ENTRY            C0362   20160328                             C156C036200000001 
SUBENT        C0362001   20160328                             C156C036200100001 
BIB                 11         21                                 C036200100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAPUR,1USABNL)                                      C036200100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,148,1235,1966)                                   C036200100004 
AUTHOR     (N.T.Porile)                                           C036200100005 
TITLE      Yields of products with A=100-117 in the interaction   C036200100006 
            Of 3- and 28-GeV protons with uranium and lead        C036200100007 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,1USABNL)                                        C036200100008 
METHOD     (ACTIV,CHSEP)                                          C036200100009 
DETECTOR   (NAICR)                                                C036200100010 
MONITOR    ((MONIT)13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                    C036200100011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The quoted errors were based solely on the  C036200100012 
            agreement between duplicate experiments. The actual   C036200100013 
            errors were in many intances larger, primarily becauseC036200100014 
            of uncertainties in the decay schemes and in the      C036200100015 
            resolution of the photopeaks.                         C036200100016 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from PR,148,1235,1966--tables I and II.   C036200100017 
HISTORY    (19870902C)                                            C036200100018 
           (19881011U) Bib corrections.                           C036200100019 
           (19950719C) Energy, decay data corrections.            C036200100020 
                     Converted to lower case.                     C036200100021 
           (20160321A) OS. Some isomer assignments corrected      C036200100022 
             in subs.2,3,6,7.                                     C036200100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 C036200100024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C036200100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 C036200199999 
SUBENT        C0362002   20160328                             C156C036200200001 
BIB                  4         22                                 C036200200002 
REACTION   (92-U-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                         C036200200003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200200004 
            uranium foils having a thickness of 0.001 and         C036200200005 
            0.001 in., respectively.                              C036200200006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)46-PD-100,4.0D,DG,1580.,0.24)                     C036200200007 
           ((2.)46-PD-101,8.5HR,DG,590.,0.15)                     C036200200008 
           ((3.)46-PD-103,17.D,XR,,0.84)                          C036200200009 
           ((4.)46-PD-109-G,13.5HR,DG,90.,0.042)                  C036200200010 
           ((5.)46-PD-111-M,5.5HR,DG,170.,0.30)                   C036200200011 
           ((6.)46-PD-112,21.HR,DG,620.,0.40)                     C036200200012 
           ((7.)48-CD-115-G,2.3D,DG,330.,0.50)                    C036200200013 
           ((8.)48-CD-115-M,43.D,B-,,1.0)                         C036200200014 
           ((9.)49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,205.,0.70)                   C036200200015 
           ((10.)49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,660.,1.0)                   C036200200016 
            Comment by compiler: The 4.9 hr activity of In-110    C036200200017 
            was assigned by authors to In-110m                    C036200200018 
           ((11.)49-IN-111-G,2.8D,DG,170./240.,1.80)              C036200200019 
           ((12.)49-IN-115-M,4.4HR,DG,330.,0.50)                  C036200200020 
           ((13.)49-IN-117-G,45.MIN,DG,160.,0.87,DG,560.,1.0)     C036200200021 
           ((14.)49-IN-117-M,1.9HR,DG,160.,0.234,DG,310.,0.074)   C036200200022 
HISTORY    (20160321A) Isomer assignment for Pd-109 and In-110    C036200200023 
            corrected in DECAY-DATA and/or ISOMER                 C036200200024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C036200200025 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200200026 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200200027 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200200028 
 3.         9.1                                                   C036200200029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200200030 
DATA                 6         14                                 C036200200031 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200200032 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200200033 
 46.        100.                   1.         0.88      0.12      C036200200034 
 46.        101.                   2.         2.0       0.1       C036200200035 
 46.        103.                   3.         3.6       0.2       C036200200036 
 46.        109.                   4.        21.4       2.5       C036200200037 
 46.        111.        1.         5.         5.5       0.3       C036200200038 
 46.        112.                   6.        16.9       1.5       C036200200039 
 48.        115.                   7.        14.2       0.9       C036200200040 
 48.        115.        1.         8.         6.6       0.7       C036200200041 
 49.        109.                   9.         1.9       0.1       C036200200042 
 49.        110.        0.        10.         2.5       0.1       C036200200043 
 49.        111.                  11.         4.6       0.1       C036200200044 
 49.        115.        1.        12.         0.48      0.03      C036200200045 
 49.        117.                  13.         7.8       0.9       C036200200046 
 49.        117.        1.        14.         3.1       0.7       C036200200047 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 C036200200048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C036200299999 
SUBENT        C0362003   20160328                             C156C036200300001 
BIB                  4         22                                 C036200300002 
REACTION   (92-U-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                         C036200300003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200300004 
            uranium foils having a thickness of 0.001 and         C036200300005 
            0.001 in., respectively.                              C036200300006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)46-PD-100,4.0D,DG,1580.,0.24)                     C036200300007 
           ((2.)46-PD-101,8.5HR,DG,590.,0.15)                     C036200300008 
           ((3.)46-PD-103,17.D,XR,,0.84)                          C036200300009 
           ((4.)46-PD-109-G,13.5HR,DG,90.,0.042)                  C036200300010 
           ((5.)46-PD-111-M,5.5HR,DG,170.,0.30)                   C036200300011 
           ((6.)46-PD-112,21.HR,DG,620.,0.40)                     C036200300012 
           ((7.)48-CD-115-G,2.3D,DG,330.,0.50)                    C036200300013 
           ((8.)48-CD-115-M,43.D,B-,,1.0)                         C036200300014 
           ((9.)49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,205.,0.70)                   C036200300015 
           ((10.)49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,660.,1.0)                   C036200300016 
            Comment by compiler: The 4.9 hr activity of In-110    C036200300017 
            was assigned by authors to In-110m                    C036200300018 
           ((11.)49-IN-111-G,2.8D,DG,170./240.,1.80)              C036200300019 
           ((12.)49-IN-115-M,4.4HR,DG,330.,0.50)                  C036200300020 
           ((13.)49-IN-117-G,45.MIN,DG,160.,0.87,DG,560.,1.0)     C036200300021 
           ((14.)49-IN-117-M,1.9HR,DG,160.,0.234,DG,310.,0.074)   C036200300022 
HISTORY    (20160321A) Isomer assignment for Pd-109 and In-110    C036200300023 
            corrected in DECAY-DATA and/or ISOMER                 C036200300024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C036200300025 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200300026 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200300027 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200300028 
 28.        8.6                                                   C036200300029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200300030 
DATA                 6         14                                 C036200300031 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200300032 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200300033 
 46.        100.                   1.         1.4       0.1       C036200300034 
 46.        101.                   2.         2.7       0.4       C036200300035 
 46.        103.                   3.         4.1       0.2       C036200300036 
 46.        109.                   4.        16.8       2.1       C036200300037 
 46.        111.       1.          5.         3.9       0.2       C036200300038 
 46.        112.                   6.        14.3       0.4       C036200300039 
 48.        115.                   7.        13.3       0.8       C036200300040 
 48.        115.       1.          8.         5.6       0.1       C036200300041 
 49.        109.                   9.         2.3       0.2       C036200300042 
 49.        110.       0.         10.         2.3       0.4       C036200300043 
 49.        111.                  11.         5.0       0.5       C036200300044 
 49.        115.       1.         12.         0.42      0.06      C036200300045 
 49.        117.                  13.         5.2       1.0       C036200300046 
 49.        117.       1.         14.         2.0       0.5       C036200300047 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 C036200300048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C036200399999 
SUBENT        C0362004   19950719                             0000C036200400001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C036200400002 
REACTION   (92-U-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                            C036200400003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200400004 
            uranium foils having a thickness of 0.001 and         C036200400005 
            0.001 in., respectively.                              C036200400006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)48-CD-109,1.3YR,XR,,1.08)                         C036200400007 
           ((2.)49-IN-114-M,50.D,B-,,0.993)                       C036200400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C036200400009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200400010 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200400011 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200400012 
  3.        9.1                                                   C036200400013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200400014 
DATA                 6          2                                 C036200400015 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200400016 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200400017 
 48.        109.                   1.         3.6       0.3       C036200400018 
 49.        114.       1.          2.         5.7       0.3       C036200400019 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C036200400020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C036200499999 
SUBENT        C0362005   19950719                             0000C036200500001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C036200500002 
REACTION   (92-U-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                            C036200500003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200500004 
            uranium foils having a thickness of 0.001 and         C036200500005 
            0.001 in., respectively.                              C036200500006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)48-CD-109,1.3YR,XR,,1.08)                         C036200500007 
           ((2.)49-IN-114-M,50.D,B-,,0.993)                       C036200500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C036200500009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200500010 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200500011 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200500012 
 28.        8.6                                                   C036200500013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200500014 
DATA                 6          2                                 C036200500015 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200500016 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200500017 
 48.        109.                   1.         3.4       0.1       C036200500018 
 49.        114.       1.          2.         4.0       0.1       C036200500019 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C036200500020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C036200599999 
SUBENT        C0362006   20160328                             C156C036200600001 
BIB                  4         22                                 C036200600002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                        C036200600003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and lead   C036200600004 
             foils with thicknesses of 0.001 and 0.003 in.,       C036200600005 
             respectively.                                        C036200600006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)46-PD-100,4.0D,DG,1580.,0.24)                     C036200600007 
           ((2.)46-PD-101,8.5HR,DG,590.,0.15)                     C036200600008 
           ((3.)46-PD-103,17.D,XR,,0.84)                          C036200600009 
           ((4.)46-PD-109-G,13.5HR,DG,90.,0.042)                  C036200600010 
           ((5.)46-PD-111-M,5.5HR,DG,170.,0.30)                   C036200600011 
           ((6.)46-PD-112,21.HR,DG,620.,0.40)                     C036200600012 
           ((7.)48-CD-115-G,2.3D,DG,330.,0.50)                    C036200600013 
           ((8.)48-CD-115-M,43.D,B-,,1.0)                         C036200600014 
           ((9.)49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,205.,0.70)                   C036200600015 
           ((10.)49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,660.,1.0)                   C036200600016 
            Comment by compiler: The 4.9 hr activity of In-110    C036200600017 
            was assigned by authors to In-110m                    C036200600018 
           ((11.)49-IN-111-G,2.8D,DG,170./240.,1.80)              C036200600019 
           ((12.)49-IN-115-M,4.4HR,DG,330.,0.50)                  C036200600020 
           ((13.)49-IN-117-G,45.MIN,DG,160.,0.87,DG,560.,1.0)     C036200600021 
           ((14.)49-IN-117-M,1.9HR,DG,160.,0.234,DG,310.,0.074)   C036200600022 
HISTORY    (20160321A) Isomer assignment for Pd-109 and In-110    C036200600023 
            corrected in DECAY-DATA and/or ISOMER                 C036200600024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C036200600025 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200600026 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200600027 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200600028 
 3.         9.1                                                   C036200600029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200600030 
DATA                 6         14                                 C036200600031 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200600032 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200600033 
 46.        100.                   1.         1.0       0.1       C036200600034 
 46.        101.                   2.         1.6       0.1       C036200600035 
 46.        103.                   3.         2.2       0.1       C036200600036 
 46.        109.                   4.         0.71      0.16      C036200600037 
 46.        111.       1.          5.         0.08      0.03      C036200600038 
 46.        112.                   6.         0.2                 C036200600039 
 48.        115.       0.          7.         0.12      0.01      C036200600040 
 48.        115.       1.          8.         0.20      0.01      C036200600041 
 49.        109.                   9.         2.3       0.2       C036200600042 
 49.        110.       0.         10.         2.2       0.1       C036200600043 
 49.        111.                  11.         3.4       0.1       C036200600044 
 49.        115.       1.         12.         0.1                 C036200600045 
 49.        117.       0.         13.         0.5                 C036200600046 
 49.        117.       1.         14.         0.2                 C036200600047 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 C036200600048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C036200699999 
SUBENT        C0362007   20160328                             C156C036200700001 
BIB                  4         22                                 C036200700002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                        C036200700003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and lead   C036200700004 
            foils with thicknesses of 0.001 and 0.003 in.,        C036200700005 
            respectively.                                         C036200700006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)46-PD-100,4.0D,DG,1580.,0.24)                     C036200700007 
           ((2.)46-PD-101,8.5HR,DG,590.,0.15)                     C036200700008 
           ((3.)46-PD-103,17.D,XR,,0.84)                          C036200700009 
           ((4.)46-PD-109-G,13.5HR,DG,90.,0.042)                  C036200700010 
           ((5.)46-PD-111-M,5.5HR,DG,170.,0.30)                   C036200700011 
           ((6.)46-PD-112,21.HR,DG,620.,0.40)                     C036200700012 
           ((7.)48-CD-115-G,2.3D,DG,330.,0.50)                    C036200700013 
           ((8.)48-CD-115-M,43.D,B-,,1.0)                         C036200700014 
           ((9.)49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,205.,0.70)                   C036200700015 
           ((10.)49-IN-110-G,4.9HR,DG,660.,1.0)                   C036200700016 
            Comment by compiler: The 4.9 hr activity of In-110    C036200700017 
            was assigned by authors to In-110m                    C036200700018 
           ((11.)49-IN-111-G,2.8D,DG,170./240.,1.80)              C036200700019 
           ((12.)49-IN-115-M,4.4HR,DG,330.,0.50)                  C036200700020 
           ((13.)49-IN-117-G,45.MIN,DG,160.,0.87,DG,560.,1.0)     C036200700021 
           ((14.)49-IN-117-M,1.9HR,DG,160.,0.234,DG,310.,0.074)   C036200700022 
HISTORY    (20160321A) Isomer assignment for Pd-109 and In-110    C036200700023 
            corrected in DECAY-DATA and/or ISOMER                 C036200700024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C036200700025 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200700026 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200700027 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200700028 
 28.        8.6                                                   C036200700029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200700030 
DATA                 6         14                                 C036200700031 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200700032 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200700033 
 46.        100.                   1.         1.9       0.1       C036200700034 
 46.        101.                   2.         3.1       0.5       C036200700035 
 46.        103.                   3.         3.5       0.1       C036200700036 
 46.        109.                   4.         0.70      0.05      C036200700037 
 46.        111.       1.          5.         0.11      0.04      C036200700038 
 46.        112.                   6.         0.2                 C036200700039 
 48.        115.       0.          7.         0.18      0.06      C036200700040 
 48.        115.       1.          8.         0.21      0.03      C036200700041 
 49.        109.                   9.         3.5       0.4       C036200700042 
 49.        110.       0.         10.         2.9       0.1       C036200700043 
 49.        111.                  11.         3.9       0.7       C036200700044 
 49.        115.       1.         12.         0.1                 C036200700045 
 49.        117.       0.         13.         0.5                 C036200700046 
 49.        117.       1.         14.         0.2                 C036200700047 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 C036200700048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C036200799999 
SUBENT        C0362008   19950719                             0000C036200800001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C036200800002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                           C036200800003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200800004 
            lead foils having a thickness of 0.001 and            C036200800005 
            0.003 in., respectively.                              C036200800006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)48-CD-109,1.3YR,XR,,1.08)                         C036200800007 
           ((2.)49-IN-114-M,50.D,B-,,0.993)                       C036200800008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C036200800009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200800010 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200800011 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200800012 
  3.        9.1                                                   C036200800013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200800014 
DATA                 6          2                                 C036200800015 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200800016 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200800017 
 48.        109.                   1.         1.7       0.2       C036200800018 
 49.        114.       1.          2.         0.72      0.04      C036200800019 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C036200800020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C036200899999 
SUBENT        C0362009   19950719                             0000C036200900001 
BIB                  3          6                                 C036200900002 
REACTION   (82-PB-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)                           C036200900003 
SAMPLE     The targets consisted of stacks of aluminum and        C036200900004 
            lead foils having a thickness of 0.001 and            C036200900005 
            0.003 in., respectively.                              C036200900006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)48-CD-109,1.3YR,XR,,1.08)                         C036200900007 
           ((2.)49-IN-114-M,50.D,B-,,0.993)                       C036200900008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C036200900009 
COMMON               2          3                                 C036200900010 
EN         MONIT                                                  C036200900011 
GEV        MB                                                     C036200900012 
 28.        8.6                                                   C036200900013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C036200900014 
DATA                 6          2                                 C036200900015 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DECAY-FLAG DATA       DATA-ERR   C036200900016 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         C036200900017 
 48.        109.                   1.         1.6       0.2       C036200900018 
 49.        114.       1.          2.         0.73      0.06      C036200900019 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 C036200900020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 C036200999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 C036299999999