ENTRY C0578 20240405 C233C057800000001 SUBENT C0578001 20240405 C233C057800100001 BIB 12 32 C057800100002 INSTITUTE (1USAMHG,1USAMSU) C057800100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,51,1312,1995) C057800100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.51.1312 C057800100005 (T,BROWN,1993) C057800100006 AUTHOR (J.A.Brown,F.D.Becchetti,J.Janecke,D.A.Roberts, C057800100007 D.W.Litzenberg,T.W.O'Donnell,R.E.Warner,N.A.Orr, C057800100008 R.M.Ronningen) C057800100009 TITLE Proton scattering from an excited nucleus (18F(m), C057800100010 J(pi) = 5+, E(x) = 1.1 MeV) using a gamma-ray-tagged C057800100011 isomeric nuclear beam. C057800100012 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAMSU) A1200 superconducting magnet system. C057800100013 INC-SOURCE 18F beam with 50-60% of 18F produced in isomeric state.C057800100014 SAMPLE 4 mg/cm2 CH2 target. C057800100015 METHOD (EDE,COINC) Gamma rays in coincidence with heavy ions C057800100016 in forward telescope and a recoil ion in the light C057800100017 ion telescope. 184-keV and 937-keV gammas used to C057800100018 tag 18F(m). C057800100019 DETECTOR (TELES) A counter telescopes, consisting of Si deltaE C057800100020 detector backed by a Si E detector, used to detect C057800100021 18F and other heavy ions. Recoil protons and other C057800100022 light ions detected in a second telescope. C057800100023 (GE-IN) Gamma rays detected with HPGe. C057800100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given are primarily due to C057800100025 statistical uncertainties and uncertainty in angular C057800100026 size of detectors. C057800100027 STATUS (TABLE) Data received by email from J. Brown, C057800100028 1 October 1999. C057800100029 No reply received from J. Brown to author proof. C057800100030 HISTORY (19991004C) VM C057800100031 (20230915A) OS. Isomer codes and decay-data in sub.2 C057800100032 corrected, minor changes in sub.1 C057800100033 (20240405A) On. Major alteration in 002. C057800100034 ENDBIB 32 0 C057800100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 C057800100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C057800199999 SUBENT C0578002 20240405 C233C057800200001 BIB 3 5 C057800200002 REACTION (9-F-18-L(P,EL)9-F-18-L,,DA,,RTH) C057800200003 DECAY-DATA (9-F-18-L,163.E-9SEC,DG,184.,,DG,937.) C057800200004 HISTORY (20230915A) Isomer code in REACTION and DECAY-DATA C057800200005 changed to L; half-life corrected according to articleC057800200006 (20240405A) On. DATA-CM -> DATA C057800200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C057800200008 COMMON 1 3 C057800200009 EN-CM C057800200010 MEV C057800200011 20. C057800200012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C057800200013 DATA 3 9 C057800200014 ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C057800200015 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C057800200016 36. 2.45025 1.73261 C057800200017 55. 2.371765 0.968275 C057800200018 66. 6.04285 2.014375 C057800200019 80. 2.74032 2.74032 C057800200020 85. 3.29945 1.649725 C057800200021 96. 4.35325 3.078185 C057800200022 110. 15.4506 10.9252 C057800200023 115. 6.49385 3.749185 C057800200024 126. 5.58085 5.58085 C057800200025 ENDDATA 11 0 C057800200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C057800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C057899999999