ENTRY C0325 20240505 C236C032500000001 SUBENT C0325001 20240505 C236C032500100001 BIB 13 24 C032500100002 INSTITUTE (2ZZZCER) C032500100003 REFERENCE (J,JIN,32,2489,1970) C032500100004 #doi:10.1016/0022-1902(70)80292-5 C032500100005 AUTHOR (E.Hagebo) C032500100006 TITLE Some yields and isomeric yield ratios of indium C032500100007 isotopes produced by high-energy fission C032500100008 FACILITY (SYNCY,2ZZZCER). Below 600 MeV proton energy, C032500100009 (SYNCH,2ZZZCER). At 7.1 GeV and 18.2 GeV. C032500100010 SAMPLE In general, UO(3)-powder enclosed in aluminum foil. C032500100011 For 18.2 GeV, metal foils were used. C032500100012 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) C032500100013 DETECTOR (PROPC) Thin-windor methane-flow proportional counter. C032500100014 (GELI) C032500100015 MONITOR ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C032500100016 MONIT-REF ((MONIT)B0094002,K.Goebel+,J,NP,24,28,1961) C032500100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Standard deviations. Uncertainty in C032500100018 standard cross section not included. C032500100019 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Hagebo,J,JIN,32,2489,1970) Tables 1 and 2 C032500100020 HISTORY (19871216C) C032500100021 (19961011A) Isomers corrected. REACTION, other BIB C032500100022 corrections, converted to lower case. C032500100023 (20240415A) OS. Correction in DECAY-DATA in sub.3, C032500100024 several BIB corrections C032500100025 (20240505A) On. Major alteration in 003. C032500100026 ENDBIB 24 0 C032500100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 C032500100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C032500199999 SUBENT C0325002 19961011 0000C032500200001 BIB 3 10 C032500200002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) C032500200003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)48-CD-117-G,2.4HR) C032500200004 ((2.)48-CD-117-M,3.4HR) C032500200005 ((3.)48-CD-119,10.MIN) No such isomer identified C032500200006 ((4.)49-IN-108-G,55.MIN,DG,633.,1.0) C032500200007 ((5.)49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,205.,0.71) C032500200008 ((6.)49-IN-111-G,2.8D,DG,173.,0.90,DG,247.,0.94) C032500200009 ((7.)50-SN-111,35.MIN) C032500200010 CRITIQUE ** NNDC ** 119Cd isomers are 2.20 and 2.69 mins. C032500200011 110 min isomer is inknown. C032500200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C032500200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C032500200014 DATA 9 11 C032500200015 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DECAY-FLAG DATA C032500200016 DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR C032500200017 GEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB C032500200018 MB MB MB C032500200019 0.57 48. 117. 0. 1. 15.1 C032500200020 11. 0.5 C032500200021 0.57 48. 117. 1. 2. 26.2 C032500200022 11. 0.5 C032500200023 0.57 48. 119. 3. 0.74 C032500200024 11. 0.5 C032500200025 0.57 49. 111. 0. 6. 1.64 C032500200026 0.07 11. 0.5 C032500200027 18.2 48. 117. 0. 1. 4.28 C032500200028 8.5 0.6 C032500200029 18.2 48. 117. 1. 2. 4.41 C032500200030 8.5 0.6 C032500200031 18.2 48. 119. 0. 3. 0.74 C032500200032 8.5 0.6 C032500200033 18.2 49. 108. 0. 4. 1.07 C032500200034 8.5 0.6 C032500200035 18.2 49. 109. 5. 2.91 C032500200036 8.5 0.6 C032500200037 18.2 49. 111. 6. 5.67 C032500200038 0.15 8.5 0.6 C032500200039 18.2 50. 111. 7. 1.2 C032500200040 8.5 0.6 C032500200041 ENDDATA 26 0 C032500200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 C032500299999 SUBENT C0325003 20240505 C236C032500300001 BIB 3 11 C032500300002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,F)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C032500300003 DECAY-DATA ((1.)49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,660.,1.0) C032500300004 ((2.)49-IN-116-M1,54.MIN,DG,1300.,0.82, C032500300005 B-,1000.,1.0) C032500300006 ((3.)49-IN-117-G,38.MIN,B-,740.,1.0) C032500300007 ((4.)49-IN-117-M,1.95HR,B-,1620./1770.,0.55, C032500300008 ICE,290.,0.25) C032500300009 ((5.)49-IN-119-M,18.MIN,B-,2700.,1.0) C032500300010 HISTORY (19961011A) Energy corrected for 110In. C032500300011 (20240415A) DECAY-DATA for In117m corrected C032500300012 (20240505A) On. ISOMER=2 added for 116mIn C032500300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C032500300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C032500300015 DATA 10 9 C032500300016 EN ELEMENT MASS ISOMER ISOMER DECAY-FLAG C032500300017 DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR C032500300018 GEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C032500300019 MB MB MB MB C032500300020 0.57 49. 116. 1. 2. 2. C032500300021 11.9 0.6 11. 0.5 C032500300022 0.57 49. 117. 0. 3. C032500300023 18.6 11. 0.5 C032500300024 0.57 49. 117. 1. 4. C032500300025 0.64 11. 0.5 C032500300026 0.57 49. 119. 1. 5. C032500300027 4.8 11. 0.5 C032500300028 18.2 49. 110. 0. 1. C032500300029 2.06 8.5 0.6 C032500300030 18.2 49. 116. 1. 2. 2. C032500300031 3.50 0.29 8.5 0.6 C032500300032 18.2 49. 117. 0. 3. C032500300033 4.08 8.5 0.6 C032500300034 18.2 49. 117. 1. 4. C032500300035 0.182 8.5 0.6 C032500300036 18.2 49. 119. 1. 5. C032500300037 1.61 8.5 0.6 C032500300038 ENDDATA 22 0 C032500300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C032500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C032599999999