ENTRY C0367 20231108 C239C036700000001 SUBENT C0367001 20231108 C239C036700100001 BIB 10 36 C036700100002 TITLE Nonfission Inelastic Events in Uranium and Thorium C036700100003 Induced by High-Energy Protons C036700100004 AUTHOR (M.Lindner,R.N.Osborne) C036700100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,103,378,1956) C036700100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.103.378 C036700100007 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) C036700100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USALRL) The Berkeley 184-inch cyclotron. C036700100009 SAMPLE Uranium and thorium foils from one to ten mils in C036700100010 thickness were bombarded for periods varying from C036700100011 several mintes to several hours in the Berkeley C036700100012 184-inch cyclotron with protons in the internal C036700100013 circulating beam. C036700100014 METHOD (ACTIV,CHSEP) C036700100015 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C036700100016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The limits of accuracy shown in Tables I C036700100017 and II represent the mean deviation for those cases C036700100018 for which multiple determinations had been made. C036700100019 Sources of inaccuracy are inherent in the C036700100020 radiochemical method which would be extremely C036700100021 difficult to assess, and which must be inferred in C036700100022 all values reported in Tables I and II. Included C036700100023 would be errors resulting from imperfections in C036700100024 alignment of target and monitor foils, absorption of C036700100025 alpha rays by finite sample thickness, and the C036700100026 overall accumulation of calculable counting errors C036700100027 in decay and in alpha-particle pulse-height analysis. C036700100028 In some instances the determination of cross sections C036700100029 depended not only upon the factors mentioned but also C036700100030 upon parent-daughter separations with additional C036700100031 tracer measurements and pulse analyses. Thus the C036700100032 accumulated errors would sometimes become rather large.C036700100033 HISTORY (19870902C) C036700100034 (20231108A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower C036700100035 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and C036700100036 Dict. Added thorium data in subentry 3 and doi, updatedC036700100037 FACILITY, STATUS, ERR-ANALYS. C036700100038 ENDBIB 36 0 C036700100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 C036700100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C036700199999 SUBENT C0367002 20231108 C239C036700200001 BIB 3 4 C036700200002 REACTION (92-U-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C036700200003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Lindner+,J,PR,103,378,1956) C036700200004 Tables I, page 379 of J,PR,103,378,1956. C036700200005 HISTORY (20231108A) BP: Added STATUS. C036700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C036700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C036700200008 DATA 6 87 C036700200009 EN ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX C036700200010 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB MB C036700200011 100. 92. 230. 0.41 0.03 C036700200012 100. 92. 229. 0.046 C036700200013 100. 92. 228. 0.012 C036700200014 100. 91. 235. 5.7 0.5 C036700200015 100. 91. 230. 1.5 0.2 C036700200016 100. 90. 234. 0.95 0.10 C036700200017 100. 90. 231. 0.50 0.05 C036700200018 100. 90. 228. 0.85 C036700200019 100. 90. 227. 0.32 0.01 C036700200020 100. 89. 226. 0.021 C036700200021 100. 89. 225. 0.011 C036700200022 100. 88. 224. 0.017 C036700200023 125. 92. 229. 0.064 C036700200024 125. 92. 228. 0.031 C036700200025 140. 92. 230. 0.63 0.03 C036700200026 140. 92. 229. 0.093 0.010 C036700200027 140. 92. 228. 0.047 0.010 C036700200028 150. 92. 230. 0.67 C036700200029 150. 92. 229. 0.11 C036700200030 150. 92. 228. 0.046 C036700200031 150. 91. 230. 3.7 C036700200032 150. 90. 231. 1.0 C036700200033 150. 90. 228. 0.9 C036700200034 150. 90. 227. 0.9 C036700200035 150. 90. 224. 1.8 C036700200036 150. 89. 226. 0.07 C036700200037 150. 89. 225. 0.009 C036700200038 150. 88. 224. 0.09 C036700200039 160. 92. 230. 0.49 0.01 C036700200040 160. 92. 229. 0.08 0.01 C036700200041 160. 92. 228. 0.036 0.001 C036700200042 175. 92. 230. 0.57 C036700200043 175. 92. 229. 0.092 C036700200044 175. 92. 228. 0.038 C036700200045 175. 91. 235. 7.3 0.5 C036700200046 190. 91. 230. 3.6 C036700200047 190. 90. 234. 1.1 C036700200048 190. 90. 231. 1.1 C036700200049 190. 90. 228. 0.95 C036700200050 190. 90. 227. 1.3 C036700200051 190. 89. 226. 0.24 C036700200052 190. 89. 225. 0.26 C036700200053 200. 92. 230. 0.41 C036700200054 200. 92. 229. 0.10 C036700200055 200. 92. 228. 0.030 C036700200056 200. 88. 224. 0.26 C036700200057 220. 92. 230. 0.43 C036700200058 220. 92. 229. 0.076 C036700200059 220. 92. 228. 0.035 C036700200060 250. 92. 230. 0.40 C036700200061 250. 92. 229. 0.069 C036700200062 250. 92. 228. 0.037 C036700200063 250. 91. 235. 15.1 0.2 C036700200064 270. 91. 230. 4.8 0.4 C036700200065 270. 90. 231. 1.7 C036700200066 270. 90. 228. 1.9 C036700200067 270. 90. 227. 2.3 0.2 C036700200068 270. 89. 226. 0.38 C036700200069 270. 89. 225. 0.41 C036700200070 270. 88. 224. 0.44 C036700200071 300. 92. 230. 0.34 C036700200072 300. 92. 229. 0.056 C036700200073 300. 92. 228. 0.032 C036700200074 300. 90. 234. 2.5 C036700200075 340. 93. 238. 0.46 0.05 C036700200076 340. 93. 236. 1.7 0.1 C036700200077 340. 92. 232. 4.C036700200078 340. 92. 230. 0.35 0.12 C036700200079 340. 92. 229. 0.060 0.005 C036700200080 340. 92. 228. 0.038 0.002 C036700200081 340. 91. 235. 21. 2. C036700200082 340. 91. 232. 8.7 1.0 C036700200083 340. 91. 230. 5.1 0.5 C036700200084 340. 91. 228. 1.7 0.2 C036700200085 340. 90. 234. 1.8 0.7 C036700200086 340. 90. 231. 2.4 0.1 C036700200087 340. 90. 228. 2.9 0.9 C036700200088 340. 90. 227. 3.3 0.4 C036700200089 340. 90. 226. 2.7 0.2 C036700200090 340. 89. 228. 0.62 0.08 C036700200091 340. 89. 226. 0.54 0.09 C036700200092 340. 89. 225. 0.62 0.13 C036700200093 340. 89. 224. 1.05 0.05 C036700200094 340. 88. 228. 0.043 C036700200095 340. 88. 225. 0.26 0.02 C036700200096 340. 88. 224. 0.58 0.18 C036700200097 340. 88. 223. 0.48 0.11 C036700200098 ENDDATA 89 0 C036700200099 ENDSUBENT 98 0 C036700299999 SUBENT C0367003 20231108 C239C036700300001 BIB 4 5 C036700300002 REACTION (90-TH-232(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C036700300003 STATUS (TABLE,,M.Lindner+,J,PR,103,378,1956) C036700300004 Table II page 380 of J,PR,103,378,1956. C036700300005 FLAG (1.) Includes independent yield of Ac231. C036700300006 HISTORY (20231108C) BP C036700300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C036700300008 COMMON 1 3 C036700300009 EN C036700300010 MEV C036700300011 340.0 C036700300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C036700300013 DATA 6 17 C036700300014 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX FLAG C036700300015 NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB MB NO-DIM C036700300016 91. 232. 2.6 1.2 C036700300017 91. 230. 4.2 0.3 C036700300018 91. 228. 1.7 0.2 C036700300019 91. 227. 1.0 0.2 C036700300020 90. 231. 68. 3. 1.C036700300021 90. 228. 30. 3. C036700300022 90. 227. 22. 5. C036700300023 90. 226. 17. 0.3 C036700300024 89. 228. 28. 0.1 C036700300025 89. 227. 14. 0.8 C036700300026 89. 226. 10. 1.6 C036700300027 89. 225. 14. 3. C036700300028 89. 224. 12.5 0.9 C036700300029 88. 227. 0.7 C036700300030 88. 225. 2.1 0.5 C036700300031 88. 224. 8.0 1.5 C036700300032 88. 223. 6.7 1.4 C036700300033 ENDDATA 19 0 C036700300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C036700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C036799999999