ENTRY C0731 20240505 C235C073100000001 SUBENT C0731001 20240505 C235C073100100001 BIB 7 11 C073100100002 INSTITUTE (1USAWAU) C073100100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,390,561,1982) C073100100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(82)90283-4 C073100100005 AUTHOR (E.B.Norman,T.E.Chupp,K.T.Lesko,P.Schwalbach,J.Grant) C073100100006 TITLE 26g,mAl production cross sections from the C073100100007 23Na(a,n)26Al reaction C073100100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAWAU) C073100100009 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by E.B. Norman, 15 February 2001. C073100100010 HISTORY (20001020C) SD +VM C073100100011 (20240216A) OS. Error analysis updated in subs.2,4,5 C073100100012 (20240505A) On. Major alteration in 002 and 004. C073100100013 ENDBIB 11 0 C073100100014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C073100100015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 C073100199999 SUBENT C0731002 20240505 C235C073100200001 BIB 8 18 C073100200002 REACTION (11-NA-23(A,N)13-AL-26,PAR,SIG,G) C073100200003 SAMPLE NaF target (areal density 730 microg/cm2) evaporated C073100200004 onto a 27 microg/cm2 carbon foil. C073100200005 DETECTOR (GELI) 50 cm3 coaxial Ge(Li) detector at 90 degrees C073100200006 to alpha beam. C073100200007 MONITOR Target thickness determined from energy loss in target C073100200008 of 5.486 MeV alphas from 241Am source. C073100200009 CORRECTION Corrected for anisotropy of angular distribution and C073100200010 dead time. C073100200011 Correction factors to convert 90 degree cross section C073100200012 into total cross sections were obtained from angular C073100200013 distributions measures at 5, 10, 16 and 19 MeV. C073100200014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty. C073100200015 Includes uncertainty in detection efficiency (11%). C073100200016 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from E.Norman, C073100200017 November 2000. C073100200018 HISTORY (20240216A) ERR-ANALYS added C073100200019 (20240505A) On. REACTION(SF7): G added. C073100200020 ENDBIB 18 0 C073100200021 COMMON 1 3 C073100200022 DATA-ERR C073100200023 PER-CENT C073100200024 15. C073100200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073100200026 DATA 3 60 C073100200027 E EN DATA C073100200028 KEV MEV MB C073100200029 417. 3.83 1.64 C073100200030 417. 3.93 2.37 C073100200031 417. 4.04 3.21 C073100200032 417. 4.14 3.46 C073100200033 417. 4.25 5.46 C073100200034 417. 4.36 6.644 C073100200035 417. 4.46 7.842 C073100200036 417. 4.56 10.099 C073100200037 417. 4.67 12.607 C073100200038 417. 5.19 21.232 C073100200039 417. 5.71 38.620 C073100200040 417. 6.22 48.010 C073100200041 417. 6.74 67.803 C073100200042 417. 7.25 88.333 C073100200043 417. 7.76 103.63 C073100200044 417. 8.27 100.60 C073100200045 417. 8.78 107.21 C073100200046 417. 9.29 105.24 C073100200047 417. 9.80 121.86 C073100200048 417. 10.81 134.86 C073100200049 417. 11.82 143.89 C073100200050 417. 12.33 139.07 C073100200051 417. 12.83 132.40 C073100200052 417. 13.84 109.06 C073100200053 417. 14.85 85.64 C073100200054 417. 15.85 75.53 C073100200055 417. 16.86 53.72 C073100200056 417. 17.87 38.258 C073100200057 417. 18.87 32.37 C073100200058 417. 19.88 19.545 C073100200059 417. 20.88 20.00 C073100200060 417. 21.89 13.96 C073100200061 417. 22.39 9.357 C073100200062 417. 22.89 11.603 C073100200063 417. 23.89 9.727 C073100200064 417. 24.90 6.884 C073100200065 417. 25.90 4.332 C073100200066 829. 5.19 4.65 C073100200067 829. 5.71 11.302 C073100200068 829. 6.22 11.967 C073100200069 829. 6.74 19.350 C073100200070 829. 7.25 28.515 C073100200071 829. 7.76 42.273 C073100200072 829. 8.27 46.728 C073100200073 829. 8.78 53.036 C073100200074 829. 9.29 60.082 C073100200075 829. 9.80 62.742 C073100200076 829. 10.81 66.133 C073100200077 829. 11.82 67.649 C073100200078 829. 12.33 58.584 C073100200079 829. 12.83 58.141 C073100200080 829. 13.84 38.318 C073100200081 829. 14.85 38.519 C073100200082 829. 15.85 25.587 C073100200083 829. 16.86 21.706 C073100200084 829. 17.87 17.840 C073100200085 829. 18.87 10.043 C073100200086 829. 19.88 10.765 C073100200087 829. 21.89 3.545 C073100200088 829. 23.89 5.407 C073100200089 ENDDATA 62 0 C073100200090 ENDSUBENT 89 0 C073100299999 SUBENT C0731003 20240303 C235C073100300001 BIB 9 16 C073100300002 REACTION (11-NA-23(A,N)13-AL-26-M,,SIG) C073100300003 SAMPLE NaF target (areal density 417 microg/cm2) on a C073100300004 19 microg/cm2 carbon foil mounted on a Ta foil. C073100300005 METHOD (ACTIV) C073100300006 DETECTOR (NAICR) Colinear pair of 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm NaI detectors C073100300007 positioned at 90 and 270 degr. with respect to the beaC073100300008 direction. C073100300009 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-26-M,6.3SEC,AR,511.) C073100300010 MONITOR Detector gamma efficiency measured using standard C073100300011 calibrated sources. C073100300012 CORRECTION Corrected for small variations in beam current during C073100300013 activation. C073100300014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty. C073100300015 Includes uncertainty in detection efficiency (11%). C073100300016 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from E.Norman, C073100300017 November 2000. C073100300018 ENDBIB 16 0 C073100300019 COMMON 1 3 C073100300020 DATA-ERR C073100300021 PER-CENT C073100300022 15. C073100300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073100300024 DATA 3 32 C073100300025 EN EN-RSL DATA C073100300026 MEV MEV MB C073100300027 4.10 0.15 0.361 C073100300028 4.36 0.14 0.366 C073100300029 4.46 0.14 0.387 C073100300030 4.61 0.14 0.702 C073100300031 4.87 0.13 1.739 C073100300032 5.02 0.13 3.796 C073100300033 5.12 0.13 5.042 C073100300034 5.37 0.13 6.229 C073100300035 5.63 0.12 7.769 C073100300036 5.88 0.12 10.110 C073100300037 5.88 0.12 10.288 C073100300038 6.39 0.11 18.649 C073100300039 6.89 0.11 21.892 C073100300040 7.40 0.10 38.316 C073100300041 7.90 0.10 43.730 C073100300042 7.90 0.10 43.457 C073100300043 8.41 0.09 47.915 C073100300044 8.91 0.09 52.771 C073100300045 9.41 0.09 53.873 C073100300046 9.92 0.08 52.977 C073100300047 10.48 0.08 58.006 C073100300048 10.92 0.08 53.825 C073100300049 11.43 0.07 59.938 C073100300050 11.93 0.07 57.596 C073100300051 11.93 0.07 57.597 C073100300052 12.43 0.07 54.533 C073100300053 12.93 0.07 48.526 C073100300054 13.43 0.07 43.236 C073100300055 13.84 0.06 38.892 C073100300056 13.94 0.06 38.635 C073100300057 14.44 0.06 36.200 C073100300058 14.94 0.06 30.263 C073100300059 ENDDATA 34 0 C073100300060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 C073100399999 SUBENT C0731004 20240505 C235C073100400001 BIB 10 19 C073100400002 REACTION (11-NA-23(A,N)13-AL-26,,SIG,,,DERIV) C073100400003 SAMPLE NaI target thick enough to stop the beam formed by C073100400004 pressing NaI powder into a pellet which was then C073100400005 attached to a graphite plug. C073100400006 METHOD Measured total neutron thick-target yields. C073100400007 DETECTOR (PROPC) Ten 3He-filled proportional counters imbedded C073100400008 in a 1.5m diam. graphite moderator. C073100400009 MONITOR Detector efficiency measured using 7Li(p,n). C073100400010 ANALYSIS (TTUNF) Stopping powers calculated using method of C073100400011 Anderson and Ziegler, The Stopping and Ranges of Ions C073100400012 in Matter, Vol.4 (pergamon Press, 1977). C073100400013 CORRECTION Corrected for neutron yield from iodine in target. C073100400014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty. C073100400015 Includes uncertainty in detection efficiency (11%). C073100400016 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from E.Norman, C073100400017 November 2000. C073100400018 HISTORY (20240216A) DATA-ERR deleted in COMMON; ERR-ANALYS C073100400019 added C073100400020 (20240505A) On. REACTION(SF9): DERIV added. C073100400021 ENDBIB 19 0 C073100400022 NOCOMMON 0 0 C073100400023 DATA 4 34 C073100400024 EN DATA DATA-ERR DATA-ERR C073100400025 MEV MB MB PER-CENT C073100400026 3.615 0.52 0.61 C073100400027 3.625 2.39 0.77 C073100400028 3.635 0.81 0.79 C073100400029 3.645 6.56 1.15 C073100400030 3.655 11.51 1.68 C073100400031 3.665 3.11 1.49 C073100400032 3.675 2.11 1.51 C073100400033 3.685 3.07 1.65 C073100400034 3.745 0.438 1.46 C073100400035 3.755 1.94 1.56 C073100400036 3.765 2.478 1.40 C073100400037 3.775 3.210 1.49 C073100400038 3.785 7.083 1.76 C073100400039 3.795 11.384 2.19 C073100400040 3.805 3.810 2.11 C073100400041 3.815 1.558 2.14 C073100400042 3.825 2.793 2.27 C073100400043 3.835 11.157 2.65 C073100400044 3.845 3.279 2.61 C073100400045 3.875 3.246 2.90 C073100400046 3.95 2.428 0.42 C073100400047 4.25 15.5 10. C073100400048 4.75 34.4 10. C073100400049 5.25 61.3 10. C073100400050 5.75 91.1 10. C073100400051 6.25 143. 10. C073100400052 6.75 189. 10. C073100400053 7.25 245. 10. C073100400054 7.75 295. 10. C073100400055 8.25 310. 10. C073100400056 8.75 329. 10. C073100400057 9.25 339. 10. C073100400058 9.75 376. 10. C073100400059 10.25 389. 10. C073100400060 ENDDATA 36 0 C073100400061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 C073100499999 SUBENT C0731005 20240303 C235C073100500001 BIB 5 7 C073100500002 REACTION (11-NA-23(A,N)13-AL-26-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) C073100500003 ANALYSIS Derived by subtracting the 26mAl production cross C073100500004 sections obtained from linear interpolation between C073100500005 measured points from the total 26Al values. C073100500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information C073100500007 STATUS (TABLE,,E.B.Norman+,J,NP/A,390,561,1982) Table 1 C073100500008 HISTORY (20240216A) ERR-ANALYS added C073100500009 ENDBIB 7 0 C073100500010 COMMON 1 3 C073100500011 DATA-ERR C073100500012 PER-CENT C073100500013 20.0 C073100500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073100500015 DATA 2 13 C073100500016 EN DATA C073100500017 MEV MB C073100500018 4.25 15.1 C073100500019 4.75 33.2 C073100500020 5.25 55.7 C073100500021 5.75 82.2 C073100500022 6.25 128. C073100500023 6.75 169. C073100500024 7.25 215. C073100500025 7.75 254. C073100500026 8.25 264. C073100500027 8.75 279. C073100500028 9.25 286. C073100500029 9.75 323. C073100500030 10.25 334. C073100500031 ENDDATA 15 0 C073100500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C073100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C073199999999