ENTRY            C0536   19991222                             0000C053600000001 
SUBENT        C0536001   19991222                             0000C053600100001 
BIB                 12         35                                 C053600100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS)                                              C053600100003 
REFERENCE  (W,DROSG,1982)                                         C053600100004 
AUTHOR     (M.DROSG,D.M.DRAKE,R.A.HARDEKOPF,G.M.HALE)             C053600100005 
FACILITY   (VDGT)                                                 C053600100006 
SAMPLE     Hydrogen gas. Areal density 0.20 mg/cm2.               C053600100007 
           Helium monitor gas, areal density at 16.42 MeV = 0.33  C053600100008 
            mg/cm2, at all other energies = 0.41 mg/cm2.          C053600100009 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  C053600100010 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Organic scintillators.                          C053600100011 
MONITOR    (2-HE-4(T,N)3-LI-6,,DA)                                C053600100012 
CORRECTION Corrected for:                                         C053600100013 
           . dead time,                                           C053600100014 
           . finite energy spread,                                C053600100015 
           . effect of geometricle opening angle on the effective C053600100016 
             energy of neutrons entering detector.                C053600100017 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Inlcudes:                                  C053600100018 
           . statistical error,                                   C053600100019 
           . background subtration uncertainties,                 C053600100020 
           . uncertainties in corrections,                        C053600100021 
           Also, for neutron energies less than twice the bias    C053600100022 
            energy, the neutron detector efficiency error is      C053600100023 
            included.                                             C053600100024 
           Above that energy, the uncertainty in the shape of the C053600100025 
            (relative) efficiency curve was assumed to be 2% per  C053600100026 
            10 MeV neutron energy difference and was not included.C053600100027 
           (DATA-ERR2) Scale error due to uncertainty in          C053600100028 
            reference values plus uncertainty in areal density    C053600100029 
            of targets.                                           C053600100030 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by M. Drosg, 18 December 1999.        C053600100031 
           Data received by email, M. Drosg, April 1999.  Also,   C053600100032 
            given in report LA-10444 (1985) Table IV.             C053600100033 
           (COREL,C0534001) Data taken together with data         C053600100034 
            published in LA-9129 (1982).                          C053600100035 
HISTORY    (19990701C) VM                                         C053600100036 
           (19991222A) Minor corrections as per author proof.     C053600100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 C053600100038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C053600100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 C053600199999 
SUBENT        C0536002   19991222                             0000C053600200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 C053600200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(T,N)2-HE-3,,DA)                                 C053600200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 C053600200004 
COMMON               2          3                                 C053600200005 
EN-ERR     DATA-ERR2                                              C053600200006 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               C053600200007 
 0.020      2.8                                                   C053600200008 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C053600200009 
DATA                 4         31                                 C053600200010 
EN         ANG        DATA       DATA-ERR1                        C053600200011 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      PER-CENT                         C053600200012 
 9.51       0.0       628.7        1.0                            C053600200013 
 9.51      11.2       527.6        1.0                            C053600200014 
 9.51      14.3       463.6        1.5                            C053600200015 
 9.51      17.7       399.4        1.0                            C053600200016 
 9.51      21.3       324.8        1.0                            C053600200017 
 9.51      25.2       248.9        1.3                            C053600200018 
 9.51      29.8       168.9        1.5                            C053600200019 
 9.51      31.6       143.2        1.5                            C053600200020 
 9.51      33.8       118.9        1.5                            C053600200021 
 9.51      36.1        96.7        1.5                            C053600200022 
 9.51      40.8        70.6        2.0                            C053600200023 
 9.51      45.5        67.7        2.5                            C053600200024 
 9.51      47.7        74.5        3.1                            C053600200025 
 9.51      51.9       104.2        3.5                            C053600200026 
10.47       0.1       608.0        1.5                            C053600200027 
13.46       0.1       542.3        1.5                            C053600200028 
14.96       0.1       516.4        1.7                            C053600200029 
16.45       0.0       482.1        2.0                            C053600200030 
16.45       5.1       461.5        1.2                            C053600200031 
16.45      10.7       381.4        1.5                            C053600200032 
16.45      12.0       356.2        1.5                            C053600200033 
16.45      15.8       293.2        1.5                            C053600200034 
16.45      19.5       233.6        3.0                            C053600200035 
16.45      25.4       138.2        1.2                            C053600200036 
16.45      29.8        90.9        1.2                            C053600200037 
16.45      34.5        58.2        3.3                            C053600200038 
16.45      39.3        41.4        2.0                            C053600200039 
16.45      44.4        39.5        5.5                            C053600200040 
16.45      49.7        43.2        6.8                            C053600200041 
16.45      54.8        48.8        6.0                            C053600200042 
16.45      59.6        52.4        6.6                            C053600200043 
ENDDATA             33          0                                 C053600200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 C053600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C053699999999