ENTRY            C0767   20010130                             0000C076700000001 
SUBENT        C0767001   20010130                             0000C076700100001 
BIB                 13         22                                 C076700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS)                                              C076700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,13,2374,197606)                                C076700100004 
TITLE      GAMMA(n)/GAMMA(f) for actinide nuclei using (3He,df)   C076700100006 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USALAS)                                          C076700100007 
SAMPLE     Targets, typically 80-200 microg/cm2 thick, vacuum     C076700100008 
            evaporated onto carbon backings.                      C076700100009 
METHOD     (EDE,COINC)                                            C076700100010 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST) Light-ion products detected by telescope C076700100011 
            consisting of E-DE silicon surface-barrier detectors. C076700100012 
            Angle given for each reaction is the angle of the     C076700100013 
            detected light-ion.                                   C076700100014 
           Surface-barrier fission fragment detectors placed at   C076700100015 
            angles of about 0 and 90 degrees with respect to the  C076700100016 
            recoil direction of the compound nucleus.             C076700100017 
MONITOR    Telescope calibrated using 208Pb(3He,d) reaction.      C076700100018 
CORRECTION Corrected for dead time and W contamination in some    C076700100019 
            of the samples.                                       C076700100020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty given.                 C076700100021 
            Systematic uncertainty <10%.                          C076700100022 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by A. Gavron, 30 January 2001.        C076700100023 
HISTORY    (20001220C) VM                                         C076700100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 C076700100025 
COMMON               2          3                                 C076700100026 
EN         ANG                                                    C076700100027 
MEV        ADEG                                                   C076700100028 
 25.        90.                                                   C076700100029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C076700100030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 C076700199999 
SUBENT        C0767002   20010119                             0000C076700200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 C076700200002 
REACTION   ((92-U-236(HE3,D+F),PAR,DA,,REL)/                      C076700200003 
           (92-U-236(HE3,D)93-NP-237,PAR,DA,,REL))                C076700200004 
STATUS     Tabulated data received from B. Back, 10 February 1988.C076700200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 C076700200006 
COMMON               1          3                                 C076700200007 
ERR-S                                                             C076700200008 
NO-DIM                                                            C076700200009 
  0.01                                                            C076700200010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C076700200011 
DATA                 2         32                                 C076700200012 
E-EXC      DATA                                                   C076700200013 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 C076700200014 
 10.96       0.55                                                 C076700200015 
 10.78       0.55                                                 C076700200016 
 10.59       0.55                                                 C076700200017 
 10.41       0.56                                                 C076700200018 
 10.22       0.55                                                 C076700200019 
 10.04       0.59                                                 C076700200020 
  9.86       0.57                                                 C076700200021 
  9.67       0.57                                                 C076700200022 
  9.49       0.59                                                 C076700200023 
  9.30       0.59                                                 C076700200024 
  9.12       0.62                                                 C076700200025 
  8.94       0.65                                                 C076700200026 
  8.75       0.63                                                 C076700200027 
  8.56       0.60                                                 C076700200028 
  8.36       0.68                                                 C076700200029 
  8.19       0.63                                                 C076700200030 
  8.00       0.63                                                 C076700200031 
  7.82       0.68                                                 C076700200032 
  7.63       0.68                                                 C076700200033 
  7.45       0.69                                                 C076700200034 
  7.26       0.68                                                 C076700200035 
  7.07       0.72                                                 C076700200036 
  6.89       0.76                                                 C076700200037 
  6.70       0.80                                                 C076700200038 
  6.52       0.87                                                 C076700200039 
  6.33       0.84                                                 C076700200040 
  6.14       0.85                                                 C076700200041 
  5.96       0.78                                                 C076700200042 
  5.77       0.63                                                 C076700200043 
  5.59       0.45                                                 C076700200044 
  5.40       0.15                                                 C076700200045 
  5.21       0.04                                                 C076700200046 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 C076700200047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 C076700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C076799999999