ENTRY C0739 20231020 C239C073900000001 SUBENT C0739001 20231020 C239C073900100001 BIB 10 33 C073900100002 TITLE Sub-Coulomb proton induced reactions on copper C073900100003 AUTHOR (S.Qiang) C073900100004 REFERENCE (T,QIANG,1990) C073900100005 INSTITUTE (1USAUSA) Eastern Kentucky University. C073900100006 FACILITY (VDG,1USAKTY) C073900100007 SAMPLE Natural copper foil. Areal density 1.900 mg/cm2. C073900100008 CORRECTION Corrected for dead time. C073900100009 STATUS (TABLE,,S.Qiang,T,QIANG,1990) Original data were taken C073900100010 from tables in thesis. Corrected (p,n), (p,inl) and C073900100011 (p,gamma) data sets were provided by Prof. Chris C073900100012 Laird on October 18 and November 16, 2023. C073900100013 (APRVD) The compilation was approved by Prof. Laird, C073900100014 Eastern Kentucky University. C073900100015 COMMENT Compiler comment: Thesis data were re-examined per C073900100016 user's request. Serious issues with spin and parity C073900100017 assignments for the ground states in 64,66Zn have C073900100018 been found. In addition, gamma-ray transition C073900100019 energies are listed as level energies. These errors C073900100020 are detrimental for proton activation experiments. C073900100021 Finally, the thesis results have not been published C073900100022 according to NSR database. All these facts suggest C073900100023 that thesis data should be flagged as potentially C073900100024 deficient. These issues were rectified in corrected datC073900100025 sets obtaind on October 18, 2023. C073900100026 HISTORY (20001201C) VM C073900100027 (20100310A) BIB update. Data set C0739.002,005,008 C073900100028 updated. C073900100029 (20170327A) BP: Re-examined and flagged these data as C073900100030 potentially deficient. C073900100031 (20171024A) OS. Flag added in sub.4 C073900100032 (20231121A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,n), (p,inl), and C073900100033 (p,gamma) data sets with the corrected data from the C073900100034 thesis advisor Prof. Chris Laird in subentries 2-8. C073900100035 ENDBIB 33 0 C073900100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 C073900100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C073900199999 SUBENT C0739002 20231020 C239C073900200001 BIB 7 24 C073900200002 REACTION (29-CU-0(P,N),,SIG) C073900200003 DETECTOR The neutron detector was the University of Kentucky C073900200004 60-cm polyethylene sphere shielded with cadmium. C073900200005 MONITOR Beam energy calibrated using 7Li(p,n) and 27Al(p,n) C073900200006 reactions. Detector efficiency measured using C073900200007 calibrated rabe and pube photoneutron sources, and by C073900200008 measuring yield of previously calibrated targets..) C073900200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes contributions due C073900200010 to uncertainty in: C073900200011 (ERR-1,,1.) counting statistics (<1% for energies C073900200012 >40 keV above the (p,n) threshold), C073900200013 (ERR-2,,2.) typically reproducible to 2% or better, C073900200014 (ERR-3) dead time (2%), C073900200015 (ERR-4) detector efficiency (3%), C073900200016 (ERR-5) charge integration (0.1%). C073900200017 COMMENT Multiple measurements at some energies. C073900200018 STATUS (APRVD) Author corrected data were received on C073900200019 October 18, 2023. C073900200020 HISTORY (20100310A) VM: data units corrected. Units corrected C073900200021 by compiler to millibarns. Given as microbarns in C073900200022 table. C073900200023 (20231020A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,n) data sets with C073900200024 the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900200025 Chris Laird. Corrected ANALYSIS and DETECTOR. C073900200026 ENDBIB 24 0 C073900200027 COMMON 3 3 C073900200028 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 C073900200029 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900200030 2. 3. 0.1 C073900200031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900200032 DATA 3 90 C073900200033 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C073900200034 MEV MB PER-CENT C073900200035 1.923 0.006 4.17 C073900200036 1.923 0.018 4.79 C073900200037 2.066 0.030 4.00 C073900200038 2.066 0.016 4.79 C073900200039 2.087 -0.010 4.48 C073900200040 2.089 -0.008 4.41 C073900200041 2.089 -0.009 4.43 C073900200042 2.092 -0.010 4.46 C073900200043 2.094 0.008 4.15 C073900200044 2.095 0.017 4.07 C073900200045 2.097 0.033 3.98 C073900200046 2.098 0.028 4.00 C073900200047 2.104 0.034 3.98 C073900200048 2.111 0.042 4.14 C073900200049 2.111 0.042 3.95 C073900200050 2.125 0.083 3.86 C073900200051 2.125 0.072 3.96 C073900200052 2.157 0.233 3.77 C073900200053 2.157 0.204 3.79 C073900200054 2.181 0.284 3.77 C073900200055 2.181 0.273 3.76 C073900200056 2.181 0.279 3.77 C073900200057 2.181 0.288 3.77 C073900200058 2.181 0.281 3.77 C073900200059 2.181 0.283 3.77 C073900200060 2.209 0.461 3.74 C073900200061 2.331 1.169 3.72 C073900200062 2.443 2.033 3.71 C073900200063 2.566 2.981 3.71 C073900200064 2.696 3.934 3.71 C073900200065 2.828 6.389 3.71 C073900200066 2.829 6.388 3.71 C073900200067 2.939 8.472 3.71 C073900200068 3.046 7.667 3.71 C073900200069 3.046 7.693 3.71 C073900200070 3.141 9.263 3.71 C073900200071 3.142 6.161 3.71 C073900200072 3.244 11.102 3.71 C073900200073 3.343 14.624 3.71 C073900200074 3.444 15.314 3.71 C073900200075 3.545 19.792 3.70 C073900200076 3.545 19.853 3.70 C073900200077 3.646 20.126 3.71 C073900200078 3.668 25.368 3.71 C073900200079 3.729 25.076 3.71 C073900200080 3.948 27.365 3.71 C073900200081 4.038 28.802 3.71 C073900200082 4.129 30.628 3.71 C073900200083 4.219 38.161 3.71 C073900200084 4.310 48.993 3.70 C073900200085 4.311 49.111 3.70 C073900200086 4.311 49.197 3.70 C073900200087 4.400 57.875 3.71 C073900200088 4.427 61.102 3.71 C073900200089 4.427 61.079 3.71 C073900200090 4.497 72.436 3.71 C073900200091 4.582 83.700 3.70 C073900200092 4.671 93.685 3.70 C073900200093 4.762 105.400 3.70 C073900200094 4.762 104.424 3.70 C073900200095 4.763 103.055 3.70 C073900200096 4.853 115.089 3.70 C073900200097 4.853 113.649 3.70 C073900200098 4.942 121.290 3.70 C073900200099 4.944 123.035 3.70 C073900200100 5.024 138.118 3.70 C073900200101 5.105 143.849 3.70 C073900200102 5.185 154.827 3.70 C073900200103 5.265 157.238 3.70 C073900200104 5.345 171.411 3.70 C073900200105 5.425 177.799 3.70 C073900200106 5.506 197.652 3.70 C073900200107 5.506 197.604 3.70 C073900200108 5.565 203.851 3.70 C073900200109 5.647 207.443 3.70 C073900200110 5.718 223.236 3.70 C073900200111 5.787 219.738 3.70 C073900200112 5.787 219.115 3.70 C073900200113 5.858 221.976 3.70 C073900200114 5.927 221.155 3.70 C073900200115 6.002 238.856 3.70 C073900200116 6.003 238.855 3.70 C073900200117 6.027 241.165 3.70 C073900200118 6.168 245.453 3.70 C073900200119 6.238 249.617 3.70 C073900200120 6.308 255.931 3.70 C073900200121 6.308 258.209 3.70 C073900200122 6.379 257.622 3.70 C073900200123 6.448 267.187 3.70 C073900200124 6.518 272.542 3.70 C073900200125 ENDDATA 92 0 C073900200126 ENDSUBENT 125 0 C073900299999 SUBENT C0739003 20231121 C239C073900300001 BIB 6 13 C073900300002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,INL)29-CU-63,,SIG) C073900300003 DETECTOR (GELI) C073900300004 PART-DET (G) C073900300005 MONITOR Detector efficiency measured using NBS calibrated C073900300006 152Eu source. C073900300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Absolute uncertainty given includes C073900300008 contributions due to uncertainty in: C073900300009 (ERR-1) absolute efficiency of detector (3%), C073900300010 (ERR-2) dead time (2%), C073900300011 (ERR-3) uncertainty in yields (5%). C073900300012 HISTORY (20231121A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,inl) data sets C073900300013 with the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900300014 Chris Laird. C073900300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C073900300016 COMMON 3 3 C073900300017 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C073900300018 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900300019 3. 2. 5. C073900300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900300021 DATA 3 27 C073900300022 EN DATA ERR-T C073900300023 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B C073900300024 1.9910 11.08 3.00 C073900300025 1.9931 34.20 3.23 C073900300026 2.1219 18.00 2.97 C073900300027 2.1916 25.20 5.26 C073900300028 2.2702 37.20 3.35 C073900300029 2.3910 103.30 4.62 C073900300030 2.5013 561.40 7.52 C073900300031 2.6210 305.20 9.64 C073900300032 2.7497 571.70 16.61 C073900300033 2.8784 877.0 26.28 C073900300034 2.9880 1712. 52.30 C073900300035 3.0939 2295. 81.11 C073900300036 3.1875 2893. 78.87 C073900300037 3.2888 4271. 125.30 C073900300038 3.3863 6107. 161.72 C073900300039 3.4865 7224. 133.52 C073900300040 3.5865 9885. 261.99 C073900300041 3.6861 10456. 287.16 C073900300042 3.7699 14817. 403.18 C073900300043 3.8857 17499. 461.92 C073900300044 3.9853 21334. 588.76 C073900300045 4.0757 24853. 706.30 C073900300046 4.1638 29881. 909.22 C073900300047 4.2530 30315. 895.21 C073900300048 4.3434 37127. 1073.07 C073900300049 4.4325 33083. 1048.52 C073900300050 4.5242 32456. 967.59 C073900300051 ENDDATA 29 0 C073900300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 C073900399999 SUBENT C0739004 20231121 C239C073900400001 BIB 6 16 C073900400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,G)30-ZN-64,,SIG) C073900400003 DETECTOR (GELI) C073900400004 PART-DET (G) C073900400005 MONITOR Detector efficiency measured using NBS calibrated C073900400006 152Eu source. C073900400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Absolute uncertainty given includes C073900400008 contributions due to uncertainty in: C073900400009 (ERR-1) absolute efficiency of detector (3%), C073900400010 (ERR-2) dead time (2%), C073900400011 (ERR-3) uncertainty in yields (5%). C073900400012 HISTORY (20171024A) FLAG added. C073900400013 (20231121A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,gamma) data sets C073900400014 with the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900400015 Chris Laird. Removed FLAG for the 2.1916 data point, C073900400016 the 350 microb correction in Shin's original data has C073900400017 now been replaced with Prof. Laird analysis. C073900400018 ENDBIB 16 0 C073900400019 COMMON 3 3 C073900400020 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C073900400021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900400022 3. 2. 5. C073900400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900400024 DATA 3 27 C073900400025 EN DATA ERR-T C073900400026 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B C073900400027 1.9910 303. 10. C073900400028 1.9931 348. 12. C073900400029 2.1219 374. 13. C073900400030 2.1916 393. 15. C073900400031 2.2702 434. 15. C073900400032 2.3910 645. 24. C073900400033 2.5013 713. 29. C073900400034 2.6210 864. 33. C073900400035 2.7497 951. 33. C073900400036 2.8784 1053. 36. C073900400037 2.9880 1155. 44. C073900400038 3.0939 1313. 55. C073900400039 3.1875 1475. 56. C073900400040 3.2888 1683. 68. C073900400041 3.3863 1667. 61. C073900400042 3.4865 1655. 63. C073900400043 3.5865 1958. 64. C073900400044 3.6861 1855. 75. C073900400045 3.7699 1849. 71. C073900400046 3.8857 1904. 85. C073900400047 3.9853 2067. 86. C073900400048 4.0757 1904. 85. C073900400049 4.1638 2047. 101. C073900400050 4.2530 1976. 84. C073900400051 4.3434 1895. 91. C073900400052 4.4325 1769. 93. C073900400053 4.5242 1508. 88. C073900400054 ENDDATA 29 0 C073900400055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C073900499999 SUBENT C0739005 20231020 C239C073900500001 BIB 6 23 C073900500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) C073900500003 DETECTOR The neutron detector was the University of Kentucky C073900500004 60-cm polyethylene sphere shielded with cadmium. C073900500005 MONITOR Beam energy calibrated using 7Li(p,n) and 27Al(p,n) C073900500006 reactions. Detector efficiency measured using C073900500007 calibrated rabe and pube photoneutron sources, and by C073900500008 measuring yield of previously calibrated targets..) C073900500009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes contributions due C073900500010 to uncertainty in: C073900500011 (ERR-1,,1.) counting statistics (<1% for energies C073900500012 >40 keV above the (p,n) threshold), C073900500013 (ERR-2,,2.) typically reproducible to 2% or better, C073900500014 (ERR-3) dead time (2%), C073900500015 (ERR-4) detector efficiency (3%), C073900500016 (ERR-5) charge integration (0.1%). C073900500017 STATUS (APRVD) Author corrected data were received on C073900500018 October 18, 2023. C073900500019 HISTORY (20100310A) VM: data units corrected. Units corrected C073900500020 by compiler to millibarns. Incorrectly given as C073900500021 microbarns in table. C073900500022 (20231020A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,n) data sets with C073900500023 the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900500024 Chris Laird. Corrected ANALYSIS and DETECTOR. C073900500025 ENDBIB 23 0 C073900500026 COMMON 3 3 C073900500027 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 C073900500028 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900500029 2. 3. 0.1 C073900500030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900500031 DATA 3 44 C073900500032 EN-CM DATA ERR-T C073900500033 MEV MB PER-CENT C073900500034 4.038 2.80 71.15 C073900500035 4.129 4.03 51.38 C073900500036 4.219 8.33 29.25 C073900500037 4.310 19.95 13.84 C073900500038 4.311 20.12 13.74 C073900500039 4.311 20.24 13.66 C073900500040 4.400 30.95 9.76 C073900500041 4.427 31.67 10.16 C073900500042 4.427 31.64 10.17 C073900500043 4.497 44.01 8.25 C073900500044 4.582 57.12 7.09 C073900500045 4.671 62.76 7.26 C073900500046 4.762 73.05 6.95 C073900500047 4.762 66.02 7.83 C073900500048 4.763 64.06 8.01 C073900500049 4.853 86.94 6.23 C073900500050 4.853 84.87 6.32 C073900500051 4.942 91.06 6.28 C073900500052 4.944 92.69 6.25 C073900500053 5.024 110.41 5.81 C073900500054 5.105 113.42 5.91 C073900500055 5.185 124.39 5.77 C073900500056 5.265 126.54 5.76 C073900500057 5.345 143.82 5.48 C073900500058 5.425 145.17 5.66 C073900500059 5.506 164.09 5.55 C073900500060 5.506 164.02 5.55 C073900500061 5.565 167.34 5.63 C073900500062 5.647 175.95 5.41 C073900500063 5.718 188.62 5.44 C073900500064 5.787 181.01 5.60 C073900500065 5.787 180.12 5.62 C073900500066 5.858 181.62 5.65 C073900500067 5.927 178.27 5.75 C073900500068 6.002 192.81 5.74 C073900500069 6.003 191.94 5.77 C073900500070 6.027 196.12 5.69 C073900500071 6.168 203.99 5.54 C073900500072 6.238 199.13 5.82 C073900500073 6.308 214.24 5.50 C073900500074 6.308 213.17 5.59 C073900500075 6.379 210.17 5.67 C073900500076 6.448 221.27 5.57 C073900500077 6.518 219.85 5.75 C073900500078 ENDDATA 46 0 C073900500079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 C073900599999 SUBENT C0739006 20231121 C239C073900600001 BIB 6 13 C073900600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,INL)29-CU-65,,SIG) C073900600003 DETECTOR (GELI) C073900600004 PART-DET (G) C073900600005 MONITOR Detector efficiency measured using NBS calibrated C073900600006 152Eu source. C073900600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Absolute uncertainty given includes C073900600008 contributions due to uncertainty in: C073900600009 (ERR-1) absolute efficiency of detector (3%), C073900600010 (ERR-2) dead time (2%), C073900600011 (ERR-3) uncertainty in yields (5%). C073900600012 HISTORY (20231121A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,inl) data sets C073900600013 with the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900600014 Chris Laird. C073900600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C073900600016 COMMON 3 3 C073900600017 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C073900600018 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900600019 3. 2. 5. C073900600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900600021 DATA 3 27 C073900600022 EN DATA ERR-T C073900600023 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B C073900600024 1.9910 23.7 1.9 C073900600025 1.9931 52. 2.6 C073900600026 2.1219 29. 2.3 C073900600027 2.1916 35.6 3.4 C073900600028 2.2702 39.1 3.4 C073900600029 2.3910 56.1 3.4 C073900600030 2.5013 68.1 4.9 C073900600031 2.6210 89.8 3.6 C073900600032 2.7497 124.9 9.2 C073900600033 2.8784 184. 14. C073900600034 2.9880 482. 44. C073900600035 3.0939 1161. 69. C073900600036 3.1875 1637. 88. C073900600037 3.2888 2382. 142. C073900600038 3.3863 3068. 164. C073900600039 3.4865 3287. 192. C073900600040 3.5865 4674. 222. C073900600041 3.6861 4412. 190. C073900600042 3.7699 5275. 293. C073900600043 3.8857 6829. 344. C073900600044 3.9853 6506. 356. C073900600045 4.0757 7044. 401. C073900600046 4.1638 7430. 409. C073900600047 4.2530 8167. 422. C073900600048 4.3434 9645. 535. C073900600049 4.4325 9799. 528. C073900600050 4.5242 10590. 763. C073900600051 ENDDATA 29 0 C073900600052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 C073900699999 SUBENT C0739007 20231121 C239C073900700001 BIB 6 13 C073900700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,G)30-ZN-66,,SIG) C073900700003 DETECTOR (GELI) C073900700004 PART-DET (G) C073900700005 MONITOR Detector efficiency measured using NBS calibrated C073900700006 152Eu source. C073900700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Absolute uncertainty given includes C073900700008 contributions due to uncertainty in: C073900700009 (ERR-1) absolute efficiency of detector (3%), C073900700010 (ERR-2) dead time (2%), C073900700011 (ERR-3) uncertainty in yields (5%). C073900700012 HISTORY (20231121A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,gamma) data sets C073900700013 with the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900700014 Chris Laird. C073900700015 ENDBIB 13 0 C073900700016 COMMON 3 3 C073900700017 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C073900700018 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900700019 3. 2. 5. C073900700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900700021 DATA 3 22 C073900700022 EN DATA ERR-T C073900700023 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B C073900700024 1.9951 438. 16.4 C073900700025 1.9972 507. 19.5 C073900700026 2.1263 644. 25.0 C073900700027 2.1961 639. 25.4 C073900700028 2.2749 499. 19.0 C073900700029 2.3959 251. 10.5 C073900700030 2.5065 174. 8.9 C073900700031 2.6264 185. 8.0 C073900700032 2.7554 192. 9.6 C073900700033 2.8843 249. 14.0 C073900700034 2.9942 288. 21.7 C073900700035 3.1002 238. 14.0 C073900700036 3.1941 243. 22.2 C073900700037 3.2956 230. 20.7 C073900700038 3.3933 271. 26.2 C073900700039 3.4937 247. 29.5 C073900700040 3.5939 438. 50.9 C073900700041 3.6937 360. 42.8 C073900700042 3.7777 478. 61.7 C073900700043 3.9936 321. 68.6 C073900700044 4.2618 393. 23.0 C073900700045 4.3523 394. 17.9 C073900700046 ENDDATA 24 0 C073900700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C073900799999 SUBENT C0739008 20231020 C239C073900800001 BIB 8 25 C073900800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) C073900800003 DETECTOR The neutron detector was the University of Kentucky C073900800004 60-cm polyethylene sphere shielded with cadmium. C073900800005 MONITOR Beam energy calibrated using 7Li(p,n) and 27Al(p,n) C073900800006 reactions. Detector efficiency measured using C073900800007 calibrated rabe and pube photoneutron sources, and by C073900800008 measuring yield of previously calibrated targets..) C073900800009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes contributions due C073900800010 to uncertainty in: C073900800011 (ERR-1,,1.) counting statistics (<1% for energies C073900800012 >40 keV above the (p,n) threshold), C073900800013 (ERR-2,,2.) typically reproducible to 2% or better, C073900800014 (ERR-3) dead time (2%), C073900800015 (ERR-4) detector efficiency (3%), C073900800016 (ERR-5) charge integration (0.1%). C073900800017 COMMENT Multiple measurements at some energies. C073900800018 FLAG (1.) Duplicate measurements with the same result C073900800019 STATUS (APRVD) Author corrected data were received on C073900800020 October 18, 2023. C073900800021 HISTORY (20100310A) VM: data units corrected. Units corrected C073900800022 by compiler to millibarns. Incorrectly given as C073900800023 microbarns in table. C073900800024 (20231020A) BP: Replaced thesis (p,n) data sets with C073900800025 the corrected data from the thesis advisor Prof. C073900800026 Chris Laird. Corrected ANALYSIS and DETECTOR. C073900800027 ENDBIB 25 0 C073900800028 COMMON 3 3 C073900800029 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 C073900800030 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C073900800031 2. 3. 0.1 C073900800032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C073900800033 DATA 4 46 C073900800034 EN-CM DATA ERR-T FLAG C073900800035 MEV MB MB NO-DIM C073900800036 1.923 0.02 0.001 C073900800037 1.923 0.06 0.003 C073900800038 2.066 0.10 0.004 C073900800039 2.066 0.05 0.003 C073900800040 2.087 -0.03 -0.002 C073900800041 2.089 -0.03 -0.001 C073900800042 2.092 -0.03 -0.001 C073900800043 2.094 0.03 0.001 C073900800044 2.095 0.06 0.002 C073900800045 2.097 0.11 0.004 C073900800046 2.098 0.09 0.004 C073900800047 2.104 0.11 0.004 C073900800048 2.111 0.14 0.006 C073900800049 2.111 0.14 0.005 C073900800050 2.125 0.27 0.010 C073900800051 2.125 0.23 0.009 C073900800052 2.157 0.76 0.029 C073900800053 2.157 0.66 0.025 C073900800054 2.181 0.92 0.035 1. C073900800055 2.181 0.89 0.033 C073900800056 2.181 0.90 0.034 C073900800057 2.181 0.93 0.035 C073900800058 2.181 0.91 0.034 C073900800059 2.181 0.92 0.035 1. C073900800060 2.209 1.50 0.056 C073900800061 2.331 3.79 0.14 C073900800062 2.443 6.59 0.24 C073900800063 2.566 9.67 0.36 C073900800064 2.696 12.76 0.47 C073900800065 2.828 20.72 0.77 C073900800066 2.829 20.72 0.77 C073900800067 2.939 27.48 1.02 C073900800068 3.046 24.87 0.92 C073900800069 3.046 24.95 0.93 C073900800070 3.141 30.05 1.11 C073900800071 3.142 19.98 0.74 C073900800072 3.244 36.01 1.34 C073900800073 3.343 47.43 1.76 C073900800074 3.444 49.67 1.84 C073900800075 3.545 64.20 2.38 C073900800076 3.545 64.39 2.39 C073900800077 3.646 65.28 2.42 C073900800078 3.668 82.28 3.05 C073900800079 3.729 81.34 3.02 C073900800080 3.948 88.76 3.29 C073900800081 4.038 93.42 3.46 C073900800082 ENDDATA 48 0 C073900800083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 C073900899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 C073999999999