25.0 2.7 C031600200033 0. 14.97 80.8 29.0 3.1 C031600200034 180. 2.85 75.2 47.0 4.9 C031600200035 180. 3.88 72.2 40.0 4.2 C031600200036 180. 4.90 69.7 33.0 3.5 C031600200037 180. 5.91 67.6 20.0 2.3 C031600200038 180. 6.92 65.7 18.0 2.1 C031600200039 180. 7.93 64.0 11.7 1.3 C031600200040 180. 8.94 62.5 10.6 1.3 C031600200041 180. 9.97 61.1 11.5 1.3 C031600200042 ENDDATA 23 0 C031600200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C031600299999 SUBENT C0316003 20220426 C219C031600300001 BIB 5 9 C031600300002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,N+A)2-HE-4,,DA/DA/DE,A/A/A+A) C031600300003 ANG-SEC Given as a function of energy difference between 2 C031600300004 alpha particles C031600300005 (ANG1,A) C031600300006 (ANG2,A) C031600300007 EN-SEC (E-RL,A+A) Relative energy of of 2 detected alphas. C031600300008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 343. C031600300009 HISTORY (20030419C) C031600300010 (20220426A) BP: Digitized data. C031600300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C031600300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C031600300013 DATA 6 77 C031600300014 EN ANG1 ANG2 E-RL DATA ERR-S C031600300015 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MB/SR2/MEV MB/SR2/MEV C031600300016 5.91 180.0 67.6 -4.600 0.105 0.079C031600300017 5.91 180.0 67.6 -4.086 0.263 0.105C031600300018 5.91 180.0 67.6 -3.571 0.474 0.105C031600300019 5.91 180.0 67.6 -3.086 0.842 0.105C031600300020 5.91 180.0 67.6 -2.600 1.553 0.132C031600300021 5.91 180.0 67.6 -2.086 2.368 0.158C031600300022 5.91 180.0 67.6 -1.600 3.289 0.132C031600300023 5.91 180.0 67.6 -1.171 4.053 0.105C031600300024 5.91 180.0 67.6 -0.571 4.342 0.184C031600300025 5.91 180.0 67.6 -0.086 4.474 0.184C031600300026 5.91 180.0 67.6 0.400 4.289 0.211C031600300027 5.91 180.0 67.6 0.971 4.053 0.211C031600300028 5.91 180.0 67.6 1.486 3.474 0.211C031600300029 5.91 180.0 67.6 2.029 2.447 0.158C031600300030 5.91 180.0 67.6 2.514 1.605 0.132C031600300031 5.91 180.0 67.6 3.029 0.895 0.158C031600300032 5.91 180.0 67.6 3.543 0.553 0.132C031600300033 5.91 180.0 67.6 4.086 0.368 0.105C031600300034 5.91 180.0 67.6 4.571 0.158 0.132C031600300035 5.91 0.0 82.9 -3.571 0.260 0.260C031600300036 5.91 0.0 82.9 -3.083 0.974 0.325C031600300037 5.91 0.0 82.9 -2.593 2.078 0.260C031600300038 5.91 0.0 82.9 -2.074 3.831 0.195C031600300039 5.91 0.0 82.9 -1.582 5.714 0.325C031600300040 5.91 0.0 82.9 -1.062 7.532 0.325C031600300041 5.91 0.0 82.9 -0.600 8.961 0.260C031600300042 5.91 0.0 82.9 -0.029 8.896 0.195C031600300043 5.91 0.0 82.9 0.455 8.506 0.195C031600300044 5.91 0.0 82.9 0.965 7.013 0.325C031600300045 5.91 0.0 82.9 1.445 5.260 0.260C031600300046 5.91 0.0 82.9 2.010 3.312 0.325C031600300047 5.91 0.0 82.9 2.491 1.883 0.260C031600300048 5.91 0.0 82.9 3.060 1.039 0.260C031600300049 7.93 0.0 82.4 -4.043 0.314 0.209C031600300050 7.93 0.0 82.4 -3.563 0.785 0.209C031600300051 7.93 0.0 82.4 -3.114 2.042 0.314C031600300052 7.93 0.0 82.4 -2.609 3.508 0.209C031600300053 7.93 0.0 82.4 -2.134 5.497 0.262C031600300054 7.93 0.0 82.4 -1.632 7.539 0.419C031600300055 7.93 0.0 82.4 -0.653 11.309 0.471C031600300056 7.93 0.0 82.4 -0.171 11.309 0.419C031600300057 7.93 0.0 82.4 0.369 10.942 0.419C031600300058 7.93 0.0 82.4 1.374 7.906 0.314C031600300059 7.93 0.0 82.4 1.950 5.602 0.366C031600300060 7.93 0.0 82.4 2.441 3.298 0.209C031600300061 7.93 0.0 82.4 2.986 1.832 0.314C031600300062 7.93 0.0 82.4 3.472 0.785 0.262C031600300063 11.95 0.0 81.3 -4.026 0.199 0.104C031600300064 11.95 0.0 81.3 -3.460 0.584 0.078C031600300065 11.95 0.0 81.3 -3.004 1.282 0.130C031600300066 11.95 0.0 81.3 -2.492 1.955 0.131C031600300067 11.95 0.0 81.3 -2.003 3.278 0.183C031600300068 11.95 0.0 81.3 -1.489 4.184 0.183C031600300069 11.95 0.0 81.3 -1.006 4.779 0.209C031600300070 11.95 0.0 81.3 -0.467 5.242 0.181C031600300071 11.95 0.0 81.3 0.013 5.420 0.208C031600300072 11.95 0.0 81.3 0.491 5.285 0.183C031600300073 11.95 0.0 81.3 1.021 4.551 0.182C031600300074 11.95 0.0 81.3 1.550 3.686 0.208C031600300075 11.95 0.0 81.3 2.024 3.057 0.156C031600300076 11.95 0.0 81.3 2.580 2.166 0.208C031600300077 11.95 0.0 81.3 3.080 1.250 0.181C031600300078 11.95 0.0 81.3 3.553 0.464 0.156C031600300079 11.95 0.0 81.3 4.029 0.121 0.129C031600300080 14.97 0.0 80.8 -3.615 0.211 0.053C031600300081 14.97 0.0 80.8 -3.016 0.737 0.105C031600300082 14.97 0.0 80.8 -2.555 1.658 0.132C031600300083 14.97 0.0 80.8 -2.062 3.079 0.132C031600300084 14.97 0.0 80.8 -0.967 5.289 0.158C031600300085 14.97 0.0 80.8 -0.534 6.263 0.158C031600300086 14.97 0.0 80.8 -0.023 6.342 0.158C031600300087 14.97 0.0 80.8 0.459 6.211 0.132C031600300088 14.97 0.0 80.8 1.522 4.237 0.132C031600300089 14.97 0.0 80.8 2.022 2.921 0.184C031600300090 14.97 0.0 80.8 2.438 1.684 0.211C031600300091 14.97 0.0 80.8 3.028 0.895 0.158C031600300092 14.97 0.0 80.8 3.534 0.342 0.158C031600300093 ENDDATA 79 0 C031600300094 ENDSUBENT 93 0 C031600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C031699999999